Detective Conan : The Time-Bo...

By OliviaCloe

21.3K 931 95

I didn't see anyone making a book of Detective Conan movie so I make one and take this as a Valentine Gift fr... More

A/N 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/N 2

Chapter 10

1.8K 93 5
By OliviaCloe

<Your POV>

Me and Conan run through the crowd outside the Beika City Building leaving Oji-san and Inspector far behind us. We were so close to enter the building and the police officers guarding around the building saw us running to the building. One of them then stood in our way.


Erena : GET. OUT. OF. MY. WAY!!!! ARRGGGHHH!!!!

I run in front of Conan and seeing the officer aren't moving out of the way, I grab his hand and with all my power in my small body, I managed to flip the officer throwing him on his back a bit too hard.

Me and Conan then keep on running inside the building ignoring everything now and tried to reach to where Ran is.

Erena : Ran, hang in there, I'll be right there!

Me and Conan run through every rubble in our way with me leading. We then run through the emergency stairs and once we reach the top, more rubble falls down closing the only escape route and separating me from Conan with only a small crack the size of our hand can be seen.


Erena : I'm fine Conan. But I don't think you can get through, so just give the blueprints and the phone to me. Once the rescue team is here, tell them to hurry, okay....

Conan : I will, but Erena, please be careful....

Erena : I will....

I said, taking the blueprints and the phone as I smile reassuringly at Conan and turn around running to where Ran is. I was really close to were Ran is when more rubble falls which I quickly avoided. I look behind to see that the stairs once again covered in rubble.

Erena : It would take sometime for Conan and the rescue team to arrive....

I call the customer service number where Ran is and wait for it to be pick up.

Ran : Hello?

Y/N (E) : Is that you, Ran?

Ran : Y/N?

Y/N (E) : Looks like the phone line aren't down.

Ran : What are you doing here?

Y/N (E) : I heard from Shin that you both are gonna be watching movies together today. So, I decided to come along to visit Oji-san as a surprised. But then this happen and I rush here with Shin. He is actually here, but the rubble separated us, so I'm the only one now. You don't know how worried he is behind those rubble. I'm right by the emergency door, but it's covered with rubble.

Ran : Eh?

Y/N (E) : I was able to get through the rubble this far, but it seems the door was warped because of the shock from the explosion. And I can't get it to open. It's not like I can't, but the gloves are already out of power.... By the way, do you notice a suspicious object in the lobby, like a briefcase or trunk?

Ran : A suspicious object?

The phone then when silent for a while when Ran voice can be heard again after a few minutes.

Ran : What is this? It's really heavy and big and has something like a digital clock on it.

Y/N (E) : Okay, Ran. I wanted you to relax and don't shout, okay. That's a bomb. So, be careful okay.... Damn that Moriya. He left the biggest one for here!

Ran : A B-....

I put the phone between my shoulder and cheek to look at the blueprints in my hand while holding my bowtie in the other hand.

Y/N (E) : Ran, how much time is left? Good, it doesn't have vibration sensor.

Ran : Just a moment.... 42 minutes and 7 seconds.

Erena : 42 minutes, huh? That means it'll explode at three past midnight. Three minutes? So, that's what he meant by three minutes, huh? It's a shame that Shinichi is not the one here....

After thinking for a few minutes which is actually a lot longer that I thought, I look down to my wristwatch to see that there's only 18 minutes left.

Y/N (E) : Eighteen minutes left. How long did I lose just now? There's no time left. Hey Ran! Do you have any scissors?

I said in to the phone.

Ran : I have a pair of scissors in my sewing kit, but what can we do with that?

Y/N (E) : You have to disarm.... That bomb....

Ran : What?!

Y/N (E) : Listen, just do as I tell you.

Ran : Wait, I won't be able to concentrate while I'm talking on the phone. I'll go over there.

Y/N (E) : Alright, but move slowly!

Ran : I understand....

Ran then cut off the phone and I wait for Ran to come close to the emergency door. I then heard Ran voice from behind the emergency door.

Ran : Can you hear me, (Y/N)?

Y/N (E) : Yeah, I can hear you well.

Ran : I'm going to rip off the bag.

Y/N (E) : Be careful.

I then heard the sound of paper ripping which mean that Ran is ripping a paper bag. I then heard Ran gasped.

What's the matter, Ran? Are you okay?

Ran : Yeah, I'm fine.

