By _bookie_boo_

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LEAVE ME ALONE!"Despite the tears welling up, i refused to let my adversary witness my vulnerability, fully a... More



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By _bookie_boo_

Have you ever encountered the sensation of anxiety?

A state in which a multitude of thoughts race through your mind simultaneously, resulting in a feeling of unease and restlessness. it makes you excessively worry, a constant sense of being on edge, refues to maintain focus on your surroundings.

your rapid heartbeat hammering against your chest feels like it would win olympics, sweating, and trembling making you hold yourself tight.

Amidst the grip of anxiety, it can be overwhelming as your mind becomes a whirlwind of thoughts, making it challenging to concentrate on any single matter.

yes! I can totally relate to that! The atmosphere in that room felt so tense, with those suffocating off-white walls. People were constantly coming and going, but nobody dared to make a scene. The men in their police uniforms seemed to hold all the authority over citizens like me. It made me wonder,

'kha phass gai mai?'
[What trouble have I gotten myself into?]

Seated obediently on one of the benches in the room, I rested my head against the wall and let out a heavy sigh. Glancing down at my shoulder, I noticed Ramsha's head slumped upon it, her mouth slightly open as she emitted soft snores, completely unaware of her surroundings. Dismissing her presence, I shifted my gaze to the opposite side where I observed him.

The criminal of a man -also know as- Nu-Engluishi.

His head leaned against the wall, arms folded across his chest, showcasing his bulging muscles. Those muscular long legs supported his weight as his hips pressed against the wall. Those disheveled black hair added to his rugged appearance, and his partially unbuttoned shirt and few bloodstains on the side of his lip revealed the reason for us sitting here. I couldn't help but scoff at this criminal of a man, who seemed to be nothing more than a curse.

The feeling that his presence was a constant threat, liken a ticking time bomb waiting to explode was like fuel adding to fire.

As I observed him, I couldn't deny the undeniable allure he possessed. Despite his rugged appearance and the bloodstains on his lip, there was an undeniable magnetism about him. But I refused to let myself be swayed by his charm. I knew better than to trust a man like him, a man who had made a living out of deceit and violence. I had seen the aftermath of his actions, the pain and suffering he had caused to the person at his mercy was still in my memory like a tattoo.

I couldn't fathom why I had ended up in this situation alongside him.


Reading that letter filled me with an indescribable rage, surpassing mere anger. It was incredibly frustrating to read those words repeatedly. How dare he label me as a pervert, and to add insult to injury, a little one at that! Does he see me as some kind of dwarf? Just because he has slightly longer legs doesn't mean he possesses superior intelligence. I, on the other hand, do! Therefore, he is nothing more than useless. Clenching the paper tightly in my hand, I carelessly toss it onto my bed.

"Who does he think he is?" I mutter to myself. "Just because I witnessed the incident doesn't mean I won't report him! Oh, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, but I'm certain he can shove his attitude where the sun doesn't shine. He won't be-"

"I believe it is imperative that we inform Dr. Aslam about the situation." The speed at which my head turned was so intense that I was concerned I may have injured myself. The anger I felt earlier from being labeled a pervert evapourating out of me, and now the gravity of the situation and the words spoken have settled in my mind. I had already informed Dr. Aslam about the incident, and now Ramsha is also aware. However, I cannot help but worry about the possibility of hidden cameras. What if he sees us discussing this and decides to kidnap and harm all three of us? These thoughts leave me feeling completely lost. In frustration, I let out a loud sigh and collapsed face-first onto the bed, with my legs kicking up in annoyance.

Glancing in her direction, my view was obstructed by my long hair, which shielded my face and the outside world. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled forcefully, causing the front strands of my hair to fly out and allowing me to catch a glimpse of Ramsha sitting up, holding flowers in one hand and a folded note in the other.

"It would be best for you to remain quiet and keep a low profile. Although we had planned to go out and enjoy ourselves, I don't think it would be possible with the sudden tension weighing on your shoulders. It would likely end in failure, so it's better for you to stay in the room. This way, no one can harm you. Tomorrow, we will have the ceremony, and all of our staff will be present, ensuring your safety. The day after tomorrow, we will be flying back, putting an end to these problems. He won't follow you. You don't know him. It's simply, The end."


