Beautiful Soul - cash au -

By crystellethemage

129K 4.5K 2.3K

He never imagined that this was going to be his life. He thought that one day he would make it out of this go... More

One Step Closer
The Darkness That We Know
Dark Eyes and Careless Hair
Deep Water
The Shadows Cover Me
Safest Place to Hide
Nothing Without Love
Climbing the Walls
Take A Bow
You Were Meant For Me
Everything I Have is Yours
The Skies Above Ablaze
We Are Never Broken
Pieces of You
You Make My Heart Skip
The Cruelty of Everyone Else
Wake Up Alone
I Found a Boy
Fly, Let Me Fly
The Way We Are Now
Dancing In The Wind
I Want You and Your Beautiful Soul
Beautiful Soul Extras
Share This Day Anew
Thought I Was Lost
Falling Is Like This
Chosen as Mine
The Road Less Traveled
The Best of Me
The Best of Me Part Two

Stuck On Survive

5.3K 132 204
By crystellethemage

The holidays come quickly, the Dallas family always holds a big family dinner on Christmas Eve and this year is not any different. Nash is nervous, he's undeniably nervous because there's going to be so many people that he doesn't know invading the ranch. He doesn't want to appear clingy but he knows that he's going to end up doing so because there's no way he's going to leave Cameron's side.

He's particularly nervous to meet Cameron's maternal grandparents, he's heard stories about them and everything he's heard has made him nervous. They are extremely snobby, they make Taylor's parents look like angels. He knows that they're going to look down on him and his siblings once they realize they lived in a trailer park prior to moving in with Cameron. Cameron promised to shield them from his grandparents, he never was particularly fond of them and he avoids them as much as humanly possible.

Rosa is in the kitchen cooking the meal, she has all four stove tops going and the oven as well. Nash and his siblings are sitting at the kitchen table helping her cook, they're currently working on the fruit salad. They wash, peel and arrange the fruit just like Rosa showed them. They talk and laugh amongst themselves, it's the first Christmas since their mother passed away that they were actually celebrating. Nash is excited because he and Cameron bought the 2 younger siblings Christmas presents and he can't wait to see the look on their faces when they open them.

Cameron walks into the kitchen in only sweatpants, his hair is still messed up from bed. He woke up a few minutes ago to find himself alone in bed, he immediately got up to find his boyfriend. He smiles as he watches them and listens to their happy chatter. He comes up behind Nash and bends down to press a soft kiss on his neck.

"Hey baby," he says softly. Nash tilts his head up at Cameron and gives him that beautiful smile that makes Cameron lose his train of thought and makes him have to catch his breath.

"Good morning, Cam. We got up early to help Rosa, you looked so comfortable that I didn't want to wake you up," Nash tells him and he turns halfway on his chair to face Cameron.

Cameron bends down and presses his lips lightly against Nash's. "Let me get ready and then I'll join you guys."

Nash smiles and nods at him, turning back around when Cameron leaves the kitchen.

"I have a pink pretty dress that Mama Dallas bought me and she said I'm going to be a pretty princess!" Skylynn talks happily as she pulls the leaves from every strawberry. Gina Dallas fell in love with little Skylynn the moment she saw her, she took Skylynn shopping and bought her so many pretty dresses. Having a little girl in the home warms the heart of both of the elder Dallas'.

They can see why Cameron became so attached to the Grier siblings; Skylynn with her sweet disposition, Hayes with his quiet and humble excitement when John Dallas showed him his antique toy car collection and Nash with his willingness to always help out.

Cameron comes back to the kitchen a few minutes later and he sits at the table with the Grier siblings and starts to help out. Rosa glances at them with a soft smile on her face, the Dallas household had been somber since the death of Sierra, the 3 siblings have lightened the household with their presence and she's happy to see happiness on the faces of her loving employers again. Everyone was devastated at the sudden death of Sierra, it was completely unexpected and they felt as if she was ripped away from their arms so abruptly.

It was difficult to come to terms and heal, they were never the same afterwards but this is the closest she's seen any of them come to looking like they were prior to her death.

"What time are your grandparents arriving?" Nash asks quietly as he carefully peels and slices the mango he's currently working on.

"They usually get here like 1 hour before dinner, and then they stay until after New Years. My parents only make me sit down for Christmas Eve dinner and that's it. We'll steer clear of them while they're here." Cameron tells him and Nash nods in agreement, he's not going to argue with that.

