The Masked Emotions Book Two...

بواسطة VECampudoni

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Enzio's longing for Lana is an endless, aching need. She is his drug. But Lana is conflicted between the man... المزيد

Copyright Info
Disclaimer and a Personal Message
Catching Up
Parental Issues
Fantasy Vs. Reality
Baby Blues
Night Out
Reclaiming What Was Taken
A Lesson in Chivalry
The Halloween Party
The Royal Special
Crash N' Burn
Master's Humiliation
The Break-Up
Hooking Up
The Next Level
The Pain Slut
Trapped Between a Master and a Dom
Corporate Espionage
Old Flames
A Lost of Will
Emotional Ties
A Night to Remember
Lana's Convictions
Competitive Spirit
Careful What You Wish For

The Monthly Sessions

83 4 0
بواسطة VECampudoni


     It was midmorning and Lana's head felt like an ax was planted in it. Her eyesight struggled to cope with her surroundings. There was a little vomit taste in her mouth and her throat felt like sandpaper. It hurt to move. It felt like she had the flu. At least, the curtains were still closed. "Marie, how much did we drink last night?" she spoke softly in order not to make her head explode. When her eyes finally focused she noticed she wasn't in her room. She raised the sheets and saw that she was wearing one of Enzio's t-shirt and boxers. "What the hell did I do last night?"

     She looked over and saw Enzio's clothes on the bed. She looked to the other side and saw her trench coat. "What the hell did I just do?" She began to panic. Normally in her mind, she would be jumping on the bed screaming for joy and cursing at herself for not remembering the night, but she knew she was going to break his heart. It was not the right time, she wanted Enzio to be her one and only. The last man she ever wanted to be with. However, there was Dom 241 and the curiosity about him. That man was the only roadblock and she knew while with Enzio that man will always be in the back of her mind, constantly nagging her, until eventually, she would go to that club and have sex with him, and then she would be overwhelmed with guilt. Then she would tell him what she had done and he would leave her, hate her, and she would never see him again.

     Enzio walked into his dorm room carrying a Styrofoam container containing eggs, bacon, sausages, and home fries, the perfect meal for a hangover. He just finished talking to Rachel to check up on Joslin when he looked up and saw Lana crying in his bed. He placed the container down and rushed over towards her. "Hey, hey," He spoke softly "What's wrong?" She looked crushed like her world just ended and he knew why. "If you think we had sex last night, we didn't." and instantly she looked relieved and it did hurt him a bit, he tried not to show it. "Not like I wasn't tempted though," he added as he stood up and walked back towards the counter, he opened the container of food and the aroma instantly made her stomach growl. He returned to the bed and handed it to her and as she ate, she kept looking at his half-smile and wondered if he was tempted, why didn't he? "Lana last night you said a few things and I was wondering if you meant them?" Lana looked at him and swallowed hard.

     "I'm going, to be honest, I don't remember a thing from last night."

     "I figured as much." He sighed, looking at her like an object of desire even though she looked like complete shit. "Do you want me to tell you what you said?" and she shook her head. He nodded several times. "She's your sub and your friend, nothing more. Just move on, move on, and be happy." Following his sister's advice, he made peace with never having her. He has her on a different level and he finally accepted it. He told her that he'll be back and walked down the hall, when he entered the room he stopped short looking at Marie and Miko sleeping in each other's arms. He smiled at the sight and carefully openedLana's dresser to get her a new change of clothing, making sure he will not disturb them. Upon leaving the room, he received a text message that made his heart race.

     He walked into his room and Lana was still stuffing her face, giving him those doe eyes as he handed her a change of clothes. "Listen I have to go straight to work. Can I take you out to an early dinner tomorrow? Just to hang out, I could make it into a session if you want? I can even make it more physical, more intimate... without the sex, I perfectly understand what we have - you just have to tell me when to stop." Lana blushed and let out a wide smile.

     "Can we do it tonight?" she eagerly asked.

     He smiled back "Sure, that would be nice."


