INFERNO HEARTS •lydia martin

By Hazza3000

85.7K 2.2K 696

Isabella McCall is Scott's twin sister and the person who has stolen Lydia Martin's heart without realising i... More

1. || extended prologue
3. || completely healed
4. || orange eyes
5. || finding my twin
6. || shifted
7. || intimidating hale
8. || half a girl
9. || all of this for lacrosse
10. || killer dream
11. || man down
12. || faking
13. || jealousy
14. || guardians insinct
15. || the twin outing
16. || injured hale

2. || the trio

9.1K 214 45
By Hazza3000

What would Isabella McCall do on the night before school, practice lacrosse, go to bed earlier maybe even do some homework. Absolutely not she was supposed to be at some girl's house called Rebecca for some math tutoring, but we all know it's not gonna end up that way.

She was planning on going there getting her maths done then going home but then she got bored and didn't want to do maths anymore, plus the girl was so nervous and is obviously worried about pissing of the ice queen herself that she didn't really know what to say.

The only reason Bella agreed to getting a tutor is because if she doesn't pass math, she doesn't get to be on the lacrosse team so obviously she let coach set her up with a tutor.

But I mean come on who even likes maths?

It's extremely boring and there is no point in trying to change my mind, I don't want to hear it I hate math end of discussion. Then Rebecca started fidgeting confusing me even more. Do I make her that nervous?

Its only when she started rubbing her thighs together did, I realise what's really going on, she's obviously fell for my teasing bait and has been left turned on.

What don't judge me I get all flirty when I'm bored? Plus, I only did the little things like take of my jacket subtly flexing my muscles as I do so, stretching so my top rises even more showing of my abs and casually fiddling with the tassels on my shirt, so they accidently come undone.

"Are you sure all you want to be doing is studying?" I say in a low seductive voice, running my fingers up her thigh slowly, teasing her even more she begins biting her lip causing me to smile.

"I mean, is that really what you wanted me over here for" I question fiddling with the buttons on her shorts causing her breath to hitch.

She isn't talking but I can tell she's begging for my touch by the way she's squirming around over the littlest things, I lean in as if I am about to kiss her, but I move away from her lips. My lips graze her ear as I talk in a hushed voice.

"There's a lot more things we could be doing" I carry on teasing, sucking her earlobe causing her to let out a whimper, but it sounds more like a breathy moan.

But I pull away as soon as the sound came out of her mouth looking back at my textbook whilst she tries to pull herself together, I act unfazed as if nothing even happened. "So, number 5..." but before I could continue her lips crash into mine causing me to smirk, I knew she wanted it.

I deepen the kiss, immediately taking control as her body submits to my touch straight away pulling her onto my lap. We continue to make out my hands roaming her body hungrily before finally going to the buttons on her shirt undoing them before throwing her shirt away. I move my attention from her lips to her jaw and neck kissing and sucking softly in search of her sweet spot.

She lets out a moan indicating that I found the spot I suck hard, licking and biting it causing her to let out more and more moans as I fiddle around with her bra straps. In one swift motion I have taken of her bra and flipped her around, pinning her hands above her head as I go down to her chest attacking it with more kisses.

She kept bucking her hips up trying to get friction rubbing her shorts against my abdomen in a desperate attempt, when I finally decide I am done with teasing and I am completely turned on now I kiss down her chest, down her stomach to the hem of her jean shorts...

I got off her panting softly, flopping on the bed beside her before she snuggles into my naked chest, her eyes closing as well as mine. However, our moment gets cut short by the ring of my phone, I open my eyes letting out a sigh knowing that if my phone rings it's important as I don't let anyone have my number.

I slowly move the girl off me before getting up and grabbing my phone noticing there are a bunch of missed calls and messages from Stiles, great what does his spazzy ass want. My phone starts ringing again Stiles' contact illuminating the screen.

"Stilinski, there better be a good fucking reason you're calling otherwise I swear to god I will end your existence" I say angrily through the phone.

"Listen, two joggers found half a body in the woods no one knows what happened to her, the only thing they do know is that she was in her late 20s. I heard my dad on the phone it's obviously important as they are bringing in state police, me and Scott are going to check it out, are you coming?" Stiles asks, knowing that I wouldn't want them going on their own.

"Yeah, okay just pick me up from this location" I say ending the call, sending him the location before shutting my phone off. I pull on my underwear before grabbing my black jeans that have been thrown across the room.

As I do the lace through the tassels of my dark green crop top so that my cleavage is on show but not as much as before a sleepy voice speaks up tiredly.

"Where are you going?"

"Sorry princess, friend called" I say, picking up my black beanie so you can't see my messy hair, pulling on my leather jacket she asks another question.

"Stay the night" she mumbles, I shake my head sitting on the end of her bed tying up my black lace up, heeled chunky boots.