"Matt invited us to his New Years eve party, I told him I would ask you..." Cameron says and he trails off. He doesn't want to give Nash any hint that he wants to go because he knows Nash will just agree to make him happy. He wants Nash to go because he wants to go. Nash looks at Cameron's face, but Cameron keeps it neutral making it appear as if he doesn't care either way.

"Yeah... I want to go. I haven't done anything that people my age do in a very long time." As soon as Nash agrees to go he feels a ball of nervousness in the pit of his stomach. But they are good nerves, excited nerves. He hasn't hung out with a group of friends since his early teens, Nash knows Cameron won't abandon him at the party so he wants to go.

Cameron's eyes light up and he smiles happily at Nash. "I'm so excited, babe. I'll introduce you to all my friends, they're the chill group that Matt and I hung out with outside of school."

The four of them continue to help Rosa in the kitchen, she assigns various tasks to them but by mid day she shoos them out of the kitchen and instructs them to relax and have fun.

They end up in the family room Cameron and Nash cuddle up together on the chaise portion of the long couch while Skylynn and Hayes sprawl themselves out on the parts. A Christmas Story is playing on the TV but Cameron and Nash barely pay attention to the movie. They lie facing each other, they whisper softly to each other, occasionally kissing and always caressing lovingly. Nash has never been so happy as he is in this moment. He wishes that he could freeze it and rewind it for the rest of his life. His heart feels like it's about to burst with love for Cameron.

A few hours later Gina enters the family room, a soft smile spreads on her face as she takes in the sight of the 4 of them, lying comfortably on the couch.

"It's time to get dressed for dinner, guys." She tells them and she goes up to Skylynn and picks her up, Skylynn smiles sweetly at her and cuddles close. Gina presses a soft kiss on her chubby cheeks and turns to walk to the bathroom to get Skylynn ready.

"Are you ready to be a little princess?" She murmurs as she heads out of the family room. Skylynn giggles excitedly as she nods.

Cameron stands up and pulls Nash up with him. Hayes stretches and stands up, yawning loudly. He goes up to his room and starts getting ready.

Nash pouts, he was so comfortable. Cameron pulls him upstairs to their room, he closes and locks the door behind him.

"So I'm thinking we should shower together to you know, conserve water and stuff." Cameron suggests, he smirks at Nash and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at him.

"Yes, water conservation a very important cause. Because you know, droughts and stuff," Nash replies laughing softly as they walk into the adjoining bathroom. Nash loves Cameron's bathroom, especially the Jacuzzi tub but the shower is just as nice. The shower head hangs from the ceiling and it feels like standing in a warm summer rain shower, it's pretty amazing.

They take off each other's clothes and then step inside the shower. Cameron turns the shower on and they stand under the warm water, their arms wrapped around each other. Nash leans down slightly to meet Cameron's lips in a hungry kiss. Nash moans into their kiss as Cameron starts to grind his erection against Nash's. The friction between the two of them, along with the water sends tingles of pleasure throughout Nash's and Cameron's bodies. Cameron nips at Nash's lip and his hands slide down Nash's back and he squeezes his asscheeks tightly.

He sucks on Nash's bottom lip and lets it go before smashing his lips against Nash's again. Their tongues rub together and they moan softly as their grinding gets harder. Nash moves his hips against Cameron's and their hard cocks move together, the sensation is new to Nash and he finds himself on the brink of cumming just from Cameron's kisses, his touch and the feeling of his cock against his.

"I'm going to cum, baby..." he murmurs as he pulls back momentarily from Cameron's kiss. Cameron pulls his head back in and he pushes Nash against the shower wall and grinds harder on him. He can feel it too, the ball of pleasure that is growing in the pit of his stomach.

"Cum with me, Nash." He growls and he pulls away from Nash's lips and his mouth attaches itself to Nash's neck where he sucks hard on his sweet spot. Nash's head falls back as he cums and his cock spurts out his fluid all over Cameron's cock and his abdomen. The feeling of Nash's hot cum throws Cameron over the edge and he kisses back up to Nash's lips as he cums hard.

They breathe hard as their movements slow, Cameron presses soft kisses on his lips. He cups Nash's face gently, stroking his cheeks.

"You drive me crazy," Cameron murmurs as he rests his forehead against Nash's.

"You act like you don't do the same to me," Nash replies and they kiss gently. They wash each other and then rub each other dry once they're done.

"Definitely like washing and drying you than myself," Cameron comments as they get dressed, Nash laughs and nods in agreement. They are both dressed casually with black demin jeans and button down shirts. "We're really fucking good looking."

