Bittersweet Revenge (FINISHED)

By theanxiousk

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She is out to make the person who made her father suffer pay and she's not alone in making that person suffer. More

Bittersweet Revenge
The Visitor (Chapter 1)
Franc Sebastian (Chapter 2)
The Heartbreaking News (Chapter 3)
The Master Plan (Chapter 4)
Three Years of Waiting (Chapter 5 part 1)
Drunk and Violent (Chapter 5 part 2)
"New" Friendship (Chapter 6)
Workaholic (Chapter 7)
Casanova (Chapter 8)
Emptiness (Chapter 9)
Turned Down (Chapter 10)
Revelation (Chapter 11)
Taking Care of Her (Chapter 13)
Out of Town (Chapter 14)
Silence (Chapter 15)
The Big Reveal (Chapter 16)
The Painful Truth (Chapter 17)
A Day Together (Chapter 18)
The End of the Deal (Chapter 19)
The Wedding Proposal (Chapter 20)
Meeting Again (Chapter 21)
Taking the Bullet (Chapter 22)
Unforgettable Visits (Chapter 23)
Painful Revelations (Chapter 24)
Blame (Chapter 25)
The Confession (Chapter 26)
The Last Kiss (Chapter 27)
The True Meaning of Happiness (Chapter 28)

Wrath (Chapter 12)

233 5 0
By theanxiousk

After a few days, coming from the States, Venus arrived in the airport.

“Welcome back Ms. Venus.” Henry said as he takes Venus bags from her.

“Thank you Henry. Is everything okay when I was gone?” Venus said.

“Yes Ms. Venus.”

“Good.  I believe Mr. Herrera is in his office right now?”

“No actually he’s at home. He said he needed to take care of something.”

“Okay. Let’s go Henry.”

They went inside the car and later on arrive at their home.

“Ms. Venus, you want something to eat, you want to take bath or you just want to rest? I could prepare it for you.” Henry said.

“I’ll just rest Henry. Thank you.”

Martin then sees Venus as she was going up the stairs followed by Henry who is carrying Venus things.

“Venus! Uhm. Welcome back.” Martin said.

“You seemed surprised to see me Mr. Herrera.” Venus said.

“It is just that Henry didn’t tell you are coming back today.”

“Oh I see. Henry, by the way, get the paper bag later in my luggage. It’s perfume for Mr. Herrera. A client gave it to me he said I should give it to my boyfriend but you know I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t want to waste it so I’m giving it to him. And also, Henry, I bought some signed copies of the books of the author you like. It will be coming in a few days.”

“Okay. Thank you Ms. Venus.”

“You’re welcome Henry.”

Later that night, after eating, Venus went to the study room to go over things. She then calls her private investigator.

 “Hello.” Venus said to her private investigator on the phone.

“Ms. Venus, why did you call?” The private investigator said.

“I actually just came home from the States. So I want an update in the things that he did when I was gone.”

“I hope you had a great trip.”

“I did. Thank you. So?”

“Uhm. Ms. Venus, the person you told me to follow just almost went to the same places that I already reported to you the other day. But then..”


“There’s this one day where he went out with a girl. They went to an ocean park and a restaurant. But at the end of the night, how do I say this..”

“Just say it.”

“He told the girl about who he really is. His real identity.  They then talked for a while in the car then the person you told me to follow dropped of the girl in her house. And then he went back home.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“How about the one I asked you to look into?”

“I’m still looking into it Ma’am but I’m almost done.”

“Okay. Good job.”


 “Hello Ma’am! Welcome to Polaris!” The waiter said to Venus as she goes inside Angel’s restaurant.

Venus then takes a seat near the window; coincidentally it is the same place where Martin always sits.

“What do you like to order Ma’am?” The waiter said.

“Black coffee would do. Kindly also call the owner of the restaurant. I need to talk to her.” Venus said.

“Okay Ma’am.”

After a few minutes, Venus’ black coffee arrives followed by Angel.

“Venus, nice to see you again. You wanted to talk to me?” Angel said.

Venus smiled and said, “Yeah. It would be just for awhile. Have a seat.”

Angel then sits across Venus.

“What is it?” Angel said.

Venus takes a sip of her coffee and said, “I hope you keep everything a secret because it will not only benefit me but also you and Martin.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I know you already know about the deal between me, Martin and everything in between.”

 Angel didn’t say anything.

“It’s still your choice. I am not begging you. I am not also threatening you or even bribing you since we both know money is not an issue for you also. But I suggest you don’t tell anyone, not a single soul about everything that Martin told you about our deal because it will jeopardize your life and the life of Martin. I’m not doing this because I want more money. I’m doing this for my father. You also have a father right. I know you love him even though he’s the way he is. And in case you don’t know, Mr. Tan stole our company and had my killed  father. I just needed with the help of Martin to get what I deserve. Just let my plan to carry out. My deal with Martin will be ending in a few months, so be patient. And I never stopped him to when it comes to seeing you so go ahead see each other what is important is everything is going according to plan. So again, as I said, just keep everything a secret. That’s all.”

Angel drank from her coffee again and then places money on the table. Before Angel could answer, Venus stood up.

“I’ll go ahead.”

And as Venus was going out of the restaurant, she bumped into Martin.

“Venus! What are you doing here?” Martin said.

“As soon as you get home, go to the study room. We need to talk.” Venus said then leaves.


 “You said you needed to talk to me.” Henry said as he goes inside Venus’ study room.

Venus was wearing the black rimmed glasses again.

“Yes. Have a seat.” Venus said.

She then takes off the glasses and looked at Martin with glaring eyes.

“What did I tell you before?”

Martin didn’t say anything for he knows Venus is already angry at her telling Angel about his condition.

“Simple instruction. And you didn’t follow it.” Venus said.

“I know Angel. She wouldn’t tell anyone about our deal. I told her to.” Martins said.

“Are you sure? What will happen if she told what she knew to Xavier or even more to Mr. Tan? Then we’re both going to be screwed, dead even. You’re not thinking.”

“As I said I know Angel. I am very sure she wouldn’t do that. And I forgot okay. I know it’s my entire fault because I got carried away and told her everything. But she’s the only woman I love and she has the right to know.”

“Love, the root of all tragedies. Your love wouldn’t get me back my company. Your love wouldn’t bring back my father.”

“So this is really the true purpose of the deal, to fulfil your selfish desires.”

“I already told you that from the very start. And you agreed right? And you also benefited from this what you call selfish desires of mine.”

Martin was about to say something when suddenly he saw Venus clutching her heart and gasping for air.

“Get out!” Venus shouted.

“What is happening to you?” Martin said.

“I said get out!” Venus said even though she can’t barely able to speak.


Everything was a blur to Martin. All he knew was Henry immediately came, carried Venus to her room and called the doctor. And he remembered Venus saying, “Don’t tell him.” to Henry before passing out.

“What was happening in the study room before you called?” Henry said as he and Martin were outside of Venus’ room while the doctors are take care of Venus.

“We were arguing because I told Angel about our deal. “

“I already told her to not get very angry. Look at what happened.”

“Wait, aren’t they taking Venus to hospital?”

“No. She wants to be taken care here at home no matter what happens.”

“I don’t get it. What is that thing that she does not want you to tell me?”

“You better not know. You already heard, she doesn’t want you to know.”

“Please Henry tell me. One time, I heard you talking about how there’s not much time left and everything. So what is it Henry?”

Henry then walks to the end of the hallway. Martin then follows him.

“The truth is that Venus has been sick for a very long time now.”

“What is her illness?”


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