"I'll make it worth your while" Becca says kissing my neck, I mean yeah, she's cute but I gotta go make sure my best friend doesn't get him and my brother killed on one of his adventures.

My phone pings as once again Stiles pops up on my screen telling my he's here, I let out another sigh as she continues to kiss my neck before slowly pulling away from her.

"I gotta go, I'll look forward to our next study session" I say pecking her lips one last time before heading out. I get in Roscoe, they both stare at me as I climb in.

"Are you just gonna stare or are we gonna get going" I ask raising an eyebrow before laying down on the back seats of his jeep, Stiles finally starts driving.

"How do you get so many girls like, come on. Do you want to share some tips" Stiles says annoyed that he's still a virgin and his best mate has fucked more girls than years he's been alive. In response I snort at his comment before shutting my eyes fiddling with my silver rings, god, I'm knackered why did I agree to come.

"What do you mean they were studying?" Scott says innocently causing me and Stiles to laugh at him, really Scott no wonder you don't have a girlfriend.

"Tutoring Bella impossible, that girl has the attention span of a goldfish. No, the only thing she was being taught about was the human anatomy" Stiles says continuing to laugh practically snorting at this point he might as well become a pig.

"Bella you were supposed to be letting her tutor you if you get bad grades you're not allowed on the team" Scott says making a disgusted face at the thought of his sister who is older by 1 minute fucking some random girl.

"I was and then I realised how boring math is, so I was just teasing her a little bit and then she kissed me and sat on my lap, not my fault I'm hot" I say snickering at the look on Scott's face he looks so grossed out whilst Stiles on the other hand looks deep in thought.

"See what I mean, they were supposed to be studying, just studying! Then somehow boom, sex! You need to help me Bella I don't want to die a virgin" Stiles says groaning dramatically before speeding up.

"Can we stop talking about my sisters sex life, please. I'm really uncomfortable and disgusted" Scott says before gagging, me and Stiles go back into fits of laughter.

The jeep comes to a stop as we pull up in front of a sign that says, 'Beacon Hills Preserve No Entry After Dark' that is illuminated by the Jeep's headlights.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asks scared, I roll my eyes he could've said no, and I wouldn't have been dragged out of a hot girl's bed just because I refuse to let them get themselves killed. Even though I wouldn't have stayed the night at her house, I still could've gone home and chilled out.

"You're the one that's always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" Stiles says turning the flashlight on before stalking ahead of me and Scott, who follow him slowly, Scott because of nerves and me because I am feeling lazy.

"Come on, Scotty. You wanted to do this; I am only here so you two don't kill yourselves" I say swinging my arm over Scott's shoulder Stiles goes to say something, but I cut him off.

"You know it's true you two wouldn't be alive right now if I didn't stop you from doing anything to stupid" I point out causing him to shut up and carry-on walking.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott says as we continue to walk through the dark woods, huh this isn't creepy at all.

"Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort" Stiles says harshly causing me to smack his shoulder, he winces before grabbing it muttering a few curse words.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line with Bella" Scott says confidently causing me to smile at my little brother, I might only be older by a couple of minutes, but I am definitely the older sibling.

"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one" Stiles says again, saying it as it is like usual.

"You mean like the dreams you have about losing your virginity before the age of 30" I sap back defending my twin causing Scott to go into a fit of laughter whilst Stiles just glares at me angrily.

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks looking over at Stiles who was getting more fidgety oh, no what has he done.

"Huh! I didn't even think about that" Stiles says letting out a nervous laugh, as I glare at him.

"And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here" Scott asks making me a little more nervous not that either of the boys could tell I still have my confident facade up, but seriously what idiot wouldn't get nervous of the thought of being in the same place as a murderer.

"Also, something I didn't think about" Stiles says a lot more nervous as I clench my fists at this boy, does he think about anything before doing it? No, no he doesn't. I knew I should've gotten more facts before agreeing to come.

"God, sake. Why am I even friends with you, one day you're gonna get us all killed" I say angrily rolling my eyes before climbing the hill thing with ease whilst Scott is at the back panting.

"It's comforting to know you've planned this you with your usual attention to detail" Scott says breathing heavily, he's gonna give himself asthma attack if he's not careful.

"I know" Stiles says letting out a breath after the small hill we just climbed.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh" Scott breathes out before he starts wheezing again, okay that's enough.

"Scott, use your inhaler before we go any further" I say, he nods leaning against the tree before puffing on it. Stiles jumps down turning of his flashlight as soon as he spots the officers coming towards us. I jump down pulling Scotty with me, as we continue to hide from the cops.

"Hey, come on" Stiles says pulling me up knowing that I am the only one here capable of protecting him.

"Stiles, Bella" Scott shouts letting out a gasp before puffing on his inhaler again, he's scared that we're just gonna leave him. I run straight back to him helping him up.

