girl next door › camren

By jaurcgui

266K 5K 2.4K

being the eldest child and dedicated, always doing what is right as her parents taught is the life that camil... More

just an extra chapter with ur cute comments


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By jaurcgui

"Had a long night, Miss Cabello?" I heard someone clear their throat and I raised my head up and was my teacher.

"You can say that." I replied softly. I looked around and everyone was looking at me except one person in particular who wasn't there.

"Maybe you should consider that school is more important than going to parties mid-week." he said and I frowned. "I hope that doesn't happen again." he returned to his desk. I heard giggles by the corners of the room.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I would prefer that the reason I can't stay awake in the third period was a party. Last night I couldn't sleep. Apparently my brain thought more important to stay awake listening to Lauren's breathing while she slept.

Strangely it was good. And I have found many things "strangely good" in recent days about Lauren that was making me confused. And Dinah didn't help the situation with all that talk.

And speaking of Lauren, she hasn't been in any classes today. When I woke up, she had already turned off the call so I assumed she'd be here even though it wouldn't be the best day of her. But she wasn't. Of course.

Finally at lunchtime, I chose my favorite spot outside the cafeteria and went to there, with my head on the desk, headphones in my ears and avoiding everything around me. It was risky to want to sleep there, but I was very tired.

I felt someone squeeze my arm and shake my body lightly. I raised my head lazily and looked to the side. A boy with a big smile on his face look at me confused.

"I thought you were dead." he joked and I stared at him. "Sorry, it was, um, anyway. Actually you were talking in your sleep."

I straightened up in my chair and looked around. Shit, I had slept? I barely had put the headphones in my ears.

"Don't worry, I was the only one who noticed." he shrugged. "Can I?"

"Of course." I gave him space to sit down. "Thank you, though."

"Don't worry." he smiled. "I'm Brian, by the way."

"Camila." I smiled back. It was weird someone tries to talk to me over there. Was a table away from the students and from where most used to hang.

"You're new, aren't you?" Brian asked, looking at me. I don't know if he noticed, but he was very close to me.

"I, uh, Yes. I think I'm not anymore. It's been a few weeks." I replied a little awkwardly. What's wrong with me? He was just a boy.

"Oh, yes it makes you be new." he shrugged, smiling. He had a beautiful smile. Brian went on to hand through his hair, I don't know if he wanted to fix or mess up a little more, but it looks good anyway.

"I think so." I smiled.

We stayed silent for a few minutes. He didn't look as uncomfortable as me.

"So... who's Lauren?" he asked out of nowhere.

Fuck! I blushed instantly. This was definitely a lesson not to sleep or even think about closing my eyes while I'm at school!

"I'm Lauren." Lauren appeared in front of us. She was wearing sunglasses and a beanie.

"Oh, Hello." Brian said and smiled at her. "I was just wondering-"

"Camila can I talk to you?" Lauren looked at Brian. "Privately."

I said nothing, just stared at her. She was serious?!

"Okay," Brian stood up. "we talk later." he looked at me and smiled, but the smile disappeared when he faced Lauren. She didn't seem happy.

"You're welcome." she said and took the place that Brian was after he was gone, but she sat aside and supported an elbow on the table and looked at me.

"What?" I turned to look at her.

"He was bothering you and I gave you a little help." she shrugged.

"No, he wasn't!" I replied. "Were you watching me?"

"Of course not." She smirked. "I have better things to do."

"He wasn't bothering me. He was actually being nice." I said.

"I saw how you were uncomfortable. Why didn't you just ask him to get out?"

"So you were watching me." I smirked and despite being with glasses I knew she rolled her eyes. It was good annoy her too sometimes.

"You were asleep, alone, practically in the middle of the jungle. I was just taking care of you."

She was taking care of me? That's new.

"Thanks anyway." I said and smiled, I turned around and looked at my phone.

She didn't say anything and I could tell she wasn't looking at me. Well, my place of peace was over and sleep was coming back. I yawned and Lauren giggled.

"Long night, isn't it?" She crossed her arms.

"Fuck you!" I turned to her. "If you call me again like that I'm going to kill you."

"Take it easy. I didn't know that I had called you and actually I don't remember almost anything." she sighed.

"Not even when you wanted to break into my house or when you almost fell down stairs in your house?" I laughed softly. "You even cried."

"Shit." she whispered and pulled out her glasses. She looked like shit. Well, as everyone with a hangover. But she seemed fine with the beanie. I've never seen her wear before. "I remember talking with you before I go to sleep though."

"Actually it was because of me that you were in your bed and safe."

"Oh, my savior, thank you!" she chuckled, quickly pulling me into a hug.

It seemed weird because I was sitting one way and her another. But I didn't pull away.

"And how perfect it would be sleeping with me naked on your side?" she whispered in my ear and I froze.

"My god, you're terrible!" I took her arms off me and Lauren chuckled.

"You're so red!" she said smiling. "It's so cute."

"You are a pervert, Lauren." I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Come on Camila, you have to admit that the proposal has been tempting." she followed me.

"It wasn't and never will be." I assured and stared at her. "Don't ever call me like that again. In fact, the next time you do this I will call the police!"

