River and Wood, A Minecraft T...

By WanderingEldest

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(MINECRAFT PILLAGER X OC) She's been the hero of the valley for longer than she can remember. The last of her... More

Chapter One, The Inferno
Chapter Two, Cadia Village
Chapter Three, Mercy?
Chapter Four, Home at Last
Chapter Five, We Meet Again
Chapter Six, There are Monsters Nearby
Chapter Seven, The Raid
Chapter Eight, Dance with Destiny
Chapter Nine, The Ravine
Chapter Eleven, Far From Home
Chapter Twelve, Pisces Village
Chapter Thirteen, A Story of the Past
Chapter Fourteen, Through the Night
Chapter Fifteen, Ancient Voices
Chapter Sixteen, Stand With Me
Chapter Seventeen, The Final Battle
Chapter Eighteen, Father?
Chapter Nineteen, Home
Chapter Twenty, Fate's Promise
Author's Note/ART

Chapter Ten, Grief

116 2 3
By WanderingEldest

Wood walked through the forest until he eventually made it to the beach. Rain poured down his shoulders, and onto the many bruises that adorned his chest and limbs. He walked with a slight limp due to the pain. As for the wound in his shoulder, he had pulled out the dagger a long time ago. Of course, that didn't make up for blood loss. Night was coming, and it was imperative that he moved quickly. Wood had never been so tired, so fatigued in all of his life. Every inch of his muscles ached as his heavy breathing tried to make up for all of the pain. There was only one reason why he didn't give up, and that was because of her.

As soon as he reached the sand of the sea, he began to look for a way to cross it. He figured she had taken a boat to get back, but his assumption was proven incorrect once his eyes landed on the small oak boat that was only a few yards away. For a moment he internally panicked. Was she still in the woods? Was she hurt, lost, or injured? Then it dawned on him that she must've died and respawned to get back home. He breathed in relief for her. Now his only worry was for Coal, his little brother. Wood prayed and hoped that the boy was strong enough to heed his instructions and make it home in one piece. Before he knew it, he hurled himself into the boat and began to paddle into the foggy ocean water. It took more effort than he was used to in this state, but he managed. The drowned were rather afraid of thunder, so he had nothing to worry about. It didn't take long for him to see her home. River's home. His forest green eyes grew as they landed on the massive structure. He had been used to living in tents for most of his life, and to see the future of his new home- a real home... it was amazing to say the least. It was a tall building that had a dock/porch built onto it along with a few potted roses he saw growing by the front door, which was made of iron to keep out any unwanted guests. On the side of it, he saw a barn of some sort that was built right on top of the water like a large raft. Already he could see cows, pigs, and sheep that were being kept there. As soon as the boat docked, he hobbled out onto the porch and rang the doorbell. "River! It's me! Wood!" He called out, groaning at the open wound in his shoulder. Part of him still couldn't get over the fact that Stone, his own brother, actually hurt him.

Wood didn't have to wait long. He heard shuffling, then footsteps coming down the stairs. When River came into sight, he noticed that she wasn't wearing her signature hat, or her uniform for that matter. Instead, she wore a dark blue tunic and pair of what looked to be comfortable black trousers. She looked completely unharmed, proving that she had indeed respawned after the event. Hastily, she unlocked the door and immediately helped him to stand straight. "I was so worried about you! Come inside, I have medicine upstairs." She said with a knot in her throat, knowing she'd later have to tell him sooner or later that Coal was no longer alive. Her eyes were still red with tears, and so she thanked her lucky stars that Wood didn't mention it. However, Wood did notice. At first he thought it was her own physical pain that caused her to cry, but then he remembered that when she respawned her injuries were washed away. Together, they rushed up the stairs. The second floor was a dining room along with what he assumed was supposed to be an armory. He thought the whole house was amazingly built. It was made of both oak and birch wood with a few spruce embellishments here and there. It must've taken a long time to build. They walked down a hallway until they came upon what looked to be a library with a brewing stand. "Sit down." She ordered softly, motioning towards the sofa made of sheep wool. Wood complied, plopping himself down. She approached a chest that sat in the corner of the room and began to dig out some supplies. He watched her grab a few potion ingredients along with some gauze. After practically throwing them onto the brewing stand she began to examine him like a doctor would.

"Is anything broken?" She asked. "No." He replied, knowing what broken bones felt like. Wood felt a little light headed from blood loss, other than the many bruises on him. River seemed to be nervous, like she was hiding something. Turning away, she went back to the brewing stand once a red colored potion of healing began to bubble. She blew on it so it would cool down, and then offered it to him. He thought to himself how good it would feel to take a drink. She handed him the bottle, "Drink this, but leave some so I can pour it on your wound."

