Killer Queen That's What I Ca...

By WriterblockIssues

45.1K 611 430

Y/N Belladonna has a semblance called Killer Queen and his semblance will get him to his dream....his dream t... More

Chapter 1:Black Cat's
Chapter 2:Getting in Beacon
Chapter 3:What a Killer Duwang in Emerald Forset Part 1
Quick Little Bio Update for the Future
Chapter 3:What a Killer Duwang in Emerald Forset Part 2
Chapter 4:Mr.Port's class
Chapter 5:Jaunedice
Chapter 6:Forever Fall
Chapter 7:The Stray Cat's
Chapter 8:Black and White
[Vol.2] Chapter 9:Best Day Ever!
[Vol.2] Chapter 10:Can't keep running forever
[Vol.2] Chapter 11:Cats love Belladonna
[Vol.2] Chapter 13:Extracurricular
[Vol.2] Chapter 14:Dance Dance Infiltration!
[Vol.2] Chapter 15:A Field Trip!
[Vol.2] Chapter 16:Mountain Glenn
[Vol.2] Chapter 17:No Brake
[Vol.2] Chapter 18:A Breach
[Vol.3] Chapter 19:The past haunts Y/N and new problems arrive
[Vol.3] Chapter 20:The fall of Beacon
[Vol.3] Chapter 21:Korega Requiem....Da
BIO Update
[Vol.4] Chapter 22:Runaways and Stowaways
[Vol.4] Chapter 23:Back in Menagerie
[Vol.4] Chapter 24:Father Pucci, The Kujo, and the spy
[Vol.5] Chapter 25:The Dark Blue Moon

[Vol.2] Chapter 12:A Minor Trouble

970 15 8
By WriterblockIssues

Y/N's p.o.v

After figuring out where to put Stray Cat so I was playing with my pencil while Mr.Port was talking then Yang slides over to me

Yang:Hey....Bomb boy


Yang:Wanna go eat somewhere after this? We could get free time if you know what I mean

Y/N:If I wanted to have sex with you we would already done it but no

Yang:Oh come ooon you barely do anything fun besides eating mostly fish

Y/N:Is there a problem with fish Yang?

Yang:No...but still you do-

The bell went off thank goodness if I hear Yang flirt with me again I'll either blow myself up or Blake will just whack her

Mr.Port:And then I- Oh uh timed that one wrong I guess well the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait until next time

I sigh in relief and get up walking out of class and went to our dorm the girls got into different clothes while I just stayed in my old clothes back on but with out my hat and I have my killer gloves on

(Think that you have cat ears still)

Blake:I thought that class would never end

Y/N:Like Yang's flirting


Ruby:Alright guys today's the day! The Investigation begins!

Weiss:I'm glad to see that we are take this so seriously...

Yang:Hey! We've got a plan that's....moderately serious

Ruby:Right everyone remember their roles?

Weiss:You and I will head to CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies seeing as I'm in the family it shouldn't be a problem

Blake:The White Fang has a regular faction meetings to hand our orders and recruit new members if me and Y/N get in we can hopefully find out what they're planning

Yang:I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale getting information out of him shouldn't be to hard

Ruby:Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we've found let's do this!


Y/N:How the hell did you get up there?

Sun:Ah it's easy I do it all the time

Weiss:You do what?!

Sun:I climb trees all the time! So...are we finally gonna get back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake:WE are going to investigate the situation as a team

Ruby:Sorry Sun we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to

Sun:Pfft that's dumb you should always get friends involved that's whu I brought Neptune with me!

We look out the window and see Neptune was on the ledge


Ruby:How did you even get up here?

Neptune:I have my ways seriously though can I come in? Were like really high up right now

We brought Neptune in and changed our plans

Ruby:Alright I'll go with Weiss,Sun you'll go with the Belladonna's

Y/N:"Oh come on....really? Greato desu...."

Ruby:And Neptune you can go with Yang since she really doesn't have a partner everyone good?

Weiss:Actually Ruby why don't you go with Yang? After all she is your sister

Ruby:But Weiss who would go with you then?

