Sinner [Completed]

By callmeCRAZY8

240K 10.3K 6.8K

"Sinners go to hell!" The preacher yelled and everyone in the room cheered. "They do not deserve a spot in he... More

Cast List
Sinner: One
Sinner: Two
Sinner: Three
Sinner: Four
Sinner: Five
Sinner: Six
Sinner: Seven
Sinner: Eight
Sinner: Nine
Sinner: Eleven
Sinner: Twelve
Sinner: Thirteen
Sinner: Fourteen
Sinner: Fifteen
Sinner: Sixteen
Sinner: Seventeen
Sinner: Eighteen
Sinner: Nineteen
Sinner: Twenty
Sinner: Twenty One
Sinner: Twenty Two
Sinner: Twenty Three
Sinner: Twenty Four
Sinner: Twenty five
Sinner: Twenty six
Sinner: Twenty seven
Sinner: Twenty eight

Sinner: Ten

7.9K 375 416
By callmeCRAZY8

"You look beautiful, Grace." Ryan smiled as he approached me in the church building. I smiled back then he held out his hand and I took it as he swirled me around. "Very graceful." He laughs.

Rolling my eyes, I release my hand then look at him. "Very funny." I caught aunt Brenda watching me with a smile on her face and I look back at Ryan before chuckling. "Aunt Brenda still thinks I have the hots for you."

"Really?" He asks then glances over at her. "Why cause we're best friends?"

"I don't know." I shrug before seeing Anthony walk up.

"Sorry, I was peeing."

Ryan looks at him then makes a face before shaking his head. "Thanks for sharing that information."

"No problem." He pats his back then smiles at me. "Don't you look gorgeous."

I smile then shrug. "What can I say? I can wear a dress. When I'm forced to." I roll my eyes before crossing my arms.

We were all standing around as it wasn't time for the service to begin yet. I was already ready to go home and get out of this dress. I hated it so much and it was making me itch in so many places.

Mom was talking to someone and aunt Brenda was talking to someone else. They were both on opposite ends of the room and I glanced over at either of them before looking at my friends.

Ryan was looking at the ceiling again and Anthony was fixing his suit. I smiled at them before glancing behind them and seeing Miranda walk in with James.

He had his arm hooked with hers and I shook my head as she was looking down and he was smiling at everyone. I saw him slightly wave then he looked over and saw me, which made his smile fade.

My arms were still crossed as I was watching his every move until he passed me, which made Anthony look also since his arm bumped into his.

"Excuse you, sir." Anthony said then covered his mouth once he realized who it was. "Oh gosh, I forgot they come here."

I watch as they sat down and my eyes remained on Miranda, who was looking at the front. She wouldn't look anywhere else as James was looking around then gave me a look before wrapping his arm around Miranda.

"Dickhead." I mumbled.

"Gracie." Anthony said. "In church?"

I stepped towards him. "Dude,"

"Alright everyone!" I heard the preacher yell, which meant it was time for service.

We all walked down an aisle before sitting down on the pew. I look over to see my mom walking towards us before making her way down and sitting next to me, then aunt Brenda was walking behind her.

Looking at the preacher, I listened to him for a moment before looking over to see James and Miranda sitting in the other pew.

James was blocking the view from Miranda as I was trying to look at her. He had his arm around her shoulder as he was staring up at the preacher as he was saying things.

My eyes were wandering all over the place as I kept looking at the bibles that were in the back of the pews. I look over at Anthony and Ryan before glancing at Miranda a few times but couldn't see her.

It's funny how someone can come to church and act like you're a saint when you're not.

James is far from it.

I find it funny how he can walk in and act like he's the perfect husband and nto burn to a fucking crisp.

Shaking my head, I looked away before looking at the preacher as he was talking. I looked everywhere throughout the whole service. I kept my eyes mostly on the walls and lights above.

When the service was finally over, we all stood up and I saw Anthony walk out of the aisle first before stopping and turning towards us. "I don't want any hugs today. You go first." He pushed Ryan out as he got behind him.

I chuckle as I watched them then caught Miranda and James as they were walking out of their aisle. I shook my head before seeing an older man walk up and shake Ryan's hand before pulling him into a hug.

We all went through the hugging process before we were released and free. I heard Anthony sigh as he looked around then at me. "Jesus." He slapped his mouth then looked around. "I didn't say that out loud."