"You're the good looking one, you make the rest of us look like plebs," Nash says, he truly believes it.

"Shut the fuck up, Nash. You act like people won't be tripping over themselves to talk to you," Cameron says. By the time they get back downstairs the dining room as been set up and there a few members of the family sitting at the long table. Cameron picks seats close to the end of the table. Rosa has plated all of the dishes and arranges them nicely on the table. Hayes sits on the other side of Cameron and Skylynn bursts into dining room. She's wearing a pink, sparkly dress with a tiara. She hugs all 3 of the boys tightly, smiling prettily when they comment how beautiful she looks. Gina walks in after her and sits a small booster on the chair next to Hayes so that she can comfortably reach the table.

Cameron stands when he sees his mother and hugs her tightly.

"Thank you so much, mom." He whispers in her ear. "For accepting them into our family."

She hugs him back. "How could I not? They're such amazing kids."

All of the family arrives not too long after, Cameron is happy that his maternal grandparents are sitting on the other side of the table. He wants to shield Nash from them as much as possible. Kitty and Dick, Cameron can't believe they actually call themselves that and he can't refer to them without laughing at their ridiculous nicknames that they insist on being called.

The family retreats to the formal living room where Nash and Cameron share a couch with Hayes and Skylynn. They've managed to avoid talking to his grandparents apart from introductions and greeting them.

They stay until it is deemed appropriate that they can say goodnight and head back upstairs. Nash helps Skylynn change into her pajamas and he tucks her into bed, she's tired and falls asleep clutching a plush teddy bear that Cameron bought for her.

The two younger siblings fall asleep easily, they're excited because it's going to be Christmas morning when they wake up and although they haven't found their presents yet, not for lack of trying, they know that this year Santa was very generous.

Nash gets undressed and joins Cameron in bed. They cuddle together, not falling asleep right away, they talk softly about random things until they drift off to sleep.

The next morning is a flurry of activity, Nash and Cameron stop by the children's room to find it empty. They go downstairs and find them eating a brunch in the kitchen dining table. They're sitting with Cameron's parents and his grandparents.

They grab plates and serve themselves their breakfast, Cameron manages to void his grandparents questions regarding the Grier siblings. He doesn't want them to ruin Christmas morning for them. Once everyone is finished eating they go to the family room where the Christmas tree is set up. Underneath the tree are stacks of presents, all of them addressed to Hayes and Skylynn.

They open their presents with childish wonder, Skylynn receives a variety of barbies with extra outfits, a huge dollhouse to play with and a huge present is off to the side. Skylynn excitedly rips the wrapping paper off of it to reveal her very own Barbie car that she can drive on the property.

Nash and Cameron are impressed, Gina and John managed do a lot of last minute shopping for the younger Grier siblings. Nash smiles happily as he watches the looks on the faces of his little brother and sister. He blinks back tears, Cameron tightens his arms around Nash and kisses the side of his head gently. He knows how Nash is feeling and wants to provide whatever comfort he can.

Hayes opens his presents with excitement as well. He receives a skateboard, a top of the line skateboard that just came out, from Cameron and Nash. Cameron's parents have bought him a Macbook pro and a Nintendo 3DS and he looks at it with wide eyes, unable to believe that they're actually his.

Both of them hug Cameron's parents tightly and say words of gratitude. The family goes outside to set up Skylynn's new ride. She floors it and they laugh watching as she squeals with joy as she drives all over the driveway. Hayes tries out his skateboard, he stumbles a few times trying to get the hang of it but soon he's riding it down the driveway as well.

Nash isn't sure how to be around Cameron's grandparents, he doesn't know if they're aware of his relationship with their grandson but Cameron doesn't hesitate to pull Nash close and snuggle close as they shiver from the cool weather. Cameron's parents and grandparents head inside and Nash and Cameron stay outside to keep an eye on Hayes and Skylynn.

Cameron goes inside momentarily and comes back out with a blanket. He and Nash sit on the swing and cuddle under the blanket, the sun shines brightly and it's a beautiful day out. Nash closes his eyes and he lays his head on Cameron's shoulder. Cameron swings them gently and he presses a soft kiss on the top of Nash's head. He's never felt this happy or content. He hasn't told Nash but he lost his way a little bit his senior year in high school, mainly because of Taylor's negative influence but he also blames himself because he could have said no. He would sometimes spend entire weekends blackout drunk at Taylor's. He tried so many different drugs and he actually had started to hate who he had become. It's the main reason why he returned to the ranch, he saw himself falling into the same old trap and he didn't want to go down that path again.