     Joslin sat in the middle of her calking, eating a container of Bourbon Praline Pecan ice cream. Fixing her needs to both stuff her face and drink. It has been a week without him, she knew she told him that he could still work at the club, she just did not expect to take the week off. Yet, considering how he was when he left, she understood. She barely left her bed as well. Sometimes crying, sometimes angry, almost always drowning her sorrows by watching cheesy 80's movies. A habit Enzio has gotten her accustomed to.

     Rachel tried to bring one of the new girls in their bed to serve as a distraction, but she did not want to. She did not even care what was her name, but Rachel seemed to like her. She was thin, five-nine with short platinum hair, and the most hypnotizing grey eyes she has ever seen. Yet sex was the furthest thing on her mind. She was depressed, her heart ached, and she missed him so much. Rachel missed him as well, constantly talking to her about the situation he was placed in and that she had to see it from his point of view. Always bringing him up in their conversations, always calling him to check on him.

     Yet in her mind, he cheated. He kept what he did with that woman a secret. That woman out of all people he kept as a secret, despite what she was doing to him. That what hurts the most. He did not trust her enough to tell her what was going on. The first few days he blew up her phone, sent her flowers, chocolates, her favorite liquor ice cream, and she ignored or sent back everything... except for the ice cream. After a few days, it stopped, and that hurt even more that he stopped trying. Every time she heard Enzio's ringtone on Rachel's phone face her head would perk up and she would eagerly watch from afar, trying to listen to their conversation, wondering what he said that was so funny, or what he said that made her blush, and after she hangs up, she will ask the same questions. "Is he okay, did he ask about me, what's he's doing, and what did you two talk about?" and the response was always the same.

     "He's not okay he's sad, yes he asked about you, he always does and if you want to know what he's doing or what we talked about, call him." Yet she did not call, instead, she would sit on her bed, watching Weekend at Bernie's, eating her liquor ice cream, thinking about him. The way he laughed, the way he touched her, pulled her hair, spank her. Then she began to think about the way she disciplined him. Their monthly session, the only time it where the world didn't exist and it was only the two of them. She looked at the calendar and saw that it was a few days overdue and she wanted to see him badly, so she texted him. Figuring this would be a way for him to make it up to her.


     Enzio eagerly rushed into the gym, the air was cold and stale, the lights were flickering a bit and he made a mental note to change them as he walked further in, past the forest of cardio equipment and weight machines looking for her, shuffling across the linoleum. He could feel her looking at him, but he could not pinpoint where. The gym took up an entire floor and served as both an exercise room for the employees and a session room for the guests. He knew she could see him, but all he could see was himself from the many angles across the mirrored walls.

     He looked at himself, cussing at the outfit he was wearing, black basketball shorts and a stained blue hoodie. His hair was messy, his face full of scruff. "You look like shit." He finally saw her reflection and turned around. Joslin sat side-saddled on the weightlifting bench, leaning against the pad. Her legs crossed elegantly at the knee, her snow-white legs disappear beneath her pleated plaid skirt. His eyes focused on her tight white short sleeve button down, highlighting her ample frame causing his heart to race. Her straight locks of onyx hair rested on her dimpled cheek, while her turquoise eyes were fixated on him.

     Enzio looked at his reflection and reexamined his clothing. "Sorry, I rushed here as soon as I got your text." She was stone face and snapped her fingers, understanding what was happening, he stood at attention. This caused a faint smile to appear on her soft, full lips.

     "Come here." He listened, heart racing and when he was close enough, she stopped him with a raised hand. "You know the drill," she coldly spoke. Enzio clumsily removed his hoodie, tossing it to the side. Joslin's mouth turns up slightly at the sight of his muscular physique. She pushed herself upright, sliding one leg over the other, and rise in one elegant motion. Enzio stared into her burning eyes as she slowly stepped towards him with a black crop dangling from her hand.

