The Blood of Olympus - A Perc...

By driftingskies

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Featured in the official Wattpad @Fanfic Percy Jackson reading list! *ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO RICK RIORDAN... More

The Blood of Olympus [Fanfiction]
Chapter 1: All Aboard!
Chapter 2: Meeting A New Friend
Chapter 3: Mice On The Argo II
Chapter 4: Too Dumb For A Demigod
Chapter 5: Just Keep Swimming
Chapter 6: Human Fish Sticks
Chapter 7: The Stolen Cereal
Chapter 8: Annabeth's New Room
Chapter 9: Fast Food Cravings
Chapter 10: What Happened to Frank?
Chapter 11: Here Come The Puns
Chapter 12: Doubts of Demigods
Chapter 13: Wishing For Home
Chapter 14: The Horse Man Brings A Message
Chapter 15: The Breath Mints Save The Day
Chapter 16: Frank The Huge Elephant
Chapter 17: The Monster [AKA, My Future Mother In Law]
Chapter 18: Frottling To Camp
Chapter 19: When Romans Attack
Chapter 20: Meeting Enchiladas
Chapter 21: Poseidon and Apollo Become Girls
Chapter 22: Fake Frank is Furious
Chapter 23: Bad Songs by Rebecca Black
Chapter 24: Gorgeous People Invade
Chapter 25: Questions and No Answers
Chapter 26: Meeting Death
Chapter 27: Too Much Fighting, Too Little Time
Chapter 28: Jason's Ego Goes Down the Toilet
Chapter 29: Feeling Stinky and Free (Like Garbage is Raining On Me)
Chapter 30: Free Fallin'
Chapter 31: Tricky Situations
Chapter 32: Hassle in the Castle
Chapter 33: Flame Off
Chapter 34: Fighting To Lose
Chapter 35: Army of Angry Tuna
Chapter 36: Fireworks Keep The Monsters Away
Chapter 37: My Little Soldier
Chapter 38: The Power of Minty Freshness
Chapter 39: Scooby Doo Clues
Chapter 40: Napping on the Job
Chapter 41: You're Running Out Of Time
Chapter 42: Cold Coffee
Chapter 43: Demeter's Revenge...?
Chapter 44: REALLY Terrible Ideas
Chapter 45: Do the Worm!
Chapter 46: The Too Round Rock
Chapter 47: A Budding Bromance
Chapter 48: You're Not Alone
Chapter 49: False Accusations
Chapter 50: Strange Alliances
Chapter 51: Leo Almost Drowns [Not Really]
Chapter 52: The Office
Chapter 54: The Talking Owl
Chapter 55: The Desolation of Smaug
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 58: Safety First
Chapter 59: The News
Chapter 60: The Rising
Chapter 61: An Old Face
Chapter 62: Together

Chapter 53: Soda Bombs

2.7K 81 64
By driftingskies


            “This is a terrible idea,” Annabeth stated. Beside her, Leo grinned.

            “It’s a great idea!” Leo cheered. “It’s foolproof. Admit it, Annie-Beth, you’re jealous of my awesome plan because you didn’t think of it first.” Annabeth glared at Leo. It was a really terrible plan. Unfortunately, at the moment, they didn’t have anything better, so they were stuck with it.

            “Just shut up and stay quiet while we wait.” She knew that was impossible for Leo, however, so she didn’t keep her hopes up. Thankfully, a minute later, Frank and Hazel returned, dragging two unconscious soldiers behind them with full armor on.

            Annabeth immediately began taking it off of the unconscious bodies and onto her own. It was a little too big and clunky, but it was just a disguise. It would have to do. Leo did the same, the armor he put on about three sizes too big for his thin body. Frank snickered.

            “Are you guys ready?” Hazel questioned. “Because we need to get going. It looks like something big is happening.”

            Annabeth nodded. “I’m ready. Don’t worry, we’ll go as fast as possible. Ready, Leo?”
            Leo tripped over his feet. “I suppose. Remind me again why I have to go with you instead of someone else?” Annabeth rolled her eyes. They already went over it twenty times. Leave it to Leo to still be confused.

            “Just don’t talk, don’t do anything stupid, and stay next to me!” Annabeth ordered, hissing it between her teeth like a snake.

            “Alright, alright!” Leo grunted. “Let’s get going.” So they set off, bringing their helmets down as they approached closer to the city. Annabeth glanced over at Leo. She couldn’t even tell there was a wild, teenage demigod in there. Maybe this plan would work somehow. Maybe.

            They approached the city. The guards, in matching uniforms, stood in a barrier around the city like a human wall. The question was: How could they squeeze in without being noticed?

            What exactly did the armor look like? It was bronze, almost gold. The armor covered almost their entire bodies, only mouths and eyes showing slightly. It was stiff, heavy, and extremely uncomfortable to wear. It made you feel like a walking robot.