<Third Person POV>

Ran then open her purse and take out her sewing kit. She opens it taking out a pair of scissors then put back her stuff away.

Ran : Okay, I'm ready.

Y/N (E) : Good. Now, open the outer cover. You should be able to lift it straight up. Gently now.

Ran did as what you told and take off the cover gently. She then put the cover down on the floor beside the bomb.

Ran : I took it off, (Y/N).

Y/N (E) : Okay, we're going to cut the circuitry now. If you cut the wire in the wrong order, we're dead.

Ran was shocked hearing it and shaking in fear, but then she nods and look at the bomb determined to disarmed it. You then start to tell her which wire to cut first and follow by other colour in its order. It goes on like that for a few minutes.

Ran : I cut it.

Y/N (E) : Good. Looks like we'll make it. All we have to do is cut the last black wire and it should stop.

Ran : The black wire....

Ran then search for the black wire and once she sees it, she takes it gently and cut the black wire. She looks at the bomb seeing that the bomb is still ticking which makes her surprised.

Ran : (Y-Y/N)? I cut the black wire, but the timer isn't stopping. In fact, there are still two wires left, a red one and a blue one!

Y/N (E) : WHAT?!

You then look back through the blueprints not seeing anything related to the wire Ran mention.

Erena : Could it be that Moriya didn't put those two wires in the schematic to trick me?

Ran : What should we do? Should we cut both of them?

Y/N (E) : No, Ran! One of those is a booby trap! It'll blow the moment you cut it!

Ran : O-oh no!

Erena : Damn it! Which is it? Red? Blue? Which do we have to cut?

Then the sound of bell can be heard resounding around the place. You look at your wristwatch realizing that it is already midnight. Ran then spoke.

Ran : (Y/N)-chan....

Y/N (E) : Yeah....

Ran : I hope Shinichi is here, but I'm glad he didn't either....

You then chuckle releasing the blueprints in your hand go. You went to the stuck-broken emergency door and lean your back on it sliding down to the floor.

Y/N (E) : Hahahaha, yeah. It's already that baka birthday....

Ran : (Y/N)-chan, can I ask you something?

Y/N (E) : Sure, go ahead, Ran.

Ran : Do you love Shinichi....?

Hearing the question utter by Ran, you can feel your breath stuck in your throat. With a wavering voice, you answer her. But it was to no avail since Ran always knew if you lied to her. Your voice would waver when talking to her unlike when you lied to everyone else.

Y/N (E) : N-no, why do you ask, Ran....?

Ran : She's lying.... So, she does have feeling for Shinichi.... For how long?

Y/N (E) : Huh?

Ran : For how long?

You know that you can't lie to her anymore since she has caught you, so you just tell her the truth.

Y/N (E) : Since I first met him....

Ran : That long, huh? Sorry....

Y/N (E) : No, Ran. It's not your fault.... Anyway, since you came here, I assume that you want to watch 'Legend of the Red Thread' with Shin, aren't you....?

Ran : ......

Y/N (E) : Hey, Ran. Cut it.... The color you like, just cut it.

Ran : What if I'm wrong?

Y/N (E) : It doesn't matter. If time runs out, we're doomed. That's why you can just choose the color that you like.

Ran : But....

Y/N (E) : Don't worry, I'll stay right here until you cut it. If we die, we die together, Ran. And Ran, I love you, neechan.

Ran : (Y/N)....

Then the building started to shake once again and more rubble came falling down on top of you and Ran making you both move away from the emergency door. While you're avoiding the rubble, you accidently drop the phone and the phone then being crushed by the falling rubble. Ran gently carried the bomb away from the falling rubble.

Ran look down at the bomb in her arm then put it down on the floor as she kneels beside it. She then thinks for a moment remembering everything of the past about you, Shinichi and the time the three of you spend together.


Ran : Ne, (Y/N)-chan. What is your favourite color?

You and Ran are sitting at the swing in the park only the two of you.

Y/N : I like blue just like Shin. I find blue comforting. What about you, Ran?

Ran : Hum, I like red. They're the color of passion and they're beautiful too.

Y/N : But you know, Ran of what that I like the most?

Ran : Hmm, what?

Y/N : YOU!!

You said and laugh with Ran laughing with you too. The two of you then get off the swing and hold each other hand walking back to your house together.


<Your POV>

Y/N (E) : Ran! Ran! Are you okay? Darn! She can't hear me.

I then check around myself for the phone but can't find it anywhere.