Smiling, I look around then caught sight of Miranda standing alone as James was somewhere else, talking to someone. I kept looking at her until she looked over and caught me watching her.

I smile as I slightly waved and she did the same. I kept looking at her before turning my attention to Ryan and Anthony. I smiled as they were talking and looking around before Anthony looked past me.

"I would be ashamed of walking into a church after beating on a woman."

I look back and saw James put his arm around Miranda's shoulder and they started walking this way. I kept my eyes on her the whole time until she looked over and caught me.

But my eyes remained on hers and that's when I caught James looking over at me, giving me the meanest look.

When they walked past, I saw Anthony huff then crossed his arms as he was looking at them. I saw him open his mouth and I quickly placed my hand over it before he could say anything.

"What was that for?" Anthony asks as I moved my hand from his face. "I wanted to call him a name."

"Yeah, that's why I covered your mouth. Don't."

He looked at me then rolled his eyes before sighing. "He needs to get busted. What are we waiting for?"

"Um, evidence?" Ryan asks.

"Ah ha!" Anthony said then I slapped his arm. "Look," He rubs his arm and looks at me. "If we get evidence then this man will end up in jail where he belongs."

I slapped my forehead before shaking my head. "Help me, Jesus."

"What's Jesus got to do in this situation? We're on our own." Anthony grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the front doors and outside.


It was currently two in the afternoon and we were all out in my front yard. Ryan brought is football over and was throwing it to us as we were kind of in a circle.

Anthony was basically watching the neighbors house the whole time but they weren't home. I haven't seen them pull up since we got here and we've been home since after church ended.

Ryan was throwing the ball to me and I was throwing it towards Anthony. I saw him look at me then over at Ryan before throwing the ball and looking at the house next door again.

We were all throwing the ball back and forth until I heard the front door to my house open then I looked over and saw aunt Brenda walk out before shielding her eyes from the sun and smiling at us as she walked out into the yard.

The football stopped being thrown for a moment as she was now approaching us before stopping. "Having fun?" She smiles at me.

"We were." Anthony mumbled.

"Yeah. Just tossing the ball."

She nods as she looks at all three of us. "It's a gorgeous day to do so."

Smiling at her, I nod before looking over at Ryan as he shrugged not knowing what to say or do. I shrug also then motion for him to throw the ball my way, which he did.

As we continued to toss the ball around, aunt Brenda said her goodbye before walking back inside. I look over at Anthony as he sighs before he looks at me and shakes his head. "I hate that woman with a passion."

"We know." Ryan and I both said together.

We kept tossing the ball around until I heard a car go by then noticed it was the neighbors. Anthony held the ball then looked over at them as the car pulled up in the driveway before stopping.

We were all looking over at the car at the same time as the driver door swung open and James got out. I watched him shut the door before looking over at us and stopping. "What!?" He yells.

"Oh hell no." Anthony tossed the ball to Ryan before walking over there. "You got something to say?"

"Anthony, stop!" I yell as I rush to him before grabbing his arm and pulling him back.

We stop as James was walking around the car then the door opened to the house and Miranda stepped out. I saw James look at her before pointing back towards the house and Miranda backed up and went back inside.

"I'm watching you!" James shouted.

"We are too, buddy!" Anthony said but I yank on his arm to get him to shut up.

Pulling his arm more, I saw James look at us once more before walking inside. I push Anthony away before sighing then crossing my arms. "Why would you do that?"

"I'm not letting that douche talk to me like that. I don't care if he's an adult. He's a stupid one at that."

Shaking my head, I saw Ryan standing there with the football in his hands as he was watching us. "Football?" I chuckle as I held my hands up and he threw the ball to me.

We all stood back in a circle that we had going before tossing the ball back and forth. I kept looking over at the house next door, waiting for James to walk back out but he never did.

Anthony was also looking too, which made me laugh. I shook my head before looking towards my friends and throwing the ball to them.

We stayed outside for maybe an hour before Anthony got a call from his mom. He said that she wanted him to come home to do some work, so he had to leave.

Ryan went with him and I told them bye as they were walking to his car. I saw Anthony turn around before shouting at me. "Let me know if that douche has anymore problems!"

