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By perfumekisses

73.8K 2.1K 339

"She remembered who she was and the game changed" - Lalah Delilah (Editing) Toni Shalifoe x oc #2 in Leahri... More

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2.4K 85 5
By perfumekisses


Addie spent most of the day watching the girls build shelters and drawing in her sketch pad. She felt pretty useless most of the day but as the judge, she had to make sure no one was cheating. It was pretty hard to cheat but Addie just did as she was told. Fatin kept avoiding all the work she could which was a little funny to watch but probably frustrating to be on the other end of her.

The visors team was doing quite well considering they were missing a person. But that was when Leah and Fatin got into an argument that lead to Leah naked in the ocean with Fatin's blood on her face. Which was very poetic and dramatic.


"Control. Adults love to throw that word around. You know, always telling us to use it, not lose it, to get ourselves under it. Like it's the easiest thing in the world. Like I could take a deep breath or a walk around the goddamn block. Every ignorant shit who's ever told you to get yourself under control should just try being young and scared with your heart on the line. Controls not easy. Controls a fucking fantasy.


Addie got bored as the day went by and wandered about until she found Toni sitting alone on a rock by a tree.

"Hey, trouble. What ya moping about?" Addie asked softly as she sat next to the dark-haired girl.

"I just, I feel like I'm losing her. Like I did Regan, and it's making me so angry" Toni explained sounding tense as she laid her head on the blonde's shoulder.

"Losing, who? Martha?" Addie asked.

"You're not losing her. She's just making some new friends. And sure at the moment, it might feel like that but she's your best friend your never really gonna lose her" Addie told Toni trying to calm her down but didn't get an answer.

"Hey, what happened with this Regan girl? How could anyone have possibly let you go?" Addie tried again to get Toni in a better mood.

"Regan. She was this girl I loved. But she broke up with me, she said I was like birch bark, one little match and I would catch fire...I just, I got so angry and there were these creepy boys. I was trying to protect her but... I just hurt her instead. So she broke up with me. Said she couldn't handle my anger. I ended up beating up her car" Toni shortened the story.

"You beat her car! How?" Addie asked sounding more amused than anything which made a flicker of a smile appear on Toni's face.

"With my super heavy bag," Toni told the blonde.

"Damn, glad I don't have a car to keep you away from" Addie teased lightly. "Besides if she didn't want to be with you because of a little bit of anger than her loss. It was an accident right?" Addie asked and got a small nod in return "right so then let her loss be someone else's gain."

Toni's head fell on the blonde's shoulder again, which ended up with Addie stroking her tied back hair before she spoke again, "I don't have a best friend or any real friends, but I've seen you and Marty together. That's more than friendship, you two are like sisters. And sisters always make up. So, if you two are as close as I think you are. You'll get over this little bump in no time"

"But what if we're not" Toni piped up insecurely before clarifying "as close as you think we are"

"You are, I can feel it. And my feelings are always right." Addie reassured.

The pair sat there in contented silence for a while before Addie remembered the competition and the Takis.

"Come on. You have a shelter to build and a competition to win. If you don't make a badass shelter. Everyone will totally know that I was not an impartial judge if I let you win with a crappy shelter." Addie reminded her crush who made no move to get up other than moving her head off the blonde's shoulder.

"Okay, but if you're not back soon. I'm just gonna come back to bug you again" Addie shrugged at the girl before she walked off passing Shelby on her way.


Addie was in the water watching the two teams when Toni returned looking a lot more upset than she did when Addie left.

A few words looked to be exchanged between the warrior group before Nora was on the ground and Toni was wrecking the shelter with an axe.

Martha walked away as Addie got to where Dot's team were. Toni turned to Shelby in anger as she breathed heavily before her attention turned to the other blonde and she looked almost apologetic but Addie didn't know what to do or say and kind of looked helplessly on at the scene. Toni ran once she looked like she has realised what she had done.


Addie was sitting right on the edge of the shelter the visor team had made as they ate the Takis.

"Well, it's humble, but it's home." Dot commented with the Takis in her hand that she offered to Shelby.

"That's all right. We didn't win." Shelby rejected the chips feeling guilty at the idea of eating them without earning them.

