Rushed (Hate at First Flight...

By ehl_kayy_writes

3.8M 170K 32.8K

Alexandra Hunt has only two things on her list to do when she gets to Hollywood. 1. Surprise her boyfriend, J... More

1. Sir Jerks-A-Lot
2. The Not-Being-Annoying-Rules
3. Abercrombie Model
4. The Compassionate Prick
5. Confrontation
6. Dog Park Heart-to-Heart
7. The Unintended Audition
8. Pigs Can Fly
9. The 1234 Compromise
10. Mistakes
11. 4013 Park Lane Ave
12. Misunderstood Relationships
13. Missed Appointments
14. Stalkerish Theories
15. Crushed
16. Silencing the Mistress
17. Julian Van Dyke and I'm Dead
18. Better Than Any Brit
19. The Couple Lie
20. Unchaste Kiss
21. Heavy News
22. Camaro Ride Inquisition
23. Flynn Mathers
24. Blackforest Revelations
25. Killing Time and Not Each Other
26. The Lies That Make Us
27. The Contractual Order
28. A Kaleidoscope Moment
29. Ice Mocha with A Dash of Chocolate Truce
30. Confusing Emotions
31. Coaxing an Admission
32. Garbage Headlines
34. The Intoxicating Mistake
35. The Reasons Why
36. The Fiftieth Reason
Sequels Up!!! Already??? :)

33. The Cold Resolution

84K 4K 842
By ehl_kayy_writes



Update! update! update!





[ edited 11 Dec 2015 ]

When reading a book or watching a movie, everyone holds their breath when the confession scene happens. The climax and the unknown of whether the person being confessed to will accept or reject has everyone nearly falling over their seats.

But you know what happens to me? I listen to every word that's being said, taking down ever single word enunciated, and mentally locking it into my memory. Because every time I watch or read this agonizingly sweet words being relayed I always wish they were directed at me.

I mean, come on. What girl wouldn't want their own Fitzwilliam Darcy or their own Augustus Waters? What girl wouldn't want their own Edward Cullen (or Jacob Black) pronouncing their unwavering love and devotion?

But the downside of this fantasy I had? That was never going to happen. And if it ever did, it was definitely scripted.

"You've changed me. I never wanted to change before I met you. I never wanted more out of life until you walked into my life." Expertly his hands trace a heated path on mine. "You make me want to give you the moon, the pleasures of life and anything you desire. You made me believe that love is good, love is real and that I could have that with you," Dylan leans in closer, his spicy breath fans over me.

I hold my breath and just like that I can't help it. The feats of laughter slips out of my lips.

Dylan glares at me, his gaze burning a hole through me.

"CUT!!!!!!" The director screams out as the set lights come on.

The laughter seeps out uncontrollably and I'm near tears when Amelia runs over to rub my back.

"Alex! That's the second time this has happened!" Declan says as he walks over, an annoyed expression on his face.

"I'm..." laugh "so sorry" laugh "Declan." Everyone is watching me make a fool out of myself. A PA runs over with a glass of water.

I instantly stop laughing as James holds out the glass."No thanks."

"Is this going to be a problem?" Dylan asks from ten feet away, sounding impatient.

"I...just need a minute to catch my breath," I replied as I glare back.

It's been like this for the past two days. A series of glares and annoyed expressions from him.

What was his problem?

"Well, hurry up, will you? I have to attend a photo-shoot after this, okay?"

I nodded, still pondering on his attitude change.

Wasn't he the one who suggested we become closer? What was up with the cold shoulder?

"Alex, can I talk to you, please?" A voice says to me just as the director yells "Cut!" forty-five minutes later.

An annoyed expression forms on my face instantly as I recognized James voice.

"What do you want, James?" I snapped as I pick up a bottle of water and chug half of it down.

"Can we go to a more... private place?" He asks, looking saddened by my tone.

"No. I don't think I owe you a second of my time."

"You didn't even let me explain, Alex."

"Explain? What? How you had your tongue down her throat? Or how you've been with most of the PAs?"

"It wasn't like that, Alex! They're nothing."

"What are you saying? You want me back?"

He smiled. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Oh, thank you so much for giving me another chance James!" I exclaimed.

He smiled. "Sure thing, babe. Anything for you."

Then I burst out laughing. How dare he!

"That's what you wanted to hear, right?" I glared briefly before laughing out loud at his stupidity. "What makes you think that I'll ever get back with you? You broke my trust, James. And you're not getting it back."

I turned around to walk out the door when I stop short.

There standing twenty feet away is Flynn Mathers and Dylan, watching me.

I snap. Literally. "I thought we already discussed this, Dylan. I don't want to talk to that man!" A rush of anger floods me and blots out my common sense.

Flynn looked taken aback and Dylan looks confused.

"I'm not giving him another chance, okay? All men are alike! You use women and then leave!" I turn around and walk towards the exit, not even wanting to stay in the same place as Flynn Mathers for a second.

"But not Tyler, right?" Dylan's voice hits me before I close the for behind me.

* * *

If there's been any regret I had it would definitely be not accepting Dylan's offer for a second phone. My new one, the one he'd bought a couple of days ago had died two hours ago. Had it been just a couple of days ago? I was currently just roaming the dog park nearby like a lost puppy and trying to get ahold of myself.

I should've gone home when mom said for me to do so. Then maybe none of this would've happened. I wouldn't be labelled as a two-timing gold-digging slut. I wouldn't have gotten Tyler into serious trouble. I wouldn't have fallen for the jackass. And I wouldn't have met my father.

Fallen for.

Two words that held me startled. I'd without an ounce of a doubt fallen for the heartthrob that half of the world was in love with.

When did it happen?

I didn't even remember the line between hate and love. I don't remember hating him and then slowly liking him and falling for him.

I now understood what John Green meant when he wrote down, "I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly then all at once."

Maybe it began when he broke my phone. Or when he kept insisting that I not call him Gregory. Or maybe it was when he kissed me just to shut me up. Or was it when he introduced me to his family and said I was his girlfriend? Or was it the coffee for breakfast?

I don't know. I couldn't quite pinpoint the origin directly, but I knew the end result. Or the result of the end result.

The end result: I was in love with Dylan.

The result of the end result: I was going to be another case of mom all over again.

How can I not be? There were millions of girls out there that would do anything for him. What gave me the peace of mind that I was different?

He'd said that he liked me, but what was special about that?

People like others everyday. And for someone like Dylan Rush, he had an unlimited supply to choose from.

I decided to walk back to the apartment, twenty minutes away, still fully lost in my plan.

Stay away from him at all costs!

We had only about three weeks left for filming. Then editing and voice-overs and what not. I could most probably achieve that.

Halfway into the walk back home, a tremendous downpour of rain came down. I was soaked to the skin within seconds and the silk dress I was wearing stuck to my body. And to make matters worse, a sneeze escapes. Shit! Not a cold!

Running to the apartment was not an option given the stilettos I was wearing and no sane cab driver would be planning to pick up an already wet person and damage their car interior.

Just when I was resigned to the fate of a terrible cold over the next few days, a headlight hits me from behind. Followed by a series of horns.

I tried to make out the car, but the headlights were too bright.

Then I heard the car door open and someone get out.

A silhouette of a man walking towards me. I know I should probably be scared shitless and running away but somehow the person looked familiar.

"Get in the car, Hunt."


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