Percy Jackson: The Light Brin...

By AlmightyMortal

276K 7.6K 2.6K

Original Storyline :- A normal life was all he asked for. He didn't ask to be chosen by the devil, king o... More

The Last Normal Day
Stranger Danger
The Devil You Say?
It's Alive! It's Alive!
Mother To Daughter
My Turn
An Angry Woman Who's Also Immortal
Friendly Neighbourhood Demons
Secret Meeting Of Betrayal
Golden Apples? Pfff
She Broke My Goddamn Sword!
Yup, It Talks
Apocalypse Briefing
Sheesh, You Look Nasty
The Bar For Wisdom Is Really Low, Huh?
Foot Algae...A Disturbing Thought.
A Prophecy? Seriously?
Ugh, So Uncomfortable
Be Dressed For Anything
A Real Spoonhead
I'm Faster
I Explode
She's Missing
I Explode Again
Evil Plot Children Are Tight!
Why Fear? The Exterminator's Here.
Dream Video Strikes Again
Excuse Me While I Ponder The Meaning Of This
Family Messenger
Second Problem
Octopuses Are Weird
Why Must Another Exist
A Bit of Fun Torture
I Make A Successful Bargain... Not
I Name Thee Dragward
I Sprout Up Scientific Laws
Mysterious Ice Cream Girl
Death Is Crazy
Turns Out Humanity is Cattle
Use Niflheim Entrance Please
Five Hundred Doors For What?
No AllFather, I Am Your Father
Are All Valkyries Mean?
I Spend My Day Carrying Luggage
Girls with capes are scary
Bad Horsey!
I Get It! I'm Stupd!
Barry And Larry
I'd Rather Not Be Incinerated
I Get Punched in the Face
Excessive Suspense
Dream Video: The Sequel
The World's Largest Data Centre
PS: Don't Go Around Granting Wishes
Neon Shenanigans
Close Calls To Being Squished
I Knew He Was A Phil
A Painfully Pleasant Reunion
Oops, Die Now
Too Sticky For My Taste
A Dangerous Trade
We Gotta Get Outta Here
Nothing Lasts Forever
Between Fire and A Really Hot Place
Divine Assistance
Insanity And Death
Maybe It's Time
[[{ Final Author's Note }]]
The End, Or The Beggining?

Celestial Radio

7.4K 229 115
By AlmightyMortal

I made my way towards camp. They're in for a treat.

I wonder if I should scare them or something like that. But then I thought...

WWND? What Would Nemo Do?

I guess I'll just see what they plan on telling the campers. I'll just have to wing it.

"Stay here, Chiron. I don't want you to get blamed for me returning." Chiron nodded. "As you wish, Percy. I suggest going along with the 'behaviour' act" he said.

I thought about it and decided to go with it. "Follow me after a few seconds, "I told him. And with that, we walked towards the camp.

I heard Annabeth's voice first. She was telling the campers something. Probably all my 'crimes'. I approached a spot from where I could see them while staying hidden.

Many campers looked shocked when hearing what Annabeth had to tell. I noticed that Andromeda looked ready to pounce on Annabeth. I knew I had to stop her.

I concentrated on her and somehow...I entered her mind.

'Hey Percy, what about her privacy! Stop you perv!' Before you start scolding me, let me tell you that I didn't see any of her memories...that I will tell you about. Just Kidding....maybe.

'Stop Andromeda. Don't freak out. It's me, 'kelp your head'' I told him telepathically while patting myself on the back for that joke.

She looked around for the source of the voice before giving up and rolling her eyes. ' I have seaweed in my head because of you' she thought. I rolled my eyes.

'Very funny. Anyway, don't do anything for now...let her accuse me. I need you to stay safe Andy' she looked sceptical at first but then nodded. And then she seemed to realise I called her Andy.

'Don't call me Andy!' She said while blushing. I smiled. 'Whatever you say. Now I gotta go, but my plan in action. Don't freak out. Goodbye gorgeous' I said leaving a very red Andromeda's mind.

Now, let's have some fun with the campers. I said and walked out of my spot, not before placing my bag in a safe spot so that I can retrieve it later. "Oh come on Chiron. How many times do I have to say that I didn't do that". On cue, Chiron trotted out feigning worry.

Man, I wonder if Chiron took acting classes.

I then turned toward the campers, acting confused.

"What's going on here?" I asked pretending to be ignorant of their betrayal.

Annabeth walked towards me and pointed her sword towards me. "We know what you did, traitor. Don't try to act innocent." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not a traitor," I said straightforwardly. Is that even a word?

