My best friends husband

By shyannesmithh

5.4K 81 8

Los Santos a place for celebrities and aspiring celebrities but that's not the case for Rose she is hopeful i... More

North Yankton
Sandy Shores
The Lost MC
Did someone say yoga?
The affair
We are back baby!
Lester my old friend
Second thoughts
FIB raid
Back home
Taking care of business
If you leave me now
I love you
Planning the big one
Authur note
Long lost brother
Dave Norton
Tanisha Jackson
Solomon Richards
The Big Score PART 1
The Big Score Part 2
Author note

Home is where the heart is

258 3 1
By shyannesmithh

✨Michaels POV✨

It's been about 3 months since Rose left and i kicked Amanda out, the divorce is going well I'll soon be free, I told the kids they can come stop here whenever they want it will still be their home regardless of whatever is happening. As for Rose the pregnancy is going well, I'm actually on my way to Lesters to get my update i find out the sex of the baby today, she sends me every scan photo the more i see my child growing i regret walking away from her. I just wish she was here with me and we was experiencing this together, i have Lesters friend in North Yankton trying to look for her but its no good she knows how to be stealthy and that's what she is exactly doing. I wish i could see her again and tell her about the divorce but i can't i only have myself to blame.

I get changed and drive to Lesters i knock on the door "Come on in buddy" the door buzzes "How are you?" Lest asks me i sit down "Could be better but I'm doing good, you? What did the doctors say?" I ask him patting his knee "The same thing they always say to take my meds and whatever else, i have your letter here my good friend" he hands me the letter i open it.

Hey Mikey,
Doctors say that baby is growing perfect they have no worries about the pregnancy I'm so glad to hear that as i was worried, I'm sure your eager to find out the sex so here it is...


I'm not sure if you wanted a girl or boy, but as you know i wanted a boy I'm so excited i have sent you a couple more pictures of the scan you can see his little face so much clearer and his fingers I'm also sending you a teddy with the baby's heart beat so you can hear it, i miss you.

Love Rose xxx

"Well?" Lest says "Its a boy!" I say smiling "Congratulations pal" he pulls me into a hug "Shes also sending me a teddy with he baby's heartbeat so i can hear it you need to let me know when it arrives" i say pointing at him "I will don't worry" he smiles "So a son, how do you feel?" I think for moment "Well i already have a son but he's not my blood but I'm not sure how to feel I'm excited i just wish i could be there with her and my child you know feeling my son kick, I'm going to miss his first steps, first word" i say looking down Lest puts his arm on my shoulder "Don't be down buddy you got that teddy to look forward to" he smiles "You're right, well i best be going, let me know about that score" he nods "Will do bud".

I leave Lesters and take my phone out my pocket to text Trevor just as I'm about to press send he rings me

"Mikey, how ya doing buddy?"
"I was just about to text you whats up?"
"I'm bored you wanna do something?"
"Sure pal, what did you have in mind?"
"Well i kinda took over the strip club so free booze and free dances?"
I hear the persuasiveness in his voice coming on
"Yeah pal i gotta couple of things i need to do but I'll ask Frank if he's down too"
"Sounds like a plan when you get here just come through to the back"
"Alright see you in a bit"
I end the phone call get into my car and ring Frank

"What up dawg?"
"Hey Frank, Trevor wants us to go for a drink with him, he said he recently took over the strip club"
"Vanilla unicorn? Damn I didn't think the owner would ever sell"
"I don't think he did by choice" i chuckle
"Shiit well I'm down, you wanna meet there or you want me to pick you up?"
"I gotta go get changed I'm just leaving Lesters now so pick me up in about an hour?"
"Ight homie see you soon"
End of phone call

I turn on the radio Los Santos rock radio plays "Coming up next is Shadows of the night by Pat Benatar" i turn up the volume and drive home. While I'm driving i get into the music a little too much tapping away on my steering wheel, I'm not sure why but whenever i hear from Rose I'm always happy i miss her like crazy and i wish i could see her I've been thinking about just getting a ticket to North Yankton and trying to find her myself but i respect that she wants privacy.

