Bruises [L.S]

By laurenxtomlinson

162K 4.1K 11.2K

hes always smiling... TW// self harm, abuse, depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts This is my first... More

Punching bags
Big brother
I'm yours... i hope
I'm sorry
on my own
mark (again)
two of us
id love to
shots n tattoos
the move
ink n skin
coming out with blood
dancing queen
hammer to the head
little things
head over heels
the concert
a safe place
the last day
you and me forever
shots n tattoos: ziam pov

the sitters

2.3K 83 110
By laurenxtomlinson


baby boyfriend🥺


i know mama jay and fiz are proud of him🥺

TW// self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, abuse, depression



"this one!" maya called across the store. i whipped my head around to see her staring at a an oak wood crib. "think hes gonna like it?"

i walked over to her with a few items in hand. "they both will" i smiled placing the stuff in the trolley.

"really h?" she stared at the stuff in the trolley. i laughed a little. "what?" i asked.

she picked up a onesie that said "worlds best uncle:)" on the front. "i had to"

she shook her head placing it back in the trolley. "where are they?" she quizzed looking around her, trying to find the fathers or her child. "right here" liams voice spoke out from the right of us.

"he couldnt decide what mirror he wanted in the nursery" zayn followed behind him.

they placed the mirror in the trolley along with a few extra decorative pieces. maya shook her head at them holding in a laugh.

"i think we need to get out of here before louis loses his mind" maya point out.

i looked to louis who was two isles down from us. he was holding someones baby, it concerned me as to whos child it was but louis seemed comfortable around them.

the look in his eyes was unexplainable. i dont know if it was the lights from the store or what but his eyes had such a bright colour to them. brighter than usual actually.

i walked over leaving our friends behind. "haz!" his smile got bigger when i approached him. "so we are just holding random babies are we?"

"no... this isnt just a random baby" just then the baby started to coo. my heart started to melt, the butterflies had woken up early today and starting flying around in my stomach.

"thanks for babysitting jackson, louis" a soft and tired voice spoke. i turned around to see a man, im guessing the childs father.

louis smiled, "i wouldnt call spending twenty minutes with him babysitting"

the man laughed at his comment. "oh! harry this is one of my mums friends, shawn. shawn this is my boyfriend harry"

"nice to meet you" shawn kindly smiled at meet.

"you too" i smiled back as louis placed his hand on my back, still holding, cooing and making faces at jackson.

"oh you wouldnt mind actually babysitting him do you?" shawn smiled taking his child- jackson back in his arms.

"of course not, i havent seen j bird in i dont know how long, id love to anytime" he looked up at me for a silent approval which i gladly gave.

"great cause my sitter cancelled and i have a date tomorrow night!"

"hazza?" louis turned to me with a smile "please"

his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the twinkle in his eyes more prominent than before. "oh well look at him lou, hes adorable" i smiled wide.

"wait really? you guys are gems! louis you still have my number right?" shawn asked placing jackson back in the trolley.

"yeah of course" he spoke just as the others were walking up to us. "we gotta go, see you tomorrow?"

"great seeing you again louis, harry" shawn nodded walking away.

"whose gonna get pregnant first?" zayn laughed. we rolled our eyes and nudged him.

we once again all split off grabbing baby items and furniture. they were having a baby girl, so the obvious choice was neutral colours apparently?

"we are gonna go pay" liam speaks, hand in hand with zayn. they were pushing the cart together. "maya already went out to the car"

"alright, meet you there?" i spoke

zayn smiled. "yeah be out in a bit" they walked off.

we are happy for both liam and maya, along with zayn. we all heard why they were both hesitant to get together...

liam knew whoever he dates would potentially be another parent for their little girl. zayn was hesitant about helping raise a child, but knew he would stay and love her unconditionally no matter what... actually they both knew.


louis was quickly sweeping the floor of our apartment. making sure nothing was on the floor. just then there was a buzzing sound through the living room. "come up" i spoke pressing the button down.

shortly after there was a knock at the door. louis threw the broom on the ground and went to open the door. i held back a smile picking it back up and placed it against the wall before waking to the door.

"hey there big j" louis cooed holding jackson in his arms. jackson in return grabbed louis' nose and shook it in his tiny hand.

"louis, thanks again! it really does mean a lot"

"id do anything for you and jackson" he smiled

shawn paused for a second. "i see so much of your mum in you..."

louis' eyes dimmed a little, but he smiled in memory of her "i see her in all the girls" i saw a tear in his eyes. i kissed him in the head, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"you guys look like a family" shawn smiled at us pulling out his phone. "right ive got to go... thanks again"

"anytime" i spoke out, grabbing the babys bag from his hands.

"bye jackster" he kissed his son the head before walking down the hallway.

i closed the door and walked over to the couch. louis was teaching the eight month old how to fist bump, i couldnt explain the feel in my stomach.

"quick question how have i never met them til now?" i asked picking up the baby and placing him on my lap.

"shawns busy.. working and raising j bird on his own, i really only see him when i see mum sometimes"

"he definitely cares about jackson, i can tell"

"he does... he was one of my mums friends in year nine actually"

i was about to responded when jackson tried to come into the conversation himself "babababa" he babbled.

"arent you just the cutest- and smelliest thing to ever crawl the planet" i laughed smelling his full diaper.

louis got up and grabbed the diaper bag and we both headed to our room. louis seemed to handle it like a pro, i struggled a bit tho.

in record time louis got a new diaper on jackson, i guess growing up with four younger siblings helps a lot.

