By _bookie_boo_

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LEAVE ME ALONE!"Despite the tears welling up, i refused to let my adversary witness my vulnerability, fully a... More



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By _bookie_boo_


I tried to move, but my muscles felt heavy and unresponsive, as if they were weighed down by invisible chains. Panic began to rise within me as I struggled to make sense of what was happening. The beeping sound continued to pierce through the fog of my confusion, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment.

'why am I having this pain?'

'Am I dead or something?'

With great effort, I managed to pry my eyes open, squinting against the blinding light that flooded the room. As my vision slowly adjusted, I realized I was in a hospital bed, surrounded by sterile white walls and the faint scent of antiseptic. Tubes and wires snaked their way across my body, connecting me to various machines and monitors that beeped and hummed in a symphony of medical technology.

The realization of my predicament hit me like a ton of bricks. I must have been in some sort of accident or suffered a severe injury. The pain in my hand intensified, throbbing with a rhythm that matched the beeping of the machines. I gingerly lifted my hand, wincing as I examined it. It was swollen and bruised, the skin broken in places, revealing the raw flesh beneath.

"I've got you, you little pervert"-

A flood of memories rushed back to me, fragmented and hazy. I vaguely recalled how I had tried to run the entire scene but was captured and thrown in front of that man. How I was kept hostage on top of blade that was under my chin and then I remembered  how I had heard a loud sound before the darkness enveloped me

As I lay there, the weight of my aches and the reality of my situation settled upon me like a heavy blanket. I was trapped in this sterile, unfamiliar environment

I was overwhelmed with numerous inquiries swirling in my mind, yet I was met with nothing but silence. How did I stumble upon witnessing such a heinous crime? I am certain that the criminal of a man is not going to release me. What if this hospital is not what it appears to be? Perhaps it is a place where criminals bring their victims. How can I extricate myself from this predicament? How on earth can I disclose everything and evade capture? As I groaned at the pounding in my temples, I gradually cleared my head of the haze of questions.

"ohhh you are awake ...?!!"

Hearing someone sequel I opened my eyes and allowed my hazel orbs to slowly lift, only to meet the gaze of a woman in a white shirt and pink skirt. She stood before me with a broad smile on her oval face. Her hair was pinned back in a tight bun, making me curious about the size of her forehead with that hairstyle. One hand held a pen, while the other clutched a file against her chest. Meeting her dark brown eyes with my hazel ones, I managed a smile, not wanting to appear impolite as I nodded in response to her question.

"Oh thank goodness. You were unconscious for like past 12 hours and the person who took you in had been on our heads for quite some time. Glad to know that you are awake he would back off and let us spare with his icy glares and rude ass mouth."

As I attempted to formulate a response to her incessant chatter, I became acutely aware of the dryness in my throat. It seemed as though I had ingested a mouthful of sand during dinner. "Wa..water..." I managed to mumble, hoping to soothe my parched throat before continuing the conversation.

The woman swiftly approached the bedside upon hearing my words, reaching for a glass of water on the table. Before handing it to me, she ensured I was in a comfortable position so as not to disturb the IV in my hand.

"Here. I hope it helps you feel better."
Accepting the glass with gratitude, I took a sip and felt the cool water soothing my throat.

After finishing the water, I handed her the empty glass and adjusted myself against the pillows, observing the woman as she arranged the glass to its original place.

"Previously, you mentioned"-
I captured her focus as she maintained eye contact with me. She nodded, encouraging me to proceed.
"You mentioned that there was an individual, referred to as 'he', who brought me to this place... Could you please inform me about the identity of this 'he' and whether or not he is still present?"
Exhaling audibly, she couldn't help but let out a chuckle, as if she found the situation amusing.

Ok. Dude. Weird.

"I am not personally acquainted with him, but he is a very attractive man who exudes an intimidating aura that makes all the staff nervous. Even the doctor seemed on the brink of being extremely scared."
She laughed again, completely ignoring my bewildered state.

"He stormed in as if he possessed this establishment, cradling you in a manner reminiscent of a bride. Three additional individuals trailed behind, barking orders to expedite your treatment as if our lives depended on it. Despite the absence of any significant injuries on your part, the man was furious. Nevertheless, he patiently waited until he departed just an hour ago."

I was utterly perplexed. This situation was incredibly strange and difficult for me to comprehend. The thought of being killed crossed my mind, but fortunately, it seemed that wasn't the case. The man who was responsible for this had different intentions in mind.

Excellent. I just hope he doesn't subject me to a slow and agonizing death.

Acknowledging her with a nod, I forced a smile as I passed by, and she reciprocated with a smile of her own.

