Light Of My Life

By calculated-chaos

339K 8.5K 1.6K

When your job title is FBI agent, getting hurt is kind of an occupational hazard. And when you're hurt, who d... More

Light In The Dark
There's A Difference
Domestic Disturbance
I Wouldn't Call It A Date
Maybe Wishes Do Come True
Hard Hit
Picture Frame
Sweet And Savory
Heat Of The Moment
Water And Tears
The Moon And The Stars
The Losses We Feel
Dull Colors
Close Call
Friends Like These
Aquatic Surprise
A Day Out
Gun Point
Devyn Miller
"I'm Sorry."
Piece Of The Past
What Could've Been
You're The One
Matching Puzzle Pieces
One, Two, Three, Four
Daddy Dearest
"I Will Always Find You."
Colors Of The Body
No Regrets
Just A Rehearsal
Light Of My Life
Happy Ever After

When Your Past Haunts You

14.1K 329 46
By calculated-chaos

Thanks for reading! Comments are encouraged, welcomed and gratefully accepted!

Words: 1,931


Blue, flashing lights beam out around them. Morgan sighs and claps a hand on Reid's shoulder when red lights join them. "I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose."

Spencer turns away from looking at his hurt shoulder and towards his friend, eyebrows furrowing. He thinks he's getting hurt on purpose? Why would he ever-? Derek chooses that moment to nod towards the paramedics climbing out of the ambulance.

Devyn makes her way over to them when a cop directs her. Her lips turn up when she's sure neither of them is seriously injured. She can see Spencer holding his right arm but he looks fine otherwise.

"And what seems to be the problem?" She questions, gaze switching between them.

"Pretty boy here hurt himself," Derek gestures to Reid, and the younger man ducks his head. Humming, Devyn walks around to stand on his injured sighs and gently surveys his arm.

"Your shoulder is dislocated," She states simply.

"That would explain it."

"What?" Morgan questions Spencer's words with a confused expression.

"Why it feels like my shoulder is dislocated." Devyn snorts and shakes her head.

"Alright, smarty, let's go," She places a light hand on his back and nudges him towards the ambulance. "You know, technically I'm supposed to take you to the hospital, let a nurse or someone pop this back it, give you a sling," Devyn tells him after guiding him to sit down on the gurney. "But honestly, it's super simple, I have a sling in here. It'll save you a lot of trouble and me a lot of paperwork. If you want I can do it."

Spencer holds back a shrug, knowing it would only hurt. "I won't tell if you don't."

"Oh, my, Agent Reid," Devyn gasps as if scandalized.

"Actually it's doctor," Spencer shakes his head to himself after the words leave his mouth. Why did he say that?

"Is it now?" Devyn asks. "I apologize, Dr. Reid." Spencer's lips twitch up to match her smile before he winces in pain from moving his shoulder. "I can give you something for the pain."

"No," Spencer answers a little too quickly and he winces again for a whole other reason. "Uh, no, I'm fine." He says again after clearing his throat, much more calmly.

"Alright," Devyn thankfully doesn't bring it up but there is an odd look in her eye. Spencer doesn't get the chance to determine what it is before it's gone. "You ready? It'll hurt before it feels better."

Biting his lips, Spencer nods as Devyn moves to sit behind him. "On three," She says while gently grabbing his arm, slowly moving it into the right position. "One-" Devyn doesn't bother counting to three before popping Spencer's shoulder back in place. "Sorry." She apologizes with a grimace when Spencer groans in pain. "Here, this will help." She grabs the sling and places it over his shoulder, helping him maneuvers his arm into his.

After securing his limb, Devyn looks up and meets his eyes, their faces close together. "We have to stop meeting like this." She jokes with a laugh and Spencer does the same, though it's a little more strained.

"Alright," Devyn sighs a sits back down on the bench across from him. "No heavy lifting, playing any sports, or any stressful movements to the shoulder for at least three months. Wear the sling for a couple of weeks, give or take, just because your shoulder stops hurting doesn't mean you can take it off."

"Sounds like you're the doctor now."

"Yeah, well," Devyn shrugs with a cheeky grin. "If uh, if your shoulder keeps bothering you..." She trails off while sorting through a few things. Spencer watches closely as she grabs a notepad and a pen. "You can call me."

She finishes writing and hands him the piece of paper. Spencer takes it and looks down to see her number followed by a smiley face. His head swirls over the fact that a girl just gave him his number but he manages to speak. "For medical advice?"

"No," Devyn shakes her head. "I mean, my medical knowledge is limited but if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them best I can. But I was thinking more along the lines of distracting you." As soon as the words leave her mouth, a blush washes over her cheeks. "That didn't sound nearly as suggestive in my head."

"It's fine," Spencer says, the red in his cheeks matching her own. "Um..." he trails off, the paper still held between his fingers.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to take that, I was just..." Devyn blows out a breath and shakes her head, her smile becoming forced. "It was stupid of me."

"No, no," Spencer is quick to say, pulling the paper closer to him. "N-no, it's not stupid, I'm just not used to..."

"Girl's giving you their numbers?" Devyn guesses and Spencer nods. "Well, maybe that's because you haven't met the right ones." Spencer takes in Devyn's words, eyes glancing down at the paper again. He's never thought about it like that before.