            They approached the nearest line of guards. Annabeth was curious as to who they were and why they would agree to work for Zeus in the first place. They didn’t look like monsters at all. They almost looked...familiar.

            Suddenly, Leo cleared his throat. “Um, excuse me,” Leo grunted deeply. “We need to get past. I am in the need of a ham sandwich.” Annabeth almost slapped him right then.

            To her surprise, two of the guards opened a spot for them to walk through. Now she was really confused. Leo strode through the two guards like he owned the place, however, with a smug smile on his face. Annabeth followed him angrily. Just as she was passing through, a hand fell on her arm. She turned. A familiar pair of grey eyes.

            “Malcolm?!” She whispered harshly, surprise etched in her features. “Is that you?” Leo stopped, just as surprised.

            “Of course,” He whispered back. “You think a regular guard would let someone get past for a ham sandwich? Don’t be stupid. If you’re going in there, be careful. It’s dangerous.”

            “We know, but we have to help, we have to get our friends back,” Annabeth said. “Wait, is the whole camp here? Why are you guys guarding? Does Zeus-”

            “I’ll explain later! Just go,” Malcolm ordered, “before someone sees us talking. You never saw me. Good luck, Annabeth, and please be careful. You’re still my sister. I worry about you a lot.”

“You, too,” Annabeth agreed, continuing to walk before sending one last meaningful glance at her brother. What was going on? She didn’t have time to think about it, though, because Leo had all of the sudden vanished.

Annabeth groaned. “Leo! I told you we needed to stick together.” She started to search around cautiously, not seeing Leo anywhere nearby. Annabeth began to panic, hoping and praying that he didn’t get caught. A bell chimed from nearby. She flipped her head around toward the noise, angry at what she saw.

“Leo! You can’t just go in and get a sandwich undercover,” She growled at the boy, holding a long six inch sized one. “How’d you even get one? Everyone’s either gone or currently running away!”

“Psh, I’m not that stupid,” Leo replied. “I made my own! Don’t worry, I left some drachmas on the counter.” Annabeth yanked on his arm, causing his sandwich to fall to the ground in pieces. “Hey! I paid for that!”

Across the street, a group of monsters were marching deeper into the city. “Follow them!” Annabeth whispered, “Blend in.” They both ducked in, faces down and covering themselves behind things on the street as much as possible, trying to stay in the shadows. Annabeth tried to listen to see what the monsters were mumbling about, but it sounded like gibberish. It probably was gibberish.

As they continued marching, Annabeth glanced up in the sky, searching for Frank, who was supposed to fly above them and be warning them of any danger. All she saw was impending darkness, no sign of any type of bird or other creature anywhere. She frowned.

“What now?” Leo wondered.

“I’m not sure,” Annabeth admitted. “It’s your plan, you think of something.” She honestly didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but her best friend and boyfriend’s lives were on the line. She couldn’t help being a little snappier than usual.

Suddenly a monster from near the back stopped in mid step. He brought his nose up into the air, sniffing loudly. Another monster shook him. “What you doing?”

“I smell...demigod,” He growled. Annabeth and Leo kept walking stiffly, not daring to draw any more attention to themselves. Neither of them dared to speak either. They were like walking statues.

Out of nowhere, a flash of brown braids whipped out. The monsters were too slow. The sword went straight through three of them before they could even manage to cry out. The next row was dead in another second. Standing there, panting and covered in monster dust was Piper Mclean, a single cut on her cheek and her sword glinting. She gets ready to strike again. The monsters left snarl at her. An Empousa leaps, tackling her the ground. After a short brawl on the ground, a sword is sticking through the Empousa. She shrieks. Dust falls all over, coating the streets like snow.

She stands still, staring at Annabeth and Leo, eyes narrowed.

“Come on, Beauty Queen! You don’t recognize us?” Leo questions with a sly wink. Piper drops her sword, a grin forming on her face as she rushes toward the duo.

“Leo?! Is that you?” She laughs, pulling him into an awkward hug. “Annabeth? What are you guys doing? It doesn’t matter, I’m so glad you guys are here! We have to help Reyna right now.”

Annabeth was confused at that. “Reyna? Reyna’s here? Why? Where’s Percy?”

She was relieved Piper was alright. Piper was one of her best friends, and it was great to see that she was okay; however, she wished she knew where Percy was. Without him, it felt like a part of her was missing. Her heart ached. She hated not knowing if he was okay. She hated not knowing if he was alive or not. They had to find him. A newfound vigor rushed through Annabeth. They had to find Percy.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry,” Piper apologized. “But I’ll explain later. We need to get her out. I’ll show you where she is.” Just then, a harsh squawk echoed from above. Annabeth cast her glance up to see a large raven. Frank. Something was wrong.