"Cameron? We'd like to have a word with you and your parents, come inside." Kitty says sternly and Cameron frowns. He extricates himself from Nash's embrace. Nash opens his eyes and blinks sleepily at Cameron, a confused expression on his face.

"Where are you going, baby?" He asks as he stretches his arms.

"My grandparents want to talk to me, I'll be right back." Cameron tells him softly, he tries to hide his worry from his face as he bends down and kisses Nash's lips gently. He turns and walks up to the house, he enters the house. Nash watches as Cameron walks away then shifts his attention to his siblings. They're laughing happily as Hayes chases Skylynn on his skateboard while she floors it down the driveway in her little pink convertible. Cameron is gone for longer than Nash anticipated, when he returns almost an hour later he looks tense, his brow furrowed and his face unhappy.

Cameron sits back down next to Nash and pulls him into his arms, he stays quiet. Nash is dying to ask him what's wrong but he knows that when Cameron is ready, he'll speak. Nash rests his head on Cameron's chest and Cameron starts to play with his hair gently.

"Nash, never forget that I love you baby. You mean more to me than anyone else and that will never change," Cameron says cryptically. Nash lifts his head and looks at Cameron, he searches his eyes but Cameron doesn't let his emotions show. He doesn't want to burden Nash with the knowledge that his grandparents despise Nash and his siblings just because they're from the trailer park. They're appalled that Gina and John would allow Cameron to socialize with them and even worse, allow them to live at their house.

Cameron forces Nash to lay his head back on his chest, he wasn't sure how much longer he could maintain his facade. Some of the things that his grandparents would cut Nash deeply, they would play into every insecurity that he has. He hates that his grandparents are so vain, the only thing that's important to them is how they're see by everyone else. They don't want to be gossiped by the stupid, rich people who attend the same country club as them. Cameron held back on telling them anything personal about Nash and his experience in the trailer park, it was none of their business. Cameron's parents didn't betray his trust and for that he is grateful.

Gina and John attempted to reason with Kitty and Dick, but they didn't want to hear it. Cameron had written off his grandparents a long time ago but this was just another nail in the coffin. He doesn't consider them family at all, he looks at Nash, Hayes and Sky has his family now. Wherever they go, that's where Cameron will want to go. But luckily for him his parents aren't reneging on their decision to stand by what Cameron wants. They haven't informed Cameron that the ranch and the entire farm are now in Cameron's name, solely. They plan on breaking the news after the new year that they plan on permanently relocating to their new farm. Although they have many farms littered around the U.S, they've decided that they will live at the new one.

Nash attempts to relax but he can't he's worried about what Cameron's grandparents said that made him so upset. Nash knows that Cameron attempted to mask it but he's grown to know Cameron so well, he knows when he's upset. He doesn't bring it up but his mind is active as he thinks about a variety of possible scenarios.

The days between Christmas and the New Year pass by quickly, Cameron has returned to his normal self. He makes sure that he's with Nash whenever they're outside their room, he sees the intention of Kitty to talk down to Nash and make him feel unwelcome.

New Years Eve finally arrives and Cameron feels a sense of relief, Kitty and Dick are schedule to leave the next day. He only has to manage to avoid them for a few hours more because he and Nash will be gone for most of the night at the party. They just have to get through breakfast and that's it.

He and Nash get dressed for Matthew's party and they head out. Cameron drives them to Matthew's house. He has to confess that the Espinosa family has a beautiful house, but he's always preferred the ranch style home that he lives in.

They go inside the house, Cameron spots his friends sitting outside around a firepit.

"Guys, this is Nash, he's my boyfriend," Cameron introduces him casually as if it wasn't a big deal but the shock littered on his friends faces tells the true story. Half of it is shock that he's in a relationship, the other part is shock that he's in a relationship with a boy. This group has nothing against the fact that Cameron is in a relationship with a boy, 2 of their own Jack J. and Jack G. are currently dating, it's mainly because Cameron had never hinted at being interested in boys.

"You didn't fucking tell me that when I was there," Matthew accuses and Cameron shrugs nonchalantly. There's one lounger open around the firepit and Cameron lies down on it and then he pulls Nash next to him. Someone throws them a spare blanket and Cameron snuggles with Nash underneath it.

It's a lowkey celebration, there's soft music playing in the background, his friends ask Nash questions, attempting to get to know him, which Nash answers shyly. As he grows more comfortable he jokes around more and Cameron smiles, happy that Nash is getting a long with his friends.