I shook my head before waving him away then watching them leave. I watched the car disappear down the road before I turned towards my house and walked towards it.

Then I heard a door slam and I look over to see James walking to his car. He opened the door, got in then slammed it before leaving.

"You sure leave a lot, dude." I shook my head before staring at the house next door then looking at my house before walking to the other yard. "I'm coming to check on you, Miranda." I said to myself as I stopped in front of the door.

Knocking, I waited until I heard noises from the other side then backed up a little as Miranda opened the door. I smiled at her as she smiles back then moves out of the way. "Come in."

Smiling, I walk in then turned to see her closing the door behind me. She looks at me then smiles as she walks through the living room and to the kitchen as I was following behind her.

"What brings you over?" She asks as she was standing in front of the counter.

"Um.. to check on you." I watch as she turns to face me.

She had a strawberry in her hand then she slightly smiled at me before looking down at her hands. "I'm fine."

"I didn't ask if you were ok. I said I wanted to come check on you."

"Why?" She asks as she looks at me for a moment. "Grace, you don't have to."

"I want to." I cross my arms as I look at her.

She slightly smiles then nods. "Thanks."

I watch her for a moment until my eyes wander around the kitchen. I walk around, looking at everything before stopping at the counter and leaning against it. "Where does James go all the time?"

Miranda had her back to me, but she didn't turn around as she shrugs. "Errands is what he says."

Looking at her, I shook my head as I knew exactly what he was doing. I couldn't believe he has the audacity to hit her and cheat on her at the same damn time.

Miranda is an amazing woman.

She's super nice and friendly. She has a great personality and she's gorgeous. I couldn't understand why she was with that idiot who doesn't appreciate her and treat her like she deserves to be treated.


Snapping out of my head, I look at her as she was staring at me. "Yeah?"

"You ok?"

Nodding, I smile as I lean off the counter then cleared my throat. "Yeah. I zoned out."

She smiles then looks over at the bowl of strawberries she had on the counter. "You want some?" She turns towards me and motions towards them.

Shrugging, I walk over and grab one before reaching for my mouth until she grabs my wrist. "You need to wash it off."

"Oh yeah." I said then heard her chuckle. I rinsed it under the sink water then bit into it as Miranda's eyes were on me the whole time.

She looked away, then I saw a blush on her face which was very visible. I was standing near her, a little too close and could see the redness on her face perfectly.

Smiling, I grabbed another one then rinsed it off before eating it. I loved strawberries but sometimes they weren't as sweet as I would hope for them to be.

But they're still good.

Miranda turns around then reaches for one and that's when our bodies were dangerously close.

And she noticed in a second.

I look up at her as she was slightly taller than me and she stopped as she looked down at me. I felt my heart beat quicken in my chest as I stared at her before my eyes flicker to her lips for a second.

In that moment, everything was quiet and the only noise I could hear was the beating of my heart. I could see Miranda staring down at me as her body position was the same with her hand reached over me and her body was barely touching mine.

It was like a slow motion of movement and I could see her leaning towards me as I was leaning towards her also. I didn't know what to do but pulling away was not an option.

Then my phone rung and we both pulled away from each other in a heart beat. I breathed out as I didn't realize I was holding my breath then I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw mom calling me.

Backing up, I answered but tried not to appear out of breath. "Yes?"

"Where are you?"

Looking at Miranda, she was leaning over the sink with her arms out in front of her and her head down. "I went for a walk. I'll be back."

"Ok. Just making sure."

We hung up afterwards and I look over at Miranda for a moment before placing my phone back in my pocket. "Miranda?"

She didn't look at me but shook her head. "Grace.. no." She looks up slowly then met my eyes. "I almost kissed you."

"Yeah..." I watch as she shook her head before looking somewhere.

I heard her sigh then her head went back down before she groaned. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"No, I am.. I really am. I shouldn't.. I shouldn't even have thought about it let alone try to do it." She shook her head then looked up out the window.

"I was leaning in to kiss you too."

She stared out the window for a moment before sighing. I saw her look over at me and in that moment, I saw regret in her eyes and that was enough to make me realize that we both was making a mistake.

"I'm just.. gonna go."

"Ok." Was all she said.

I walked out of the kitchen then out the front door and over to my house.

I had so much on my mind right now that.. I wasn't even sure what to do now.

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