"You're The Best Thing That E...

By SolanaShearburn

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The guys and girls have been spending a lot of time together. Rose is recovering from her accident which lead... More

Chapter 1: You
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43: Right Than I Realized You're The Love Of My Life

Chapter 42

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By SolanaShearburn

                                                                                (Amanda's POV)

   Five years. It's absolutely insane to think about that. George and I have been through a lot over the last five years. My son is almost four which is crazy to think about. George and I have had our ups and downs but we have managed to go through it all together. There are things that we've been through that I can't explain. It is crazy to think about the fact that George and I have been married for five years. We have a son, Matthew, and a daughter, Riley, who we adore more than anything. I'm so lucky to have George and this family that we're building together. We have a beautiful life and I love him and our son more than anything. He has been busy with the band's new album and I've been busy with my promotion at work. "I love you." George says, kissing me on the cheek. 

  I kiss him on the lips. "I love you too." I state. "You are sucked into the album." 

  "Yes I am but I'm also focusing on our son." He says. "Our family." 

  "I'm glad you're strong when it comes to our family. It's important to me." I say. He knows how much this family means to me. "Can I hear some of the album?" I ask. 

  He shakes his head. "As much as I want to let you hear it you know you can't." He says. "I can give you something else." He says, getting off the couch. 

  "What exactly would that be?" I ask, following after him. 

  He puts on an apron and hands me one. "I was thinking that we should have a baking night." 

  I kiss him on the lips sweetly. "I love baking with you." I state. "It's so much fun." 

  "It is fun especially when I'm baking with you." He says, pulling me close to him. 

  "Mommy I need help." Riley tells me. Riley is our two year old. 

  I look at my daughter. "What do you need help with?" 

  Riley looks at me. "My thingie won't turn on." I walk with her to her bedroom to help her with whatever it is. I help her fix it. "You get an hour of playing time then bed." I tell her. 

  Riley smiles at me. "Thanks mommy. I love you." 

  I smile. "I love you too you dork." I bop her on the nose before walking back into the kitchen. We moved houses when I was pregnant with Riley because we didn't have enough space for the four of us and a studio. I now have an office and George has a small studio and the kids have their own rooms. 

  "How is our baby girl?" George asks me as he wraps his arms around my waist. 

  "She's good. I gave her permission to play for an hour before bed." I state. "You didn't start without me did you?" 

  He shakes his head. "No I didn't. I waited for you because I want to do with you. Cookies or brownies? Or both?" He asks. 

  "Both." I say, kissing him on the cheek. "We'll have to hide them from the kids." I state, grabbing eggs from the fridge and other things we need. 

  "Hide what from us?" Matthew asks us. My almost four year old son is such a cutie. He looks like his dad. 

  "What are you doing in here?" George asks. 

  "I wanted to ask if I can play a video game before bed." Matthew asks. 

  "Yes you can. But only an hour and then you need to take a bath." I tell him. 

  George nods. "An hour and then a bath." He says. "I love you." He says to our son. 

  Matthew says it back before heading back to his room. I look at my husband. "He is so lucky that he's cute." I say as we start baking cookies first. 

  "He's too cute." George agrees with me, putting flour on my nose. 

  "Oh we're playing that game?!" I say, tossing flour in his hair. 

  George throws some on me. "If we're gonna fight we are going to fight fair." He says. 

  I start giggling. "You are such a dork." I say, rolling my eyes at him playfully. 

  "I'm the one who's a dork? Says the one who threw flour on my head." He says laughing at me. "We do actually need this for what we're making." 

  I nod. "I'm aware of that fact. We might want to take a shower after this." I state. 

  He washes his hands before wrapping his arms around my waist. "Speaking of we should get back to it." 

  I wash my hands. "Yeah? We should back to that then." I state, starting to put the ingredients in the bowl. We're making cookies. Chip chocolate to be exact. The first day we moved in together we made cookies. It has become a family tradition for us. I love baking with my husband. It's one of our favorite things to do together. I enjoy it a lot more than he knows. I'm so in love with this life I have. This life that George and I have built together. We've had our struggles but we made it through them. I love George and our two kids more than anything else in the world. 

  "You're happy right?" George asks me as he stirs the mix. 

  I grin as I watch him. "I'm beyond happy. I have a sexy husband. And two beautiful kids." I state. 

  He smiles back at me. "Well I'm glad to know that you're happy. I'm happy as well. I'm lucky to have such a gorgeous, sexy, inspiring wife. And two beautiful kids." He agrees. 

  "They're happy and healthy and that is important to me." I say as I eat some cookie dough out of the bowl. 