"Come on, Scotty. I'm not gonna leave you" I say grabbing his hand and running next to him whilst Stiles sprints ahead.

"Wait up! Stiles!" Scott whisper shouts to him as we notice the police gaining on us.

"Stilinski!" I say with a harsh voice causing him to turn around but it's too late the officer already spotted him. I pull Scott behind a tree not wanting us to get caught as well.

"Hold it right there" the officer says shouting, then I hear the amazing papa Stilinski's voice coming to Stiles' aid.

"Hang on, hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me" he says looking down at Stiles as the dog continues to bark the over officer pulling it back. I don't bother listening to their conversation as I already know how it goes. Stiles lying his ass off and Noah not believing a word of it.

"Who Bella and Scott, not the twins are at home. They said they needed some sleep before practice tomorrow you know as Bella's the team captain" Stiles says catching attention as I hear my name.

"Bella, Scott. You out there?" but we stay quiet and all you can hear is the distant thunder as the rain continues to pour getting us all soaked.

"Isabella! Scott!" Noah yells shinning the flashlight but gets no response, he lets out a sigh before facing his son.

"Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car. And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy" the sheriff says dragging his son by the ear out of the woods and towards his jeep.

"Fuck" I whisper smacking my head against the tree, the thunder continues to bang as we walk through the dark and eerie woods, the rain hammering it down as me and Scott walk in silence both had enough of the day.

It's so quiet in the woods you could even hear the crickets chirping and the sound of wings flapping causes Scott to stop, Jesus, he is definitely scared. Every creek or crack that we can hear Scott either grips me tighter or stops all together and if we ever want to get out of here that is not a good thing.

"It's alright, Scotty, you're okay. It was just birds, come on let's get out of here" I say grabbing a hold of his hand reassuring him as I pull him close to me, so we keep up a fast pace.

Scott stops taking a puff of his inhaler causing me to stop turning around to face him to double check he's okay. But as I turn back around, I see deer running straight towards us without thinking I jump on top of Scott making him drop to the ground as the deer frantically jump over us and some go around us as they run out of the woods as fast as they can.

My body is placed over my little brothers protectively not caring if I get hurt just making sure that he's okay, that's all that matters. As soon as they leave, I get off him panting but the nervousness from earlier turns into fear, animals don't just run like that for the fun of it that means something was chasing them.

And my guess is that it's something big, I slowly stumble trying to get up ignoring the pain in my head in my head. I touch the back of my head feeling, feeling the sticky blood between my fingers, great something else to worry about.

No, matter how bad the wound to my head is I still get up not caring about the injuries just knowing that I need to get my brother to safety is enough to make me keep going even if my head is spinning.

"My inhaler" Scott says as he gets up looking around for it, causing me to sigh. Honestly, could this get any worse there is no way we are leaving here without his inhaler he won't make it out of the woods without it.

Even though everything in my body is screaming at me to sit down I don't I get up trying to ignore the pain and how blurry everything is around me. Whenever I get injured, I have this way of boosting the most primitive parts of me and silencing the best. I am extremely stubborn.

Stubborn in all the best ways. My mom says, if someone I care about needs me, I will be there in the blink of an eye but if it comes to saving someone a stranger or saving myself, I am not a hero nor do I try to be. People tell me that's wrong or that I should change but in reality, they are the same the only difference is there too scared to admit it.

I don't listen to my body's futile attempts to get me to sit down instead I get up searching for an object that has no benefit to me but could be the difference between life and death for my brother. I remain brave by putting on a front, shinning the torch on my phone in search of Scott's inhaler.

God, he's lucky that he is my little brother and I love him otherwise I would be gone, I almost sound like a kind person... I soon snap out of my thoughts as I hear him yell loudly before a few thumps and grunts.

"Scott" I yell running over to where I hear him yell, I shine my torch around desperately searching but I don't see him anywhere. But then I trip on something that feels rock solid, shizer that hurt my toe.

My clothes now feel wet scared to look down I take a deep breath before shinning my torch down, now I am not one to scream but I let out the loudest scream known to man, fuck my life. And there she is... I've seen a lot of disturbing things before, but nothing could've prepared me for this sight.

The woman on the floor is lifeless.


Her brown hair is scattered in multiple places, stained with dried blood, crimson coloured. Her dark brown eyes are wide open, but her jade irises held a sudden sadness. She isn't wearing any clothes, she is naked, but covered in blood god so much blood. Her body lay face first hiding her indecency, but her head is to the side and here she lay on the muddy floor, whilst half of her is in the morgue.

And the smell. The smell is the most disturbing thing I have ever ingested. It is a blatant her bowel had been released, and all too soon, she was in her twenties her whole life was ahead of her. My heart pounded as one question continued to race through my mind: Who did this?