That marked the first stage in the narrative of how I arrived at this point.

As I maintain my gaze upon the criminal of a man standing before me, a sigh of frustration escapes my lips. This individual appears far too at ease for someone in a police station. The overwhelming aura of authority emanating from him is truly remarkable, and his unwavering demand for respect surpasses anything I could have imagined.

I continued to observe him intently, carefully noting every detail about this man. In a trance-like state, I witnessed his left hand autonomously reach into the pocket of his black jeans, retrieving a cigar and a square-shaped metal object. With his head still leaning against the wall and his eyes closed, he brought the metal closer to his mouth, tapping it with his thumb to ignite a flame that set the cigar ablaze.

After returning the metal object to his pocket, he delicately held the cigar between his fingers and exhaled a cloud of smoke. Restlessly shifting from one leg to another, it was evident that he was searching for a comfortable position to settle himself.

'Is this man nuts? He is in police station for heavens sake!!'

I express my exasperation and shake my head disapprovingly at his demonar. As I divert my gaze from him, I notice three police officers approaching us. One of them is slightly ahead of the other two, who are following closely behind like obedient companions. The man on the left seems to be engaged in a conversation, while the individual in front nods in agreement. This piques my curiosity, causing me to squint my eyes and strain my ears in an attempt to catch snippets of their conversation as they draw nearer to our location.

"Fighting! Even even break a bunch of things. Surprisingly, he didn't have any identification or fiction card on him. And to make matters worse, the poor guys were brutally beaten up when we arrived."
I felt my eyes widen upon hearing the tales of the incident. As they drew closer, my heart began to race with the fear of being put in jail. My back stiffened, my hands grew sweaty, and I found myself biting the inside of my cheek.

"The man made a call, possibly to summon his lawyer and retrieve some documents, sir. When we inquired about his name, seemingly to pursue legal action, he declined to provide one, rolling his eyes and disregarding us. What course of action do you recommend, sir?"
The man concluded as they reached a halt in front of the individual leaning against the wall, seemingly unaware of his surroundings.

The law enforcement officer, who is expected to be in charge here, cleared his throat in an attempt to capture the attention of the criminal, but unfortunately, his efforts were in vain. It seemed as though he was intentionally trying to provoke the man and incarcerate him alongside me and Ramsha.

'Yah Allah isko akal day'
[Oh Allah please given him some brain.]
I silently prayed not wanting to end up alongside with him.

In what seemed like only a few moments, though they were actually just seconds, I witnessed the police officer raise his left hand swiftly, grabbing the cigar from his full lips and discarding it as if it were a piece of trash. The transition from calm to violent happened in the blink of an eye.

"YOU are currently in the police station. Smoking a cigar as if you own this place. It doesn't matter how wealthy you may be, you are still under the jurisdiction of the government, so please demonstrate some respect, you lunatic."
The police officer yelled directly at him, causing me to gasp in surprise as my eyes grew wide.

As his eyes gradually opened, his deep black gaze met the unwavering stare of the police officer, resembling a lion poised to pounce. The dark strands of his hair cascaded onto his forehead, lending him a predatory appearance. I observed a subtle tension building in the man's shoulders as he stood tall on his strong, muscular legs. His left thumb began to toy with the ring adorning his pinky finger, twirling it rhythmically while he maintained an unwavering gaze at the motionless police officer.

The law enforcement officer bellowed at the highest volume possible, raising his right hand as if preparing to strike someone's head. This caused me to tightly shut my eyes in fear and hold Ramsha firmly in my arms, who was still sound asleep.

Suddenly we heard voice.
So many voices.
All of a sudden, we were greeted by a cacophony of voices. The intensity of the noise coming from outside made it difficult not to block our ears. I jolted awake, scanning the room as the windows rattled louder and the floor vibrated as if an earthquake was underway. The strong wind blowing in from outside was deafening, resembling the sound of helicopters hovering nearby.

I look over at the men standing across from me. My heart leaped into my throat when I noticed the criminal grinning. Not a pleasant or friendly smile, but a wicked, cruel, and ruthless one. It was almost manic. Even from a distance, I could sense the danger in that sinister smile.