'Alright, ma'am, please stop smiling any further.'

"when can I go home?"

"Yes, you will be able to return home soon. We will need to conduct some tests first to ensure that you are in good health before you are discharged." replying to my question , she made her way out the room leaving me in silence.

My mind immediately reverted to the incident that took place a few hours earlier. I regretted not controlling my hunger and ignoring my rumbling stomach. I regretted pausing to glance into that alleyway instead of simply carrying on my way. I regretted not keeping myself composed and resisting the urge to flee from the scene. I regretted not contacting the police or seeking help. There were numerous regrets that flooded my thoughts.

To witness a major crime was an immense shock for me. I can't erase the memory of the guy on the floor, holding me hostage, and the sudden demise his death. It's truly mind-boggling and utterly unbelievable. 

It's crazy and that too utterly one.
No doubts in that.

The first task after being discharged was to inform Dr. Aslam. I could already envision his anger and frustration due to my absence.


It has been a duration of two hours, and the hospital has made the decision to release me from their confinement. I proceeded to dress myself in the attire I was wearing when I arrived here, and then I made my way towards the reception counter to contact Dr. Aslam.

"Excuse me, ma'am. May I utilize your landline as I seem to have misplaced my mobile phone?" I I asked with a hint of nervousness.

"Certainly, feel free to use it," replied the lady standing nearby, as she handed over the mobile device.

I responded with a gentle thank you and took her phone to dial Dr. Aslam's number.

-ting- -ting-

I stood in line, patiently waiting as my heart raced with each passing second. I fervently prayed for him to answer, and as if my prayers were answered at the fifth ring, the cell phone was picked up, greeted with an uncertain hello.

"Aslamoalikum sir. it's me inaya-"


"uh ye-"


"oh sir-"


"WOULD YOU STOP AND LISTEN TO ME ONCE." I raised my voice into the mobile, practically shouting, as my head throbbed with frustration from all the things happening in my life. I couldn't understand why I deserved to go through all of this, and on top of it, my sick boss was causing more trouble.

Taking a deep breath and hearing the silence on the other side, I continued, this time in a much calmer tone. "Yesterday night, I went out to grab some takeout to eat and share with Dr. Ramsha. But as I was on my way back, I was met with an accident."

After contemplating the matter, I concluded it was wiser to stay quiet about that criminal man. I sighed once more and continued, "I was brought to the hospital and they just discharged me. I don't have anything with me to come back."The line went silent, and after a dramatic pause on the other end, I heard him sigh. 'yes sir us feeling'

"Could you please provide me with the name of the hospital?"

"Certainly, it is called Homerton Hospital and it is located directly across from the Royal Restaurant."

Expressing gratitude for the information provided, I reciprocated with a smile and proceeded to relay the exact location of the hospital to Dr.aslam on the other end of the line. Upon receiving confirmation of their arrival within 20 minutes, I let out a sigh of relief and carefully returned the telephone to its original position before making my way to one of the nearby benches.


The intensity of judgment in those ancient, shadowy eyes compelled me to hunch my shoulders inward, desperately attempting to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. True to his word, Dr. Aslam had collected me from the hospital and now he had taken it upon himself to accompany me into the room where Ramsha and I resided. As I entered, Ramsha rushed towards me, enveloping me in a tight embrace and whispering prayers under her breath, as if I were a precious treasure she had discovered after enduring countless hardships.

Letting out a weary sigh, I once again glanced at Ramsha, who offered me a reassuring smile in an effort to ease the tension that hung in the air. And so, we found ourselves seated, with Ramsha by my side and Dr. Aslam across from us, his gaze fixed upon me with an unwavering intensity. Oh, how I longed to rise from my seat, seize the knife, and engage in a silent battle with this discomfort that plagued us.

"so... -" Dr. Aslam compelled me to suppress my smile at my foolish thoughts and present him with my most neutral expression.

"You mentioned you were in an accident? Can you elaborate on what occurred, Inaya?"

With my eyes shut, I pondered the advantages and disadvantages of withholding my information. What if he returns and harms me? What if I perish quietly and he stages it as an accident? I must have someone in my corner at least. Upon opening my eyes and releasing a breath, I shifted my gaze to the wall behind Dr. Aslam, unable to meet his eyes as I recounted the story.

"As I made my way through the streets, I quickened my pace, eager to reach the building as soon as possible. However, my urgency was interrupted by the sound of anguished voices emanating from somewhere nearby. Intrigued, I followed the voices and stumbled upon a group of four individuals who had mercilessly beaten and restrained a man on the filthy road." Glancing back at the two individuals sitting in front of me, I observed their rapt attention, as if their lives depended on the unfolding scene.

