King of Destruction x RWBY

By hellhound2356

52.9K 804 187

warning this is going to be my most abusive and brutally violent story I can come up with in my fucked up min... More

Prologue part 1
Prologue part 2
Initiations and meeting
night to forget
monsters together
more than Monsters together
nice morning
the coming War
Ghidorah split
another question

Prologue part 3

3.1K 51 11
By hellhound2356


I was sitting in the spare room with the boy that me and my mom found in the woods a few weeks ago. I've been reading to him to see if he would wake up. I think it's working a little, he sometimes moves or twitches during the day and night. I was in the middle of one of the books when I saw his eyes start to open very slowly, I got up and walked over to him. He opens his eyes fully and stares at me with wide red eyes.

Blake:hello...I'm Blake

Tears start coming from his eyes and he starts screaming and goes to the corner of the bed.

Blake:calm down it's ok!

I try to touch him but he screams louder. My mom and dad come.

Ghira:what's going!? Blake what happened?

Blake:he just woke up and he started screaming!

They try to calm him down and starts to get quiter and calmer. He keeps crying but silently now.

Kali:it's okay your okay. What's your name?

???:where-where's my Sister?, who are you?

Kali:my name is Kali Belladonna, this is my husband Ghira and our daughter Blake, who are you?

He calms down a little more.

Gojin:my-my name is Gojin...

Kali:do you remember how you got here Gojin?

He tensed up again and rapidly shook his head.

Gojin:no,no,no, wont go back I wont go back, please don't make me

He starts panicing again and on Instinct I jump up and hug him. He calms down a little but he keeps shaking.

Blake:we won't send you back...right?

I looked at my mom.

Ghira:of course we won't...he can live with us

He looks up at us.


Kali:you can live with us...from what we've seen done to you we will never send you back

He smiles a little.

Gojin:thank you...

His body goes limp and he fell asleep. I laid him back down but he didnt let go so mom and dad let me stay with him.


Over the years Gojin on the surface was like a normal child, he was happy but on the inside...all he wanted was death. He craved it, he even started hurting himself in secret. But Blake found him one doing it one day and she begged him,pleaded with him to stop. Seeing her like this broke him even more. He said he'd stop and he did but then he tried to take his own life. He couldn't live with that pain anymore. But he was denied that aswell, Blake left to join the White Fang which he thought was good but...he didn't agree with the way they were doing it and when Blake didn't return one day he left to find her. He was 17 now and his hair turned black and he wore a long hoodie that went down to his feet, he also wore a mask to hide what he called his "hideous face".


Kali:do you have everything you need?


Ghira:and you know where to go?

Gojin:I know...

They hugged me and it still hurt but I got used to it.

Gojin:I'll find her and she'll go...I promise

I began to walk away. I walked to the end of the docks and got on a boat heading for Vale, from there I would make my way to Forever Falls where Blake should be.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Gojin waiting.


I waited in a tree for the Schnee Dust company train arrives. I didn't want to stop them...the Schnees did this to me all of it. I saw the train coming and I saw small arms fire. They were already fighting. I waited for the train to be under me and I jamp down in between Adam and Blake. I stood up and looked at Adam.


Gojin:Blake detach the car... you come to fight?

Gojin:I've come for my sister...what you do is your own business I'm here for Blake

She detached the car and I jamp onto hers.


He jamp at us and I put my hand out and blasted heated smoke into his face, knocking him back onto the other car. I turned to Blake who looked guilty.


Blake:I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong B-

Gojin:you left to do somthing that was right but he turned it into murder

I put my hand on her shoulder.

Gojin:they want you back, I want you back but mum had a different idea

I gave her a piece of paper.

Blake:what is this?

Gojin:you said you wanted to do good...why not become a huntress at Beacon, I got one as well...

I showed her.

Blake:will you be alright going?

Gojin:I'll be fine don't worry about me

Blake:but I've been through so much, I just don't want to see you get hurt again or...hurt yourself

She was quiet in the last bit.

Gojin:I told you I'm not like that anymore, I'm good

I was lying in truth I knew I was worthless,weak. I didn't deserve to live but I keep going for Blake,my parents and another reason I can't explain...I felt this pull? It was telling me to go to Vale so maybe I can find out what it is. I hope it helps me. I've been feeling lonely the past couple years, not because Blake was away because I felt a need...I just hope I find it in Vale.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Dawn and Ruby reading.