"you prepared for the longest five hours of your night?"

"i dont think itll be that bad" i picked jackson up, as lou laughed a little. "you arent used to babies hazza... one day you will though"

"one day imma be better than you" i smiled leaning in for a kiss. he kissed back before going to make dinner.


"lou he wont stop crying" i walked into the kitchen with a bad headache trying to comfort jackson who was scream-crying in my ear.

louis closed the cupboard door, walking over to us. "he just realized his dad isnt around"

"i know, im not annoyed im just tired"

"curly... its been forty five minutes" he laughed setting the plates on the table.

i looked at the time 6:45 pm... "i dont know how id manage to be a parent"

"i think we would manage" he kissed my cheek heading over to the stover and turning off the heat.

i grabbed jackson his pacifier from his bag getting him to quiet down, louis served us chicken pot pie with mash potatoes on the side.

i grabbed the mush of a meal jackson had and placed it on the table next to our plates. "open wide big j" louis smiled feeding the spoon of mush too the baby.

dinner was simple, more fun than usual. we actually sat at the table for once instead of in front of the telly.

"i think its bath time" louis spoke clearing the dishes. i looked at jackson who was covered and stained with his food.

i laughed a little knowing our future kids would be like this. louis drew the bath somehow putting bubbles in it.

didnt question where he got the bubbles from.

one thing ive learned dont question a tomlinson it doesnt end well.

learnt it the hard way from pheebs. i asked what she was drawing and she threw her pencil crayon at my face. she threw it full speed at my face, my nose started bleeding. i didnt bother asking further questions.

"heyyyy" i whined as louis splashed water at me. i splashed him back, maybe a little too much. "you asked for it styles" lou pushed me a little.

we heard the cutest laugh come from the tub "was that funny j bird? should i do it again?"

"no i dont think you should" i pouted, nudging louis a bit. which got another giggle out of jackson.


"lou! niall says hi" i came into the living room to find him past out on the couch, finding nemo playing, along with jackson a sleep on his stomach.

"hes a sleep" i spoke softly looking away from my phone. "hes perfect"

"you keep telling us that mate" niall smiled at the camera. "wait arent you babysitting?" a confused look crossed his face.

i smiled "yeah, jackson and louis are sleeping on the couch... look" i flipped the camera to let him look at the sight.

he cooed at the sight. "niall"

"yeah mate?" he asked, i flipped the camera, picked up jackson and brought him into the bedroom.

i placed him down on my stomach, popped in my earbuds in so nialls loud voice wouldnt wake him.

"how badly do you want kids now?" niall asked starting to strum his guitar softly.

i smiled leaning back against the headboard. "you dont understand the feeling i get seeing him handle this little stinker..."

"your stomach gets all bubbly, you got a boner at some point, you feel or felt the need to fuck him to oblivion-"

"niall what the hell?"

"did i lie?" he asked with a cheeky smile "i take your silence as a no i didnt lie"

"so maybe you are right... i mean, yeah he cant get pregnant i know that. but like i knew i wanted kids, but seeing him actually handle a baby today and care for him like he was actually lou's just... i dont know"

niall laughed a little placing his guitar down next to him. "honestly h, within the next four years and seven months you are going to be married and have at least one kid"

"thats oddly specific innit ireland" i laughed, not to loud though so i wouldnt wake jackson.

"whatever styles, listen i have to hit rehearsal! text me in a bit?"

"will do, miss you"

niall rolled his eyes "miss you to my one true love" he cackle and his face disappeared from the screen.


"will do, miss you" i heard harrys voice from down the hall. i checked the time to see it was 9:30 pm. shawn would be here in a bit.

"fuck" i muttered when i realized jackson wasnt on my stomach. my vision was a little fuzzy...

not in the way it was when i falling down the black whole of near death. just the way i felt when my sisters were all infants.

"if you say so jackster" harry giggled out. i smiled walking down the hall. i opened the door the slightest.

harry was laying on his back, legs in the air. jackson on top of his feet and holding his hands.


my stomach filled quickly with butterflies, my face started to heat up. if this is how he is with someones kid hes met once then fuck. he would be the best father ever...

i heard a buzzing through the apartment. i quickly let shawn up and unlocked the door, then continued watching the two of them.

"hey mate" shawn stood next to me. i hushed him quickly and point to the ajar door. "is it bad i might have wanted to fuck him to oblivion today? like once..."

shawn chuckled a little "no, it truly isnt... you do know he cant have kids though r..."

"no i do... just seeing him with jackson made me realize even more how much i want to have a family with him" i sighed fondly, looking through the door which i accidentally pushed open.

harry was now rocking a sleeping jackson in his arms, pacing around the room. "oh hey, lou i didnt know you were up"

"yeah- the uh buzzer woke me up" i lied.

"oh alright, shawn how was your date?"

shawn smiled "it went very well, asked her on a second one"

we all walked out of the room and quickly said out goodbyes fo the boys. "niall says hi by the way"

"when did you-"

"while you were a sleep" he smiled at me.

we closed all the lights and the telly then headed to bed. i forgot how tiring it was to care for a baby...

but with harry it doesnt seem so bad.




more of a fluff chapter with niall again, and everyone else!

hope you enjoyed xx

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