I pull into my drive way and get out my car i unlock the front door and walk inside the quietness hits me i head up the stairs to get changed i put on a shirt, jeans and boots i spray the aftershave that was Roses favourite. I hear a car pull up i look out my window and see Franks car i go down the stairs and go out to him I lock the door. "Hey Frank" i smile "Come on dawg we don't wanna be late" he smiles "Be late for what?" I give him a puzzled look "Oh um, late for free beer" he smiles "Yeah ok" I'm not convinced. "So how you doing Mike?" Frank asks focusing on the road "Not too bad i found out the Sex today but I'm not saying anything til we meet with the rest of the guys" i smile.

✨Roses POV✨

"I'm so nervous" i say to Trevor taking a deep breath "Don't worry just relax everything will be just fine" he places his arm around me "Thank you for helping me set this up" i smile "Thank you for being my business parter" he smiles back i laugh a little "What if he don't want to see me?" I say looking down "Rose your all he ever talks about he NEVER shuts the fuck up about you" he rolls his eyes i lightly smack his arm "That's a good thing isn't it?" I feel worried just before Trev can answer me Ron comes running in "They are here!" I take a deep breath and grab the teddy with the baby's heartbeat in "Go wait in that room and just as he's about to say the baby's gender you come out and beat him to it!" Trevor laughs i nod.

"Heya Mikey, welcome to my new place of business" i hear Trevors say "So whats the gender?" Ron asks but Trevor cuts him short "AH AH AH champagne please!" He shouts making me almost giggle but i stop myself, i hear the waitress come in and they pop the bottle i poke my head out the room they are all facing Mikey so they hide me form him. "Alright I'm going to count to 3 and then you shout it" i hear Frank say "1..2..3" "Its a- BOY!" I shout interrupting Mikey.

The guys all move out the way and my eyes meet his after so long of being away from him i feel myself tearing up I'm instantly met with Mikes arms around me and his lips crash on to mine "I've missed you so much more then you will ever know" he says tears in his eyes "Oh stop you're going to make me cry" i say laughing he gets on his knees and rubs my belly "Hey little fella, your daddy's here I'm going to take care of you and your mommy for the as long as i can" he says looking me in the eyes. "Ok enough of this shit lets go and celebrate" Trevor says we laugh "Where are we going?" Mikey asks with a confused look "Back to yours" i tell him "Why?" He says looking puzzled "Lester may or may not be there setting something up" i smile.

Everyone piles out of the strip club and into their cars i take the car with Frank and Mike "So how was your flight?" Frank asks me "It was ok a little boring but then again what do you expect, You ok Mike? A little quiet" i say leaning forwards to play with his hair, "I'm just shocked your here, for months I've waited for the moment to see you again and your finally here" i feel him relax while i brush my fingers through his hair.

We pull into Mikes driveway and see the balloons and banner on the door my face lights up "I have a great family" i say while smiling Mike gets out the car and opens my door helping me out the car "I'm not that big yet but thank you" i kiss his cheek. "Welcome home Rose!" Everyone shouts and pops confetti cannons "Thank you guys it feels good to be back" Mike puts his arm around me "So where are you staying?" Mike asks me "Well i was hoping i could live here with you and our son" i smile at him his face lights up "You are NEVER leaving again" he hugs me. We walk into the living room it's decorated in blue with a big banner around it is a selection of cakes.

"You've really out done yourselves here guys" Mike tells them "We have one more surprise for you" Lest tells him "Follow us" we walk up the stairs and stand outside of the spare bedroom in the house "No peaking" Mike closes his eyes so do i we hear the door open "3...2...1 OPEN!" I open my eyes and see the most perfect room for our baby boy i walk in with my jaw wide open "I know you started it Michael but we finished it"

I instantly start crying "I can never thank you guys enough for everything you do and have done" they all huddle round me "FAMILY HUG" Trev shouts i see Frank standing by himself "Get in here Frank you're family now" he smiles and walks over to the group hug. "Enough of this love shit lets go eat" i laugh and lightly smack Trevor on the back of his head. We walk back downstairs music plays in the background some of the guys are drinking and laughing Mike pulls me over to one side "I'm so glad you are here but why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted to i really did but Lester thought this was the best way to do it, i just want to say I'm sorry for how i left things" he stops me "No i want to be the one who says sorry i should never of just left you that night and everyday i regret it so much, the day you left i kicked Amanda out and we are getting a divorce i want to be with you have a family with you" just then the doorbell rings "I'll get it" i told Mike.