"Who cares. We're all in this clusterfuck together" Dot scoffed and Shelby graciously took the Takis taking one and offering the pack to Martha who then offered one to Riley who took them before returning them to Dot.

"Ugh. Not as good as I thought they'd be." Dot commented as they all ate the dry chips.

"Maybe we built them up in our heads" Addie tried to find a reason as to why the chips weren't as good as usual.

"All I taste is dry" Leah commented with the pack in her hand.

"Hey, mind if I have some?" Rachel asked and Leah offered her the bag before Rachel snidely added "and I'll be careful not to make any sudden movements, you know? You might be pretty jumpy sitting next to a psychopath."

"Does anyone have any spare drinks they could loan me?" Fatin asked tapping the empty can in her hand. "I just tapped out"

"Dude, we're all running low. You're supposed to manage your own rations" Dot scolded the girl lightly.

"How did you get so thirsty? It's not like you were exerting yourself?" Leah questioned in a slightly snarky manner.

"It could be the sodium bicarbonate" Nora suggested trying to cut the tension.

"You know what, I'm sick of hearing this shit. Let me ask you something, all of you. Whose hypoallergenic pyjamas were shredded to bind together logs? And whose sweaters are keeping you ingrates from freezing? Some people provide goods. Some provide services. I'm a goods provider, therefore I get a pass-" Fatin ranted but was cut off by a frustrated Leah shouting.

"That is such bullshit! Your a goods provider because you had the stupid good fortune to find your fucking bag" The dark-haired girl pointed out.

"You need to get your fucking talons out of my back, girl. For your own health." Fatin bit back as the others avoided eye contact at the tension in the shelter.

"Can I please just have someone's drink? A sip?" Fatin begged.

"We vote" Leah decided before anyone could answer "anyone who wants to give up a drink they carefully saved for somebody who did Jack shit all day, raise your hand"

None of the girls raised there hands making it ten times more uncomfortable than it already was in the shelter.

"Oh, my God. You know what? I'm out of here. Move." Fatin huffed and scrambled out of the small shelter and went over to the fire where she sat on her suitcase.

"Should we go after her?" Martha asked worriedly.

"No. Fuck her," Leah said without remorse.

The atmosphere started to lighten up slightly and the girls were back to comfortably chatting when Addie decided to check on Fatin.

"Hey, girlie." Addie greeted plopping herself next to Fatin on her case.

"You can take the other one. One of them's mine anyway" Addie told Fatin who was taking the Cans of Coke next to the case. Fatin smiled at her and whispered a small thanks.

"Come on. I know what will make us feel less guilty about stealing drinks and doing nothing all day" Addie said jumping up from her seated position.

"What are we gonna do," Fatin asked curiously.

"I'll tell you on the way. Bring some nail polish with you" Addie answered cryptically as she walked away.

"Okay, one sec" Fatin answered opening her case and grabbing nail polish and leaving a bracelet on top of the clothes that read 'zero fucks' before she chased after the blonde who seemed like a girl with a plan.



"Hey" Martha greeted her heartbroken best friend who was laying on a pickup truck listening to the song Regan introduced her to.

"How'd you find me?" Toni asked tearfully as Martha climbed next to her.

"Regan called me. She was worried about you." Martha informed.

"God, she's even cool and decent after dumping my ass. What a bitch" Toni chuckled.

"Yeah. A monster" Martha agreed sarcastically.

"I fucked up, Marty. I really fucked up" Toni confessed as she sat up to look at her best friend.

"Toni. I know you lost your someone. But you still have your person. And someday you'll find your forever someone" Martha comforted holding her best friends hand.

"Jesus, fucking cheeseball. Where'd you read that, inspo Instagram?" Toni chuckled tearfully.

"Mm-hmm" Martha laughed.

"Where you staying tonight?" Martha asked realising that she couldn't live with her ex-girlfriend.

"You're looking at it" Toni confessed.

"No. Mm-mmm. You're coming home with me." Marty told the girl grabbing her bag.

"Marty, you really don't have to" Toni tried to tell her friend.

"All your shits coming with me. Don't you think you should too? Now there's really only two house rules. Keep the back gate closed for the dogs. And no running away on me. Your promise?" Marty asked making Toni smile at her gratefully before the pair left the vehicle and made their way home.

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