Regretting Kuroo | Kuroo x Re...

By dolansunited

30.8K 1.4K 957

What if one day you received a letter from your future self? The letter revealed all of the regrets you are g... More

[1] .。*゚+.*.。 Mail For Me  ゚+..。*゚+
[2] .。*゚+.*.。 The Dog  ゚+..。*゚+
[3] .。*゚+.*.。 Oh, You're The Creep  ゚+..。*゚+
[4] .。*゚+.*.。 Ice Cream ゚+..。*゚+
[5] .。*゚+.*.。 Family ゚+..。*゚+
[6] .。*゚+.*.。 Good Guy  ゚+..。*゚+

[7] .。*゚+.*.。 Group  ゚+..。*゚+

1.8K 87 98
By dolansunited



╭━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╮
June 23rd
╰━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╯


Eiji 🤬
you guys are going to hate me

Aya 🧍‍♀️
ffs 🤦‍♀️

here we go

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
dude no

Ayumi 🥰
of course

Eiji 🤬

i have my sources

Ayumi 🥰
you're predictable

Eiji 🤬
i got arrested the other day so my parents won't let me go on our trip to kyoto

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
what was the charge for this time

Aya 🧍‍♀️
i bet it was marijuana

Eiji 🤬
possession of marijuana

Ayumi 🥰
you do it to yourself tbh

reminds me of mine 😶
except my charges were dropped oop

Aya 🧍‍♀️

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
we literally told you to be good so you wouldn't mess this up for all us

Eiji 🤬

Ayumi 🥰

You sigh as you place your phone onto the table. Kuroo glances up at you from the food on his plate. "What?"

"Eiji." You answer as you set your back against the dining chair. "Always getting in trouble."

"That guy from the party a couple weeks ago?"

"Yep. He just canceled on our trip to Kyoto for this weekend I was telling you about." You mention your predicament in hopes he will pick up on it. "Now we have to find someone to fill his spot."

"Did he say why?"

"His ass got arrested again," You giggle. "so his parents won't let him go."

———————-June 25th
This is the day you are going on a trip to Kyoto with Aya, Haru, Ayumi, and what should have been Eiji too. Due to his own negligence, he cannot go anymore. Kuroo crosses your mind to invite but you did not want to have Ayumi throw a fit. Ayumi really enjoyed herself on the trip and let loose, you should invite Kuroo. Maybe she will get to know him better and learn that he is not as bad as she makes him out to be.

"For cancelled plans, you are awful happy." He notes before taking a gulp of his water from the table top. "I thought you would be pissed."

"I knew he was going to do this so I don't really care." You answer honestly, unbeknownst to him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Oh my gosh, do you want to go or not?" You question him before shoving the last of your food into your mouth. "I thought it was obvious I was asking you."

"For this weekend?"

"I know it's last minute, so it's okay if you say no." You note to him. You glance down at your lap as you play with your fingers. "But, I know it would be a lot more fun if you were there."

Kuroo was silent for a moment, his voice brought your eyes back up to his. There was a smirk plastered across his face. "I do have that have affect on people."

"Yes! My friends really like you, so I am sure they would be cool about you coming."

"Didn't you say your sister is going?"

"Yeah, but I really think she can get to know you on this trip! We will all have a good time, but you can think about it and let me know."

"A trip to Kyoto sounds fun, i'll see what I can do." He says. "I would love to go with you."

Your heart beats at his comment. You're always blatant with how you feel about him, as long as it is nothing outright. Lately, he has been the same way. You are never prepared for his, is he the same way?

"Here is your receipt, have a beautiful rest of your day!" The waitress beams to Kuroo as she sets your respective receipts in front of you. Afterwards, she trots off to her other tables.

"I told you she was eyeing you! She didn't even look at me." You gushed, reaching for his receipt to turn it over. As you thought, there was her name and number. "Okay, mister popular!"

He chuckles.

"What if I was your girlfriend for all she knows? This would have been so disrespectful."

Kuroo teases you with a grin. "You have something to say?"

The red tinges into your cheeks at his comment, he is the only one who can fluster you. "I'm just saying!"

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Kuroo takes the lead as the two of you get out of your seats. You glance at the table one last time to make sure you did not forget anything, but you see he left behind the receipt.

You couldn't help the corners of your mouth turning up.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

Ayumi and you sit upon the couch. She flicks through channels on the television as you mindlessly scroll through your phone. She seems to be hung up on Eiji. "I really don't get how he could get in trouble days before we leave. The whole thing was planned."

"It's Eiji. You should know not to have high expectations already." You say, not taking your eyes off your phone.

"I know, but it still pisses me off. Do you think we will find somebody to fill his spot?" Ayumi inquires as her attention shifts to you.

You are unsure if you can find the courage to tell her about Kuroo. You really do not want to set her off. Is future you sure this is a good idea? You remain silent as you think.


Ayumi is your sister! What is the worst she can do? You speak wearily, "Well...about that...."

"What now? Did somebody else cancel?"

"No! No! Everybody is still going! It's know...I.." You trail off.

"Why are you acting so weird?"

"I just don't think you are going to like it." You answer as your eyes avert back to the phone to avoid eye contact. Do you have to tell her?

"Just tell me."

Give me the strength!

"I invited Kuroo to come today." You confess as you study her facial features for a reaction. Ayumi remains in the calm demeanor she has had. The letter was right, this is all working out. What were you afraid of? She is never wrong!