He did so without question. The liquid tasted like a mixture of watermelon and apples along with a hint of something else he guessed was the nether wart and blaze powder. He left about half of it, which she took and soaked his bleeding shoulder with after washing away the dried blood. It was painful at first, but then it resided. River paused for a moment as she held the bandages in her hands. "Wood?" She asked. "What is it?" He replied, close to a groan. Her face went slightly red, "I-I'm going to ask that you remove your shirt." The request made him tilt his head as he realized she was being reasonable. After all, how could she bandage his shoulder with it on? He smiled lightly, "Alright." He sat up a little more and untied his cloak first. River looked away and instead preoccupied herself with putting away some extra ingredients. It was a good thing her last trip to the nether lasted her this long. She tried to think about how much she hated the hot and steamy dimension instead of thinking about the shirtless man behind her. By the time she turned around, she had to refrain from blushing. Wood had a fairly lean chest. He wasn't overly muscled, but he also wasn't skin and bones. There were a few old scars on his neck and his stomach, likely from past raids. His shorter than short hair was also visible to her again. Slowly his forest green eyes looked back into her blue ones. River found herself sitting beside him in silence, wrapping gauze around his shoulder while he stared at the floor not knowing what to say. It seemed like forever by the time he was all patched up.

They sat there not knowing what to say for a few moments. River was the one to break the silence, "Does it hurt anywhere else?" She asked. By now the glow of the lanterns were the only things lighting up the room. Outside, night had already fallen over them. Wood thought for a moment, "Just my forehead." He answered, turning to look at her. River leaned forward, and placed a small kiss where he had pointed. It was short and quick, but it felt nice for both of them. "...and here." He pointed to the side of his face, which had a small scar. River smiled warmly before placing a small kiss there as well. He paused for a moment, and without saying anything, pointed to his lips. River blushed deeply, but didn't refuse. Slowly, she gently planted her lips onto his. Wood reacted calmly, wrapping his aching arms around her. She was so warm, so kind and brave. However, he noticed something strange. She was crying... The mighty village hero in his arms was crying. Pulling away for air, he asked, "What happened by the Ravine? How did you die?" The question caused her to tense up as she tried so hard not to sob right then and there. "I... S-Something horrible happened and I... I'm afraid that you... It's all my fault." Her voice quivered as her eyes filled with grief. "Calm down." He instructed. "Whatever happened, we can make right again."

"COAL IS DEAD!" She yelled.

The moment those three words left her mouth, she felt her insides churn with the weight of actually saying it. She stared at the floor as Wood was left to grasp what she had just said. His eyes grew watery, but he refused to cry. His heart dropped farther than it had ever gone. In that moment it seemed as if the world itself had stopped moving. The knot in her throat forbade her from saying anymore. "How..." He asked, even though he said it as if it were a statement. River shook her head and tried to maintain some form of calmness. "I... I ran and I followed them. They had him cornered- I-I killed those men! I killed them without even thinking! They tried to hurt him! I had no choice! We both fell down the ravine- I caught him but he was shot and he let go of my hand even when I begged him not to! Ididn'tknowwhattodohedidn'tdeserveit!!!! He didn't deserve ANY OF IT!" River cried, the last of her words coming out in a jumble. Wood instinctively held her, his grief taking over his body. He felt numb. He felt anger. Not towards her, but rather himself. "River, it wasn't your fault." He rubbed her back, trying to be the stronger person even though he felt as if he was being torn apart. "H-He wanted me to tell you that you're a wonderful brother... oh notch." She sighed deeply, breath shaking faster than a leaf in a storm.

"Didn't you climb out of the ravine?" He asked. "No... I couldn't do it. Not after I watched him fall. I-I let go of my pickaxe and fell just like he did as a hope to feel the same pain." She wiped away her tears. Wood stared at her, trying to comprehend how she could've brought herself to intentionally die and come back. "Coal wouldn't have wanted you to do that. Don't ever do that again! You lose your experience that way and you hurt yourself!" He sounded like an angry parent. "It should've been me. I should've died before he did..." River said softly, as if not sure what to say anymore. Wood then did something unexpected. His hands firmly held her shoulders as he faced her. "River, look at me." He said it like a demand rather than a request. She didn't refuse. As soon as her blue eyes met his, she could see the emotions pooling in and out of his head. "What happened tonight was not your fault. I know you think otherwise, but I never want you to respawn on purpose. I know you. I know you well enough to know that you save lives. You saved the wandering trader, the village, and me from dying in the wilderness. River, you can't always save everybody..." he breathed, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "You did your best... and that was all you could've done. Do you understand me?" He asked. River sighed shakily and nodded. Wood nodded slowly back, his green eyes softened again as he let go of her.