His mouth opened just to utter three words before the sound of footsteps made the police officers and me turn towards the source of the noise.

Lots of men.
I was taken aback by what I witnessed. Every men was cloaked in darkness, with each person holding a gun as if it were their loyal companion. They gathered in a menacing circle, encircling the three police officers, their weapons pointed directly at them, ready to unleash a barrage of bullets. The overwhelming sense of terror washed over me, leaving me utterly petrified. It was completely understandable to be frightened by such a harrowing scene.

A man from the group approached, extending a card to the police officer, and exclaimed, "Here is the identification card!"

The police officer, who appeared dazed, suddenly jerked up and nodded his head repeatedly, causing the man involved in the incident to let out a chuckle. The chuckle was just as cruel as the grin.

"Am I allowed to leave now ?"
With an air of unwavering authority, his words commanded immediate submission. The deep, gravelly timbre of his voice sent chills down our spines, leaving an indelible coldness that raised goosebumps. Without pausing for a response, he confidently stepped out from the midst of the group of men, their guns still trained, resembling a perilous statue.

I observed the man striding confidently, resembling a formidable lion triumphantly strolling away from a victorious battle. I was captivated by his commanding presence, oblivious to the fact that he abruptly ceased his stride and subtly turned his head towards me, catching me off guard.
Our gazes locked as his piercing black eyes met mine, and a sly grin curved his slender lips.
"Make sure you allow the ladies to leave, or else I won't hesitate to blow this place up."
Leaving me speechless and terrified for my life with his final words, he departed, heading off to God knows where.


I carefully pulled Ramsha closer to me on her side of the bed before heading towards the shared bathroom in our room.

Upon entering and turning on the light switch, I noticed how the room instantly illuminated in a warm golden hue. Despite the brightness around me, the shadows in my heart and mind remained. Standing in front of the sink, I turned on the tap and splashed water on my face, trying to wash away the turmoil within.

Today was an absolute catastrophe. A complete and utter catastrophe. Dr. Aslam and the rest of the staff were not informed about the situation, and I intend to keep it that way until we return to Pakistan. After the incident at the station, the police officers dropped us off at the hotel, but it was already past 2 o'clock by the time we arrived. So, with Ramsha in tow, I decided to quietly enter our room.

After closing the tap, I reached for the towel on the nearby stand. I gently patted the softness of the towel against my skin, allowing it to absorb all the droplets. Placing the towel back in its original position, I returned to my room and turned off all the lights as I made my way to my side of the bed.

I sat down on the bed and pulled the white duvet over me, then I placed my head on the pillow and gazed up at the ceiling.
"Yah Allah please help me from this."
[Oh Allah please help me from this.]


I had been following Ramsha's advice and doing exactly that. For the past seven hours, I have been sitting in my room, trying to keep myself as occupied as possible. After taking a break, I decided to call Baba and Alizay to update them on my well-being. However, I refrained from mentioning anything about the incident, as I didn't want them to worry unnecessarily.

Meanwhile, Ramsha was out with another friend, having a great time exploring the shops nearby. Although I didn't want to admit it, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. I wished I could be there with them, enjoying myself, but I was stuck here, unwilling to risk my life for a momentary pleasure.
I let out a sigh of relief as I neared the completion of the report that had been assigned to me. Tomorrow held great significance for everyone, and I desired nothing more than for it to unfold exactly as I envisioned.

I let go of the pen onto my notebook, then leaned back until my back met the softness of the bed. I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.
"I'm hungry."

Feeling a pang of hunger, I made the decision to contact the hotel staff and request a delivery of food to my room. As I opened my eyes, I noticed the telephone on the table next to me. Reaching out, I grasped it in my hand and brought it closer to my face, dialing the number that Ramsha had provided me. Just as I began to mumble the digits, the door suddenly swung open and Ramsha entered the room. I quickly moved the telephone away from my face and observed her as she tossed her handbag onto the bed and hurriedly attended to her belongings.

"No hello hi?"
I spoke up, prompting her to glance at me and let out a chuckle before she delicately unzipped her bag and began to sift through her clothes.

