The Twins Almighty

By that0nehoe

95.2K 2.2K 224

Juno and Venus grew up dependent on themselves and themselves only. What happened when they end up moving to... More

Characters & Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
More Characters & Aesthetics
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
More More Characters & Aesthetics
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 15

3.8K 67 13
By that0nehoe


'What a lovely way to finish our first day of school' I muse to myself as I recall everything  that's happened today.

I'm sitting in the backseat of the car Giovanna sent for us as V and I talk about our plan for tonight.

"Я говорю, мы просто спросим Джио, можем ли мы пойти, я не хочу ей лгать. К тому же она будет волноваться, если не увидит нас в наших кроватях." I try to convince my sister.

(I say we just ask Gio if we can go, I don't wanna lie to her. Plus, she'll be worried if she doesn't see us in our beds.)

V just snorts as she replies,
"Мы оба знаем, что Джио спит как скала, и никогда не проверяет нас. Спил, почему ты так плохо хочешь ей рассказать?"

(We both know Gio sleeps like a rock and never checks up on us. Spill, why do you want to tell her so bad?)

"Что если ... Гера попытается убить нас или что-то в этом роде или мы попадем в засаду?"
(What if...Hera tries to kill us or something or we get ambushed?)

"Ничего не произойдет. Мы просто уходим к 11, катимся на окраину и разговариваем, а? Кроме того, вы забыли, что мы можем буквально вывести из строя 10 взрослых мужчин менее чем за 10 минут?"
(Nothing is going to happen. We just leave by 11 and skate over to the outskirts and talk yeah? Plus, did you forget that we can literally incapacitate 10 grown men in under a minute?)

She stares at me with an obvious look as I laugh out loud.

I remembered that Gio had bought us skateboards. For our birthdays a while back, she had bought us skateboards so we could get around quicker. It's a passion for both of us really.

"Fine. Fine. Let's just get all of this over with."

You see, I don't resent Hera, I'm just lost why she didn't go looking for us earlier or even call to check up on us.

We pull up in front of the house as the driver lets us out of the car. We thank them as we walk into the kitchen.

The boys are sitting at the island with their little group of friends. I fling my backpack to the wall as I go over to a speaker I spotted, paying no attention to the boys.

V walks over to the fridge as she seems to look around it for a bit.

"No fucking way, they have Baklava Junie."

With that I snap my head up and look at her.

"Cut me a piece or we're going to have a problem." I say in a sing-songy voice.

I put my head down as I connect my phone to the speaker as I flick through playlists.

"King Von, Kid Cudi, Joji, or Arctic Monkeys dear sister?" I ask her as I continue to swipe through the music.

"I don't know...surprise me." she smirks.

I nod as I just press shuffle and let the music play.

By now all the boys are just watching our encounter like they're at some zoo.

My sister notices too. She hands me my piece of Baklava as she snaps at them.

"Keep staring and I'll scoop out your eyes with my spoon." she says not turning around to look at them while holding up her spoon.

I nudge her in the side as I just stare at them with a smile.

"I apologize for my sister. We've gotten off on the wrong foot, this is Venus," I jut my chin out at her, "I'm Juno but you can call me whatever." I continue eating my Baklava as they all glance at each other.

"Hi there, I'm Carlos!" He says with a bright smile. I realize he's not looking at me but staring at V.

I stomp on her foot as she turns around.

"What the hell wom-" she shuts up when I slap my hand over her mouth.

"Играй хорошо, я хочу друзей" I grit out still smiling at the boys.

(Play nice, I want friends)

She rolls her eyes and reluctantly nods as I remove my hand from her mouth.

"I'm Mason. You guys are really hot, you know that?"

I just stare at him confused on what to say.

"We know." Venus snaps before I could say anything.

I give her a harsh glare as she looks at me and mumbles a sorry.

"Hey there lovely ladies' you guys can call me dad-" I think someone kicked the stool out from under him as he was now on the floor whining. "I wasn't going to say anything guys jeez..." he starts mumbling to himself as he gets up.

"That's Jordi and I'm JJ." this kid next to him jumps in. "You don't happen to have any illegal fireworks from Russia, do you?" he asks with excitement.

"They don't have anything with them idiot." Mason smacks the back of his head.

"Actually, don't worry about it-"

"Of course we have fireworks. We'll give one to you later yeah?" It wasn't me that said it, it was surprisingly V.

I stare at her confused seeing as we don't own any and I realize it's pure sarcasm.

I mean at least she's trying to be nice.

JJ just looks at us and gives us a large grin.

We all then turn to the man of the hour.

'This fine ass specimen of a Roman God with a hint o-' I stop my conscience from saying anything else as I look at him.

He's wearing a black sweatshirt with a chain and is looking down at his phone.



He doesn't look up as he starts to speak.


Bitch. That's all he says 'River'.

'Maybe he doesn't like people?' I try to reason with myself as I remember back at lunch two girls sitting very close to him and him talking to them.

'So, he doesn't like me...' I feel a pang of hurt for some reason. I glance at V and she looks like she's about to strangle him.

I'm about to tell her to go for it when something starts ringing.

I'm confused for a second until I realize it's my phone.

I pick it up and see a random number.



Karrinna yells as I just chuckle.

"Hey thereee wait, how'd you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you."

I try and remember if I gave her my number, but I draw a blank.

"Don't worry about that Ju, I'm here to invite you and Princess Panty Twist to a race at 1 tonight. It's at the abandoned racetrack on the outskirts of town. I'll send you the address." She tells me all in one breath.

"I'm down, let me just check with V."

