Love Me Like a Love Song

By LilMissRoughneck

162K 3.8K 240

They met at a party being held out in the middle of Mcreery's field. He was sitting on the tailgate of his tr... More

Wine and Whiskey
Famous in a Small Town
Church Pew or Bar Stool
Blame it on Your Truck
Daddys Girl
Running Out of Air
Sittin' Pretty
Country In Ya
Boys 'Round Here
Authors Note
You'll Think Of Me
.Gone Enough
I Wish I Could Break Your Heart
I Could Kick Your Ass
Hands On You
Hands On You
American Kids
Close Your Eyes
Prayer For The Road
What Hurts The Most
I Need You
I Know These Hills
Make Things Right
Stupid Boy
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not
Play On
How She Rolls
Wanted You More
I Run To You
Party For Two
Call Me Old Fashioned
I Swear
Good Friend And a Glass Of Wine
I Don't Dance

County Line

4.1K 93 6
By LilMissRoughneck




I wandered into the coffee shop that Sarah and I had agreed to meet up at in the bigger town that was about an hour away from where we lived

"Ace!" I heard a chirpy voice call from the corner of the shop. I held up my index finger before pointing towards the counter, telling her I'd be just a moment. After buying myself a peppermint hot chocolate, I went and sat down across from her

"Sooo....I heard Steele's announcement! What happened?" She smiled, sipping her latte

"Well, before he climbed the water tower, I asked him if we could talk, to which he agreed. So I parked out by the river and asked him why, and he said it hadn't meant anything. I forgave him, but told him he was gonna have to re-earn all the trust I'd had in him. Then we went to the water tower, which I'm sire you heard that part." I explained, stopping for a breath

"Oh honey the whole town heard that." Sarah giggled, pushing the hair from her face

"Oh don't I know it. Anyways, I went over to his place last night to hang out, and he didn't he sweetest thing." I gushed, remembering our date

"What'd he do?!" She squealed, bouncing in her seat a little bit

"He set up a big white sheet on the backside of his barn, filled a truck bed with blankets and pillows, and set up a projector. He put in my favorite movie and we watched it from the back of the truck. I fell asleep so he carried me into the house and we went to sleep." I explained, blushing as I remembered this morning

"That blush says there's more to it." She tsked, sipping her drink

"His mom came to wake us up and found me pushed against the wall with his tongue in my mouth." I told her, my blush darkening

"That's hot." She laughed, throwing her head back

"Shut up!" I giggled, throwing a napkin at her. She started laughing more, a snort escaping loud and clear, causing both of us to laugh harder

" everything okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask. We both started calling down, looking up into the confused faces of Steele, Josh, River and Luke

"I never had you pegged as the romantic type Steele." Sarah chuckled, putting her cup to her lips

"What are you-oh! Only for her." He grinned, winking at me

"Oh, do tell." Luke smirked, sliding in beside Sarah, who blushed deeply

"Oh yes, please tell us how Mr Hard Ass here is a romantic for Miss Jobins." Josh laughed, pushing me over before Steele slid in next to him and River slid in next to Luke. Sarah and I laughed before telling the boys what happened

"Ace, would you mind opening your purse for a moment?" River grinned after we were done our story time

"Why?" Sarah questioned, raising an eyebrow

"I wanna see if I can find Steele's balls in there." He laughed, dodging a punch from across the table

"You won't find them there." Steele blushed, glaring at his friends

"Sure man, I believe you. She probably brought the wrong purse." Josh laughed, the rest of us joining in as Steele glared at his friends

"I hate you all." He frowned, taking a swig of his coffee

"No you don't." Luke grinned, wrapping his arm around Sarah's shoulders

"Well, as much as we love watching you three ball bust Steele, we have shopping to do." I grinned, pushing Josh, who slid just enough for Steele to fall out of the booth

"Rude." He grumbled as he stood up

"Why don't we join you? We can carry bags for you." Luke suggested, looking at both of us

"We're meeting Lex and Kira." I warned "we can shop for hours." I added on, remembering last time. Luke nodded, not moving his arm from Sarah's shoulders

"Alright, if you guys want to come, your more than welcome to." I grinned, pushing Josh again who slid out of the booth before helping me stand

"We'll meet you at the mall then." Steele smirked, winking at me

"I'll drive with you Ace, I wanna ask you a few questions." River told me, looking at me desperately

"Okay." I grinned as we all walked out of the shop

"I'll ride with you." Luke told Sarah, sliding into the passenger seat of her car, she just nodded as she stepped in as well. Josh and Steele got in Josh's truck, while River and I got in mine

"So what'd you wanna ask?" I questioned, turning off the stereo

"Well, I um- I was wondering if...uh Kira was.....single." He stuttered, turning an adorable shade of pink

"Oh my god that's so cute!" I gasped, looking at him quickly "and yes, she is!" I squealed as I stopped at a light

"Do you mind helping me? I have no idea how to do this dating thing." He explained, scratching the back of his neck

"No problem, are you gonna ask her out today?" I asked as I pulled into the parking lot of the mall

"Yeah, then I was thinking we could maybe go out on Wednesday." He explained as I turned off the truck

"Put your number in my phone, I'll call you later and help you out." I told him, holding my phone out. After he put his number in, we jogged into the mall to find everybody standing there awkwardly