"Yes, you are. You were plotting with the enemy. You were responsible for all the deaths we've encountered. You were the one that cheated on me and broke my heart" she said while shedding a few tears. Where on earth did she learn to act?

Maybe she has been taking classes. 'How-to-betray-your-boyfriend-by-accepting-godhood-and-framing-him' just for $99.9.

I felt anger burn in me. SHE is Accusing Me of breaking Her heart. Yeah right.

"I didn't do any of those things. I have always been on the Olympian's side" I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, but you haven't. You were responsible for the death of Rose McHardon. You killed her in her sleep in the infirmary. Shame on you Perseus." I was shocked. Rose? Annabitch - it's official, I'm calling her that now - had killed Rose. Just because her pride was hurt by me.

"You Bitch, you killed her!" I screamed. Everyone gasped. I knew something was wrong because even Annabe- I mean Annabitch was looking at me, more like behind me, in awe and fear.

I turned and was surprised when I felt a column of feathers, hit my face. I had wings.

Two beautiful, magnificent, six-foot, wings. I laughed. This was gonna be fun. "Do you see? He is an abomination!" Screamed Annabitch, to the campers.

"Who believes this...this monster, is innocent!" She asked the campers. The crowd murmured and looked at each other. Out of the crowd stepped Andromeda. I panicked for a second.

"I I know, he is innocent. I don't care what you say." She said with determination. Annabitch glared at her but she stood her ground.

"Well looks like your outnumbered. Perseus Jackson, you are hereby banished from this camp. You will be captured and brought before Olympus for trial." I looked at her like 'you don't say

"Well remember this, Athena spawn. You have committed various crimes and sins. Justice will be delivered." With that, I uncapped Riptide and pointed it at her.

"I, Perseus Jackson Lux, Bringer of Justice, sentence you, Annabeth Chase, to 6 days of punishment with hellfire for your sins." For a moment nothing happened.

And it was getting awkward.

Annabitch was about to say something but suddenly flames started coming out from the ground. It was just like the time with Echidna. But this time the flames instead of consuming her were getting sucked into her body.

Then she let out the most blood-curdling scream I've ever heard. I knew what was happening and I didn't want to be a part of it.

The flames were burning her immortal essence and body inside out. It wouldn't kill her, I made sure of that. The immortality given to her wouldn't be able to stop me from killing her if I wanted to anyway.

She writhed in agony while the campers watched in horror. "Listen here, and listen well campers." They turned towards me in fear. "Don't bother trying to heal her. It's not possible for you all. The flames will disperse at the end of six days on their own. As for you all, you have betrayed me. Your punishment will come in due time. But since you were swayed by her..."I said pointing towards a writhing Annabeth, "I will lessen your punishment"

Some campers looked relieved that their punishment would be lessened. While some were scared at the prospect of getting a punishment.

"Now" all heads turned towards me once again "I must take my leave, I will be back again...that I will assure you"

Saying that I took off, with a flap of my new wings. I landed in the forest to collect my bag. I was about to take off but then I remembered I had nowhere to go.

I wondered if I should visit my parents. I decided against it though. Why put them in trouble. I finally decided on calling Lucifer. I wondered if he would listen to me.

I sat in a meditative position. I searched within myself for the Flame. It burnt brightly, clearing all doubt and uncertainty. It was the giver of Enlightenment. I held out my hand into it. Instead of burning me, it glowed brighter. It spread warmth and hope throughout my body. It made me forget about my worries.

"Lucifer, if you can hear me...I need your help." I said concentrating on the fire.

'Hello, my champion. I was expecting you.' Said a deep voice that seemed to be coming from all around me.

'Alas, I cannot meet you in person. For I am banished to hell. The previous time, you had encountered one of my avatars... a version of me with, but a fraction of my power.' I was shocked by this.

A fraction?! His 'avatar' radiated power that made the Gaia look like an ant.

"I have come to ask you something," I said as calmly as I could.

'I know, my champion. You require a purpose, don't you?' he, asked.

"I do" I replied. He seemed to be in deep thought. After a few seconds, he spoke. 'I have something I require to do. Unlike some others, I will not force this upon may decline if you wish'

I replied without hesitation "I'll do it, no matter what it is. You have given me a new life. I trust you. I accept whatever you require me to do"

'Very well, young hero. I'm impressed. Though this challenge will not be an easy one, you will be required to find a certain...weapon of mine.' He said. I waited for him to continue. I knew this quest will be quite challenging.

'You will have to find the Flaming Sword of Eden'

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