Erena : No, the mobile phone is gone. Shoot, I must have dropped it.

I then hear a sound from behind me as I was looking around for the mobile phone. I look around seeing the rescue team have arrived. One man came in then followed by another.

R.T 1 : Oh! There's a child here. You're all right now, kid. Let's go.

Erena : Wait a moment! There are still people stuck inside!

R.T 1 : All right, hang on!

They then tried to open the door by pushing it as hard as he can, but to no avail. He then asks for his comrade to get the drill quick.

T.R 1 : It's no good, bring the drill.

T.R 2 : Understood!

T.R 1 : Today's my wedding anniversary, but I guess I won't be able to enjoy it.

I then remember what Ran said to Moriya of how red is her and Shinichi lucky color for this month.

Erena : Lucky color.... Oh no!

The building then started to shake again and the rubble came falling down even more. The rescue man picks me up and run to the exit.

T.R 1 : Kid, we have to get out of here!

I jump out of the man hold and run back to the emergency door.

Erena : Ran! Don't cut the red wire! Cut the blue one! Not the red one! Ran! What's the matter? Answer me!

The rescue man then picks me up again and keep a tight hold on me this time running to the exit as I flail around in his arms.


He keeps on running with me in his arm until we reach outside of the building. I look down to my wristwatch seeing that it almost the time. Without I realize it, the time have already past and there's nothing happening.

The rescue man who hold me put me down. I look to the building in pure shock mixed with happiness and gratefulness. I can feel my whole body shaking especially my legs making me fall on the ground since my legs can't keep me up. tears then started to stream down my face and a really big happy-grateful smile crept up to my face.

Conan : ERENA!!

I heard Conan call for me. I turn my head around to his direction and see him running up to me. Once he is right beside me, he kneels down and embrace me and I can feel him shaking a bit. I hug him back and buried my face in his chest crying still.

Erena : R-Ran, Ran is safe. Ran is safe! I-I *sob* I'm so happy. Ran is....

Conan : I know, I know. It's fine now.... It's okay....

Conan then help me stand and lead me to a more uncrowded place near Oji-san and the polices. We stay there and after an hour of waiting, we see Ran came out of the building holding a paper gift which I assume a gift for Shinichi. She looks around and see Oji-san so she went there.

Oji-san where crying seeing Ran safe and sound with Inspector saying reassuring word to him. The reporter then suddenly gathers around Oji-san and Inspector making Ran move out of the way. Ran then walk around as he looks for someone when she spotted us not far from there. I was leaning on Conan as he wraps his arms around my body. Ran came to us looking happy, I can clearly sadness in her eyes.

Ran : Conan-kun! Erena-chan! You guys were worried about me and came, huh?

Conan : Yeah, I guess. Erena-chan is the most worried about you tho that she can't stand....

I whine in protest, but didn't say anything since it is true that I am worried of Ran well being.

Ran : What happened to you?

Ran ask Conan seeing the bandage on his head from him injuring his head accidently that afternoon. Conan then release an arm from me to hold his head where the bandage is.

Conan : Oh, I tripped and fell.

Ran : You have to be careful. Hey Conan-kun, Erena-chan, have you seen Shinichi or (Y/N)?

Conan : Huh? I thought they were here.

Ran : Aww.... I was going to give him his gift and I have something to say to (Y/N).

Erena : Oh yeah! (Y/N)-neechan was puzzled about one thing! She said, 'I was sure that Ran would have cut the red wire, so why did she cut the blue one?'.

Ran : That's because blue is Shinichi's and (Y/N)'s favourite color. Plus, I didn't want to cut it because the red thread might be connected for Shinichi and (Y/N), right?

Ran said as she holds out her right pinkie finger. I look at Ran confuse as to why didn't she connected it as her and Shinichi, but me and Shinichi.

Erena : But Ran-neechan. Why not you and Shinichi-niichan?

Ran : Hmm, that's because my heart tell me that the red wire is the red thread of Shinichi and (Y/N).

Ran said sadly as she looks up to the night sky.

Ran : Plus, I just realize that (Y/N) have always supported Shinichi and be with him no matter what situation he is in. She was always there. So, I hope that they would be together and have a happy relationship. And I will be their main shipper.

Me and Conan then froze in our place while looking up at Ran. I turn to look at Conan seeing his face look red, but maybe it was just my imagination since it is night time and there is the light from the police cars siren. We then stay like that until it is time for us to go back.


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