I walk to the front door and open it i stop in my tracks when i see Amanda, Jimmy and Tracy "I don't want any trouble" she tells me "Come in" i smile Mike comes walking out of the living room to see who it is he slows down when he sees Amanda "Michael I don't want any trouble I'm not here to start or call you any names, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for everything i put you through over the years" he gives her a half smile "I just want to say thank you for everything you put me through because without you I wouldn't be where i am today Amanda, i wish you happiness and you will find someone who can put up with your lifestyle, you gave me 2 beautiful children who i love dearly and now having a third I don't know how i got so lucky"

Amanda turns me to me oh no "Rose i just want to say I'm sorry to you, you was my best friend and what happened all those years ago should never have happened and i should have told you" I instantly pull her into a hug "I forgive you" i say she pulls way "How can you ever forgive me?" "Manda you've been my best friend since we was 5 years old, little kids running round in the trailer park, you was there for me when i lost my husband, i came here not know what to expect but i know that I don't want to loose you as a friend, from now on its a fresh start" i smile at her and turn Jimmy and Tracy "I'm not ever trying to replace your mom because i never will and compared to what we had growing up you've had such a better life, i know your mom has always tried her best with you and she will always continue to... your dad yes he's been a harsh person but that's because he was carrying so much hurt and disappointment with him and now he's finally let it all god and he's ready to be the dad he should have been all those years ago" they pull me into a hug.

"I cant wait to meet my little brother" Jimmy says "Another boy" Tracy rolls her eyes "Well who knows there could be a second girl in the future" Mike winks and i laugh "No you'll be like 50" Amanda laughs too "Well we best get going" Amanda says as they go to leave. "No, please stay" i say with a smile.

✨Michaels POV✨

The welcome home party has been going for about 2 hours I'm having a good time with the boys i keep looking over at Rose and Amanda but they seem to be having a good time, i can hear them laughing and talking about the times in North Yankton, it makes me happy, right now my life feels like a movie, the love of my life is back and shes even getting on with my ex wife i chuckle to myself a little. Lest comes up to me "I better be going its pretty late" "You want me to call you a cab?" He shakes his head at me "Franklin is going to drive me home" i nod "I'll be in touch about that job" i smile "See you later Lest" "Imma head out too Mikey gotta get back to business" T pats my back "Congratulations again pal" he points before walking out i go to over to Rose and put my arm around her. I notice she looks tired "Tired?' She rolls her eyes while yawning "How did you guess" her and Amanda both giggle "Oh no I'm not putting up with two ganging up on me again" i chuckle.

"Well we should get going anyway its late and Jimmys got college" Rose nods and proceeds to give Amanda a hug "If you need anything or want anything just let me know" Rose nods and Amanda points at me "Just let me know otherwise there will be trouble" i hold my hands up surrendering "I will" i kiss my kids bye and turn to Rose "Bed?" She smiles "Music to my ears"

We walk upstairs to get ready for bed in the bathroom I'm brushing my teeth with Rose next to me this time in person not in my head, I feel at peace now after we are done in the bathroom i help her get dressed into her pjs and make sure the pillows are fluffed for her "What are you doing? She asks me "I'm making sure comfortable" she smiles "As long as I'm with you I'm always going to be comfortable" she pecks my lips and gets into bed, i walk around and get into my side of the bed i lay on my back and instantly get Rose laying on my chest we are just laying there in silence its not awkward it is kind of soothing "Oh my god the baby is kicking" she says i move my her to face her "You wanna feel?" She asks me "Is that even a question?" She laughs and moves the cover, she places my hand on her belly and i feel him kick "He's strong already" she nods "Just like his momma" she smiles "I was thinking more like me?" She laughs and then looks at me "Oh yeah totally like you" i roll my eyes.

We settle back down in bed Rose cuddles me "So what make you come back?" I ask "Home is where the heart it is" just then i feel her drift off to sleep i kiss her head and fall asleep next to her.

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