My name is Dawn Xaiolong, I'm a Shin Gojira Faunes I think I'm the last of my kind. I'm currently with my younger sister Ruby in a Dust shop. Ruby was reading and I was standing next to her looking at my scroll. I've been doing as much research as I can on my species and to see if any other survived. I did come across one thing though...a creature resembling my first and second transformation rampage through Atlas and Mantle but they say it died due to the cold. I heard the door to the dust shop open and I saw multiple men in black with weapons and a man in white with a cane. Great I have to deal with this now. One of them came up to me.

???:why don't you give me what you got and maybe...I'll make tonight a little more fun~

I sighed and  kicked him out the window. The rest came at me but I dealt with them easily. Ruby finally realized what was happening and me and her kicked the rest out onto the street. The guy in white came out of the shop.

???:can't just rob a store now can I? Well Red and...wired hot lizerd girl, this is where we part ways

He fired a shot from his cane that we avoided then I saw him climbing a building to the roof.

Ruby:okay if we go agywr him?

The shop keeper nodded and we jamp up and followed him. It looked like we had him cornered but then a bullhead came out of nowhere and he jumped on and fired a another shot at Ruby. I moved to protect her but I didnt feel anything and when I looked up I saw a huntress? She used what seemed like magic and tried to bring down the bullhead but then a women with a red dress fired actual fire at us well...two and play that game.
I charged my fire breath and let loose. The Bullhead managed to gat away and I saw Ruby in front of the Huntress.

Ruby:your a Huntress!...can I have your autograph?

We were put in an interrogation room and lectured.

Huntress:I hope you two know what your actions have caused here tonight will not be taken lightly you two. You put yourselves and others in danger

Dawn:they started it!

Huntress:if it were up to me you'd be sent home with a pat on the back...

Ruby was happy.

Huntress:and a slap on the wrist!

She brought down her riding crop on the table scaring Ruby and myself.

Huntress:but there's someone who wants to meet you both

A man in a green suit and white hair appears with Cookies.

Man:Ruby Rose and Dawn Xaiolong

He leaned toward Ruby and me.

Man:You have silver eyes...and you are somthing I'd never thought I'd ever see again

He knows about me?

Dawn:you've met one of my kind before?

Man:yes, many in can one of you tell me where you learned how to fight like that?

The huntress showed a recording of us fighting. How did he get that?

Ruby:Signal Academy they taught us both

Man:they taught you how to use the most dangerous weapon and power known to man?

He was talking about me wasnt he?

Dawn:two teachers in particular...our Uncle and Father

Man:I see...

He placed the plate of Cookies down and Ruby started eating them fast. I smacked the back of her head.

Dawn:Ruby manners

Ruby:sorry sis, you want some?

Dawn:I'm fine you know the only thing I can eat is meat

Man:strictly carnivores you are definitely a Shin Gojira correct? do you know so much about my kind?

Man:do you know who I am?

I shook my head.

Ruby:your Professor Ozpin. Headmaster at Beacon

Ozpin:yes now I know that one of you has already submitted to join

He looked at me.

Ozpin:but what about you Ruby?

Ruby:I want to be a huntress, I only have two more years of training until I leave Signal and then I'm going to apply to Beacon you see my other sister is starting there this year with Dawn and their trying to become Huntresses, I'm trying to become a Huntress because I want to help people and our parents always taught us to help others so I thought might aswell make a courier out of it. I mean the police is alright but being a Huntress is so much cooler and romantic and exciting and cool and you know!?

I forgot how much she actually wanted to become a huntress.

Ozpin:you want to come to my school?

Ruby:more than anything

Ozpin:well alright

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Blake sleeping on Gojins arm.


Me and Blake were on the bullhead to Beacon. Blake was asleep on my shoulder and I saw how big the school was.

Gojin:I'm gonna die here aren't I?

Blake placed her hand on my mask.

Blake:shut up I told you to stop talking like that and take this thing off

Gojin:I'm not taking it off Blake

She tried to pull it off

Blake:what is this super glue?

Gojin:no I'm just holding the mask in place

She looked up.


Gojin:its alright were here

We walked off the bullhead and I saw the place. Why did I agree to this?

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