"Oh, excuse me, I just returned to change. I heard there's a VIP club room underground in this hotel, and I was considering going to visit with a guy I just met in the lobby."
I widened my eyes, a smile forming on my face. Putting the phone down and ignoring my hunger, I sat cross-legged and raised my eyebrows as I watched her select a black dress.

She chuckled at my desperation as I made a pout and shook my head.

"He's just some really attractive guy. He's about 5 foot 8 inches tall and has this incredible smile that makes me drool. His white-grey hair just adds to his hotness, and the way he flirts made me want to give him a chance. So, he invited me to a club and being a lady, I accepted his offer. And here I am."

She picked up her black dress and hurried towards the bathroom, sending a wink my way before leaving. I chuckled and shook my head at her.
Pretty ass lad.

After redialing the number, I requested a serving of spaghetti topped with cheese, fries, and my favorite coke. It may seem like an odd combination, but that's just my preference. Spicy and spicy.

Placing the telephone down, I began organizing my bed, moving notebooks and other items out of the way. Suddenly, I heard a throat being cleared, prompting me to turn and find Ramsha standing there.

She was wearing a black pleated dress with a side slit, a medium v-neck, and white strap heels that complemented her white clutch. Her curled hair cascaded down her back, and her makeup, complete with black winged eyeliner and red lipstick, added to her alluring appearance.

My jaw dropped as Ramsha burst into laughter, and she quickly came towards me and embraced me while I remained motionless, resembling a statue. She appeared incredibly attractive, almost to the point of being dangerous.

"I'll probably be back around midnight, so don't stay up waiting for me. Just go to sleep. If anything goes awry, I'll give you a call. Alright?"
I nodded in response, watching as she hurriedly exited the room, leaving me completely mesmerized by her beauty. If I were a man, I would have proposed to her on the spot without a shred of doubt.


"havanna ona na-"
"half of my heart is on havvanna ona-"
I quickly placed my palm next to my pillow and grabbed my phone, still feeling drowsy as I opened my eyes. The song playing in the background made it difficult for me to fall back asleep, and the constant vibration only added to my frustration.

Sleep was crucial to me, but it was disrupted by the song. Irritated, I muttered under my breath and noticed Ramsha's name flashing on my phone. I instinctively placed my other hand on my eyes and rubbed them, hoping to shake off the sleepiness.

A frown formed on my face as I saw her name on the screen. Why would she call me at this hour? Without wasting any time, I immediately swiped the green button and brought the phone to my left ear, mumbling a tired "hello."

"Hello mam"
A masculine and courteous voice on the call immediately caught my attention, causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion even further.

Matlab admi...?
[Means a man]
Yah Allah
[Oh Allah]

"Umm yes..?!"
I promptly responded, perplexed as to why it was not Ramsha who called, but rather this gentleman.

"I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my call. It seems that your acquaintance, who is currently at the club, is inebriated and unable to handle the situation responsibly. Additionally, she has neglected to settle her bill for the drinks consumed. When I approached her about it, she simply handed me her phone before dozing off on the table, ma'am."


As I processed the situation, my eyes widened. Was she really meeting this guy? How did she end up alone, drinking?

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, feeling uncertain and impatient at the same time. What if Dr. Aslam finds out? What if she's in some difficult situation?

"My name is Michael and I work as the bartender. She is fine, but I had no choice but to call and request that you come here to settle her bills and take her home.

"Please ensure she doesn't leave, I will arrive shortly!"
Without any further delay, I ended the call on my mobile phone and quickly stood up, making my way to grab a long coat. I swiftly put it on and tied my hair up in a bun. Hastily grabbing my phone, I hurriedly left the room and headed towards the elevator.

As I pressed the button for the ground floor, I observed the numbers changing one after the other. My heart rate increased, and my hands became clammy. Anxious thoughts raced through my mind, causing my breathing to quicken and adrenaline to surge through my body, making me bounce on the balls of my feet.

The elevator's metallic doors slid open, and I hurriedly exited, practically sprinting towards the reception area. There, I encountered the same lady whom Ramsha and I had met on our first day when we requested the key to our room.

