Women's World Cup 2019 !

By Womensfootball

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Women's World Cup 2019 in France with Beth Mead and Danielle van de Donk. More



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By Womensfootball

It was match day for Beth and what a match day. First she goes to the room where she could eat breakfast. She wasn't nervous about the game, but more about the thing if she will start or not. After breakfast they had a meeting, Phill shows the starting 11. Beth was looking at the names who were on the bench. She couldn't find herself, she was in shock. Fast she looked at the wing positions, she was in the starting 11. 'Whooh', she thought. This was amazing, she will play in the semi final at the World Cup against the USA, the USA. Steph sat next to Beth, she saw her face. She put her hand on her leg and give her a small smile. She was proud of the young women. After the meeting Beth went to her room, she need to call Daan. After she put her AirPods in, she push at Daan on her phone.

When Daan wake up she get her phone and send a message to Beth, just '😘' to wish her luck during the meeting. She knows it already started, but Beth need to know that she was thinking about her. Daan her training was at 12 , so she had some time to relax. First breakfast, she get some bread and eggs and went to sit at the table with Lieke, Vic, Viv, Jackie and Jill. 20 minutes later her phone went on, it was Beth. She was done with her meeting, Daan thought. She couldn't wait so she just pick up her phone, when she was with all the girls. 'And?', Daan ask when she saw Beth on the phone. 'Well Daan', she started on a soft tone. 'I am going to play tonight', she yelled through the phone. Daan was shocked, 'Yeessssss', she yelled back, while walking to the lobby. To find a place where they can talk. 'I couldn't believe it when I saw the screen, I was looking at the bench, but my name wasn't there', Beth says honestly. 'You dork, I knew it. Wooh, so proud of you Beth, this is we're you dreamed of when you were a little Bethany', Daan says proud. 'Yeah, I know. So so cool' , Beth didn't know what to say. 'Ik ben zo trots Beth, you know?' 'That's sweet Daan, love you', Beth says. 'Love you Beffie' 'Okay Daan, I need to pack my bags and be ready for the drive, call you tonight after the game', Beth says a little bit sad. 'Yeah that's okay, I need to get back to breakfast. Just play like you do always and don't forget to enjoy everything, because you will play a World Cup semi final against America', Daan told Beth. 'Thanks Daan, I will. Love you' 'Love you'. After the call Daan walks back to the breakfast room. When she walks in most of the girls were looking at her. She didn't saw it, she was still in her bubble thinking about Beth. When she sat back on the table, Lieke asked 'Who was that? Why you were so happy?'. Well she need to explain yeah. 'Beth called, she told me she is starting tonight in the semi final!', Daan says with a proud smile. Some girls were shouting and clapping, it was nice that they liked Beth too. 'So we need to watch tonight girls', Lieke says. Everyone nodded and went back to what they were doing. Lieke was looking at Daan, she saw how proud she was. 'You are proud he?', Lieke ask. 'Yeah, I am!', Daan says with a smile.

The day went by and before Beth knew she was standing on the field, right before the kick off. She saw her parents in the stands, they were making eye contact and her mum and dad give her a nod. This was it, this is were you work so hard for, Beth thought. She was ready, they were ready. After they came 1-0 behind, Beth gave a cross to White who shoot it in the back of the net. Beth couldn't believe that she had gave an assist during a semi final against USA, but unfortunately they loses the game. Beth was so disappointed, they worked so hard as a team, but it wasn't enough. It's over, they won't play a final. She was searching for her parents, she needed a hug. 'Girl I am so proud of you!', her mum says. Beth couldn't says something she just need to hug her family.

Daan was ready, when she saw Beth during the anthem she looked at her nervous face. She was nervous too, she hoped that Beth will play well. Unfortunately after a few minutes they were 1-0 behind. A little later Beth get the ball on the left side. 'Cross it Beth', Daan yelled. After that Daan was shouting and screaming in the room, England scored and Beth gave the assist. Daan was so proud and happy for her girl. Lieke and Jackie were jumping with Daan. This was amazing, Daan thought. Later in the game the USA scored again and England lost the game with 2-1. When the game was over Daan was searching for Beth the whole time. It hurt Daan, to see her girlfriend so sad, especially because Beth played a good game. Lieke gave Daan a hug, this was what she needed. She felt better and cannot wait to tell Beth how proud she was.

After Beth and her teammates drove back to the hotel, she walks straight to her room. During the ride she had send some messages to her family and friends. Also she had text Daan, Daan had told her how good she played and that she was proud. The only thing that she could say back was 'I love you'. Daan had send '😘' back and told her to call her when she was back in het room. So, when Beth was finally lying in her bed she called Daan. She felt much better when she saw her, Daan was in her room with Beth her England shirt on. 'He girl', Daan says. 'Hi' 'How are you feeling?', Daan ask Beth. 'Don't know, just had that feeling we could win during the game. ... Very disappointed I think', Beth says honestly. 'I can imagine, you played a good game Beth and your assist was amazing!', Daan told Beth. 'Thanks Daan, it is sad we can't play a World Cup final against each other.' 'Yeah, but first we need to win tomorrow.' 'How do you feeling about the game? Ready?', Beth ask. 'Yeah, little bit nervous, but I think we can do it.' 'I think so to I hope you guys win, because you deserve to be there Daan', Beth says while looking straight in the girls eyes. 'Thank you Beth, that's sweet'. 'And I didn't want to play against you in Nice, because you are so annoying on the field'. 'You dork, but you know, I didn't want to play to you anyway. You will run around our left and right back, as if they are not there', Daan says what makes Beth laugh. 'We will see it'. They talked some more about Beth her game and Daan her semi final tomorrow, when the girls call it night.

The next morning Beth send Daan her last messages before she goes to the airport to fly to Nice for the 3/4 place game. 'Good luck Daan! Enjoy it and show the world what you can do on the field. I love you!', Beth texted to Daan. She send a messages back within a minute, 'Thank you Beth, love you. Safe flight!'. Daan was ready, the girls just arrived at the stadium and it was beautiful. So big and so many fans from The Netherlands. The first half went well, Daan played good and the team had some changes. Sweden was also very good and created a few great changes too. During the second half The Netherlands were the better side, unfortunately the goal wasn't there. That means extra time. Around the 100 minute, Groenen scores for Holland and after a few exciting minutes at the end of the game The Netherlands had won the game. Daan couldn't believe it, the had reach the semi final of the World Cup. She was so happy and was searching for her family after the celebrations with her teammates. 'I am so proud of you Daan, can you already believe it?', her mum told her. 'No, but it is amazing', Daan answered. 'Congratulations Daan, so proud of you', her dad said. This means everything for Daan, she always thinks about her family before a match. She want to make them proud, so that her mum and dad told this to her is just amazing.

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