Blood Moon (MalexMale Paranor...

By BrieJames1

67.3K 3.9K 618

I am a ghost. A killer. A savior. A guardian. I am the vampyre prince. They think I was murdered by my uncle... More

Chapter 1 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 2 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 3 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 4 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 5 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 6 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 7 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 8 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 9 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 10 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 11 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 12 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 13 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 14 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 15 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 16 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 17 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 18 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 19 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 20 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 21 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 22 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 23 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 24 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 25 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 26 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 27 ∞ REEVE
Chapter 28 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 30 ∞ DAIRE
Chapter 31 ∞ REEVE

Chapter 29 ∞ REEVE

1.2K 110 18
By BrieJames1

I shift into human form and clutch Daire's arms as they continue to mend my wounds, even though he's little more than pulverized meat. "Daire." My hands shake, body coming down from adrenaline.

"Shh," he says, rubbing my face. Iso storms through the water to reach us and drops to Daire's side, urgently tending to him as he focuses solely on me. "You'll need his blood, Daire."

"Later," he says, not breaking stride.

The battle has come to a standstill, both sides watching on with rapt disbelief as the king succumbs the prince. Uncle versus nephew. With our show of wolves and priestesses, even the king's loyalists don't engage once the water falls revealing their slain leader. I look out at the coven estate in front of me and manage a smile at seeing Peter firmly in control of the vampyres; leaders either slain or held prisoner by small packs of guarding wolves.

A young vampyre across the water on the edge of the estate grounds lifts his arms toward Daire in peace then points to the king's body. "Will you allow me to cross so that I may take the body to the burning grounds where the coven can preserve our traditions and pledge to you, our new king?"

"It is not I that shall rule you."

The young vampyre looks to me with alarm in his eyes and Daire barks out a scratchy, roughened laugh. "Nor him," he assures them.

The vampyre swims over and gives us a wide berth as he hefts his fallen leader over his shoulders and carries him across to their lands.

I sit up when Daire prompts me, and I bow my head to the war-torn human forms of my brother, my delta, and my zetas. "Thank you."

Delta Banks grins. "More fun than border patrol," he quips and claps Zeta Braun on the shoulder.

An elderly priestess parts the crowded wolves to reach the water's edge, her demeanor commanding. Mother Renault's flowing gown is flawless, a glistening diamond standing out among the ruin.

"We come in support of these wolves and Prince Daire Heroux, ally to the mighty Arym's Silver Blood Pack," she calls out. "It is our wish and Satu's will that the violence and division end now."

With otherworldly grace, all of her priestesses appear to stand behind her, each one unique in their beauty and fierceness. Honor Red is the only one defiled, but she's healing quickly, standing strong and defiant between Iso and Mother Renault, who says, "This marks a new era of peace. Now, vampyres, welcome your king."

The priestesses all turn to peer behind them as Prince Tol marches into view to a chorus of gasps and high-pitched sobs. Each vampyre lowers to the ground in deference, bowing within the fields of their slain covenmates and then rising as if lifting the mantle of death and embracing new life. The new king's attention snags on a female pushing through the crowd to reach the edge of their land. Daire stares at her just as hard.

"Vivienne," Tol says, packing so much emotion into that one word.

"Mother," Daire breathes, and she drops to her knees, face covered by her palms, muffling her tears.

Daire takes my hand. "Come."

I follow, letting him guide me toward her. She wipes her eyes and lifts to her full height, a pillar of strength. She cups Daire's face and kisses his forehead, a long, hard press to his skin. "Am I in the great realm?"

"No," Tol says, meeting her eyes with a smile. "You have not come to us, love. We have come back to you."

She puts her hands to his face, rubbing along his brows, then drops them to feel his arms. "How did this happen? There aren't any signs of his poison left on you." She touches his chest and checks his pulse. "You're real."

"Yes." He drops to a knee and takes her hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles. "And you are my queen."

I give them space, inching back from Daire until Peter puts an arm around my shoulder, stopping me from further retreat. "You were willing to die for this," he says.


"For him."


He drops his arm from me. "I knew you'd do something stupidly heroic for him. It's why I told him not to tell you how he feels about you."

My stomach clenches. "Me being stupid has nothing to do with his feelings for me. It has to do with my feelings for him. Besides, I didn't need him to tell me that he loves me, I already know."

"Oh yeah, how?" he asks, a smirk teasing his lips.

"He brought knitting needles into battle against his uncle."

His brows furrow. "Is that supposed to be a metaphor for something?"

I laugh and shake my head. "No."

Rainer joins us, soaking wet from crossing the river. Peter takes his hand, casually, as if he's done it a hundred times. "You want to try going a full week without almost dying?" he asks my brother, his words terse despite his neutral expression.

Rainer's grin is bright enough to lift the bloody gloom from around us. "I didn't come here for a tea party."

Peter drops his hold on my brother, biting back a smile. "So, now where will you two and your wolf army go?"

I stiffen, unsure of what comes next. "I'm not sure yet." It depends on Daire, I don't say, tracking the warder and his sire to where they greet crowds of recovering vampyres.

Rainer elbows Peter. "Stop acting like you want us to leave."

"I never said that's what I wanted. If you left, I wouldn't get to see those blue eyes every day."

My head snaps back to Peter, shocked at something so earnest coming out of his mouth, and directed at Rainer. My brother locks his gaze with the warrior's, slipping to a place where only the two of them exist, and I feel uncomfortably like an intruder.

Goddess, what is happening?

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