Mortal Waters

By LadyLlama13

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"Who are you?" I asked for the third time, my voice wasn't as harsh anymore. "Larisa," she answered shortly... More

Chapter 1: Where in gods' names is she? Plural on gods.-Percy
Chapter 2: Who are you? More importantly, who am I?-Larisa
Chapter 4: Little-not-Annabeth? -Percy
Chapter 5: Weird Teenage Hobo-Boy Abducts Me. -Larisa
Chapter 6 Dammit -Percy
Chapter 7: The tables have turned.-Larisa
Chapter 8: Random tattoo-talk-Percy
Chapter 9: Harpful talk-Percy
Chapter 10: Hit and run -Larisa
Chapter 11: Vivid Dreaming -Larisa
Chapter 12: Handsome-mean prince makes a move on my girlfriend -Percy
Chapter 13: We try to make sense of nothing -Percy
Chapter 14: Nothing + Nothing = Something -Larisa
Chapter 15: A Beam of Light Named Estelle -Percy
Chapter 16: We Get Fake IDs and Don't Even Go to a Club. -Larisa
Chapter 17: Good Hope My Ass- Percy
Chapter 18: We see if blood is really thicker than water. -Percy
Chapter 19: No judo flips this time. -Percy
Chapter 20: Family reunions are fun- Larisa
Chapter 21: Don't play with firearms, kids-Larisa
Chapter 22: We become talent scouts.-Percy
Chapter 23: Please don't put me into rehab. -Larisa
Chapter 24: Don't bite on your teeth too hard. -Percy
Chapter 25: Always carry an emergency blow torch- Percy
Chapter 26: How am I supposed to take a nap in all this noise?-Larisa

Chapter 3: I Ditched School -Larisa

178 6 0
By LadyLlama13

Ok, so the only stuff I know about London/ amnesia comes from Google, so please, help me where I'm wrong and don't come at me aggressively.

Chapter 3: I Ditched School

Larisa P.O.V.

As soon as I woke up the doctors pounded me with tests, containing things like how much I could remember from my life, blood tests, MRI and CT scans that were supposed to look for brain damage or abnormalities. To conclude the hours of testing, I had amnesia. Or something similar to that.

The doctors and colleagues of my "dad", Marvin, couldn't figure out what had caused the sudden memory loss. According to them, it was as if someone had snuck into the house while everyone was asleep and stole my memories. Although they meant that as a joke to make me, a child, feel better, I thought that the doctors weren't too far off on that theory. I knew when I knew something and I knew that my name was Larisa, I also knew that my surname was not Brassard, which was the last name of my supposed family. I knew I didn't belong in this life, it was a cleverly planned hoax, luckily I was smarter.

Whoever organized this must have planned it thoroughly. There were police and medical records of me as a child living with my "parents" and "brother", there were records of me going to school in London, records of me being born in London, records of everything there normally would be. But the plan, like any other plan, had flaws. How could I have grown up in London and have no English accent as the rest of its residents? How could I be the only tanned person in this hospital surrounded by miserable weather? How could I not look like any of my relatives? It seemed all too convenient that I lost my memory, out of the blue, without explanation. I had to escape the hospital and the family that was holding me captive, so I could find real answers.

A plan quickly formed in my head, I was alone in a small hospital room with no windows. The door was locked by the nurse when she left to call my "family". Outside the room, there were probably thousands of doctors and medical staff ready to stop me if I tried to make a run for it. I would have to put my acting skills to use for now, at least until I got released from the hospital. My plan was to act as if I was ready to comply and slowly start to remember, they would then have to release me from the hospital and I would probably go home with Marvin, his wife and son. Sooner or later they would have to send me to school, where I could easily escape. While I was living with the family, I would have to try to collect as much as possible information, like if they were in on the hoax or if their memories were tampered with, like mine.

The door burst open and with it came the loud, hysterical woman, her son and her husband. "Oh, darling! How are you feeling? Are you thirsty?" the woman asked in her British accent, before I even had the chance to answer, she continued," Of course you're thirsty! Nurse, go get her some water, would you?" The poor nurse nodded quickly and headed out of the room.  The woman surged forward as if to capture me in an unwanted hug, but luckily Marvin came to my rescue.

"Janet, remember what Doctor Johnson said, take it slow." A thought ran through my head, I have to convince them I want to go home and remember.

"No, it's alright, Dad," I hesitated on the last word. The woman burst into tears again and hugged me, I hated every second of it, luckily no one seemed to notice.

Saturday afternoon (the previous events took place on a Monday)

Finally, they released me from the smell of sterilization, long white hallways and medical staff rushing about. I was taken to the Brassard's apartment in Central London, one step closer to escaping. I was going to school again on Monday in the meantime, I prepared for my escape.

By preparing I mean, taking small rations of long-lasting food from the Brassard's pantry, stealing some of their blankets, kitchen knives, or other weapons, and then packing all of that into a small backpack, along with a fresh change of warm clothes. It also meant trying to gather as much as possible information about what the family I was staying with knew about me and information about London and its surroundings. By Monday morning, my plan was almost fully completed, all I needed was information about the school and how I would escape from there.

Another week passed where I gathered the information for my plan, faked my slow recovery at occupational therapy and bared the Brassard family, who either didn't know anything valuable or were very good at keeping secrets. Today, Monday again, was my chance to escape. Everyone at school seemed to like me and wanted to be around me, so I had very little time to be by myself and snoop around. From what I had gathered, the Larisa they knew was a loveable teacher's pet, who had amazing academic records, sports achievements and everything a model student would have, that Larisa never existed. This Larisa didn't care about grades, school sports, popularity or any of those other petty school things that so many other people's lives rotated around, I cared about answers and freedom.

I had gym for my second period on Mondays, I would make some lame excuse for forgetting my gym clothes in my locker, then I would be able to slip away and make a run for it. The teachers and students would probably only notice my absence about half an hour into the lesson and by that time I would be long gone. I am going to hide out in the busy buzz of Central London for a few days, see if there are any leads as to who I really am and then I will do my best to follow those leads.

My foot was tapping the whole first period in English class, the teacher's boring voice droned on and I didn't listen to a word of what she said. As soon as the bell rang everyone stormed out of the classroom, to their respective lockers. Natalie, who was a close friend of the fake Larisa, walked with me to my locker. Just outside the door of the dressing room I lightly took her arm and said," Hey, Natalie, I forgot my socks in my locker, I'm going to go get them quickly. Could you please tell the teacher that I'm going to be late?" Natalie nodded with a smile and I ran off to the lockers.

I wasn't completely lying to Natalie, I was going to the lockers, but not for socks and I wouldn't be late, I simply wasn't returning. I got my runaway backpack from my locker, the one that I had been filling with things over the past week. Calmly, I went to the back of the school building, where there was a hole in the school fence and I could climb through without any prying eyes.

I was wearing normal civilian clothes that allowed me to blend in with the busy street, but still, I pulled up the hood of my rain jacket to hide my face. I had been walking for a while now, it was getting dark and the streets had fewer pedestrians. I was looking for a place to sleep for the night, maybe a park or a closed-off alley, then a set of eyes caught my own.

An older, dark-haired teenager was staring at me from across the street with beautiful sea-green eyes. I felt very uncomfortable, his glare was so intense, so I started running. I chanced a quick glance behind me and saw that the guy was following me at top speed.

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