She speaks after a moment. "What did he say?"

"He said he would come." You smile. "I'm glad that y-"

"Are you serious?"

You answer, confused. "...Yes?"

"You always do this shit!" Ayumi barked in frustration as she sits up from her slouched position on the couch. The sudden outburst takes you back. "Did you care to ask anybody else if this was okay?!"

Your eyebrows furrow as you raise your voice as well. "Yes, they are all happy for him to come! You're the last to know!"

"So it's for sure?! He's coming?!"

"Yes! What the hell is your issue! It's a fifth person! Lighten up!"

"My issue is that it's Kuroo! You know I don't like him so why would you even think of him as an option!"

"I like him, okay! And I would appreciate your support! He has never done anything to you!"

"Screw your sister, right?! Let's just all do what [Y/N] wants because who cares about Ayumi!"

"Of course you go there!" You sass.

"[Y/N], I was on this trip before Kuroo ever was! If I don't want him there then he shouldn't be there!"

"Too bad! You don't run this trip, Ayumi, we are all on this together! He will make it fun, just give him a chance!"

She argues. "No!"

"Don't go then!"

The words slipped out of your mouth so easily. If she has such strong feelings then she does not need to go. Everybody has already approved of him and he already is coming. It is all set in stone, there is nothing that can be changed. You have tried to reason with Ayumi amongst the arguing but there is no point. Besides, you have already opened the bottle of feelings you have been shoving down.

"You know what, that's a great idea! I don't want to go on this stupid trip with you anyway!" Ayumi roars.

"Good! I feel the same way!"

Ayumi storms for the stairs to retreat to your room. "Awesome!"

"Cool!" You shout back as she leaves the living room.



"Stellar!" She shrieks before slamming the bedroom door from upstairs.

Who the fuck says stellar!

To show Ayumi that this trip is indeed happening with or without her, you add Kuroo into the group chat.


it's okay, shit happens
it will work itself out

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
wise words from the beautiful [Y/N]

Eiji 🤬
thanks [Y/N]

Today 3:04 PM
[Y/N] added Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 to the group

say hey to our saving grace !!!

Aya 🧍‍♀️

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
who is that

Eiji 🤬
thanks for saving my ass lol

my friend!!
he is coming on the trip with us

Kuroo 🧑‍🔬
hey what's up

Ayumi 🥰 removed Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 from the group

Ayumi 🥰
he is not coming

Eiji 🤬
yes he is
he's taking my spot

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
im confused

Aya 🧍‍♀️
girl what

yes he is
so kindly fuck off

Eiji 🤬
woah 😨

Aya 🧍‍♀️
okay what happened

[Y/N] added Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 to the group


Ayumi 🥰 removed Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 from the group

Ayumi 🥰
it is just us going and that's final

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
someone tell me what is going on
why is this a big deal

you said you weren't going anymore
let's keep it that way

Aya 🧍‍♀️
when did she say that

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
okay who is going and who isn't

[Y/N] added Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 to the group

Ayumi 🥰
i change my mind
i'm going so we don't need you kuroo

Eiji 🤬
since when do you run things
yes we do need him

don't talk to him like that
kuroo is going and you are not

Ayumi 🥰
shut up eiji
you're not even going

Ayumi 🥰 removed Eiji 🤬 from the group

Aya 🧍‍♀️
ayumi let's chill out okay
it is not that big of a deal

thank you!
so stupid

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
does anybody see me

Kuroo 🧑‍🔬
i don't have to go
i was just helping you guys out
i don't want to create any issues

Ayumi 🥰
cool, bye

Ayumi 🥰 removed Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 from the group

you're such a brat
do you hear how you sound right now
how dare you treat him like that

Aya 🧍‍♀️
i think we should all just cool down
it's nothing serious
we still have a few days

Ayumi 🥰
i don't like him i can treat him how i want
he is not going so let's just move on

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️
guys what is happening

Ayumi 🥰
stop talking about yourself for one second haru

haru literally stop

Aya 🧍‍♀️

[Y/N] added Kuroo 🧑‍🔬 to the group

Aya 🧍‍♀️
okay ayumi i wasn't going to say anything
but you have to stop
there is no reason to be acting like this
im embarrassed for you

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️

don't come ayumi
you're going to ruin it for everybody honestly
i can see it now

Kuroo 🧑‍🔬
i don't have to go, it's okay

Aya 🧍‍♀️
i can see it too
kuroo is fun
you complain
easy choice

Ayumi 🥰 renamed the group "🖕"

Ayumi 🥰
fuck all of you guys
i hate you

so mature

Haru 🧎🏌️‍♀️

Ayumi 🥰 left the group

Aya 🧍‍♀️

You are broken away from the conversation once you hear Ayumi clattering in your shared bedroom. The urge to go upstairs and rave to her once again surfaced but you decided it was best to stay put.

Next, the slamming commences. It was first the bedroom door, then down the stairs, and lastly the front door before you hear the sound of the car screeching off.

Your grandparents walk in from their trip and go to you for answers. "What was that all about? Is she okay?"

"No, she is literally insane."

Thanks, letter, you really know how to fuck up a situation.

A/N: wasn't that drama text convo fun to read or was it just me lol
btw ayumi is fine nothing happens to her I felt the need to let you know she just drove off bc she mad as hell but she cool
ALSO i posted a new book full of drama and various haikyuu characters called 'DEAD' pls check it out <3

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