Camp Evergreen || Sanders Sid...

Autorstwa Lamira_GATCHA

174 4 2

Summer camp, a beautiful place where nothing goes wrong, right? Well, maybe not for Camp Evergreen. Lots of t... Więcej

Information || Welcome
Welcome To Camp 1/3
Welcome To Camp 2/3
One Crazy Morning 1/3
One Crazy Morning 2/3
One Crazy Morning 3/3
the show will never get started lol

Welcome To Camp 3/3

24 1 2
Autorstwa Lamira_GATCHA

He had made it to the river only a minute after everyone else when he decided to look around. Remus had already managed to convince Patton that there were deadly sea creatures and now Patton refuses to go in. Roman was floating on his back with his eyes closed, slowly drifting away from the dock. Logan was sitting on the dock talking to Emile about the camp history; Logan had seemed to know a lot about it. And Remy...Remy had somehow managed to get a mini floatie for his cup of coffee.

"Who on Earth drinks a cup of coffee at 1 pm?!?" Virgil thought as he sat down on the dock, only putting his feet in the water.

"So, now I suppose we can all fully introduce ourselves to each other. I believe that was the purpose of this small trip and yet we all seemed to get distracted from that fact," Logan mentioned.

"Eh, yeah sure. I might as well go first. Hey, my name is Remy. Im 16, and I go with he/him pronouns,"

"There we go Remy!" Emile responded, "That was a perfect example! Well since he went, I guess I might as well. My name is Emile. I'm 17, and-"

Virgil noticed that Emile took a slight pause before he spoke again; most likely out of some sort of hesitation, "I use he/him pronouns! Ok, how about you go next!"

Emile pointed over to Remus; still focused on finding some sort of creature in the water.

"Oh me?!? Well my name is Remus, I'm 13," Remus gave a look of disappointment before he started talking again, "And I guess i go with he/him pronouns,"

"Wait," Patton cut Remus off before he could continue, "Why did you sound disappointed saying that? Do you not go by he/him?"

"No, I do," Remus responded, "It's just so...basic! He/Him pronouns are really boring!!!"

Remy and Roman both looked up and over to Remus, somehow managing to say the same thing in sync, "Hey!"

"Well, you could use some other ones if you want to!" Emile replied, "You don't have to just use he/him,"

"Yeah," Roman added, "You could also use trash. You seem to really like that sort of thing,"
Virgil tried to keep himself from letting his little giggle escape.

"Trash!?! You seriously view me as trash!?! How dare you-"

"Roman, that wasn't a very nice thing to sa-"

"Not tell me that sooner!!!" Remus stated, interrupting Emile's comment back to Roman.

Virgil looked back over to Remus, who's facials were gleaming with excitement, yet with a small hint of frustration due to Roman's obvious hidden opinion about his brother. He had clearly accepted the comment in a genuine way, which left Virgil slightly confused. He shook off the thought quickly though. Remus had seemed to be the type to enjoy things like that, despite only being here for a couple hours.

"Well, since Remus went, I guess it would be reasonable for me to go next. I'm Roman, he/him, and I'm that disappointment's twin,"

Remus quickly shot his attention over to Roman, quickly establishing he was going to do some harm if he didn't stay quiet. It seemed like a glare that your parents would make if you got in trouble, yet the look coming from a little 13 year old made Virgil uneasy.

"Well," Patton said, still sitting on the sand instead of going in the water, "My name is Patton! I'm 15 years old, and I would like to go by he/they pronouns please,"

"I'm sorry did you just say 15?!?" Remy responded, spitting out the coffee that he had just taken a sip of.

"It's alright Remy," Janus replied, "You don't need to apologize. This is a perfectly normal reaction to Patton's age. I recommend coping methods as sitting in a dark room for a bit and isolating yourself,"

"No Jan, he doesn't need to do that. But yes I am 15. What did you think I was Remy? A really tall child?"

Virgil glanced over to Remy, who was still staring dead onto Patton, "Uh, yeah!!! That is something that could possibly happen! I've seen really tall kids throughout my time here!"

"Remy's actually right," Logan added, "Remus is the second tallest behind Patton and he's the youngest one here. Considering that I'm already talking, I'll just go ahead and do my introduction. My name is Logan, I am as well 15 years old and I would find it most appreciated if you were to use he/him. Or if that would seem too laborious, it/its,"

Virgil just gave a blank, dopey look at Logan. He had managed to turn something as simple as telling stuff about themselves into a long monologue. He stared back over to Emile who would be giving the next thought on who would go next, as a couple of seconds had passed and still no one else would speak up.

"Well, how about you? Why don't you go?"

Emile had been pointing to Janus. Virgil was relieved that he didn't get picked, but then the realization hit him. As soon as Janus finished, he would have to go as well.

"Ok. Um, the names Janus, 14, and they/them are my pronouns,"

Janus had been nervous to introduce themselves from what Virgil could pick up. He was understanding of their nervousness, but his still didn't quite pass, as it was his turn. The only thing that managed to come out of him was a small squeak, then a long silence followed. It didn't take long for Remy to lean over to Emile and whisper for a bit.

"Oh! I know you!" Emile stated.

Virgil looked up to Emile, confused by what he had meant.

"Yeah, I remembered seeing you on the paperwork. It said you were, selectively mute?"

Virgil gave a small nod.

"Ok, we've got that right. So you were-"

Emile went silent for a moment, clearly trying to remember what the unnamed camper called himself.

"Well shoot," Emile stated, looking disappointed in himself, "I don't remember what your name was! Rem, do you remember?"

"No babe, sorry," Remy replied, having just finished his coffee.

Everyone was waiting for what to do next, clearly trying to figure out what Virgil's name was. There was a moment of silence until Logan finally spoke up amongst the group.

"If I may speak up, we may not be able to get a clear answer from a name, but I believe it would still be best to get pronouns as it would not be very helpful if we were misgendering this individual as they would not be able to let us know about the mistake. The only problem is, how are we supposed to get them if they can not talk to us?"

Virgil sat there, trying to figure out how on Earth to tell them pronouns. He could just find a way to write it down, but he would prefer not to, his handwriting wasn't the nicest. He eventually thought of a way. Virgil pointed at himself for a bit, making sure everyone was paying close attention, and pointed over to Patton. There was a moment of confusion amongst the crowd of campers trying to figure out the puzzle, when Patton finally chirped up.

"Oh! I get it! They must use the same pronouns as me! So, he/they right?"

Virgil gave a small nod. Patton was still gleaming with excitement as they had guessed the pronouns successfully.

About an hour had passed when they finally decided to head back up to the cabin so that Patton and Janus could claim beds, since they didn't get a chance to before they left for the lake. Patton claimed the bunk above Logan's and Janus took the other single bed across from Virgil. Everyone got settled in and decided to play a little game of Monopoly that Patton brought. Logan won, Janus not falling too behind in second. After the game it was time that they all headed to dinner. It was loud. All of the other cabin's members had arrived, which meant a lot more people to make chaos ensue. There was a tap of a microphone on a mini stage in front of the mess hall. A voice echoed through.

"Hey everyone! I'm your camp director, Thomas, and I just wanna give a big Welcome To Camp!"

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