Weiss:Well I guess Neptune could come with me


Ruby drags Weiss out we all look at each other then Yang and Neptune walked out

Blake:Y/N....grab the masks


I went through a drawer and found the masks I nabbed just in case I broke mine I did lost mine back on one mission but....hey whatever I toss one to Blake and Sun

Sun:Since when did you nab these?

Y/N:A good thief is always a good thief-

Blake:A...friend of mine gave him extras if he broke his my he even thought he was like a brother to him

Y/N:Shush Blake....let's go

We put our masks in our pockets and went out after awhile it was nighttime but we found the meeting spot for new recruits for White Fang

Y/N:Welp...this is it

Sun:You sure?

I look at then bring out Killer Queen of course he gotten scared

Sun:Y'know what I'm gonna take your word for it

I slowly walked in I got out my mask and put it on already I look over on my right and see new recruits going on to the right I look back and signal them to put the mask on and go right they walked over to me and put their mask on

Sun:I don't get it if you believe what you're doing is right why hide you here?

Blake:The masks are a symbol humanity wanted to make monster out of us so we chose to don the faces of monsters

Sun:Grimm masks...that's kinda dark

Y/N:So was the asshole who started it let's go

Sun:Always sunshine and rainbows with you two...

We walked in and see a crowd of Faunus and White Fang Members we enter the crowd

White Fang Member:Thank you all for coming for those who are joining us for the first time tonight please allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours I can assure you he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for...for so long


Of course it was...Roman Torchwick and he did some pose to make a crap entrance while in the back I see the girl from before....luck isn't very good for black cats I guess

Roman:Thank you! Thank you! Please hold your applause!

Faunus Lady:What's a human doing here?!

Roman:I'm glad you asked dearie now I'll be first to admit....humans are the WORST case in point so I understand why you would love to see us all locked away or better yet killed! But before the claws come out I would like to mention the fact that you and I ALL have a very common enemy the ones in control the people who pulls the strings! The dirty rotten filthy humans that run our kingdoms! Government,The Military,and hell! Even the schools! They're all to blame for your lot in life! And they're all pest that need to be delt with! Fortunately I'm the best exterminator around no offense to any rodents in the room

He snaps his fingers and then Atlas Military robot?!

Sun:[Whispering] Uhh...that's a big robot

Y/N:[Whispering back] That's from Atlas Sun...I'm wondering how the hell he got that

Roman:As some of you may have heard this right here is Atlas newest line of defense equipment so they could us this bad boy to defend off of all the scary things in the world and thanks to my employer we've managed to snag a few before they uh hit the shelves! Now many of your brothers have already moved down to our next operation in the south east if you'd rather stay within the city that's fine....but if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in this is the Arsenal I can provide you with any questions?

Everyone started cheering for the asshole Roman I slowly clenched my fist I'm really pissed off my blood is boiling to the point I just want to kill him then everyone started pushing past us but soon everything went quiet and I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder I glance to my right and see Adam standing next to me I see no one else besides that asshole Roman and his henchgirl or henchman

Adam:Remember what I said about being mad at someone to the point our blood started to boil Y/N?



I snap out of it and started to dash towards him




As I was about to attack him that Neo girl blocked my attack with her umbrella then the lights went out then someone grabbed me

Roman:Don't let them get away!

Blake:Sun! The window!

Me,Blake,and Sun jumped out the window and started running and of course that coward Roman was in the damn robot chasing us

Blake:Y/N what were you thinking?!

Y/N:My blood was boiled from him! I was about to go in for the kill like Adam said!

Blake:Let Adam go! He's all in the past Y/N!

Sun:Sorry for the interruption but do you guys....have some oh I don't know.....backup?!

Blake:On it!

Blake pulls out her scroll and starts to call everyone

Blake:Everyone! If you can hear us we need backup!

Y/N:Roman Torchwick is in a Atlas robot! He's in it and controlling the damn thing and now chasing us!

Yang:Where are you guys?!

Y/N:Just hurry damnit!

After more chasing we were on the highway then landed on cars and keep jumping on one and another I look back and see Yang and Neptune here I was about to jump back on a car to get close to Roman but someone kicked me in the ribs and knocked me off the highway then I land on the ground I check my scroll to see I was still in the yellow just a 3/5ths down

Y/N:"Damnit....she's good I'll say that much but I really need to work on my aura"

I get up and put my scroll away then that Neo girl landed safely on the ground like Mary Poppins

Y/N:I didn't know Mary Poppins had a daughter let me pass so I can kill your damn boss...

