Camus X Reader

By svtedge

27.2K 1.1K 124

You've been a secret fan of Camus since he first became an idol and once you were accepted into the Master Co... More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Fragile Hearts
Chapter 3: Decisions
Chapter 4: Stubbornness
Chapter 5: Emotions
Chapter 7: Sweet Things
Chapter 8: Goodnight, My Dear
Chapter 9: Taking Chances
Chapter 10: Echoing Thoughts
Chapter 11: Anything
Chapter 12: Little Tune

Chapter 6: Another One?

2K 92 3
By svtedge

|Your P.O.V|

I stayed outside for a while, figuring out my life. It was hard. There were so many emotions running thoughout my brain I felt like exploding.

I heard footsteps coming toward me. I look up to see Camus. My heart started to beat fast as my face turned a light shade of pink. "H-hey (Y/N)." he said. I couldn't take it. My heart was going to pop out of my chest at this point. "Hi Camus! I'd love to talk but I've gotta call my friend about something extremely important. See ya!" I lied walking away. I grabbed my phone to make it seem like I was really going to call (best friend)-chan when it began vibrating. "Speak of the devil." "Hey! What's up?"

|3rd Person P.O.V|

(Y/N) had left him once again." Hey! What's up?" she said trailing off into the building. Camus stood there, feeling confused again. "What happened? All I was going to do was bring her along with me to to bakery. Maybe, she's too uncomfortable around me because of what I did earlier today." He thought.

Back in the room, (Y/N) had explained what had happened to her friend. "Oh I see! That means you like him! And not just because he's an idol. (best friend) exclaimed. (Y/N)'s face vacate even more pink." B-but he's my senpai! And not to mention he's been extremely rude to me ever since we officially met!" she argued. Her friend only laughed. "W- what's so funny (best friend)-chan?" She only laughed harder. "Look, it's obvious he likes you as well! I mean, he wouldn't have helped you get away from this so called 'Pervert of the Town'  if he didn't. And besides, senpais are always mean to their kohais. Just like parents are to their kids. It shows that hard work pays off."

"That reminds me of when... "

"See? My teachings paid off."

(Y/N) began to feel her heartbeat again. She had found her answer. "Arigato, (best friend)-chan." she said. "Don't mention it. After all, it's what I do! I have to go now, see you later." she said. "Okay, bye." (Y/N) said and hung up to phone.

"I guess, I have to tell him. It's always a bad idea to keep your love for someone bottled up inside. I've learned that from watching to much TV."

(Y/N) smiled and laid down on her bed. She soon fell asleep.

|Your P.O.V|

I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I looked at the clock to see that it was 5:36 pm. "I guess I took a nap." I thought. I jumped out of bed and headed downstairs, not even checking the mirror to see how I looked. When I went downstairs, I saw Reiji talking with Ranmaru. "Hey Reiji-kun!" I exclaimed happily. "Oh, hey sleepy head!" he exclaimed back.

"Okay, we've already got one loud mouth, we don't need another." Ranmaru stated. "Jeez, I'm just happy is all. Way to kill the mood." I said puffing my cheeks and turing my head away from him. "Tch, whatever." he said walking away. "Speaking of which, what made you so happy (N/N) - (N/N)?" He asked. I blushed slightly. "Uh, it's kind of a long story..."  I said trailing off. "Oo! Story! I wanna hear about it!"  he said while already dragging me to the livingroom.

When we got there, it seemed everyone was there, including someone I had never seen before. He had dark tan skin and bright teal eyes with dark hair." Ne, Reiji-kun, do you know who that is?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I've never seen him before." Everyone was asking him questions when the window but open.

We all knew who it was. President Shining, again. "HEEEEELLLOOOOOO MIINNNNAAAA!" he yelled very loudly. He landed right in the center of everyone. "This is Aijima Cecil! He's the prince and rightful heir of the kingdom of Agnapolis!!" he explained, loudly. "A prince!?"  everyone exclaimed in unison. "That right!! And he will be under that watch if none other than Camus! (Y/N), unfortunately you will have to make room for your fellow kohai!


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