She didn't have a chance to protest because our free time was over. I thanked God, because I knew she wouldn't leave my side, but unfortunately we would have classes together.

"Where are you going?" I asked when she wasn't going in the same direction as me.

"Home." she looked at me smirking. "See you later babe."

Of course she would'nt go to class. I rolled my eyes and turned to go to class, everyone there already seemed to have disappeared.

I was relieved not to have the latest class with Lauren and I was hoping that with 'see you later' she not meant it was seriously.

I managed to survive at school and I managed to really study. It was good, maybe because I had already "awake" or because Lauren wasn't on my side. I wanted to have more days like this.

At home I did the usual routine after I came out of school: eat, Dinah, take a shower and wait for my mother. It was night and she probably would have gotten at home. But she was an hour late and she wouldn't answer the phone.

"Mila, stay calm. The phone must have died and she got stuck at work again." Dinah tried to calm me down.

I finally was sitting in the living room after walking around the entire house.

"But she have phone at her work, Dinah. She should call me anyway." I looked out the window. It was starting to rain. It was weird because the whole day the sky looked so clean.

"She'll be there soon, all right?" she said.

"It's starting to rain." I said and then a thunder, high enough to make me jump. "SHIT!" I screamed and ran back to the couch.

"It's just a thunder, Mila." Dinah laughed softly. "Relax, I thought you had already surpassed that." She referred to my fear of thunder. Since she was with me since we were kids, I've always had this fear and when there were storms, we slept together and she protected me. Well, she wasn't here now.

"It didn't seem just a thunder." I said, and then another one and louder. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed and ran up the stairs towards my room and locked the door.

"What was that?" Dinah asked still laughing. I had slammed the door.

"Now it was only my door." I went to my bed and pulled my blanket over me.

"You're not under your blanket, are you?" she asked with a giggle.

"I'm not. I've gotten over that part. I don't need to cover my head any- WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed when I heard another thunder.

"My God Mila, when you scream, do this with the phone away please!" Dinah complained angry.

"I can't, I'm sorry." I laughed.

"Don't make me- you're going to have to- just wait!" Oh shit. The connection failed and that only increased my despair.

"Dinah!" I called, but I didn't hear anything else from the other line but a wheeze. "Noooo, DINAH!"

And then the call disconnected. I had no signal on my phone. I pressed the blanket with my hands and cringed in my bed. I'm gonna die. More thunder and more screams but it was windy and the rain wasn't bad. It was scaring me like hell and the fact that my mother still be stuck somewhere was making me go crazy.

"FUCK!" I screamed again, I grabbed my pillow and hugged tightly.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT UP!" I heard somebody screaming and it was Lauren from her room. My screams didn't seem so high. At least I thought.

"I CAN'T!" I screamed again.

"YOU LOOK LIKE A BABY!" she said out loud. She was probably in her window.

"GO TO HELL!" I screamed and even more so when came another thunder.

"Jesus Christ Camila, I'm gonna go there make you shut the fuck up!" Lauren said angrily.

I held my blanket and threw it over my head and hugged my pillow even stronger. I hated that. I hated feeling so scared but I couldn't send the fear away to hear that noise.

My screams didn't seem to bother Lauren because she had kept her mouth shut. My God I didn't understand. I mean, why this storm doesn'tt appear and be done with it all at once?! I could hear the splash of rain on the window and the wind shaking the tree outside. It was scary as hell!

I heard the doorbell ring. And again and again. Couldn't be my mother because she had a key of course. But what if she lost in the middle of this mess?? Or it could be Lauren and my strategy to suppress the screams didn't work and I didn't want her here because she'd be furious.

After the doorbell I hear knocking. What the fuck! I wrapped my blanket around me and got up out of bed, unlocked the door and went downstairs carefully. Seemed like forever since I was walking as slow as possible.

I came to the door and opened it.

"Thank God!" Lauren said furious and went into the house.

She was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Lauren also used the same beanie as this morning. I certainly bother her in a comfortable time.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked and locked the door again.

"Where's Sinu?" she asked and looked around.

"She's not home from work yet." I replied and went to the couch.

"Have you called-"

"Of course I did. I couldn't talk to her and now my phone has no signal." I cringed with the blanket on the couch. Lauren stood up looking at me. I hugged my knees and squeezed, I screamed when I heard another thunder.

"Shit! Camila!" Lauren complained. "You have to stop doing that!"

"Do you think I like to be screaming all the time?!" I said angry. "This scares the shit out of me!"

Lauren sighed and ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm down.

"You have seventeen years old how can you be afraid of thunder?" she rolled her eyes.

"How am I supposed to know?!"

"I don't know! Just-" she took a deep breath. "What can I do to make you shut up?"

"Unless you're Thor, you can't do shit." I said dryly.

"I'm serious, Camila!" she stared at me.

"Fine. Just stay here with me. " I said quietly.

"All right. I'm staying." Lauren said and sat on the other side of the couch. "Anything else?"

I shook my head and she sighed, took her shoes and lay down on the couch and crossed her arms. We stayed silent and the rain got worse. At least I didn't scream after a few more minutes. I just pulled my arms around my knees and whimpered.