  "They are and they have the best mates in the world." He says. We both start putting the cookies onto the cookie sheet. I can tell that George loves this as much as I do. There is nothing I want more than this. I have amazing friends who are family and have been for the past seven years. They have helped me through some things that no one else could have ever helped me through. I would have never met George if it wasn't for Destiny and Rose. The trip to the U.K seven years ago was their idea. I love them a lot. 

  "I would hope so. They're cool kids. Who I love to brag about." I state as I put the cookies in the oven. "Let's get started on the brownies." 

  "Can I help?" I hear our daughter, Riley, ask us. 

  "Well if you took your bath already and go get in PJ's then yes." George states. "You being by the stove is dangerous though." 

  "I want to help though." Riley slightly pouts. 

  "If you go get in your PJ's then you can help us. Do you need help getting in them?" I ask. 

  Riley nods. "Yes I do need help." 

  I walk with her to her bedroom to help her. I help her into the PJ's. "How long have you and daddy been together?" Riley asks me. 

  "We have been together for almost seven years. We have been married for five years old." I answer her question as we go back into the kitchen. 

  George and I start putting the ingredients in the bowl. He helps Riley put the mix in the bowl and stir it. I grab my camera and take a picture of the two of them together. I send in the group text with the girls. I caption it: Look at how adorable these two are. 

  Heather texts me back: That is so cute. I'm glad we have this chat. She sends me a picture of her wife, Eliza, and their daughter, Willow cuddled up and watching a show together. 

  Destiny texts a picture of her and Olivia with Adam. The three of them cuddling on the couch. Rose sends a picture as well. "Let me guess. The group chat?" George asks me. 

  "You know about the group chat?!" I ask him in surprise. 

  George nods. "Yes I know about the group chat with you and the ladies. The guys and I have our own as well. It's mostly to send cute pictures to each other but still. And some band related things." 

  "The ladies and I's group chat is for sending cute pictures to each other as well." I state. "And other things. Like get together's. Speaking of cute." I look over at my daughter who is eating some brownie mix out of the bowl. 

  He nods. "It is cute. Riley, that's enough at the moment. You can have actual brownies when they're done." 

  "You're making brownies?" Matthew runs out of the room when he hears that. 

  "Yes we are. And cookies. You both get one of each tonight. You are supposed to be in the bath." I turn into mom mode with Matthew. I still cannot believe that George convinces me to name my son after his best friend. I love their friendships. I'm still shocked I named my kid after my favorite singer though. Rose is a close second when it comes to favorite singers though. 

  "Fine." Riley and Matthew wine before going off to do their own thing. "Matthew bath." George states, going into the kids bathroom to run the water. 

  When George comes back, I kiss him sweetly on the lips. "My husband is kind of hot when you're bossy." I state. 

  He smirks. "Well my wife is hot as well." He states, kissing me back. "And sexy." He says. 

  "I'm glad you agree." I state. "But you're much sexier than I am." 

  "We do have some time to ourselves he suggests." He says, pulling me closer to him. 

  "I have an idea of my own." I say, leaning against him. 

  "What idea would that be?" He asks me as he looks me in the eyes. 

  "Maybe turn on some music and slow dance." I say. As soon as I say that the oven beeps. "After we take care of this though." 

  He smiles, grabbing oven mitts and taking the cookies out of the oven. He changes the heat setting on the oven before putting the brownies in the oven. He walks back over to me. "We have fifteen minutes until those are done." He says. 

  I go into the living room and turn on the Alexa we have in the room. I turn on the song that we slow danced to on our wedding day. He pulls me in close to him as the song plays. "One of my favorite moments from our wedding was our first dance." I tell him, putting my head on his shoulder. 

  "It was one of my favorite moments from our wedding as well." He tells me, kissing me on the cheek. 

  "I'm glad that it was yours as well." I say. I close my eyes as we slow dance. I'm so relaxed around him. He makes me feel comfortable and even over the years that hasn't changed. I am glad that it hasn't changed because it means that he's the same man that I fell in love with. We've both changed over the years but we're still the people that each other fell in love with. 

  He dips me at the end of the song, pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back melting into the kiss. I love him so much. I know he loves me the same way or at least I would hope so because we have been married for five years. He pulls me back up and breaks our kiss. When we're together time flies which is amazing. But there are other times where I want time to just stand still. 

  After our slow dance the oven beeps. We take the brownies out of the oven. The rest of the night goes by with the four of us eating sugar and then the kids go to bed. George and I tuck in Riley before going into our own bedroom and changing into our pajamas. I put on my nightgown and climb into bed. "I love you George Daniel." I kiss him. 

  "I love you too, Amanda Daniel." He kisses me. We cuddle for a bit before falling asleep in each other's arms. I love this life that I have. I love my husband and our two beautiful kids. A beautiful daughter and a handsome son. Friends who love me for me and support my dreams. I'm lucky to have such a special family. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. 

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