to hold his hand -yoonmin-

By minhugzz

97.3K 4.7K 1.2K

jimin can't offer much only has a few dollars to his name he doesn't have nice clothes or a fancy house he ju... More

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3.6K 202 87
By minhugzz

Jimin POV

Some things never change I'm leaning against the wooden counter of the bakery. It's been three days since Yoongi's party and after experiencing just a little bit of the good life then coming back to this bakery feels a little off but this is my life.

It's the afternoon and I'm displaying freshly made muffins in the display case my back towards the door as I place the blueberry muffins on the platter.

I hear the bell of the door ding my back still toward the door.

"Welcome I'll be one moment," I said then turned around and my breath hitched

"Yoongi?" I said then looked at the smiling boy in front of me

"Hello!" He cheered with a smile

"Yoongi what are you doing here?" I asked he frowned.

"You invited me do you know how long it took me to convince Hoseok and Namjoon to take me here," he said

"I'm just surprised to see you," I said

"Well I missed you..." he whispered my heart flips I finally notice Namjoon behind Yoongi standing by the door.

"O-Oh you did?" I said he nodded

"Of course silly" he hummed I looked him up and down he is wearing basic clothes a brown tunic and brown pants and he is wearing a black beret overall he looks adorable.

"You look nice," I said he blushed a bit and rested his arms on the counter.

"Thank you I tried to blend in I'm technically not allowed to leave the castle unless my fathers approve of it," he said I nodded

"Well, I'm glad you're here want something to eat?" I asked he hummed

"I am hungry can I have a muffin," he said and pointed behind me.

"Sure one muffin for the prince," I said and turned to grab Yoongi a muffin then placed it on a clothed napkin and handed it to Yoongi.

"Thank you! How much?" He asked I shook my head

"I could never charge the prince and cute boys eat for free," I said he chuckled

"Do you give a lot of free muffins away then?" He asked I leaned closer on the counter are faces kinda close.

"You're the first," I said with a smiled he scoffed and poked my cheek.

"You charmer I feel so special," he said and bit his muffin then hummed "delicious" he added

"I'm glad you like it," I said he nodded

"So what's it like in the everyday life of Park Jimin," he asked chewing on his muffin.

"It's really boring I'm either here or back in the kitchen or delivering bread," I said

"Cool better than what I do all day," he said then he lights up like he has an amazing idea "Oh! Can I help today?" He asked

"You wanna help? Here?" I said he nodded eagerly then bit his muffin.

"Yeah I've never worked plus it will be fun," he said he looks so excited I can't say no...

"Sure if that's what you want," I said he cheered and popped the rest of the muffin in his mouth

"Yes I want that," he said

"Okay," I said he smiled and moved behind the counter next to me.

"Okay boss what's next?" He said I chuckled

"Well my dad is out getting ingredients but he asked me to make banana bread wanna help with that?" I said he clapped.

"Yes! I would love too" he said excitedly

"Great let's go in the kitchen..uh is he gonna stand there?" I asked looking at Namjoon.

"Oh probably" he answered I nodded

"This way then," I said and walked to the kitchen it wasn't that fancy or grand just a basic kitchen I grabbed an apron and handed it to Yoongi.

He looked at it confused and put that one part over his head I chuckled. "Need help?" I asked he nodded slowly.

I move close to him to stand in front of him I adjust the collar of the apron then grab the ties and move to tie them by hugging him he gasped our chest pressed together I tie the string around his back basically hugging him

I pull back "there all ready," I said then look at his face it's all red.

"T-Thank you," he said I smiled and caressed his cheek softly

"You look really cute today and I'm glad your here," I said then removed my hand.

"O-Okay so banana bread?" He whispered I laughed and nodded.

I move to stand at the kitchen counter "Okay you cut and mash the bananas in this bowl" I said and handed him a banana and a bowl.

"Okay seems simple," he said I nodded and see him peel the banana.

I start mixing the main ingredients the basic just flour baking soda salt and butter all that good stuff.

I look over at Yoongi cutting the banana slowly

"Have you ever made something before?" I asked leaning on the counter my back against it looking at him he frowned.

"Would you judge me if I said I have never baked or cooked anything in my life before?" He said putting down the knife facing me.

"Really nothing? That even toast or eggs?" I said he shook his head.

"I'm a Prince I never had to do any of this before" he whined I smiled.