"Excuse me, madam. Could you please direct me to the location of the VIP club room? I need to pick up my friend, but I seem to have lost my way."

Gasping for breath, I spoke hurriedly, causing the lady to nod her head in response. She directed me to go down the stairs past the elevator, which would lead me to the club room.

After nodding in understanding and thanking her, I quickly made my way back to the elevator I had arrived from earlier. I noticed the stairs right beside it, leading into the darkness.With cautious steps, I proceeded until I encountered a vast horde of zombies.

They were not humans, but zombies. The feeling of fear was an understatement for what I was experiencing at that moment. It was my first time entering a club, and I found myself trembling, my heart pounding loudly in my chest, while butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

'Wow what the hell is going with me'

As I ventured deeper inside, I immediately found myself immersed in a sea of zombies. The air was filled with the booming sound of music, and I noticed several blondes scantily clad, clinging to men's backs on the dance floor.

The room was teeming with zombies, all dancing to the rhythm and moving their bodies as if there was no tomorrow. Glancing around, I observed that further into the cubicles, numerous couples were engaged in steamy scenes, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

'Okay you nauti nauti zombies.'

Looking around in embarrassment, I quickly scanned the area in search of Julie. However, she was nowhere to be found. Letting out a sigh, I raised my mobile phone to my eyes and immediately dialed Ramsha's number while taking a step forward. Unfortunately, I ended up colliding with a solid object, like a wall, causing me to drop to the floor. My phone slipped out of my hand and landed on the black tiled floor, surrounded by zombies.

As soon as my hand made contact with the back of my hips, I instinctively began to rub it due to the stinging sensation.

Amidst the discomfort, I heard someone mocking me in a dreadful unfamiliar voice. I looked up and noticed a man of medium height standing before me, his gaze fixed directly into my innocent doe-like eyes. His eyes were brimming with mischief, while his lips formed a crooked grin, giving him an eerie appearance.

Shaking my head, I lower my gaze and mutter an apology while exerting pressure on my hands to lift myself off the floor. However, as I begin to rise, I feel a force on my shoulder that causes me to fall back onto the floor.

My head snaps up in anger as I observe the guy wearing a puppy-like expression with an innocent pout, yet his eyes reveal disgust. This sight causes me to clench my hands into fists.

"You look quite comfortable sitting there like a beggar, though."

The anger surging through me is palpable. The insult he directed at me feels like fire in my chest, causing me to grit my teeth and rise swiftly. Locking eyes with him, filled with disdain, I release an angry scoff and roll my eyes.

He is nothing but a coward who does not deserve my attention.

Repeating this mantra in my mind, I attempt to walk past him, only to be halted by a forceful slap on my buttock, causing me to freeze.

My entire body stiffened as my anger surged to the surface. Without hesitation, I turned my body to face him and raised my right hand, delivering a resounding smack across his cheek, causing his head to whip in the opposite direction. The sting in my palm was painful, but the satisfaction of the slap outweighed the discomfort. I have no regrets.

"Do not you dare lay a finger on me!"
I pointed my finger in his direction, gritting out the words. The people around us, who had been dancing, stopped to witness the scene. The music that had been playing earlier came to a halt as I stood there, breathing heavily.
With my jaw clenched, I turned around and made my way towards the front of the club.

As I took a step forward, I found myself surrounded by four men blocking my path. Feeling confused, I glanced at each of them and attempted to move past, only to be pushed back. Turning around, I realized I was the only one in the midst of these men, while the one I had accidentally hit was glaring at me intensely.


Exhaling in frustration, I confronted the man I had hit. "I don't want any trouble. I'm just here to pick up my friend and leave, so please let me go."

Despite my attempt to sound polite, the man continued to stare at me with a clenched jaw, indicating that I had made a mistake.

As I sighed in defeat and prepared to drop to my knees, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his approaching footsteps. With each step he took, my heart raced faster. I wanted to retreat, but doing so would only push me into the arms of the men standing behind me like a shield, causing me to gulp as I realized I may have provoked the wrong person.

"What if I don't want that? What if I take you with me? Oh, how I would love to strip that innocence away from you," he chuckled sadistically, causing me to clench my fists in familiar fear.