When they count down for the new year, Cameron turns his face to Nash and captures his lips in a deep kiss. They pull away from their own personal celebration by Matthew who pulls them out to the street where the friends set off fireworks.

Nash wonders if this is what it feels like to hang out with a group of friends, it's just a comfortable conversation littered with jokes and teasing jabs at each other. It's filled with inside jokes that Cameron explains in his ears, it's filled with pranks that makes them laugh so hard that their sides hurt. He feels like he missed out on so much but he's also happy that he finally gets the chance to be a part of it. He stares fondly at Cameron who is standing off to the side talking quietly to Jack G.

"You really love him, don't you?" Nash tears his gaze away from Cameron, his blue eyes meet another pair of blue eyes, Jack J.

Nash knows that the two Jacks are together, it was one of the first things that Cameron told him.

"Yeah, I do." He replies simply, there's no doubt in his mind that he is head of heels, desperately in love with Cameron.

"I can tell, the way you look at him." Jack comments and Nash gives him a small smile, he glances back at Cameron. "It's the same way I look at Gilinsky, I always thought I looked like a love sick fool, but then I realized it doesn't matter that I look at him that way. It's just a sign of my true feelings for him."

They talk a little bit more, Nash doesn't know why but he trusts the skinny boy but he does so he tells him a little bit about his experience in high school. JJ demands that Nash hand over his phone, he punches his number in and texts himself so that he can save Nash's number.

"You better text me back when I text you. Or I'll have to kidnap Cameron, you don't want me to kidnap Cameron do you?" JJ teases Nash who laughs in reply as Cameron and Gilinsky approach them.

"Why am I getting kidnapped?" Cameron asks, he wraps his arms around Nash and pulls him close.

"Oh, just threatening your boyfriend into texting me even if he doesn't want to and he hates my guys," JJ explains casually, causing all 4 of them to burst out into laughter.

The four of them make plans to hang out together that weekend. Before they head home Nash has all of the phone numbers of Cameron's friends saved to his phone. They all threaten a variety of bodily harm that will fall on Cameron if Nash doesn't text them. Nash smiles the entire ride back to the ranch, he feels so happy. The night could not have gone better, Cameron feels the same way, he knew that Nash would fit in perfectly with his friends and he was completely right.

The house is quiet when they arrive in the early morning. They hadn't intended on staying that long but things had gone so well that they ended up staying until everyone left. Nash's phone buzzes as he receives his first text message from someone other than Cameron.

JJ- Reply and no one gets hurt, young Nash.

He laughs to himself as he writes out a reply, he can see JJ becoming his closest friend. They have a similar sense of humor and there was just a sense of ease and comfort that wasn't there with Cameron's other friends.

Nash- Why are you still awake?

JJ- Because I tell time, it doesn't tell me.

Seconds later he receives another message while he was typing out a response.

JJ- We should ditch the boyfriends and go out for a movie or something. You know, get to know each other more, etc etc etc so that we can be bff.

Nash feels excitement building because Jack wants to be friends with him as much as Nash does.

Nash- My body is ready.

JJ-Mine too.

Nash- I'm going to crash. I'll text you when I'm up. Aye?

JJ- Aye aye, cap'n.

Nash plugs his phone into the charger and then he notices that Cameron is staring at him with a smile on his face.

"What?" He questions, growing a little self-conscious.

"Nothing I just... love seeing you so happy and carefree. I'm glad you had a good time," Cameron tells him as he gets into bed Nash.

"I am too," Nash replies truthfully. They cuddle close together and their exhaustion helps them fall asleep easily.

When Nash wakes up the sun is bright, it doesn't look like a January morning. He's thirsty so he decides to head downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. He plans on returning to bed but he's stopped on his way upstairs by the person he least wanted to see, Cameron's grandmother.

"I'd like to have a word with you," Kitty says coldly. The house is quiet, Nash doubts anyone else is awake to come save him. His palms get clammy from the anxiety that immediately starts to creep up when he realizes that he has to listen to whatever Kitty has to say.

"You don't deserve my grandson and at the end of this conversation I fully expect that you will pack up your belongings and those of your grubby handed siblings and leave. Because if you truly love Cameron as everyone claims you do then you won't have any problems proving it," she tells him viciously.

Nash steps away from her wishing desperately that he had stayed upstairs in the safe, warm arms of his boyfriend.

He has no way of this conversation and his heart starts pounding because he has a feeling this is not going to end well.

A/N- I may or may not update later today. Let me know what you think is going to happen! I think I'll be updating the one shot book as well. I have lots of writing in my future :D

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