"This is not helping either." Lauren said. But she was calm now.

"It's the best I got." I answered without looking at her, but I could feel her staring at me. She sighed annoyed.

"I'm cold." she said after a few minutes.

"I don't care."

"You have a big blanket, care to share?" Lauren asked.

"Yes." I replied simply.

"Fine. So I'm going back to my bed and to my blanket." Lauren sat up on the couch and grabbed her shoes.

"What? No! There is a storm out there!" I complained.

"Whatever. I will not stay here any minute." she finished putting on her shoes.

"Dammit, I'll share the damn blanked! Don't go." I gave up.

Lauren took her shoes again and returned to the couch, she lay on her side and looked at me. "Come here."

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"Camila, I will not do anything." she muttered.

I sighed and pulled the blanket around me and moved to her side and lay down to my back to her. Lauren took the blanket and threw it over us and then she straightened her body and hugged me.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked.

"I'm just holding you. Is that a crime?" she squeezed me slightly.

"Fine." I sighed and she giggled.

I tried not to feel uncomfortable with the situation. But it was complicated feeling Lauren's breath on my neck and her hand playing with the hem of my shirt.

"You're cold. You were the one with the blanket, how can you be cold?" she asked, her hand stroked my arm.

"I don't know." I shrugged slightly and she chuckled. She hugged me tighter.

"Feeling better?" Lauren whispered and brushed the tip of her nose on my neck. I shuddered with the contact.

"Lauren.." I whispered.

"Hum?" she asked innocently.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" she asked and kissed my neck and smiled. "I've said that's stronger than me."

"You can't keep doing this." I complained.

"Why not? It feels good, doesn't?" she whispered against my skin.

I closed my eyes for a moment. God I would melt in her arms. I'd hate to admit the effect she cause in me, but I don't even know what's going on with me.

"You have a boyfriend." I said. "You can't be with him and be cuddling with me now."

"He's not my boyfriend." she said annoyed.

"Apparently it seems that he is. Or do you usually make out with your friends in front of the whole school?" I tried not to seem too bothered but it didn't work.

"Are you jealous?" she smirked.

"Why would I be?"

"You sounded like jealousy." Lauren pulled me closer and I sighed. "You don't have to."

I rolled over and I lay on my back so I could look at her.

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked a little awkwardly. "Being with him and... with me?"

She sighed and took a few seconds to answer me, seeming to find the right words.

"I don't know. He's just.. a close friend. I like to stay with him sometimes." she shrugged lightly.

"What about me?" I whispered and looked at her. Deep down I knew what I was just a close friend too.

"I like to be with you too." she said sincerely and I smiled weakly. I was expecting something else?

"I like you more." she whispered with a giggle.

What does that even mean? I wasn't sure if I wanted a right answer so I could figure out what the hell was going on in my head. But maybe that was all I could get.

"Hey.." She took my chin and turned my face to her. She stroked my cheek with her thumb.

I stared at her for a few seconds until my eyes fall on her lips. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I did. I put my hand on her neck and pulled her face closer, capturing her lips on mine.

Whatever she has done to me, I didn't want to fight against anymore. She wouldn't leave me alone and I wanted her closer everytime, although I didn't admit.

Lauren deepened the kiss and I let her, I was enjoying every second and I couldn't deny that it was good. She pulled me by my waist and I did the same with my hand on her neck without knowing if we could get even closer than that.

She pulled away when we need to air but I hadn't even noticed that I even needed to breathe.

"That was unexpected." Lauren whispered against my lips, panting.

"I hate you." I said and she frowned. I smiled with the confusion expression on her face.

"If you hate me like that, I can't wait to see how it's gonna be when you're in love with me." she giggled, brushing her lips agains mine.

"You'll not see this because it's never going to happen." I said and smiled, returning to my previous position.

She wrapped her arm around me again, this time placing her hand on top of mine, intertwining our fingers. She rested her chin on my shoulder, I could feel her breath on my neck again but it caused me no reaction except comfort. It feels good.

"We'll see." she whispered and I giggle. I closed my eyes, I could still hear the rain that I wasn't getting any better. "You look better now." Lauren whispered, I had not screamed or whined during the thunderstorm that had passed away. Well, she really helped after all.

We didn't say anything else and we didn't need. Just stayed there in silence and listening to the rain until Lauren fall asleep and it wasn't long before I too.


May have been minutes or hours, but I was very comfortable and didn't want to move there. But I heard noise and then the door slamming. If I wasn't dreaming I assumed it was the door of my house. And then I heard footsteps and they were getting closer.

"What's going on here?" my mother asked, not caring if I was asleep or not.

I opened my eyes slowly and she was standing in front of me. Oh shit. She had that pose. The pose that said: I think you better have a good excuse for this shit. Or was it something like this due to the situation that Lauren and I were, the blanket wasn't covered half our body now, but she still had her arm around me and our fingers entwined. That's it, we're dead.


A/N: ooops. hahahksahkdsakj

okay, so i spent some time writing it and i barely reviewed, sorry if there's something wrong <3

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