Awaked With Mistakes

By LongLiveTRATB

18.7K 529 39

The dreams won't stop. I need to find him. More

Awaked With Mistakes


587 17 2
By LongLiveTRATB

**A/N sorry for not updating, i think this chapter should make up for it for now;) **

Alan's POV 

Austin and I slowly walk down the crowded street, hand in hand towards my little house, my stomach fills with butterflies, what will my parents think? 

We walk up the steps and i turn the handle. I begin to let go of his hand but he picks it back up

"Alan, they need to know"

I turn around to him and look into his eyes "You're right" I tighten my grip on his hand and push open the door. We walk in the front entrance, My father, Mother, and Sister are all sitting at the kitchen table, staring at us. I see Chelsea smile as she looks at our intertwined fingers . My father looks at our faces, and his eyes slowly move down to our hands.. i see his eyes widen as he shoots his eyes back up to meet  mine

"Alan ......"  

I push myself closer besides Austin and i play with his fingers nervously

"Yeah dad"

He stands up "Who is this"

I look at the floor and gulp "Austin Carlile ... He's my boyfriend" 

I hear my mother gasp at the last word.

My dad slowly walks very close to Austin's face and looks him directly in the eyes, My dad takes in a deep breath, My heart skips a beat at every movement my father makes in fear that he is going to take a swing at Austin.

My father takes a firm hold of Austin's free hand and shakes it "Well, Nice to meet you."

Austin smiles his red carpet smile at my dad "Nice to meet you too Mr. Ashby"  

"Well boys, are you going to sit down or what?" 

Austin and I walk towards the couch and sit down beside each other. And i set my hand on Austin's knee. 

My mom sits across from it "So, Austin. Where do you live?"

"Oh, I live in an apartment on the other side of the bridge"

"What about your parents?"  A look of concern is on her face

"My mum passed away a few years ago...." 

"Oh honey... I'm so sorry" 

Austin looks down and plays with my thumb "It's alright" 

"So you live alone?"  My mom questions 

"mom stop!" I whisper to her 

Austin looks up at me and strokes my face "It's fine, she can ask me some questions" 

He looks back to my mother "I've lived alone since she was gone yeah" 

"Well you're welcome to stay here any time you want to.. including tonight, It's getting dark outside." My mom stands up and pats his head as she walks past "Goodnight boys" 

"I'm sorry about that Austin" I rub his hand gently 

"It's cool" He smiles at me

Chelsea walks over and puts a good show on for us, and she also takes the blanket of the back of the couch and holds it up. She grins at us

"lay down" 

Austin lays down on the couch, and I place myself in front of him, My back pressed against his stomach. He pushes his arm under my neck, and reaches his other arm over my side, cuddling me in close. 

Chelsea lightly puts the blanket over us, and tucks us in 

"Goodnight you two.. Don't be too loud" She winks at us as she shuts off the main light and heads to her room for the night 

For the next half hour, we watch watch a really sappy love comedy show. Austin is really sensitive so he cried a few times, And I had to comfort him. But I don't mind, I love being with him. 

After the show ends Austin suddenly  puts his hand on my chest and puts his face close to my ear, i feel his breath slightly moving my hair with every exhale. "I love you so much" he whispers to me as he pulls his hand through my hair.  

I turn to Austin, and put my finger on the end of his nose, and trace it across his face until i reach reach his mouth. I slowly reach my hand around to the back of his neck and pull him close until our noses are touching, I then move my chin up making our lips collide gently. 

I pull away from him and smile "I love you too"

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