Footsteps. An evil grin. Hollow eyes. The street was no longer safe. They all brought out their weapons, and Frank changed back into his human form, also ready to fight as the footsteps came closer.

“You can’t hide anywhere now,” Lyssa smirked. “Get ready to fight." A group of maniae surrounded them. Their teeth were elongated, claws short yet sharp. They reminded Annabeth of the Tasmanian Devil in some form. Then, they all attacked at once.

A group of three maniae landed on top of Annabeth, bringing her to the ground. Their yellow eyes stared into her soul. She slashed with her dagger, blinking rapidly and pushing herself away from them. With the tip of her dagger, she stabbed one of them. It turned to dust. The next two were trickier. They danced around her like it was some kind of game. She slashed again and again, trying to catch one. They were small, which gave them some advantages. Finally, she was able to slice on. It wasn't much, but it was enough to slow it down. With a swift movement, she slashed its head off.

Meanwhile, Jason and Hazel joined them, both fighting side by side. Annabeth was surprised. They made an amazing team. Hazel was quicker than Jason when it came to movement, so she could easily chase them down while Jason was a great fighter and overpowered them with his skills. The two stood back to back.

The maniae seemed to come from everywhere. Annabeth knew it was a distraction from Lyssa. The fight wasn't the maniae. She had to get to Lyssa. This time, she wouldn't get away so easy. Annabeth would make sure of that.

The Daughter of Athena began running through the swarm of maniae, hitting them away from her as best as possible. They scratched and bit at her legs, some of them even getting past the armor. She kicked them off, but they were slowing her down still. Lyssa seemed to figure out what she was trying to do. Annabeth made sure not to look in her eyes. She didn't want to go crazy.

She saw someone gaining on her. It was Frank. He soon caught up with her. "I got your back," He told her reassuringly. Together, they ran faster, speeding toward Lyssa with energy and power.

Lyssa had her own sword out, eyes glowing and hair flying around her. Annabeth was the first to arrive, barely ahead of Frank. She slashes with her dagger, but Lyssa simply dives away, striking toward Annabeth. Her sword scraped against Annabeth's armor, piercing through the tough metal like it was butter. That wasn't good.

Frank jumped into action, an arrow narrowly missing Lyssa. She swooped down, spinning around and thrusting her sword at Frank, who transformed into hawk and flew past her with amazing speed. He swooped at her, talons sharp and dangerous. She ducks underneath his attacks.

An idea springs into Annabeth's head. She yells over to Leo: "LEO! Do you have any mentos?!" Leo looks at her questioningly, but throws a pack toward her after fishing through his tool belt. Perfect. Now, all she needed to do was get to the sandwich place.

She raced toward the doors, hoping they had what she wanted. Near the back, there in all its glory was a huge pedestal of liters of soda. In a hurry, she grabbed as many huge liter bottles as possible in her arms hurrying back outside.

Dropping the mentos in, she knew she only had seconds before it exploded with a large stream. As fast as possible, she chucked it at Lyssa. Luckily, Frank dove out of the way just in time. The jet of soda hit her square in the face, soaking her in bubbly liquid. Annabeth got closer, throwing another one. She got the same reaction. Leo cheered. She launched some toward the maniae as well, leaving them just as if not more disoriented. The demigods attacked with more force, even though they too were covered in sticky soda.

Frank nicks Lyssa, who is sputtering, soda in her eyes. Frank can fight without worrying about going insane. Lyssa is still smart strategically, but without her power, she would easily be beaten. Annabeth joined Frank, slicing at Lyssa, who fought back, eyes still closed. Then, Frank swoops down for the last time, changing back into his human form, and sticks and arrow straight through her stomach. It begins to heal slowly but surely.

"You really thought you could kill me? None of you are immortal!" She laughs.

A voice booms from above. "Maybe they aren't, but I sure am!" Poseidon blasts in at the perfect moment, his face still morphed partially into Zeus's. He strikes with his trident. Lyssa screams. Everyone covers their ears. A bright light surrounds them, and in an instant, it fades again. The maniae were dead. Lyssa was dead.

"Did you find anything out?" Jason asked Poseidon.

He shook his head. "Nothing. I apologize. We should get going to the Empire State Building. If Zeus is anywhere, he will be there."


Dedicated to AppleWhite148 :) Thank you for commenting!!!!!!!!!


Okay so please comment and vote!! Pleaseeee it doesn't take very long :) I really appriciate it. Thanks so much guys


New imagine dragon's song on the side :ooooo I'm so excited for their new albulm!! Seriously!!

Have any of you figured out anything after this chapter ;) I'd be surprised if you knew what I was planning honestly. 

Anyway don't forget to comment and stuff :D I love you alllll <3 Thanks for supporting me!

Until next time, demigods! 

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