     He stood at attention, chest thrust out, arms to the side, trying his best to look straight ahead and not make eye contact, but it was difficult. He missed looking into her eyes. Missed getting lost in them and judging by the way she was allowing him, she missed it as well. Joslin circled him, her eyes studying his body. She pursed her lips "I'm still mad at you," she softly spoke. "but I miss you." She saw his eyes dart towards her, his breathing increased, she could see it on his face, he missed her as well – if not more.

     Joslin smacked the riding crop onto his chest, causing it to burn. It was hard – harder than he was used to for a first strike, but he kept his mouth shut. "What did you do all week?" She smacked his stomach, "and be honest this time." That comment hurt. Joslin's eyes narrowed while he talked, listening intensely to every word that came out of his lips. Only showing emotions when he told her about his sister's assault and suppressed a laugh when he mentioned Raul. When he was finished, she smacked him against his thigh. "Is that everything?" He nodded. "are you sure?" again he nodded. She smacked his forearm, "and Lana, you're taking her out to dinner tonight?"

     "Yes, just as friends, then I was going to have a session with her." She smacked his upper back.

     "So you're done with her?" her voice tensed and he nodded.

     "I'm done chasing," he spoke with certainty, "I still have strong feelings for her, but I just want her as a friend and as a sub." Joslin smacked his ass.

     "Take these off!" he slipped the shorts down and stood back up, feeling the crop gliding across his sternum before hitting him. Joslin lightly grazed his chest with her fingers, she smiled a bit at the way his breathing shook. She walked behind him. "Kneel" and he obeyed, raising his head slightly as she fastened a black leather collar around his throat. Her hands lightly brushed against his chin. She moved back around, slightly leaning over. "Thank you for being honest with me." She softly said while attaching a wide leash. "But you have a lot to answer for."

     "I know Mistress," his reply caused her smile to widen. She tugged on the leash, jerking him upright.

     "Who do you belong to?" she demanded

     "I belong to you, my Mistress." With the leash handle, she smacked his thigh and with the crop, his ass. "I always belong to you." Joslin lands a stinging smack on his ass with both items, before moving to his shoulder blades. "It is my eagerness and genuine desire to please you." She tugged on the leash and hit him on his bicep, with an expression to let him know the storm was about to begin. She wrapped the leash around his eyes. Once it was completely dark, he felt the tip of her nails dragging along her skin, from the insides of his calves, before grazing his balls, light enough to make him hypersensitive to the effects of her intimate touch, but this was done on purpose.


     The blow across his right thigh caused him to breathe rapidly, it was not hard, but the sensitivity made it worse. She lightly grazed him again, enough to make the sensitivity come back before she hit him again, this time on his ass. He let out a groan. "Did I tell you – you could speak?" there was venom in her tone and he shook his head as another blow hit his abs. "No noise, understand?" he nodded "Good if you make any sound, I will gag you." It was quiet for a bit, Enzio steadily controlled his breathing, focusing on her footsteps. She walked to the far right corner, he could hear her rummaging through something and he tried to think what was over there. He heard her walking back towards him.


     He steadied his breathing, she just hit him with an electric paddle. The surge of electricity caused his whole body to jerk but he stood in place. The next blow struck his thigh, then to his back, stomach, and back to his ass. This rhythm continued for ten minutes and each time, he exhaled loudly, but made no sound, taking his punishment. She abruptly stopped and she walked away again, he heard her rummaging through something. Then he heard the taps and he braced himself. "I want you on all fours!" she commanded, "I know how much you hate the cane." He settled into position, "but I want you to know my pain." She ran her fingers through his hair. "and if you endure, I will forgive you and reward you." He nodded, hearing her moving behind him. "I love you, Enzio."

     "I love you too, my Mistress." He responded and it got quiet. He waited for the strike, but it never came. Instead, he felt his blindfold loosen and after his eyes adjusted to the light he saw her beautiful turquoise eyes and a wide smile.

     "Say it again." Her voice was filled with joy and he smiled back.

