Ariel's awesome kids (sequel...

By ArielCornell

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Ben and Mal are Ariel's kids. Ariel has been protecting the world ever since she became the red ranger. One d... More

Chapter 1 the story
Chapter 2 Mal becomes a girl scout
Chapter 3 Alyssa (aka: the bitch) returns
Chapter 4 Ariel masters the beetle disc
Chapter 5 Jayden's death & Ariel's guilt
Chapter 6 Ariel's nightmares
Chapter 7 Ariel doubts herself
Chapter 8 Ariel finds out how Jayden died
Chapter 9 Revenge on Alyssa
Chapter 10 the voices get worse
Chapter 11 the voices stop & Mal's singing
Chapter 12 Ariel finds out who she became
Chapter 13 Ariel's fighting spirit
Chapter 14 Mal & Ben save the rangers
Chapter 15 Ariel's comatose state
Chapter 16 Mal saves the girls
Chapter 17 Ariel's decision
Chapter 18 Ben gets captured & the rescue
Chapter 19 Mal's secret power
Chapter 20 the truth about the wolf form
Chapter 21 Goldar finds out about the new team
Chapter 22 Ariel saves Lauren
Chapter 24 Ariel's flashbacks
Chapter 25 Ariel's team comes through for her
Chapter 26 the second to last attack
Chapter 27 preparing for the final battle
Chapter 28 The final battle part 1
Chapter 29 the final battle part 2
Chapter 30 Mal and her friends become the new rangers

Chapter 23 great red rangers of the past

32 1 0
By ArielCornell

Lauren wanted to teach me about the great red rangers of the past but I was really busy with other ranger stuff. I still wanted to take down Master Xandred so John and I went out to go take him down. We got cornered by some moggers. I gave a howl but the second one was longer. That's when Lauren showed up with my old childhood friend, Nicole. "If you ever come near my sister again." Lauren said. The moggers just stood there. "You've been warned." Lauren said. Then the moggers left. Lauren looked at me then we started to walk home. "I thought that you were very brave." John said. It was getting late in the day. "Nicole." Lauren said. "Yes?" Nicole said. "Make sure that John gets back to the shiba house safely. I have to teach my sister a lesson." Lauren said. Then Nicole and John left. I walked up to Lauren. "You deliberately disobeyed me." Lauren said. "I know." I said. "You could have been killed. And what's worse, you put John in danger. Do you understand what's at stake? You jeopardized the future of this team." Lauren said. "I just wanted to show you that I can be brave and strong, just like Jayden was." I said. "He was only brave and strong when he had to be when there was no other choice." Lauren said. "But you're not scared of anything." I said. "I was today." Lauren said. "You were?" I asked. "Yes. I thought I'd might lose you." Lauren said. "I guess even red rangers get scared, huh?" I asked. "More than you can ever know. Jayden was the same way." Lauren said. "Well, guess what." I said. "What?" Lauren asked. "I bet those moggers were even scared." I said. "That's because no one messes with your older sister. Come here." Lauren said. She nudged me over to the side and started to run from me while laughing. I was laughing too. I went after her and tackled her. "Lauren, we're pals, right?" I asked. "Right." Lauren said. "And we'll always be together, right?" I asked. "Ariel, let me tell you something that dad told me. Look at the stars. The great red rangers of the past look down on us from those stars." Lauren said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, so whenever you feel alone just remember that those red rangers will always be up there to guide you, and so will Jayden." Lauren said. "What does that have to do with me?" I asked. Lauren took a deep breath. "Ariel, Jayden always wanted to tell you that the red rangers from the past will always be there to guide you but he never got the chance to before he died. Before he died he told me to let you know that whenever you might feel alone, you have to remember that those red rangers are always going to be there to guide you, especially Jayden himself." Lauren said. I only knew four red rangers but three of them are watching over me. The ones that are watching over me are Jason, my dad (aka:Stephen), and Jayden. Speaking of Jason, I haven't talked to him for a long time now. Maybe I should talk to him. I've been too scared to face him lately because I feel like I changed the destiny of the new ranger team. I wasn't ready to face him yet so I go talk to Lauren about it. "This is bad, this is very very bad." I said. I was freaking out. "Ariel, what's wrong?" Lauren said. "Last night when you were doing some training I had the kids train with hand to hand combat. After a while they said that they would want to take the bad guys down with hand to hand combat moves and they don't want to use the swords." I said. "Is there some way that you can get them to use the swords?" Lauren said. "If I try to get them to use the swords they won't." I said. "Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe they will like the new destiny." Lauren said. "No Lauren, the team is not what they are supposed to be now. It's not the way it was, and it's all my fault." I said before going to my room to have some time alone.

Lauren came to talk to me later that night. "I know that you haven't talked to Jason since you were young. Maybe you'll feel better if you talk to him." Lauren said. "Maybe." I said. Then I walked out into the yard. "Jason Lee Scott?" I said. "I'm here Ariel, it's been a long time. I was worried you had forgotten about me." Jason said. "No Jason, I didn't forget about you. It's just, I was afraid to face you. I might have changed the destiny of the next ranger team." I said. "Ariel, you could have talked to me anytime. I told you I'll always be here for you, no matter what. That hasn't changed, and it never will." Jason said. "Thank you Jason, that makes me feel better. I'm sorry I stayed away. I promise I won't be afraid to talk to you again." I said. "Good, I missed you." Jason said. "I missed you too." I said. Then Jason disappeared. I went to bed for the night. The next morning Lauren asked me if I talked to Jason last night and I told her that I did. I was in a good mood. That afternoon Mal and her friends wanted to go hang out at the community park. I was totally fine with it, as long as she is back by dinnertime. The next day when Mal and Ben came home from school Ben told me that they are going to have friendship games against the students that go to the school near Sherwood forest. Auradon prep is ready for the games. The next day at school all of the students had a pep rally for the friendship games against Sherwood.
Ben: Sherwood forest students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't, they are not knights.🎶
Ben: We fought magic more than once and came out on top. There's other schools but none can make those claims. Together we are Auradon, come and cheer our name. This will be our year to win these games. We'll always be knights forever. And now our time has finally arrived. Because we believe in the magic of friendship. And you know at the end of the day it is we who survive.
Mal: We're not the school we were before. Yeah we're different now. We overcame the obstacles we faced. We're Auradon united, we'll never bow. So get ready to see us in first place. We'll always be knights forever and now our time has finally arrived. Because we believe in the magic of friendship. And you know at the end of the day it is we who survive. At the end of the day it is we who survive.
All of the students: Na na na na na na na knights untied together. (×2)
Ben: We'll always be knights forever, and now our time has finally arrived. Because we believe in the magic of friendship and you know at the end of the day it is we who survive. At the end of the day it is we who survive.🎶

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