It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 6

16.1K 336 51
By sleepingpup


I was walking down the long paths inside the mall. Hoping I could find a birthday present for Lucy. She was SO picky when it came to presents. Literally, she even wrote me a list. But not of the top 5 things… but the top 50 things she wouldn’t mind getting for her birthday.

What was I going to do with her?!

I walked into at least ten different shops looking for anything similar to on her list. Seriously? Where does she think I’m going to find a Vintage 1950’s lomography camera with an 18 inch wide lense… in pink…

I snatched out my iPod from my purse due to massive boredom and started playing my favorite song, “Hey, Soul Sister.” I don’t care if people tell me it’s not modern or as cool as other songs. I like it and that’s the end of it. I was walking down the aisles of a CD shop looking for Elvis Presley’s records (for some reason Lucy was obsessed with things from the year 1950… I have yet to discover why.)

 I reached the end of the aisle and a wide smile grew on my face. The last CD for Elvis Presley. I ran over and snatched it out of the rack. I started jumping up and down content I had finally found something. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder spin me around. I jumped so fast my hand spun around and slapped the guy in the face. Awesome.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” I cried reaching over to help him. But he just flexed his face a bit, unclenched his jaw and put on a smile. Scary how he did that so fast…

“It’s no worries, dear.” He said kindly. I smiled awkwardly and started walking away until he called after me.

“Wait! I heard you singing… you’re quite good.” He said but I just looked around the room not sure if he was talking to me or not.

“You talking to me?” I asked not realizing until after I said it that it sounded rude… But he just smiled at me and laughed.

“Yes you. You were just singing ‘Hey, Soul Sister’, were you not?” I shook my head. How did he know I was listening to that song?

“No…I wasn’t.” I told him but he looked at me peculiarly. Then my eyes narrowed when I realized I must have been singing out loud. Great. I probably looked like an idiot in front of those people in the store. Just, great.

I shifted awkwardly. “I mean… I didn’t notice I was singing but yeah that was me.” I said embarrassingly.

“Wonderful! You have a wonderful voice! Now let’s step into my office so I can discuss a huge opportunity for you.” He said in excitement.

Just so we’re clear I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. I just stood there and smiled.

“Umm, okay? But, what’s this ‘opportunity’ ?” I asked kind of curious now due to him jolting back and forth mumbling ‘This is fantastic, oh they’ll be so happy.’

I cleared my throat. “Ahem? You had something to tell me?” I inquired. He sprang back to reality and tugged my jumper acknowledging me to follow him.

“Yes, yes follow me.” He said leading me to what I guessed was his office. He motioned me to sit. So I sat. There were mini mint chocolates on his desk and I felt my mouth water. I loved mint chocolate. It was my favorite comfort food or daily food or well anytime food I guess.

He must have noticed me going googly eyed over his chocolates because he chuckled.

“Here take one.” He said handing me one. I sighed in relief once I had the chocolate in my mouth. The fresh mint mixed with dark chocolate… mmm if it weren’t for the 100 calories that lived inside it I would eat it every day.

Once I finished the delciousness of the chocolate, I decided to get back on to whatever topic he wanted to talk about

 “So…” I started saying, again awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow at him and waited for him to speak.

“Oh! Oh yes yes yes sorry dear. A bit distracted I am today.” He hummed a familiar song as he reached behind him and ran his finger past some folders until he stopped by one, tapped it then pulled it out. “A ha, gotcha.”

He spun back around facing me and dropped the folder on his desk. It looked very recent compared to the other folders that were up. I bended over a bit to see what was written on it but he hid it under his chin so I couldn’t read anything (-__-).

I started tapping my finger impatiently on his desk, trying to let him know that if he didn’t show me anything in the next 30 seconds I was gonna go.






“A HA!” He yelled in achievement. “Finally found it.” I sighed in relief.

“Found what exactly?” He looked up and grinned widely, took out a pen and the paper from the folder and pushed it in front of me.

“Whoa whoa whoa wait.” I panicked. “I’m not signing anything until you tell me what you’re offering me.”

“You’re a singer right?” He asked me­. I thought about it. People told me before I had a good voice but I never really thought about having a singing career. Was that my calling? Singing? I remember my mom singing to me when I went to bed as a kid. My mom had an amazing voice, and she still does. Well not exactly as it was before but it’s still impressive.

“Yes.” I finally told the guy sitting across from me. “Yeah, I can sing.”

He nodded his head agreeing with me. “Yes I know you can sing but are you a singer?” I looked at him blankly not sure if he realized what he just asked me.

“Well… if I can sing, doesn’t that make me a singer?” I asked him jokingly. But he just huffed out a small laugh.

“My dear, the two things are completely different.” He said as if it was totally obvious. “To be able to sing is a dream many wish they bad, but to be a singer is the dream come true. So I guess what I’m saying is, do you want singing to be part of your future?”