"Miller," Devyn's head snaps to the side to see Richard standing there.

"All good here," She tells him and he nods, glancing at Spencer before moving on. "He's actually nice, despite the vibe he gives off."

"He's kind of scary," Spencer admits.

"Yeah, took me a while to get past that shell of his." Devyn sighs and rubs her hands on her pants. "I have to go now me?"

"Y-yeah," Spencer nods, holding the paper up before slipping it into his pocket. He's already memorized the number.

"Good, okay," Standing up, Devyn is the first to leave the ambulance. She offers Spencer her hand and he takes it before stepping onto the ground. "Don't keep me waiting long."

Devyn closes the back doors before climbing into the passenger seat, leaving Spencer standing there, watching the vehicle drive away.


Closing her door behind her, Devyn locks it and turns to her mail. She sifts through it, throwing the junk onto the counter to throw away when she's done. Contemplating on the cons of just throwing the bills away, Devyn freezes when she comes upon a different shaped envelope.

The handwritten words send chills down her spine. She drops everything but the thick paper before tearing it up and burying it in the bottom of the trash.

Spinning around, Devyn double checks her locks before digging through her purse. She reaches in and pulls out her gun. It's just a letter, she tells herself over and over again while searching her small apartment. It doesn't take long to look in every room. She thinks she checks under her bed three times before she stops.

Devyn continues to hold her gun as she pulls out her phone, dialing the number by heart. After a very short conversation, the young woman forces herself to relax as much as she can.

With her free hand, Devyn runs her fingers through her hair before putting her gun back into her bag. She sighs, grabs her uniform, and leaves her apartment.

"What's up with you today?" Richard asks a few hours into their shift. His voice is flat, uninterested but Devyn knows better. "Come on, kid, normally I can't get you to shut up."

Devyn puffs out a breath and shakes her head. "You love my endless rambling, don't deny it." She says but still doesn't look at him.

"Uh-huh," Richard hums sarcastically but he sends his partner a worried glance. He'll never admit it, but she's somehow found a place in his life. Dare he say in his heart. He wasn't even aware he had one of those anymore.

He doesn't get the chance to say much else before they're on their way to another call. Then another one and another one until they're both clocking out.

"Let's get food," Devyn says suddenly and Richard turns to her, eyebrows raised. "I know you don't have plans."

"I could," He says defensively but Devyn just gives him a look.

"Come on, I want fries." Shaking his head, Richard gives in and follows the young woman to a diner down the street. She gets them a booth seat and they're able to order quickly. It's not very busy at this time of night. "You're going to give yourself a heart attack," Devyn tells him with a pointed look towards his greasy food and the milkshake sitting across from it.

As an answer, Richard takes a purposely big bite of his burger, swallowed by a sip of the cold, chocolate shake. Devyn rolls her eyes, picking at her fries. "How you don't gain weight baffles me." She swears she's only ever seen him eat junk food and yet, he's fit. He must be magic.

"Why don't you want to go home?" Richard's question catches Devyn off guard. She freezes, her hand half lifted towards her mouth. Her brows furrow and she lowers her eyes and her hand.

"What makes you think I don't?" She asks once she finds her voice, eyes avoiding his gaze.

"Because of that right there," Sighing, Devyn lifts her eyes to meet his. She holds his gaze now, lifting her drink and taking a sip without ever looking away. "Come on." Climbing out of the booth, Richard motions for her to follow.

"Where are we going?" Devyn asks, stopping behind him when he quickly pays for their food - despite her protests.

Richard doesn't answer her, instead, he shoves his hands into his pockets and walks down the sidewalk leisurely. "What's up?" He asks after a few minutes, his voice nearly startling Devyn.

"What's up?" She repeats quietly and shakes her head. "Nothing, everything's fine." Richard gives her a disbelieving look, raising one of his brows. Devyn rolls her eyes. "I'm fine, I'm safe. Promise. It's...hard to explain. Life." She shrugs, throwing her arms out before letting them drop back to her sides. "How about you? I've known you for almost a year now and I know nothing about you. Other than the fact that you live off sugar."

"Not much to know," Richard says, eyes forward.

"Come on, Rich, no one special in your life?" Devyn watches Richard shake his head slowly, a far off look in his eyes. She decides to drop the subject. "Well, you got me." She tells him and grabs his arm with both her hands, holding on. She doesn't see it, her gaze ahead of her, but Richard's lip twitch up into a soft smile.

When Devyn yawns for the fifth time, Richard pats her hand. "It's late, kid. You need to get some rest."

"Yeah," Devyn sighs and pulls away, wiping a hand down her face. "I'll see you later."

"Hey," Richard calls out to her when she starts to walk away and Devyn turns back to him. "You're safe?"

Licking her lips, Devyn looks away from him and out to the road, biting the inside of her cheek. She turns back to Richard and nods once. "Yes." She only wishes she believed that.


Spencer just keeps getting hurt, doesn't he?

And what was that with Devyn? Weird, right? We shall find out more about her past soon enough. What do you guys think is going on? Any theories?

Devyn and Richard's relationship! I love it! How about you guys?

Thanks for reading!



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