Sinner [Completed]

By callmeCRAZY8

240K 10.3K 6.8K

"Sinners go to hell!" The preacher yelled and everyone in the room cheered. "They do not deserve a spot in he... More

Cast List
Sinner: One
Sinner: Two
Sinner: Three
Sinner: Four
Sinner: Five
Sinner: Seven
Sinner: Eight
Sinner: Nine
Sinner: Ten
Sinner: Eleven
Sinner: Twelve
Sinner: Thirteen
Sinner: Fourteen
Sinner: Fifteen
Sinner: Sixteen
Sinner: Seventeen
Sinner: Eighteen
Sinner: Nineteen
Sinner: Twenty
Sinner: Twenty One
Sinner: Twenty Two
Sinner: Twenty Three
Sinner: Twenty Four
Sinner: Twenty five
Sinner: Twenty six
Sinner: Twenty seven
Sinner: Twenty eight

Sinner: Six

7.9K 409 438
By callmeCRAZY8

I normally don't wake up in the middle of the night unless it was from a nightmare or my bladder decided to wake me up. It's rare for me to wake up but I did tonight and I was staring at the ceiling for a few moments until I heard what woke me up.

Leaning over, I turned the lamp on before rubbing my eyes and looking around. I sat up for a moment then listened, wondering if it was my imagination or what cause I didn't hear anything now that I was awake.

Pulling the blanket off of me, I got up then heard the noises again as I was about to walk out the door. I stopped and listened for a moment until I looked at the window, realizing that it was coming from outside.

Or at least I thought it was coming from outside.

When I walked to the window, I pulled the curtains back before looking out the window but not seeing anything. I slowly opened it before peeking my head out a little until I glanced over to the right and saw something.

I could see in the neighbors window and I caught something right on time that made my mouth gap open.

That man slapped Miranda in the face before grabbing her arms and shaking her. I could see the emotional pain on her face as she was shutting her eyes, moving her head away from him as he shouted at her.

Watching them, the man slapped her again before pushing her back and walking out of sight. I saw Miranda stumble back a little before holding onto something and it looked like she was crying.

Then I saw that man walk out of the house to the car. I lean my head back in and saw the clock, which read midnight. I look back out in time for that man the open the driver door then stop for a moment.

That's when he looked up and saw me, but I quickly moved out of the way and leaned against the wall for a moment. I sighed before standing there for a moment until I heard the car start then it left.

Leaning over towards the window, the car was gone and I look out before looking over at the house where Miranda was no longer in sight. I looked around before shutting the window then pulling the curtains.

Walking to my bed, I laid there for a moment and stared at the ceiling as so many thoughts were running through my head at the moment.

So many thoughts.

I ran my hands down my face before pulling the blanket over me and turning over, trying to get some sleep.

If that's even possible at this point.


I woke up and stared at the wall for a moment before stretching and pulling the blanket off of me. I sat up then rubbed my eyes, trying to get my body to adjust to the tiredness I still felt.

Looking around the room, I glance over at the clock and it said twelve. I nod as I knew I would sleep late cause I hardly slept last night after I had to be woke up.

Walking out of my room, I went to the bathroom and did my business before walking back to my room. I flopped down on the bed before grabbing my phone from the table and seeing a few messages from Anthony and Ryan.

Anthony said he was out doing deeds with his parents and Ryan said he was babysitting for someone. I messaged them back and said that was fine cause I was probably just going to do nothing today.

As I was laying on the bed, I had my phone up in the air above me as I was watching YouTube videos. I was bored and there was nothing to do, so I might as well waste the day with videos.

Watching videos pass the time when I have nothing else to do. I don't really go out and drive around but I do it sometimes. I love listening to music and drive around town, not caring about anything else.

But I was lazy today so I didn't feel like getting up or moving.

I was watching videos until I heard something which made me place my phone down and stare at the ceiling for a moment. I knew what it was but I tried not getting involved.

That was until I heard more noises, which were louder and I was sitting up now.

Looking towards my window, I sat my phone on the bed then got up and walked over to it. I moved the curtains back before looking out and seeing the car door opened from next door then I saw that man walk out.

He turned around, shouted something then went to the car. I kept watching as he never got into the car but slammed the door shut then walked back to the house and disappeared.

I looked around and couldn't understand why nobody else was even bothered by it. I mean, they were loud enough to cause a scene but yet nobody is even batting an eye.

Probably because they're minding their business.

Something I should be doing.

I was about to close the curtains when I saw the trash can out at the road and knew that it already ran yesterday, so I needed to bring it up to the house again.

Walking out of my room, I walked downstairs then made it to the front door before opening it and walking out. I look up at the sky as I shut the door behind me and saw that there were no clouds in the sky and it was nice and sunny.

It was almost Spring time, so it was getting a little warm outside.

I walked to the street before grabbing the can and turning back towards the house. I was starting to walk towards the house until I looked over and saw that man walk out towards the car again.

He looks over and catches me watching him before stopping. "Mind your business!" He shouts.

I looked behind me then all around before looking back at him. "Who are you talking to?"

"You!" He yells before getting in the car and starting it.

I watch as he backs out of the driveway before driving by and I was watching his every move. "Jackass!" I yelled then shook my head.