"Hey guys, sorry we took so long, this idiot dropped his phone between my seats." I lied smoothly, grinning as River blushed and glared at me, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah he does that fairly often." Luke joked, pushing River

"Shut up." He groaned as he gave me the finger

"Okay, where to first?" Sarah asked as she stood awkwardly next to Lexi

"I need some new dresses." Kira said, trying to dissipate some of the awkwardness

"Me too! There's a party the next town over this weekend, we should go!" Sarah smiled at us

"Sure, do you know who's party it is?" I asked as the four of us hooked arms and walked off, leaving the boys to follow

"Dallas Johnson." She explained as we walked into Forever 21

"Oh, I was talking to him at Lukas bonfire, he's a sweet guy." I nodded as I looked at dresses

"He's cute, isn't he?" Sarah grinned

"I don't mean to be rude, but why are you here?" Lexi asked suddenly, looking over at Sarah

"Ace and I decided to try to put our last behind us, so we had coffee this morning and talked this morning. I really am sorry for being a complete bitch." She apologized, looking sincere

"Oh, okay then." Lexi smiled before going back to shopping. Once we'd found enough, we started walking towards the changing rooms

"You boys wanna tell us what you think, or are you gonna wait out here?" Kira asked as we stopped by the small waiting area where they sat with our purses looking acutely uncomfortable

"We'll come give opinions." Steele smiled, standing up and walking over to me

"Fashion show!" Josh exclaimed, jumping up, jutting his hip put and throwing his hand in the air. We all laughed as the remaining two looked at him funny before standing up

"Sure." Luke grinned

"Our pleasure." River smirked, winking at Kira who blushed.


So far Steele had rejected a tight three quarter sleeve blue dress, and a black and white high-lo dress, the other boys critiquing the rest of the girls dresses as well

"Okay, what about this one?" I asked, coming out in a tight, strapless red dress that stopped at about mid thigh

"I like that one." Steele mumbled, looking me up and down

"Okay then." I laughed, turning to see Kira come out in a pale pink dress that was tight around her torso, but the white skirt flowed out to about an inch above her knees

"That ones pretty, you could wear it Wednesday." River grinned, looking at him

"What's on Wednesday?" She asked, raising an eyebrow

"Our date." He explained, his grin widening as her cheeks turned as pink as the dress

"Oh? I don't recall being asked." She mumbled, crossing her arms

"Well, would you go out with me in Wednesday?" River asked, resting his elbows on his knees

"Oh I suppose I could squeeze a date into my ever busy schedule." She sighed before winking and walking back into the change room

"How sweet." Josh cooed from where he sat, waiting for Lexi to show him the next dress "our little boys are growing up."


We'd gone to about 10 different stores, and had agreed that our last shop was going to be Victoria Secret before we went to eat and go home

"We'll just wait outside." River and Luke mumbled, refusing to walk into the store

"Okay, we'll help." Josh grinned as he and Steele, stood with us. Rivers expression darkened a fraction before sighing and standing next to Kira

"I don't wanna shop alone." Sarah sulked, pouting at Luke

"Fine." He sighed, walking over to Sarah, who smiled up at him.

"How exactly do we help here?" Luke asked, looking around d the store awkwardly

"Just tell us what you think when we hold things up." Sarah explained as she drug him off somewhere

"Gladly." Steele smirked as he followed me around, nodding, frowning, and sticking his tongue out at different things.


"Thank fucking god." Josh sighed as we sat down at a table in the cafeteria, four piles of bags on the floor next to us

"You said it. Shopping with your four is tiring." Luke flinched as flexed his fingers

"That was nothing." Lex grinned

"If we were in a western wear store wedi have been even longer." I laughed as Steele paled

"I'm con a go get a taco." Sarah grinned, standing up

"I got it, what do you want?" Luke asked as he pushed her gently back into her chair before nodding and jogging of towards Taco Time. The rest of the boys did the same before leaving to go grab food

"Well, this has been an interesting day." I mumbled as I checked my phone for missed calls or texts

"No kidding." Lexi smiled, laughing as Sarah made a face when she  was going through missed messages

"What?" Kira asked her, looking concerned

"Jade wants to know if I want to go to her brothers party." She mumbled, pretending to gag

"Jade Parsons? Isn't her brother like 25?" Lexi asked, quirking a brow

"Yeah, he's decided he wants me to 'be his'." She scoffed before turning off her phone

"So what have you lovely ladies been doing?" Josh winked as the guys all sat down

"Talking about Jade Parsons brother." Kira quipped as she threw a fry in the air, catching it in her mouth

"He's freaky, I hate being around him." River frowned, drinking his coke

"You guys wanna come over to my place later and watch a movie? My parent's had a business meeting they had to go to." I explained as I ate my Souvlaki. Everyone agreed, and we decided to meet at my house after we'd all showered and changed. We left the mall, and the boys put our bags in our vehicles. We split into different vehicles; Steele and I in my truck, Lexi and Kira in Kiras truck, Luke went with Sarah, and River and Josh took Josh's truck

"See you guys tonight." Josh called as he pulled out, followed by the rest of us.  I hadn't been to sure about today, but I really was glad they came with us.

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