I was bewildered. I had never even considered being a singer until maybe 7 minutes ago. But everything added up now. This singing gift had obviously passed down from my mom and I know she would want me to do this. But I need time to think. I had to talk to Lucy.

“I would love to think about it.” I told the man. “Really I would love to but I need a few days to think about it.”

He smiled and fully agreed. “I totally agree.” He said. “Here, take my card it has my number on the back and email on the front. Get back to me as soon as you can.”

“I will.” I said with a smile.

“Oh my girl, I’m sorry I never introduced myself. I’m Jack Riley. Record producer since 1989, and you are?”

My eyes widened. I was getting offered a deal from a record producer. He really must have thought I was good!

I snapped back and shook my head. “Uh, Tiffani Blake.” I managed. He gave me one last smile and I started walking out the door.

Once I was out of the shop I snapped out my phone and dialed Lucy’s number as fast as I could.

“Lucy? After my work shift, I have to talk to you.”


Sitting in a conference meeting, again. If I can tell you one thing about meetings it’s that you NEVER want to be stuck in one. And the worst thing? People ask questions. A LOT of questions. Which makes it feel like it’s never going to end.

“One Direction’s Tour in England is starting on December 27th.” Max informed. Every one nodded in agreement. I was looking forward to this tour. We had toured around a lot of Europe but it’s been a while since we performed in England again.

“We will also be starting with a new crew.” He added. “Jack how many new people, again?”

Jack spoke up from his chair next to Max’s.

“10 new background dancers and 5 new backup singers.” He told us.

“Female… backup dancers right?” Asked Niall. Jack smiled a little.

“Yes, Niall. Female backup dancers.” Niall laid back in his seat and grinned. Obviously content with that answer.  

“When will we be able to meet them?” Asked Liam. Jack thought for a moment.

“Some have yet to confirm if they will join, but I think you can meet them by this Friday.” He said. We all looked at each other pretty satisfied by his work. Jack was one of our record producers in the UK. He worked with Max who was our tour agent this year. He asked one last time if anyone had anymore questions, thankfully, no one asked anything else to ask, and the meeting was officially over.

Once we were free, I wanted to go back home and sleep. But Zayn pleaded me to go with him to shop for new clothes. Because according to him:

“We need a new look for each of our tours!” He told me as he fixed his hair in his pocket mirror. “Everyone expects new things from us and if we looked the same every time they see us, they’d get bored.”

Zayn had his own way of seeing the world. But the way I understood that was that: if you don’t change up your life once in a while, fans will get bored and leave.

Interesting right?

When we arrived at the mall Zayn got all excited with all the new sales left and right. But he was so picky when it came to clothes.

“How does this look on me Harry?” He asked after trying on a bright red cardigan.

“It looks really nice, Zayn. I like the color.” I told him trying to sound like I was enjoying myself.

He looked at himself in the mirror for a little longer then sighed sadly. “No.”

“No? But Zayn it looks fine.” I complained just wanting to get out of this store.

But he just shook his head, disappointed. We got up and walked out.

We passed a bunch of stores here and there that looked boring. Then I remembered something. Shit. This is where Tiffani works. I scanned my surroundings, trying to remember what store she worked in but the memory was gone.

This could either go extremely good if I didn’t run into her. Or go miserably if I did. I flipped my curls out of my face and checked my watch.

What?! We’ve only been here for 20 minutes?! It felt like 2 hours. I sighed loudly to get Zayn’s attention but he ignored me.

We entered at least 5 new stores and Zayn tried on a bunch of clothes, finding a few things here and there but nothing that made him exactly happy.

About an hour passed and I was getting bored, tired and hungry. The worst combination EVER. However Zayn was bouncing from store to store, still not satisfied with what he was seeing. Finally we reached one store that seemed to please him. He found some shirts, pants and jackets and ran to the changing room to try them on.

This store was pretty cool. I found a few things of my own and went to try them on.

“Zayn? Zayn? Which one are you in mate?” I called out to him but he didn’t answer. Whatever. I’ll just try things on and pick them myself.

I took off my shirt and reached for one that I picked out. When all of a sudden the curtain flew open and a girl stepped inside. She covered my mouth super fast and I was just mentally thinking what the hell?

We stood there in silence for a few seconds. Until the girl sighed silently and uncovered her hand from my mouth. That’s when I got a good look at her. I closed my eyes hoping this wasn’t really happening and opened them again and I groaned.

“Tiffani…” I said awkwardly. She spun around so fast her pony tail slapped my arm. Her eyes widened. Either because she was angry from seeing me again or because she was looking at me without a shirt on. Hopefully it was the second one.

“H-Harry…” She stuttered. “Sorry, I was just um…” She just kept looking at me but couldn’t finish her sentence. Her checks flushed immediately which was very cute. Mine were probably somewhat red as well but I actually didn’t mind because I knew she was blushing because of me. Which was very satisfying.

