My best friends husband

By shyannesmithh

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Los Santos a place for celebrities and aspiring celebrities but that's not the case for Rose she is hopeful i... More

North Yankton
Sandy Shores
The Lost MC
Did someone say yoga?
The affair
We are back baby!
Lester my old friend
Second thoughts
FIB raid
Home is where the heart is
Taking care of business
If you leave me now
I love you
Planning the big one
Authur note
Long lost brother
Dave Norton
Tanisha Jackson
Solomon Richards
The Big Score PART 1
The Big Score Part 2
Author note

Back home

240 3 0
By shyannesmithh

✨Michaels POV✨

I wake up in a bar in Paleto Bay "Hey buddy its time to leave you've been passed out all night" i stretch and groan thinking how i ended up here. I check my phone and see i have 10 text messages and 1 voicemail from Trevor surprise surprise nothing form my darling wife. I go outside to find my car the sun light burns my eyes and hurts my head i listen to the voicemail left by T

"MICHAEL FUCKING DE SANTA YOU BETTER TELL ME WHY ROSE CAME BACK LAST NIGHT BAWLING HER FUCKING EYES OUT. YOU NEED TO SORT THIS OUT WITH HER WHATEVER YOU DONE YOU FIX IT I CAN NOT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU I'M SO MAD AT YOU. LEAVING HER ON THE BEACH" He stops shouting for a minute "Please Mike shes hasn't come out of her room and shes not letting anyone in I'm worried about her she's pregnant and she didn't eat at all yesterday she thinks you hate her Mike and you better not OTHERWISE IM GOING TO RIP YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF"
End of voicemail.

Oh fuck i thought to myself, i get into my car and rest my head on the steering wheel. The events of last night replay in may head Rose telling me she is pregnant and me just leaving her. I didn't even know what to do or what to say i just knew i had to get out of there, her voice shouting after me i could hear the heartbreak in her voice, "God I'm so stupid" i say to myself. I'm too old to have a child aren't I? I'm supposed to be retired, sipping whiskey in the sun by my pool. I already have my children Tracy and... well Jimmy isn't mine but he's my son, you know what i think i want this baby and Amanda? Well she better get ready for a divorce. I start my engine and drive back to Roses apartment.

✨Trevors POV✨

I wake up to the sound of arguing outside my window i get up and see its a couple arguing "SHUT THE FUCK UP" they just look at me and walk off. I get dressed and knock on Roses door but no answer i turn and look at the mess of the living room "Oh boy" i say. I head to the bathroom to freshen up after that i go knock on her bedroom door once more no answer again. I sigh and go to the kitchen i look in the fridge to make something for breakfast, i cook ham and cheese omelette i go to Rose's door once more "Rose I've cooked some breakfast please come and eat I don't want to eat alone" i sigh waiting for a couple of minutes but she still doesn't budge.

I sit on the sofa in complete silence eating all you can hear is my knife and fork scraping on the plate i sigh and put my plate down "Rose your food is getting cold" i say walking towards her door just as I'm about to try and open it the front door knocks, i grab my gun and peep through the peephole i see its Mikey "You got some nerve" he rolls his eyes "Just let me in T" i back down "Ok sure" i unlock the door and open it. "So where did you go last night?" I question Mikey closing the front door he looks at me "Why have you got a gun?" I look down at my gun "Oh sorry you never know who could be knocking the door" i smile "Right, so is Rose in there?" He points to her bedroom "Yeah, good luck I've tried everything all morning i even cooked" i said pointing at the mess in the kitchen Mikey chuckled "Yeah... I wouldn't eat your food even if i watched you cook it" and give him and mad look and he stops laughing. "Well come on we haven't got all day so what have you got to say to Rose?".

"Privacy please?" Mikey asks me "No you hurt her and whatever you have to say say it now or leave" i tell him sternly "Can you at least open the door because then its more sincere" i roll my eyes and my hand on the door knob "I'm not sure if its locked of not? I turn the handle to my surprise the door is unlocked i swear she locked it last night i thought to myself. I push the door open and Rose is no where to be seen her bedroom left with exactly everything in it, the bed was made but that's normal for Rose there was a note on the pillow.