I pull the phone away from my face as I look at V.

"Можем ли мы пойти на гонку в 1? Думаю, Гера все равно пригласила нас туда на гонку, так что мы просто встретимся с ней."I plead with her as she thinks for a bit.

(Can we go to a race at 1? I'm guessing Hera invited us there to race anyways so we'll just meet up with her.)

I give her another pleading look as she just glances at me.

"Fine. Tell her we'll be there."

I almost run up to her and give her a kiss when I realize Karrinna is still on the phone.

I put it back to my ear and tell her we're in.

She literally squealed as she said she'll send me the address. She also told us to dress to impress since hot people would be there.

Friends! I can make more friends!

I hang up as I finish eating my Baklava.

The boys just stare at us.

'God what is with them and staring, the only person that isn't is River.'

I don't know whether or not to be offended to be honest.

"Junie, what time is it?" V asks me while looking around the room for a clock.

"Uh it's only 2 since we left school early, why?"

She side eyes the boys before looking at me.

"Пойдем на ипподром и немного потренируемся, да? Как давно мы действительно участвовали в гонках?"
(Let's go to the racetrack and practice a little yeah? How long has it been since we truly raced?)

She looks like she's deep in thought as I just nod.

We both say our goodbyes to the boys as we walk into our rooms.

'Wait a minute...can't Carlos understand Russian?' I start to remember him getting all wide eyed when we said we'd kill him.

I walk into V's room as I see her looking into the mirror, two hangers in hand.

She turns to me and smiles.

"Great, I was just about to ask, which one makes my figure more defined. A..." she pulled a white shirt up, "or B..." she showed off a black cropped tank top.

To say the shirts were totally not her would be an understatement.

It then hit me.

"You planned this all out didn't know Carlos understands Russian so you're hoping he'll show up at the racetrack and maybe follow us now to see you practice. Oh. My. Gosh. You like him, don't you?" I stand there with an amused look on my face.

"What..." she laughs nervously, "Me? Dress up for a...dare I say, no honey I just want to look cute, and I definitely don't like him." She continues to try and deny it when I burst out laughing.

"Yeah yeah. Alright it's already almost 2:30." I pause for a moment before trying to remember something, "...didn't Gio tell us a while back that we would have family dinners at 7 or something." I put my fingers to my chin as I try and think.

"Oh, shit she did. Alright well I'll meet you at the front door in 15?" V says as she scrambled to throw on an outfit.

I stare at her amused and nod as I walk into my room to get ready.


I try and pull together an outfit with the top that Junie chose and finally look into the mirror looking kind of hot.

'Hopefully Carlos will think I'm pretty.' I smile to myself in the mirror.

'What. The. Fuck.' I slap myself as I begin to reprimand my conscience.

"Listen here Venus, stop trying to impress some boy you need to protect Gio and Junie. Figure yourself out kid the most that you feel for this kid is friendship. Remember, you're going to use him to get you and your sister out of this mess and that's it." I finish and pull my hair into a ponytail as I walk to the front door.

I pull out my phone as I begin to play some Subway Surfer shit or something. I must admit, it's pretty fun though.

I pop some gum into my mouth and try and count how many chews it takes for it to lose flavor when I get distracted.

I look up when I hear someone clear their throat.

"Hey kid, what's up?"

'Nice Venus, very nice.'

Carlos just looks at me with wide eyes as I get off the doorframe I was leaning on and walk up to him. As I get closer. I see the tips of his ears turn red and I almost burst out laughing.

I reached out and wrapped my hands around his neck and brought him down to my level since he was a couple inches taller than me.

"N-nothing much, so you're going to practice racing? Did you tell the guys, or do I have to tell them?" he asked me hesitantly.

I sigh loudly and lean my head against his hard chest. I already know that he told the guys by his body posture and the fact that he looks like he just kicked a puppy.

"Shoulda kept your mouth shut my love." I begin to mumble.

He begins to say something when I cut him off by slamming my lips onto his.

I push him against the wall as he wraps his hands around my waist.

A sudden idea pops into my head as I take my gum from my mouth and make him bite on it. I give it to him as I pull away.

He looks flustered as I stare up at him.

"So, what are you going to tell the boys?" I ask while kissing down his jawline onto his neck.

"Nothing." He tries to choke out but sucks in a breath.

"Hm? What was that." I continue to give him more butterfly kisses as he finally chokes out what I want to hear.


I stop and look up at him and smile until I hear someone else clear their throat.

Gosh what is with people today?

We pull away quickly as I see Junie standing there with her arms crossed.

"Let's go V, we got cars to drive and brakes to slam."

She yells out while walking past me.

I just sigh as I turn around and peck Carlos on the lips again.

"Come if you want but only bring the fun guys." I mumble out to him as we separate, and I waltz out the door.

I try and keep my cool as I walk up to my car and Juno walks to our other vehicle.

I get in and lock the door as I smile to myself.

Venus's outfits-


Junos outfits-


Venus's one (right now)-

Junos one (right now)-

Guys how do y'all write sappy stuff.

Like I feel like crawling into a hole and dying right now oh lordie.

Anyways sorry this took so long but here it is.

This was more like a filler so sorry if it wasn't top tier.

I also added a song as usual at the top ^^

Uh give me advice on how to go about all this lovey dovey stuff if you can 😁🗡

Also, if you don't like the things I pick for them to wear and other stuff like that, feel free to pick something else out.

Also also, if I make a mistake with my writing, please correct me. I'm barely passing English and I suck at proofreading so yeah </3.

Thanks for all the reads btw. I love you all 🤍


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