 I shook my head at their similarities and continued recounting the events, describing how one of the taller guys among them knelt in front of the captive, a gun pointed at his head. Overwhelmed by fear, I contemplated running and calling the police, but my escape was thwarted when I accidentally collided with a trash can, alerting the assailants to my presence. Ramsha gasped, her hand instinctively covering her mouth, while Dr. Aslam wore a grave expression that I had only seen during his surgical procedures. This look alone was enough to send shivers down my spine, causing me to nervously gulp. 

"They forcefully brought me in front of the captive, and before I could plead for mercy, the man behind me, who had been taken hostage, roughly pressed a knife against my neck. Consumed by fear, I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the worst, only to be jolted back to consciousness by a loud noise, confirming that the person behind me had met his demise." Exhausted from my rambling, I let out a long sigh and shook my head, as if trying to erase the haunting memories. As Dr. Aslam cleared his throat, I looked up at him, anticipating what would likely be a lengthy lecture.

"Inaya, I will speak to you in a more relaxed manner. This location is significantly more perilous than our own. Individuals here treat guns as pets, carrying them around, and as outsiders, they may not hesitate to harm us. Therefore, I kindly ask you to avoid any further encounters, and if, God forbid, something does happen, please come directly to me. Understood?"


"And one more thing, I do not wish to hear this explanation from anyone else. Are we clear?" I responded, nodding in agreement as the man awkwardly patted my head before leaving the room, reminding us to rest for an early start on set the next day.

As he left, I sighed and turned to Ramsha, who offered me a comforting hug and reassurance. She provided me with the motherly love I needed, assuring me that everything would be fine despite the recent accident. 

"Shit happens so leave it and move on." Laughing at her choice of words, I decided to confide in her about a secret I had been keeping regarding the suspicious individuals I had encountered. Just as I began to explain my concerns to Ramsha, we were interrupted by a loud knock at the door, causing us both to turn our heads in surprise.

I watched as my hands dropped down from Ramsha, giving her a puzzled look, wondering why Dr. Aslam would be back. "I'll get it," I told her, standing up and allowing my legs to carry me towards the door.

As I twisted the doorknob and opened the door, I was greeted by an unfamiliar man wearing a plain blue paint shirt, with a matching cap resting on his head. Confusion furrowed my eyebrows as I noticed the large bouquet of white flowers in both of his hands. "Um, yes?" I voiced my uncertainty, observing him closely. He responded with a smile, his thin lips curling, and said, "Delivery is for this room, for the person who was discharged from the hospital." 

I furrowed my eyebrows even deeper, trying to make sense of his words. Who could have been discharged from the hospital? And why would they be receiving a delivery? My mind raced with questions as I glanced back at Ramsha, who was now standing beside me, her eyes filled with curiosity.

I found myself growing even more perplexed as I let out a nervous chuckle. My anxiety heightened as I shook my head and pointed my index finger towards my own face, indicating myself. In response to my inquiry, he simply shrugged and said, "I have no idea, ma'am. I was only asked to deliver this along with a note."

"Who's there, Inaya?" I heard Ramsha's voice coming from behind the room, indicating that she was waiting for me. Letting out a sigh, I smiled and hesitantly reached out my hands to grab the bouquet of flowers from his outstretched hand. I watched as his left hand immediately dipped into the pocket of his blue pants, pulling out a neatly folded square-shaped paper and handing it to me before bidding goodbye.

Responding with another smile, I observed him making his way back to the elevator, and I closed the door of the room behind me. I turned and made my way towards Ramsha, who was sitting on her side of the bed in a cross-legged position.

"What is that?" Ramsha asked, her gaze fixed on the flowers in my hands. I simply shook my head in confusion and placed them on the side of the bed. Letting out a sigh, I glanced down at the exquisite paper in my hand. What if it's an actual love letter? What would I do? And more importantly, how would I reject it? 


With numerous thoughts racing through my mind, I made the decision to open the letter and discover its true contents. However, the moment I unfolded the paper, I instantly regretted it. I wished I could have simply slammed the door in that man's face, instructing him to take the delivery and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Oh, how I longed to tear the paper right in front of him and demand that he relay my reaction to the person who had requested the delivery. There were countless "what ifs," but nothing could be done in that moment.

"What does it say, Inaya?" Ramsha asked once again, causing me to look at her with wide eyes. I tightly gripped the luxurious paper in my hand, causing it to crumble under the pressure, and plopped myself onto the bed with a heavy sigh. With only two words as a response, I muttered, "My doom!"

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