I think I've gone into shock I don't move I just stare sitting in her blood, she's so young. I finally realise I can actually move so I do I edge backwards not realising there is a hill behind me. Falling, I am falling. Not the fun type when you run around as a kid and fall onto that season softened bed of leaves no that was the greatest bliss.

For though it crunchy too, though there were sticks and beetles, breathing in the aroma of the earth and watching the freeform clouds was my kind of atmospheric poetry. But not this time, no this time I am actually falling.

Gravity no longer my friend as I fall backwards hitting my shoulder on a rock that just so happened to be sticking out of the surface of the hill. But when my back hits into the tree stopping me from going any further was when the pain really started to kick in. I land by Scott not that I realise it I am fighting my own battle of consciousness.

Pain, I am in so much pain. It takes over a portion of my brain, my thoughts weakening as I try to focus on one thing, but I can't it's using up all my energy I have no effort to think. I have been hurt before not from sport but from another sort of pain.

That pain was different it stole a part of me I wanted to share with others, my light and laughter, my generous heart. No, that pain went along with my dad, but this pain is a new sort of pain it burns, as if some invisible flame is being held to my skin.

I lost emotions long time ago the only people who saw other than lust and anger are my family or those who I consider family, because it's better that way, right?

Death, abandonment, or betrayal, they all lead to some sort of pain. My thoughts start to spiral out of control until the scared voice of my brother brings me back.

"Bella, are you okay? There... there is so much blood" he asks, scared for his big sister the girl who is always protecting him. She was covered head to toe in blood and he knows that he needs to protect her.

"I'm fine, it's not mine. I tripped over that girl's body" I say croakily sitting up slightly so I can put pressure against the tree, Scott didn't believe that it was all the girl's blood, but she was in no fit state to answer questions and knowing Isabella if he wanted answers, he'd have to fight for them.

I put my hand behind the back of my head without thinking pulling it back to see a lot more blood than before the excruciating pain comes back causing me to close my eyes slowly focusing on blocking out the pain which seems impossible.

"Bella, oh my god. Your head it's bleeding" Scott says starting to freak out that isn't okay, he doesn't care what she says thinks she needs to get out of here and quick.

"Scotty, calm down. Let's just get out of here I promise we can look for your inhaler tomorrow, sound good" I say, reaching behind me pulling myself up with the tree behind which now I realise it is a fallen tree. I wobble on my feet my vision going black for a moment before adjusting.

But as I look up, I don't see my twin, no... this sight made my breath catch in my throat as it stares at me with those red eyes, glowing red eyes. My hand flies over my mouth, the other rigidly clutching my black leather jacket, my eyelids shut so tightly out of fear that they begin to fidget and shudder from the bullish force.

As if the very corner of my eyes were being pricked with needles, but I don't cry, no. No tears come out of my eyes no sobbing sounds, nothing. When I finally gain the courage to open my eyes it's still stood there staring at me staring at my plump red cheeks, staring at my knuckles which are now gripping the tree to keep me upright.

Before it makes its decision and pounces on me but gets off me in a flash running over to my brother who lets out a heart wrenching sob, that sound alone made my eyes water. My thigh the stinging sensation shoots up my leg it... it bit me.

The blood left the artery it belonged in as it surges out into the open, beat out by a strong beating heart, how it's still beating so strong and not faltering at all I have no idea but I'm not complaining.

It had all been so silly, an attempt to find a body... which in reality I never wanted to find, but I still came to keep them safe now look at me. I let out a deep breath before removing my belt biting my lip as I try to hold back the scream as I tighten it around my leg to make sure that I don't bleed out.

I pull myself up using the tree besides me before letting out a cry of pain Scott comes running to me, wrapping his arms around me but I don't let him stay like that for long, as I pull back searching for injuries.

"Scott are you okay?" I say looking over him to double check that he isn't injured that's when my eyes fall onto his side.

"It's just my side but Bella your leg" Scott says motioning down to my leg.

"I will be fine, let's just go before this thing come back" I say as he bends down taking me on his back before running out of the woods. When we finally get out, we end up on a road he slowly puts me down before I let out a breath.

The pain is slowly subsiding I put a little pressure on it before I see a car heading for Scott, I immediately push myself off the ground ignoring the pain as I tackle Scott to the ground out of the way of the car. The car honks whilst we catch our breath, I lay my head back on the floor before letting out a low chuckle.

"Let's go home" I say smiling at my twin as we sit there in the rain for a moment just thinking about how this day went so wrong, I look back over at Scott to see him pulling his shirt up revealing a gruesome looking bite mark.

"We need to get out of here and then clean up..." but he gets cut off by a loud howling sound causing us both to look up trying to find the source of the sound.

What a day...

(A/N Sorry it's taken me so long to update this story, but I've got a few chapters in drafts that just need proof reading and editing to make a bit more sense then they'll be up. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment anything you'd like to see next ~ Hazza)

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