“What are you doing here?” She finally asked straightening up. I looked around inside the changing room that we were BOTH still standing in.

“I was changing…” I said pointing to my clothes on the chair. “In MY changing room.” I said trying to emphasis the fact she was still in my changing room. And that I still had no shirt on.

She snapped back. “Right! Oh my god.” She shoved passed the curtain and walked out. I followed her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know anyone was, that you were. Geez this is pretty awkward.” She said getting redder by the second. She undid her pony tail then put it back up in one swift movement.

I shrugged. “It’s okay. Although I preferred how it was last time, when it was the other way around.” I smirked at her but she just rolled her eyes at me.

“Whatever Harry.” She said annoyed and crossed her arms.

Dammit I said whispered to myself. I CANT flirt with her. Friendly. Not flirty. Okay? I shook my curls around a bit then focused on her again.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked her. But she looked around the shop confused, then back to me. She raised her eyebrows then pointed to her shirt. After a few seconds she snapped her fingers at me because I must have been staring at her shirt… a bit too much.

“Harry!” She yelled at  me, breaking me out of whatever trance she put me in. Jesus, I really had to focus hard around her. “I work here, remember?” She rolled her eyes again then started walking away. Then  Zayn walked out from a changing room and stood right in front of her and greeted her.

“Oh hi Tiffani!” He said happily. “Do you work here?” He asked as he fixed the tip of his hair again. She nodded at him gently and smiled.

“Need any help?” She asked Zayn, completely forgetting I was standing behind her.

“No I think I’m done, how ‘bout you Haz?” He asked but I just shrugged as if saying whatever. Tiffani nodded happy I wasn’t staying much longer.

“Good then follow me to the register.” She gave Zayn a friendly look, then looked at me, frowned, and signaled Zayn to follow her.

Zayn mouthed the words “C’mon.” But I just shook my head.

I stayed behind. I groaned to myself and took a seat. UGH. She was driving me crazy. And not even the fun crazy you get sometimes at parties. The crazy that just makes you want to rip your hair out kind of crazy.

This was hard for me. She was hard for me. How can I just be friends with her when I want to be more than that? It wasn’t fair. Why wasn’t she falling for my charm yet? I felt my phone vibrate and slipped it out of my pocket.

It was a text from Louis. “Hey Haz, I’m at the mall. El wanted me to buy some things. Where you at?”

I texted him back telling him to meet us at this store. Maybe he wanted to say hi to Tiffani too. Maybe she would be all sweet with him as she was with Zayn. I threw the shirt in my hand on the floor. When Louis got here I wanted him to witness her passionate hatred towards me in person. Considering the fact he didn’t believe me when I said she did. I sighed loudly again until I heard someone in front of me.

“Can I help you?” Asked a girl wearing the same clothes as Tiffani. Must be a co-worker or something.

I shook my head. “No s’okay. Just waiting for my friend to finish up.” I gave her a reassuring smile and she walked away.

My smile faded immediately when I I walked out to see that Louis had already arrived at the store and was standing with Zayn at the register talking with Tiffani. He was smiling. That was good. But on the other hand, Lou was always smiling.

“Hey Haz! Come over here!” He yelled from across the store. As I approached I noticed Tiffani bagged the clothes even faster. Once I got there she was already finished.

“Thanks for shopping here, Zayn. Have a nice day boys.” She said smiling at them. She gave me one last look, which did not look friendly at all.

“Bye Harry.” She said as she stormed off to the back and disappeared. The way she said “bye” was as if she wanted it to be the last bye she’d ever say to me. She hated seeing me and talking to me obviously irritated her a lot.

I looked over to the boys and smiled confidently. “What did I tell you? She hates me. And just me. She likes you guys but HATES me. It just isn’t fair!” I didn’t even wait for them to say anything I just walked out of the store, found my car and waited for them there.

So far my plan to being just friends with Tiffani’s was not going well at all. If it was even possible I think she hates me even more now. I hit on her again, but I swear it wasn’t on purpose! It just slipped. I always slip up in front of her.

I took a few deep breathes, realizing I probably sounded pretty dramatic back there with the boys but it was true. She hated me and she was not shy about showing it in public. Not even around my friends. I’m sure they picked up on it too. But were they going to agree with me on that? Nooo.

They were going to be the supportive bunch and say she just shows her kindness in a different way. Ha. That would be pretty pathetic of them but they’ll say anything to make me feel better these days.

I saw them walking towards the car and I put on a brave face. I didn’t want them to think I cared so much. Even if I did care… care a lot. I wasn’t going to tell them that. Not until I got her to like me at least a bit more.

Once that happens. I’ll tell them how I feel. But for now. The only one who will know how I feel about her is me and only me. No media this time. No paparazzi. Just me, myself and I.

 Hey guys okay so here's Chapter 6 I hope that you liked it! Vote and comment for me please <3 Chapter 7 will be up in a few minutes! 


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