"My Silly Prince I'll help you" he just blinked at me his cheeks pink.

I move and turned him around his back against my chest I move my arms to wrap around him I place my hands on top of his then picked up the knife.

"You put your hand here and hold the banana like this but keep your fingers like this so you don't hurt yourself" I whispered my breath hitting his neck I help him cut the whole banana than let go of him.

"Okay, Princey I need you to mash those for my need to get this bread in the oven needs to cook for a while," I said walking away to check on the oven and wipe my hands on my apron.

I turn back around and Yoongi is frozen

"You okay Yoongi?" I said he shook his head and looked at me his face red

We are an arm's length away from each other

"J-Jimin can I tell you something it might be weird but I have to say it because I have never felt this way before," he said moving closer.

"Sure" I answered he nodded and took a breath.

"J-Jimin I li-" he got cut off by a scream.

"AH! What are you doing?!" I heard and it sounded like my dad.

"Shit sorry Yoongi one second," I said and walked away from him to the front of the store

And I see Namjoon pinning my father to the ground I panicked.

"What the fuck! Get off him he has a bad back!" I yelled

"I got this guy breaking in!" Namjoon said

"That my dad you idiot get off him!" I said

"I don't listen to you boy! This man could be a threat to the Prince!" He said I scoffed

"The Prince??" My dad said

"Namjoon! Let Mr.Park go right now!" Yoongi said and immediately Namjoon gets up I quickly move to help my dad up.

"Appa are you okay? How's your back?" I said

"I'm fine son I'm not that old," he said and picked up the bags he dropped.

"I should take you to the village doctor he had his knee against your back," I said

I look up and see Yoongi scolding Namjoon silently Namjoon has his head down nodding.

"Son I'm really fine we can't afford the doctor right now," I said

"No appa I'm taking you," I said then looked at Yoongi he looks sad.

"You guys have to go now," I said looking at Yoongi and Namjoon "Sit down appa I'll go get the emergency fund," I said and sat my dad down on the stool and moved back to the kitchen to get the money in the emergency jar.

"J-Jimin" I hear I look over and see Yoongi holding himself.

"Hey sorry I gotta go," I said taking the money out of the jar we have enough since we got paid for making the Prince's cake.

"Jimin I'm so sorry... Namjoon is too much sometimes he was just trying to protect me" he said

"My dad wasn't gonna hurt you he is 55," I said

"I know all this is my fault and I'll pay for his appointment at the doctors or I could get the royal doctor to come and look at him for free," he said

"I don't need your charity Yoongi we survived without you so far" I said he frowned

"O-Oh sorry I was j-just trying to help" he whispered

"I don't need your help just take Namjoon and leave," I said and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

"J-Jimin are you mad at me?" He said I sighed

"Yoongi my dad is all I have my only family left and he has a bad back and your guard tackled him to the ground so please just go," I said and walked back to my dad.

"Let's go appa and hold my hand as we walk there," I said he stood up I see Namjoon lead Yoongi out we move out the door and I lock the door I see a small carriage parked in front of the bakery.

I turn around and see Yoongi again

"I'm really s-sorry about y-your dad and I'm sorry for coming in general...guess I just c-cause more problems then g-good as my dad says...anyways I'm sorry I'll l-leave now," he said and got into the carriage and it rode off.

I just watched it ride away and sigh then walk my dad to the doctors

"Son?" He said as we walked

"Yes" I answered

"Why was the Prince here?" He asked

"He was just visiting," I said

"Jimin?" He said again

"Yeah, appa?" I said

"Do you like the Prince?" He said I froze

"What do you mean?" I said

"You were looking at him how I looked at your mother," he said I felt my heart flutter.

"I do I like him a lot" I confessed

"Why did you push him away then I know you worry too much about me but I'm fine and it was an accident and when the prince left he looked so sad," he said we kept walking

"You come first appa I wasn't there for mom but I'll be there for you," I said

"Son what happened to your mom was an accident she got sick and you were so young there was nothing you can have done and I'm healthy as a horse I'm not going anywhere," he said

"Appa" I whispered

"Now as your father I want you to go apologies to the Prince bring him some banana bread," he said

"Your right" I huffed

Shit, I was too mean I didn't mean to push him away he was just being nice.

"Good boy now let go," he said


Why am I dramatic??

Anyways a cute scene is coming next

And day 60 without yoongi :(

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