As I was walking to the house, I glanced over at the house next door and was fighting my head as to what I should do. My mind was telling me to leave it alone, go inside and mind your business.

Oh, but my heart.. was telling me to walk over and make sure things are ok.

When I made it to my house, I stopped then sighed as I knew my heart won this battle.

I looked around before walking over next door and shaking my head as I was doing so. I didn't know what I was doing at this moment cause I could be watching YouTube videos on what would happen if you stop a bowling ball on a trampoline from high in the air.

Instead, I'm getting into someone else's business that I have no business getting into in the first place.

When I came to the door, I was hesitant as I gently knocked on the door. I knocked way too softly that there's no way she would have heard, but I guess that was the plan when I walked over here anyways.

If she don't answer, I'm out.

After a few moments, I sighed out a relief before walking away then hearing the door open as I was walking away. I breathed out before turning around and seeing her stand there, watching me.


"Hey." She said as she looked at me with a confused expression.

I slightly smile. "Um.." I look somewhere before realizing I forgot what I came over here for. "Oh, yeah." I look back at her before clearing my throat. "I was just um, making sure everything was ok?" I rubbed the back of my neck before looking away. "I heard noises and stuff, I don't know."

When I look back at her, she had a long sleeve on and she had her arms crossed. I was looking a little too close and I noticed a dark mark under her chin. "Everything's fine."

"Okie dokie." I held up two thumbs before quickly putting my hands down. "Cool, um.. just making sure. A good neighbor.. is what I'm- you know what, I'm just gonna go." I pointed at my house.

Before I could walk away, I heard her slightly laugh which was so beautiful.

"Would you like to come in?" She offered.

I look at her for a moment before nodding. "Sure." I watch as she backs up before holding the door open and allowing me to walk in.

After she closed the door behind me, I followed her through the living room before she stopped then turned around towards me. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Um, no I'm fine."

When she motioned towards the couch, I sat down then watched as she sat on the other end. I looked at her for a moment before looking around the living room then my eyes landed back on hers.

"I'm sorry if any noises bothered you. My husband gets upset sometimes about work and everything, so he tends to yell." She slightly smiles.

I nod as I knew she was lying but I kept a slight smile on my face, letting her know that I didn't know shit about what was going on.

"Is your mom home?"

"No ma'am. She's the guidance counselor at the high school."

She nods then smiles. "That's nice. Do you work?"

Shaking my head, I look at her. "Nope. Well, I want to go to college up North cause I've been putting in applications like crazy. My friends want to join too and I think it'll be cool."

"That sounds good." She smiles. "I bet you'll enjoy that. When did you graduate?" She pauses for a moment. "Sorry if I'm asking so many questions."

"No, you're ok." I smile. "Um, three years ago. I'm twenty. Almost twenty one."

She smiles then nods. "You look younger."

"I get that sometimes." I smile as she did the same. "How are you liking it here so far?" I ask, then realizing I was sounding like my mom.

"I've been in the house ever since we moved here." She slightly smiled. "I haven't went anywhere."

I nod as I watch her. "There's some pretty cool things in this town. Not a lot to do but it's a nice little town." I smile at her.

"I would love to explore around but-" She stops for a moment before slightly smiling. "I haven't had time."

"I wouldn't mind taking you around." I look at her for a moment before slighly chuckling. "I'm sorry, that sounded weird. I don't do well with social interactions." I ran my hands down my face.

She slightly laughs as she was smiling at me. "That's sweet. I'll see if I'm not busy."

"Ok, cool."

After a few moments, the front door opened and I looked over to see that man walk in. When he closed the door behind him, he saw me then stopped and looked at me for a moment. "What is she doing here?"

"She's our neighbor." Miranda said.

"Yeah, a nosy one at that." He looks at me before walking through the living room. "Can't seem to keep her nose in her own business." He disappears out of the living room and I look over at Miranda as she was shaking her head.

When she looks at me, she slightly smiles. "Maybe you should go ahead and go back home."

Nodding, I stood up as she got up as well before following me to the front door. I opened it then turned around and saw her slightly smile at me as she was holding the door. "Thanks for staying over here and talking to me, Grace."

"You're welcome."

"Bye." She slightly smiles.

I wave at her as she shuts the door then I start walking away before stopping. I look at the car for a moment before turning back around and facing the door then walking towards it.

I pressed my ear against the door and listened for a moment as I heard nothing but before I moved away, I started hearing something that made me stay right here.

"What was she doing here?" I heard the man say.

"She was just talking to me."

"About what? You know she's been spying on what we do? What did she say?"

"Nothing." Miranda said.

Then I heard a slam, followed by a noise that sounded like stumbling.

"Don't talk to anyone, Miranda. You're too weak and you'll be done opened your mouth about what goes on in our house." He said. "Let me catch that girl watching us or over here again and I'll do something about it."

I backed away from the door and stared at her before shaking my head. I decided to walk back to my yard before he came out and caught me cause I didn't want to have to fight a grown man.

When I made it in my house, I went upstairs to my room then grabbed my phone. I sat on the bed and stared over at the window for a moment as I was trying to think of something.

"I know it's not my business but.. I can't let him keep doing this."

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