I understand this may come as a shock and i know i told you i was never going to leave you again
but this isn't my home, it never has been and never will be. I haven't only got myself to think about anymore
I want you to be happy with your new life both you and Mike I'm so sorry it has to be this way but i just don't fit in here no matter what I do. I hope you understand Trevor i will cherish the memories we have made and I'm thankful i got to see you again your my brother for life never forget that, please don't be made at Mike this isn't his fault i love you so much Trevor and I'm so proud of how far you have come.

Love always Rose
P.s if anyone comes looking for me i will kill you.

I turn to look at Mike "Buddy shes gone" i feel my eyes starting to get wet i wipe them instantly I don't cry i have never cried well apart from i heard Mikey was dead but Rose why you told me you were here to stay and you've left me again. I notice another letter for Mikey "This one is for you" i hand him the letter and walk out the door. I don't know where I'm going but i cant stay here.

✨Michaels POV✨

I look down at this letter in my hand i cant read this i put the letter on the inside pocket of my jacket i sigh and grab my bag and leave the apartment i go home back to my wife and children. As I'm driving my mind drifts off thinking about the letter, i want to read it but I'm not ready for Rose to blame me i know i shouldn't of walked off last night but i was shocked, shocked that the women I love is pregnant i mean I'm a old man the thought of having another child scares me I'm not sure why. Before i know it I'm pulling into my drive way i notice Amanda's car is here i turn off my car engine and get out "Hey pops, hows it going?" I turn around to see jimmy coming out the front door "Hey Jim where you off to?" I ask him "Oh just to a friends house" i smile and pull out my wallet i hand him $10 "Have fun and if your coming back make sure its not too late" he smiles and takes the money "Thanks dad" i go to walk in the door but turn around "Oh Jim i forgot to say i love you buddy" he looks at me with a weird look "I love you too dad" then walks off.

I get in the house to see Amanda drunk on the couch "About time you got home" she says slurring her words "Nice to see you too" i roll my eyes "Amanda it's 1pm and your drunk?" She stands up wobbling as she does "Who the fuck are YOU to lecture me about drinking? Huh, here i am looking after the kids and the house while you go out with your friends" i scoff "Well you would still have a friend if you didn't fuck her husband and then lie about it for years" she stumbles towards me "Oh yeah make me out to be the bad one when you was fucking hookers and drinking all day everyday not so long ago" i go to turn away from her but she pulls me to face her "Do you remember when I caught you in bed with another man? The man i pay to teach you tennis?!" I lightly shout at her. "Fuck you Michael" she pushes me "Oh i wish you would" i roll my eyes

"I wish you really would have died all those years ago in North Yankton" she spits at me "Yeah well i wish i married Rose instead of you" she is taken back by what i just said "Fuck you! Nothing i ever do for you is good enough is it? Its always going to be Rose over me i knew it years ago that's why i wanted you to move here so we would never see her again!" "Yeah well look how that turned out ay my life has gotten so much better with her in it, I'm hardly drinking I'm thinking more about my children and less of you! God i can't believe i let you back in my life with your pathetic sob story about loving me?" I scoff "You wouldn't know love if it hit you in the face" she slaps me across the face i take a step back "I want you gone Amanda, i want you out of my life for good i should have done this a long time ago but i was too weak but i know what i want now and its not you anymore" i walk off with Amanda screaming at me.

✨Roses POV✨

I'm back at my trailer in Sandy Shores packing my suitcases, constant tears last night just playing over and over in my head. How could i be so stupid? I knew I shouldn't of told him now he hates me i feel so bad i left in the middle of the night but it was too hard to say goodbye. I wish i never came to this stupid place i should of just stayed in North Yankton that's my home and it always will be. I will always cherish the short time i got to spend with the guys again. Just as i finish packing i hear a car pull up i peak out my window shit its Trevor "RON!" I hear him shout it makes me jump I've never seen him so angry i keep watching being careful enough for him not to see me i see him punch Ron in the face i roll my eyes I don't get why they stick around when all he does it use them. I move away from the curtain and zip up my last suitcase. I pull out my phone to ring a cab to go the airport.