He came to a stop in front of me, leaning in closer, making me shut my eyes in revulsion as he sniffed my cologne like a pathetic dog.

"Hmmm," his breath whispered by my ears, causing me to start and open my eyes, attempting to step back in panic, only to be halted by a firm grip around my back.

My eyes widened in shock as my mouth fell open, unable to form any words as I watched him raise his hand and gently place his palm on the right side of my cheek, caressing it slowly. I remained frozen in place, my back stiffening as my mind went blank. I felt his other hand, which was resting on my back, begin to move downwards slowly, causing my heart to skip a beat and my hands to clench into fists by my sides.

"Go to hell, you bitch."
Through gritted teeth, I jerked my head back forcefully and smashed it against his, causing him to stagger back and groan in pain.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in my forehead, I took a step back to escape, only to be grabbed by the men standing behind me.

"Let me go!"
I kicked and struggled against their grip, feeling my eyes start to sting.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, only for it to turn into a hiss as my chin was firmly grasped, making my lips pout.

I gasped for air as I observed the man standing before me with a small cut on the side of his lip, causing me to smirk in a mocking manner. Upon noticing my smirk, he lifted his hand, causing me to shut my eyes in fear as I braced myself for the impending strike.

One secound
Two secound
Three secound

"I guess she asked you to leave her."
I was startled by a low, smooth voice that caused me to awaken and turn my head towards the origin of the sound, only to find myself face-to-face with a dangerous-looking man.

His eyes, dark and devoid of interest, contrasted sharply with the tension in his strong jaw, which filled me with fear for my own safety. His muscular hand tightly gripped the hand of my adversary, who seemed prepared to strike me with force.

A lump formed in my throat as I swallowed nervously, perceiving him as a savior emerging from the darkness. I couldn't help but wonder why he was present in this situation. What if his intentions were to harm me?

Great getting saved by one and dropping in another hell.

"No one cared for your opinion dick. So fuck off. "
The individual expressed his frustration as he attempted to retrieve his wrist from the grip of the other person, but unfortunately, his efforts were unsuccessful.
He grimaced in pain while attempting to pull his wrist away, but the criminal of a man's hold was too strong to break free from.

"YOU messed up with the wrong person motherfucker."
In an instant, I witnessed the criminal forcefully pulling him towards himself, causing him to stumble and fall harshly onto the floor as a punch was delivered. The sudden turn of events took me by surprise - one moment I was captured, and the next second I was released, only to witness a chaotic fight unfold before my eyes. The sound of kicks and punches filled the air, accompanied by groans and hisses of pain. However, amidst the chaos, my attention was solely focused on one individual. My hazel eyes observed how the criminal relentlessly struck the despicable person, repeatedly delivering powerful blows. With anger burning in his eyes, he angrily seized a nearby wooden chair and forcefully smashed it onto the black tiled floor, shattering it into countless pieces. He then clenched a fragment in his hand and struck the back of that wretched person with great force.

"Oh my god"
I gasped in shock, my hand instinctively flying up to cover my mouth as I witnessed the intense fight between him and the other guys. Closing my eyes and shaking my head, I quickly turned away and hurried towards the end of the bar, only to find Ramsha peacefully sleeping on the table.

Without wasting a moment, I rushed to her side and picked up her clutch and heels that had been carelessly thrown aside. Gently placing one of her arms around my shoulders, I tried to support her weight as best as I could.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I glanced around and noticed that many people were leaving in a hurry, while others were still engaged in heated arguments. Shaking my head in disbelief, I tightly gripped the cloth around Ramsha's waist and started moving forward.

We needed to escape from this chaotic scene. We couldn't afford to get caught. I knew that once this dangerous man was done with his opponent, he would come after me and possibly kill me. The fear coursing through my veins was palpable. As I continued walking, dragging Ramsha along, we suddenly heard a loud voice that made all of us freeze in place, creating an eerie silence.



So how is the story going so far? Did you loved the new editing ? And ho plz don't forget to vote and comment ♡

One more question, would I write our criminal of a man's provision? Or just stuck to our cute little inaya?

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