"We... we should eat." River said solemnly. She stood up from the couch, "I'll be right back." Wood watched her walk down the hall until she reached the stairs, where her footsteps disappeared. A little later she came back with two bowls of mushroom soup along with two baked potatoes and a few cookies as a hope to lighten the mood a little. She handed him the bowl and sat the rest in between them before taking her seat once again. They were both starving. Wood hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and she refused to eat out of guilt once she came to. As the simple yet flavorful and hearty liquid flowed down his throat, he savored every moment of it. His health felt like it was regenerating already. Once again, he was grateful for her food. It tasted homemade and fresh; contrasting from the unflavored meat he had eaten alongside his brethren. The baked potatoes were also hot and flavorful, with salt and what tasted like butter on the inside. However, the best part of the meal was the cookies. "Thank you for your hospitality..." He said once they inhaled their food. "You're welcome.... I suppose this is your new home if you aren't going back." She replied quietly. "How did you manage to create all of this? Not just the building-but the library, the enchantment table, potions, and the food! I don't think coca beans grow around here..." He examined the cookie crumbs that had sprinkled onto his lap. River smiled slightly, but still felt saddened. "I've been much farther than your outposts. There's a jungle farther south that I visit every now and again. I grow my own food, shelter my own cattle and sheep, and I built this place entirely from scratch. It took months to gather materials. Everything else you see was either foraged or created along the way."

Wood nodded, still amazed by everything she owned. When he first heard of her, he assumed she lived in the village- or in a hidden cabin deep in the woods. It was hard to enjoy this place fully due to his heavy heart. Coal would've loved it.

"We should get some sleep." She breathed. "There's a guest room if you want it. It's still new, though. There are probably a few leaks in the ceiling." River stated. Wood thought for a moment as he looked into her eyes. Anyone could've seen that she was hurt. He could see her guilt, and feel the heartache even more than Notch himself. "No." He stated. "What do you mean no?" She asked. Wood tried to smile slightly, "If you think I'm going to let you sleep alone after today, then you couldn't be more wrong." River blushed slightly, but didn't refuse. Together they hauled themselves down the hallway and up the stairs. The third floor was mainly storage, with several chests and different item frames for important objects. Each chest was labeled whether it was filled with food, minerals, building supplies, and other random things she had scavenged. They passed the room full of chests until they finally reached her bedroom. Compared to the other rooms, it was oddly simple. There was a bed, of course, with dark blue sheets. A painting hung on the wall beside the window, which had a seat. The view was spectacular. Beyond the glass, he could see the distant shore along with the stars that hid behind the rainy clouds. He guessed River's favorite color must've been blue, since both the carpet and the few banners hanging above her bed were adorned with it. They seemed to both realize how tired they were. The light of the lanterns dimmed slightly as the sound of distant thunder boomed in the distance. "Make yourself at home." She said before plopping herself down on the bed.

Wood, still taking it all in, removed his shoes before deciding to remain shirtless for the sake of comfort. Besides, his bandages would need to breathe. He folded his cloak the best as he could, draping it over a nearby chair that was paired with a tiny table. When he was ready, he slid right next to her. River faced the other way, staring at the wall. Her thoughts were less panicked than before, knowing that he held nothing against her. However, they were still swarming. She was unsure that she'd ever be able to sleep peacefully again after letting someone just... die like that. Wood felt grief on the inside too. That was why he wanted to hold her. No, he needed to hold her. "What are you doing?" She asked as she felt his arm gliding around her waist. "I'm trying to make us both feel better." He whispered, lips lightly brushing against her ear. Something about his voice in that instant made her relax. He hugged her close, hands still gently embracing her. It was hard to believe that these were the same hands that killed villagers, priests, blacksmiths, and librarians. It was hard to believe that he once raided the innocent, taking lives rather than saving them. But it wasn't hard to believe that he was no longer that person. "I'm so sorry, Wood..." She murmured, the thought of Coal's tearful eyes never left her. "Shhhh." He silenced her.

One of his hands stroked her long, golden hair. Her scent was appealing to him, smelling like dandelions, rain, and chocolate. He on the other hand, still smelled like forest, rain, and iron. They laid in silence, appreciating this closeness. At least here, they felt protected. They weren't in the middle of the woods where a monster could ambush them, and they were certain that no one- pillager or villager, would dare disturb that peace. His lips wandered onto the side of her cheek before dragging down to her neck. He made sure that she wasn't uncomfortable with any of it. If she wanted him to stop, he would stop. The last thing he wanted to do was make her regret letting him stay. River allowed him to continue. His warmth against her felt nice after being alone for so long. He grew a little rough, but the kisses that were being laid down her neck felt softer than ever. She ended up turning over slightly to face him. They didn't know when or how, but they somehow were able to fall asleep as the rain outside began to truly pour.

The grief was still there, but it would leave eventually...


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