Within 10 minutes my cab pulls up i ask the driver to come inside and grab my suits cases for me because they are a little heavy, i make sure Trevor and the others are inside so i can get in the cab "Airport please but can we make a little detour on the way please" i ask the driver "Sure ma'am where would you like to go?" He says looking in the rear view mirror at me "Rockford Hills, Portola Drive" he nods and begins to drive i look out the window at Trevors place and sigh "I'll miss you buddy" i say silently, we are now driving down the freeway almost at Michaels place I'm surprised there is hardly any traffic "Almost there miss" the drivers tells me "Can we pull up just a little away from the house please" i ask he nods and pulls up.

✨Michaels POV✨

Amanda still wont leave I've packed all her shit and told her to get out but she wont budge i barge past her and drag the bags of her clothes to end of the drive the gate opens and i throw the clothes into the street "I don't want you here anymore" i shout at her she comes running towards me screaming "What the fuck Michael, my clothes!" I notice there is a taxi pulled up at the top of the street but i just ignore it "I told you i want a divorce! I don't love you anymore i haven't for a while now but you constantly insist we can make this works for the kids, i can still have a relationship with my children and not be with you!" Amanda starts picking up her clothes "Your embarrassing me!" She shouts "You've embarrassed me enough over the years fucking all the guys who I PAY to teach you shit who's next? The yoga instructor?" I take my wedding ring off and throw it down the drain "I'm not going to put up with anymore shit".

The taxi comes driving past and i thought i see Rose in the back of it but before i could be sure the taxi is gone. "I'm going out and when i get back all your shit and you need to be gone otherwise you will not like what is going to happen" i point to Amanda. I get in my car and drive over Amanda's clothes that are on the ground she hits my car as i stop to look for traffic. I drive to Lesters i need his advice. The radio plays and i smack it off I'm not in the mood to hear fucking music. I get to Lesters in about 20 minutes and knock on the door "Come on in buddy" i hear him say as the door buzzes open "What can i do you for?" He asks me "I fucked up big time Lest" I say pacing putting my hands on my head "Relax Michael what's happened?" "Relax? That's easy for you to say i got Rose pregnant and I'm divorcing my wife" i sit down on the couch behind me "Whars worse is Rose left me this note" i pull it out and show him "Hold on, when did you and Rose sleep together? He looks at me puzzled "We spent 3 amazing days together about 1 month ago and within that time she got pregnant, she told me on the beach last night but i just left her there she thinks i hate her and i could never i love her Lest I've always loved her" "Well what does the note say?" "I don't know i didn't read it yet" he rolls his eyes at me "Well read it then" i open the note and unfold it

Dear Michael,

I get why you left i do i know you didn't want this to happen but it did and I'm sorry i can't change any of it I don't hate the thought of having a child especially if its with you i understand you have a family of your own.
I'm not trying to take you away from them, which is why I'm leaving Los Santos tonight I'm going back home.
To where i should be, I just want you to know that i will never blame or hate you for anything, i love you Michael i always have and always will.
I will send you updates about our bay but i will send them through Lester there will be no return address.
I'm sorry it has to be like this maybe in another life we can be together but not in this one.

I love you always

"Lest i fucked up" i say wiping my eyes "What does it say buddy?" I look at him and hand him the note "Well she doesn't hate you which is good" he smiles at me "Yeah i suppose" i give him a half smile and take the letter back "Can you track her?" His eyes widen "I'm not sure that's a good idea buddy, maybe give her some space" "Please Lest i need to know shes ok" i look at him with pleading eyes "I can hack the Airport CCTV for a little while and see if we can see her" he shrugs "Anything sounds good right now" Lest starts typing away on his computer and within moments he's through the security we are skipping through the camera "There she is" i say pointing shes waiting for the plane i notice she has her phone out "What if i text her?" I pull out my phone "Too late buddy look" i see her pull the SIM card out and snap it then stamp on the phone she throws them both away "Well looks like she doesn't anything to do with this place" Lest says just then she looks at the camera she waves and blows a kiss she must know what we have done i smile she walks off the board the plane. "That's the last time I'm ever going to see her again" i say slumping back on to the couch.

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