     "I love you, Joslin." He firmly repeated, "I have for a long while." She pulled his head and kissed him, their tongues crashing into each other, and she tried to pull him up, but he remained in place. "Please Mistress, finish your punishment." She let out a wider smile and nodded. He looked at the mirror ahead of him. Watching the cane getting raised high before it was brought down. He grunted loudly. Damn, he hated the cane, there was no real control, it is mostly used on pain whores or severe punishments, but every once and a while he could see the common use. Joslin tapped the cane on his still stinging ass before hitting him a second time, she then began to run her fingers on the welp marks before smacking each one firmly.

     "I was going to do ten." She purred, "but because you finally admitted that you love me, I think six would suffice." She administered the remaining strokes, slowly, with a space of twenty seconds between them. When she was done, she traced each mark with her fingers, before giving them a thorough slap. She pulled on the leash and he struggled to stand up. She gave him a deep, passionate kiss when she pulled back she was smiling. "Say it again." She whispered.

     "I love you." This caused her to blush heavily and she wrapped the leash back onto his eyes. Enzio struggled to stand still, his ass and thighs were throbbing, but he let out a sharp gasp when he felt her breath on his cock.

     "You're not allowed to cum!" she growled.

     "Yes, Mistress," he answered. He felt her tongue tracing the shaft, that never failed to make his cock as hard as steel. Slowly rubbing the tip against her teeth before licking the hole. It caused him to jump and he could hear her chuckle. His body slowly settled down as continued with her teasing, purposely making his cock painfully hard, just the way she liked it. She gently cupped his sack with one hand as she licked his shaft from the root to the tip, slowly nibbling just under the head where she knew he was the most sensitive. She continued this for eight minutes, she knew his body like the back of her hand and she was fully aware this was pure torture.

     He gasped when she finally engulfed him into her wet mouth, she felt him move just a bit and smacked one of the welts on his ass, he got the message as she moved to the base of his throbbing cock, swallowing him whole. She purposely squeezed his sore ass and was satisfied when he did not budge, so begin to suck with eagerness. She moved him in and out of her mouth, slowly, then quickly, never allowing him to get used to the rhythm. She felt him tremble, she liked the effect she has on him. She knew he was doing his best to hold it in and she increased the pace. "Please, Mistress." His pleads always excited her. She pulled back, making sure her mouth made a loud pop. She forcefully rubbed the head with her thumb and forefinger.

     "Please what?" she spoke calmly with a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

     "Let me cum," he pleaded, "please let me cum." She loved hearing him beg, it always turned her on. She slowly stood up and removed his blindfold with her free hand.

     "You want to cum," she purred while moving her forefinger faster, purposely taking him to his limit.

     "Yes Mistress, please." He begged and she let go, ruining his potential orgasm.

     "Me first," she growled, "On your knees!" He obeyed, she leaned over and grabbed the leash, walking him like a pet towards the weightlifting bench. She stood in front of him, slowly removing her black lace thong. She sat down with a knowing smile and spread her legs wide. Without any hesitation, he zeroed in on her clit. She placed her legs on his shoulders and pulled him forward, he eaten her pussy enough times to know exactly to make her toes curl. She felt him hungrily flicked his tongue back and forth, his fingers entering her, almost instantly finding her G-spot. He pumped his fingers into her and she raked her nails across his head and shoved him deeper. "Yes, just like that!"

     Enzio felt her body shake and he doubled his effort, sucking and flicking harder while moving his fingers faster, deeper. "I'm cuming!" she moaned, squeezing his head as her orgasm took hold of her. Her juices were warm and sweet on his tongue and he slowly lapped it up, feeling her entire body shake from the sensitivity. He lifted his head, staring at her heaving chest before focusing on her red face. She smiled at him before biting her lower lip, giving him the okay with a simple nod, and like an animal, he pounced.

     She let out a loud moan when he entered her. Increasing the strength of his strokes with each thrust. She wrapped her legs tightly around him, asking him to say those words again and he does, causing her to grind against him and that sent him over the edge. His loud moan caused her to hold him tightly against her, feeling him draining himself inside her, even after he was done, she refused to let go. She looked into his loving eyes, licked her lips, and began grinding against him again. 

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