Neo shakes her head and charge at me I quickly bring out Killer Queen and block her attack and starts to try and punch her but she blocks the attacks as well then Killer Queen tries to kick her in the face but she blocks again then Killer Queen leg sweeps her as Killer Queen was about to touch her to make her into a bomb but she kicked Killer Queen's face which knocked some of my aura down to 2/5ths now I'm basically in the red

(Skip to 0:13 and stop at 0:25)

I was knocked back a bit but I bring back Killer Queen back to me and I sigh in annoyance

Y/N:Your tough I'll give you that I'll have to resort to a trick up my sleeve

We hear something crash into the ground it was the robot and the others but we stared at each other


As I release Sheer Heart Attack I started running I took cover behind something wait for Sheer Heart Attack to end her

Neo's p.o.v

As that black cat runs away I was about to chase him but that little thing explode in front of me I used my umbrella to block it but it got a little rip on it oh that little- What the...what is this weight on my shoulder? I glance over and see the thing on my shoulder

Sheer Heart Attack:Oi,oi

Neo:"The hell?!"

It was heavy on my shoulder plus it feels like it was gonna break it too! I grab the thing but it made a click noise which meant it blown up in my face I was knocked back and crash into the ground pretty sure it knocked my aura down probably at the same level as that kitty cat this might get tough...I get back up and brush myself off I look around and don't see the thing a anymore where the hell did it go?

Y/N's p.o.v

After the explosion I started to run towards Roman lucky the others did the work for me while handling Neo I made it come back to me I see Roman out of the robot the robot was broken so as I got close enough I used my one ability the Spin Bubbles I learned from someone can't remember their name but it was....uhm I think it was Gyro Zeppeli anyways after using the spin bubbles they got him in the legs and it sounds like they got him to the bones Roman Torchwick was on the ground I grabbed Roman by his shoulder he slowly turns his head at me and I gave him a death glare

Y/N:Good job holding down the fort girls I'll finish him off right here and now....your henchman....henchgirl whatever you wanna call her is a royal pain in my ass....but don't worry that Ice Cream girl is fine...she probably has nice hands......but back on topic.....Roman Torchwick.....your hat is tacky as hell all though to be fair that should be the least of your worries....there's gonna be something that looks more worse than that tacky hat....and that my friend is your imprudent face! KILLER QUEEN!


As Killer Queen sent the rush of punches Killer Queen finished it off by one last punch at his face which sent him flying and crashing to the ground I still wanted to finish him off I walk over to him he was about to get up but Killer Queen stomps on his stomach

Y/N:Who's the damn rodent now? You piece of shit!

Roman:L-Look I-I'm sorry-


Killer Queen stomped on his face and continue to do so until someone grabbed me by the hair and yanks me away from Roman then kicks me in the gut which finally took down my aura all the way down I landed next to RWBY and I got back up to see Neo in front of Roman

Roman:Ladies,Ice Queen,Explosive Kitty Cat always a pleasure expect for the Explosive Kitty Cat....Neo if you would

Yang charges at them when she got close enough she punched them but...they shattered like glass?! We look up and see them two getting away in a Bullhead

Yang:Well he has a new henchman....

Weiss:Yeah I guess she made our plans....fall apart?

Yang:No just no

Weiss:What?! But you do it!

Yang:There's a time and a place for jokes

Weiss:Was this not it?

Yang:No it just wasn't very good

Weiss:Well at least I'm trying!

Blake,Yang,and Weiss walked away I just sigh in annoyance

Y/N:Yare yare daze....

Ruby:Wait....where are Sun and Neptune?

Y/N:Good question but let's just go...


Ruby puts her weapon away and we started following them and soon got back our dorm as we got back I check my scroll to see it was 11:30 p.m. great....I'll barely sleep peacefully tonight huh? Why? Just why? Can't I at least have some luck on my side? I sigh and bring out Killer Queen to take Stray Cat out of his stomach and place him on the desk I have and soon went to sleep

(End of Chapter 12)

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