Transformers ask or dare

By WhiteWolfNinja

79.3K 1.1K 442

I'm board as hell so i thought why not do an ask or dare while i come up with an idea to write the next chapt... More

Ask or Dare
Dare #1
Dare #2
Dare #3
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Dare #5
Ask #1
Ask #2 & Dare #6
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Dare #10
Author note
Ask #3
Ask #4
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Ask #5
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Ask #6 & Dare #16
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Dare #138

222 3 3
By WhiteWolfNinja

@Medlockineededthat *laughing my aft off* Starscream I have a *continuing laughter from outside the room, belonging to prowl* dare! You have to *giggle* LICK AND KISS Megahahaha *gasps* Megatron's and the other's interface panels, *laughs so hard I can't breathe* while their mates are watching!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!! Omp you are soo fragged!!! Btw, this dare is from Prowl, and it's fragging hilarious! AND, you gotta do it to me, so Prowl AND my sire and carrier lose it!! That part is for me!

Supercruncher: *Purring as he snuggles into Ratchet's side while he grumbles about their daughter taking to much after her Sire and how he should have made sure he didn't leave them alone together while she was still a sparkling stretching Supercruncher checked wattpad seeing a dare reading it then teleports to Starscream*

Starscream: *Jumps 40 feet in the air when Supercruncher suddenly appears infront of him*

Supercruncher: Hello~ Starscream~ You have a dare from Medlock and Prowl they have dared you to lick and kiss Megatron and the other's interface panels while their mates are watching!

Starscream: *makes a disgusted face* EWW WHY MUST MY NIECE MAKE ME SUFFER!!!!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *raises servo* Ooo I know the answer! I know the answer!

Starscream: *sighs* Yes Supercruncher!

Supercruncher: *puts down servo and smiles innocently* It's because she's my daughter!

Starscream: *sighs again* Of course she would take after you!


Starscream: *closes intake* I'll just go do my death sentence now! *walks off*

Time Skip!

*Starscream walks into the throne room where Megatron and Optimus were talking*

Starscream: *walks up to them and kneels down infront of Megatron*

Megatron: *looks down at him confused* Starscream what are you doing?

Starscream: *doesn't say anything and kisses then licks Megatron's interface panel*

Megatron: *growls and pushes Starscream* 

Starscream: *turns to Optimus and does the same thing*

Optimus: *blushes and squeaks*

Megatron: *growls loudly and pulls Starscream away from his mate* YOU BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELF STARSCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Starscream: *scared and bites Megatron's servo and runs off*

Megatron: *holding his servo* SON OF A GLITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

*Starscream walks up to Shockwave and Soundwave who are in the lab*

Starscream: *kneels down infront of Soundwave and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Soundwave: *knocks Starscream over with his tentacles*

Starscream: *sits up infront of Shockwave and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Shockwave: *shoots Starscream*

Starscream: *shrieks and starts running out the door when a tentacle wraps around him and pulls him back into the lab as the door closes* AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

*Starscream walks up to Knockout and Breakdown who are in the med-bay*

Starscream: *kneels down infront of Breakdown and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Breakdown: *yells and shoves Starscream away*

Starscream: *turns to a fuming Knockout and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Knockout: *gasps and blushes bright blue*

Breakdown: *growls loudly and hits Starscream with his hammer*

Starscream: *goes flying across the room* AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

*Starscream walks up to Smokescreen and Bumblebee*

Starscream: *kneels infront of Smokescreen and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Smokescreen: *screams and hits Starscream with a glare*

Starscream: *goes to Bumblebee and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Bumblebee: *moans a little then blushes madly and kicks Starscream away then hides behind Smokescreen shaking*

Smokescreen: *growling and furiously kicking Starscream in the side* DON'T TOUCH MY BUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

*Starscream walks up to Bulkhead and Arcee*

Starscream: *kneels infront of Arcee and kisses then licks her interface panel*

Arcee: *glares and punches Starscream in the face*

Starscream: *dizzy but turns to Bulkhead then kisses and licks his interface panel*

Bulkhead: *yelps and hits Starscream with his wrecking ball sending him flying*

Starscream: *gets hit by Bulkhead and goes flying* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

*Starscream walks up to Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack*

Starscream: *kneels infront of Ultra Magnus and kisses then licks his interface panel*

Ultra Magnus: *wide optic and backhands Starscream*

Starscream: *whimpers and gets infront of Wheeljack kissing then licks his interface panel*

Wheeljack: *growling and attacks Starscream* DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starscream: *gets attack by the sparked Wheeljack* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

*Starscream walks up to Medlock who is with Prowl and her creators*

Starscream: *kneels infront of his niece and kisses then licks her interface panel*

Medlock: *squeaks and goes behind Prowl*

Prowl: *growling and optics turn red*

Supercruncher: *growls and turns into his Wolf-mode optics tuning red*

Ratchet: *roars in his Dino-mode optics also turning red*

Starscream: *looks at them with wide optics* (thoughts-WELL I'M DEAD!!!!!!!!!)

Supercruncher&Ratchet&Prowl: *roar and attack Starscream with no mercy*

Starscream: *scared as frag* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS A DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Hours Later

Supercruncher: *covered from helm to pede in energon and licks some from his dermas with a smirk* Well there you have it guys Starscream completed his dare it's safe to say none of the couples liked it Prowl Ratchet and I HAHAHAHHHA let's just say we made him hurt slowly and painfully~ so~ keep them coming guys~ MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *groans and holds his tanks* I have to go purge my tanks now BYE!!!!!!! *runs off at top speed pushing over anybot that gets in his way*

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