Bittersweet Revenge (FINISHED)

By theanxiousk

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She is out to make the person who made her father suffer pay and she's not alone in making that person suffer. More

Bittersweet Revenge
The Visitor (Chapter 1)
Franc Sebastian (Chapter 2)
The Heartbreaking News (Chapter 3)
The Master Plan (Chapter 4)
Three Years of Waiting (Chapter 5 part 1)
Drunk and Violent (Chapter 5 part 2)
"New" Friendship (Chapter 6)
Casanova (Chapter 8)
Emptiness (Chapter 9)
Turned Down (Chapter 10)
Revelation (Chapter 11)
Wrath (Chapter 12)
Taking Care of Her (Chapter 13)
Out of Town (Chapter 14)
Silence (Chapter 15)
The Big Reveal (Chapter 16)
The Painful Truth (Chapter 17)
A Day Together (Chapter 18)
The End of the Deal (Chapter 19)
The Wedding Proposal (Chapter 20)
Meeting Again (Chapter 21)
Taking the Bullet (Chapter 22)
Unforgettable Visits (Chapter 23)
Painful Revelations (Chapter 24)
Blame (Chapter 25)
The Confession (Chapter 26)
The Last Kiss (Chapter 27)
The True Meaning of Happiness (Chapter 28)

Workaholic (Chapter 7)

251 3 0
By theanxiousk

“Where’s Venus? I haven’t seen her around for days now.” Martin said as he and Henry were eating dinner.

“She’s just very busy with her work these days. She always stay late in her office and when she gets home, she’ll just sleep right away.” Henry said.

“By the way, how’s everything?”

“I’m doing well working in Grey’s company. I actually like it there. And when it comes to Angel..”

Martin just smiled.

“Because of that smile, I believe everything is going well with her. Well, I know you really missed her.”

They were talking while drinking coffee after dinner when Venus arrives.

“Good evening Ms. Venus.” Henry said as soon as he noticed Venus coming in.

“Good evening.” Venus said as looking like she’s not feeling well.

“Are you okay Ms. Venus? It’s like you’re not feeling well.” Henry said.

“I’m just a little tired. Henry, can you bring me a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice to my room?”

“Sure Ms. Venus.” Henry said.

“Okay. Thank you. I’ll go ahead.”

Venus went to her room to rest. And as Henry prepares the glass of juice for Venus, Martin offered to bring the orange juice to Venus’ room.

“Venus?” Martin called as he was holding the tray with the juice.

Venus then opens the door.

“Where’s Henry? He’s the one who supposed to bring that.” Venus said.

“Henry’s already tired so I offered to bring it to you. Here.” Martin said.

“Okay. Thank you. Can you just please place that there?” Venus said pointing to her bed side drawer.

Martin places the glass of orange juice on top of Venus’ bed side drawer. As he looks at Venus, he can really sense that something is wrong with her.

“Are you sure you’re just feeling tired?” Martin said then approaches Venus and puts his hand over her forehead and neck. “You’re burning up with fever.”

“I already drank medicine. It’s okay. You can go now.”

Martin was about to go out of Venus’ room when suddenly he heard a “thump!” sound as if something fell on the floor. And when he turned around, it was Venus. She fainted.

“Henry!” Martin shouted.


 “Don’t worry too much Henry. It’s just normal fever due to maybe stress, lack of sleep or over work since you said she’s always working late. ” Dr. Quillamor said.

“Thank you some much Doc.” Henry said. “I’ll take you to your car.”

Henry and the Dr. Quillamor left leaving Martin and Venus in the room. Martin then took care of Venus. He helped Venus eat even just soup. He gave her medicine. He even tucked her into bed. He was about to stop the vinyl player from playing jazz music but Henry stopped him.

“Don’t. It relaxes her and gets her to sleep well.” Henry said.

“Sorry.” Martin said as he sits on the recliner chair beside Venus’ bed.

“Thank you Martin for taking care of Venus. I know your just here for the deal. And you have just arrived here. And I also know Venus is not the easiest person to put up with but still, thank you very much.”

“You don’t have to thank me Henry. In a way, through our deal, I became a better person. That even though the deal is over I would be able to easily survive on my own unlike before. And Venus is not the easiest person to put up with but she’s a nice person. She’s strong but she loves unconditionally.”

Henry just smiled and said, “You’re staying here?”

Martin just nodded. The next day, Martin was surprised to see a blanket covering him. He was also surprised Venus was no longer in her bed. So Martin went down to look for Venus.

“But Henry! I still have lots of things to do at work.” Martin overheard Venus saying to Henry as if she’s a kid asking her father to buy her a doll that she wants.

“The doctor told you to rest for the whole day today. I already told Gail you can’t go to work today. Don’t worry. Gail can handle everything.” Henry said.


“Don’t be workaholic. Think of yourself too.”


“Good morning.” Martin said as he goes to the dining room where Henry and Venus were talking.

“Are you not going to work? You’re already late.” Henry said.

“I already told Grey you cannot go to work today since you had some important thing to do. By the way, thank you. Henry told me you took care of me last night.”

“It’s nothing.” Martin said.

“By the way, when you get back to work, tell Mr. Tan to meet you the day after tomorrow, lunch time in Riviera. Tell him your client has decided to buy the 20% of the company’s stock he’s selling.”

“Okay. Sure.” 


“What happened? Venus told me you had something important to do that is why you didn’t go to work yesterday.” Grey said as he and Martin were talking in his office.

“It has something to do with my passport but it’s okay now so don’t worry. And I was with Venus that is why she was the one who told you.” Martin said.

“You and Venus?”

“I know what you were thinking. No. It’s not that, I heard Venus was sick so I visited her.”

“Is she okay now?”

“Yeah. It was just fever because of her being workaholic.”

“Workaholic really is one of the words to describe Venus.”

Lunch came and once again Martin went to Angel’s café. And there while talk again while they ate lunch. As they were talking, Xavier arrives.

“Xavier.” Angel said as soon as she saw Xavier.

“Your Mom wanted me to fetch you. She told me that we need to meet the wedding organizer today.” Xavier said.

“I forgot. I’m sorry. Wait. I’m already finished eating. I’ll just get my bag.” Angel said then gets inside the kitchen.

Martin then turns around and Xavier then realized that Angel was talking to Martin (or to him Franc) and not Liam, Angel’s intern.

“Xavier.” Martin said.

“Franc.” Xavier said.

 “What are you doing here?”

“A friend recommended this café to me. And turns out your fiancée owns this café.”

“Yeah my fiancée owns this caféAnd is that friend of yours Venus?” Xavier said stressing the word fiancée.

“Actually no.”

And then goes out of the kitchen and stood beside Xavier.

“Let’s go Xavier. We’ll go ahead Franc.” Angel said.

“Sure. Thank you for today.” Martin said.

“Thank you too.” Angel said then smiles at Martin.

As Angel and Xavier go out of the café, Martin heard Xavier saying, “You and that Franc guy?”

“We’re just friends. Are you jealous?” Martin heard Angel saying.

“Xavier, don’t forget we’re just going to get married because of the greed of our parents. I love someone else.”

“You still love that Martin guy? Where is he now? He left you. I really hope he rots in jail.”

“F you Xavier.”

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