
بواسطة WriterofLewds

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Just a remake of my old story "Mate" from my old account @ToraAstrid. I thought that I would... errr thorough... المزيد

Author's Notes
『 1 』
『 2 』
『 3 』
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『 11 』

『 5 』

313 6 0
بواسطة WriterofLewds

Date created: 08/17/16

Date Updated: 01/23/21

Date Finished: 01/23/21

Author's Notes: AUTHOR-CHAN IS SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATES AGAIN- also I'm surprised this chapter was long.

Warnings: None

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『 5: Day two of the Grand Magic Games』

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Erza yelled from the hallway, banging on each door that she passed by. 

Tora shot up from the sudden noise and looked over at the alarm clock.....

"Damn it!" she cursed, the games will start soon, like very soon. She jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Not even caring about her hair or teeth. 

As everyone was gathering in the lobby of the inn, Erza walked in with a pile of cloth in her arms, "Master told us to wear matching team clothes" she said then handed the participating members a set.

Tora nodded when she received hers, then went to change into the new clothes. Once she walked back into the lobby, everyone was ready to go.

She wore a black shirt that stopped at the bottom of her ribs, purple shorts with thigh-high boots, and an purple long coat that hooked across and under her breast.

It was only a five-minute walk from the arena, but luckily they made it right on time as the announcer began explaining today's games.

"Alright let's start day two of the grand magic games!. First off we will a game called chariot. Players are to race on top of moving interconnected chariots with the top points rewarded to the first team!" The announcer explained.

"I wanna do that!" Natsu yelled then jumped down from Fairy Tail's spot, running towards the chariots while they shouted for him to come back. The...of course they saw Gajeel running towards the game as well.

"They are very stupid," Tora said as she facepalms. Then the next thing she knew, Sting walking towards the chariots. 'What an even stupider male' she thought with an eye-roll.

All the players got ready at the starting line then the bell rung moments later. Everyone but the three dragon slayers ran at full speed.

Tora couldn't help but to facepalmed again as the dragon slayers looked so pale and green, ready to puke. Natsu kept slowly going forward. "I won't let this sickness bet me!" He mumbled.

"Me either!" Gajeel agreed and continued to walk slowly right behind the fire dragon slayer.

Sting was in last, looking really pale and barely moving. But managed to look towards Natsu and Gajeel.

"Tell me this, why do you keep going and trying-" He gaged, "Fairy Tail was a strong guild that now is weak-" Nearly throws up. "So why do you care so much about your appearance now?" He asked.

Tora growled, "That bastard..."

"For our Comrades! For those who waited for us all those years. We are doing this for them!" Natsu said pushing forward as he finally crossed the finish line.

Gajeel finished seventh with one point while Sting finished last with no points.

She nearly cried hearing Natsu's mini-speech, he was right...we are doing this for those who were left behind. They will earn their title back. "Way to go Natsu!" She yelled for her comrades.

Sting had a darkened frown, not sparing another glance. "Comrades? that's stupid. I'll let you fairies have this one. But Sabertooth will keep racking up points and we will win" he said before walking off of the field.

Tora released a growl again, 'I can't believe I have to go on a date with that bastard'. 

"Next we event we have Bacchus from Quarto Cerberus vs Tora Dreyer from Fairy Tail Team A!" The announcer said, surprising her slightly. Ah, she forgot that Gramps mentioned that she was playing today.

"Good luck," Lucy and Levy said, giving her encouraging smiles. "You better beat him!" Natsu exclaimed as he joined them. She nodded and walked down to the field, stepping out to meet her competitor. 

She took a quick glance at Sting, who only winked at her. 'Wow, his moods change fast'.  She rolled her eyes then looked at Bacchus as they stopped in the middle of the field. 

"Well, what a beauty to fight. I hate to mess up that pretty face... How about we make a deal since everyone else seems to be eh?" he said.

She raised an eyebrow, "Alright what is it you want?" 

Maybe she shouldn't have accepted from the flirtatious expression he wore. He smirked as he began speaking, "How about if I win....I get to sleep with the Strauss sisters tonight at the same time. And if you win...then you can choose whatever you want?" he said.

Tora was taken back from the sudden request. Definitely not what she was thinking. She growled and was going to decline. "Hell n-" Before she could, Mirajane called out to her. Tora turned her head to see her softly smiling, nodding her head in approval. Silently telling her to accept...that's right, why was she doubting herself? She was an S-class mage from Fairy Tail. 

'I won't lose to him' 

"Alright deal...but if I win then your team's name will be changed to Quarto Puppy for the rest of the games," She said, softly grinning.

"Deal" Bacchus agreed.

They got into fighting positions, getting ready, then the bell rung. She quickly reequipped into her jade dragon armor and charged towards him. He raised a hand, a small faint glow emitting from the middle of his hand before a beam shot at her. With a gasp, she quickly dodged, but the beam hit one of her jaded wings. Throwing her off balance.

"Damn" she cursed quietly then required into her fighting armor. Which was basically just shoulder plates and gauntlets. Not much but it increased her speed and accuracy. "That's a unique magic, palm magic," She spoke, a small sigh escaping her lips. This was going to be a little difficult.

"Yup," Bacchus replied,  shooting another beam towards her. But she dodged the attack and charged once more, due to her increased speed. She reached him before he could shoot another attack, landing a punch into his jaw. He stumbled back, grabbing his jaw.

"WOW you got a strong arm," he said as he swung his palms toward her. She didn't have time to dodge this time as his attack hit her, sending her flying back. Her body stopped once it crashed into a wall of the arena.

"Ow, that hurt" she mumbled to herself. Slowly standing back up. Her armor disappearing as her normal clothes replaced it.

"Let's go, Tora!" She heard Natsu yell. "Don't let this drunk beat you!" Laxus shouted next..honestly, he was not the type to be so vocal. She smiled at the newfound encouragement then looked over at Sting.

He gave her a grin and she couldn't help but give one back. As Natsu says...she's all fired up!

Tora reequipped into her lightning flame dragon armor and got into a battle stance. Flexing her fingers as her magic built up in her hands.

A few men in the crowed wolf-whistled towards her, even Sting did...she didn't see why, because of her legs? Disgusting men.

"Wow, you look even hotter in that armor. But too bad that I have to beat you up for two hotter girls" Bacchus said.


Tora was slightly taken back, damn to be shot down like that. In her moment of little green jealously, he shot his magic towards her. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts, growling at him as lightning and fire burst around her.

She was going to end this annoying play fight. She inhaled deeply as the elements spread out around her. "Lightning flame dragons roar!" She yelled out. The lightning and fire swirled together in perfect harmony as it shot out from her mouth. But much to her annoyance, he was able to block her attack with his palms.

A smirk grew on his lips as he quickly changed into an offense stance, charging another attack to her. Tora wasn't able to dodge the attack, causing the beam to hit her side... Right where the slit to her bodysuit was.

She hissed in pain, glaring at the playboy.  "Now I'm getting a little pissed" she growled, wasting no time in charging at the man.

Bacchus laughed, obviously believing that his fight was his. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small bottle of booze drunk some... 'Are you even supposed to drink during fights?'

But no matter, she gave a small smirk and took this as a chance to boost her speed with her lightning magic. Much like how Laxus travels quickly. "lightning body" as he calls it.

"This ends here..." She growled out as she used lightning's body to get right in front of him. Holding a hand out behind as colorful magic surrounded her hand and formed long claws on her fingers.

"Elemental dragon's royal claw!" She shouted then slashed at him. Her attack slashed the front of his shirt then caused a series of small explosions where her claws touched. Due to the force, he was sent crashing into the arena's wall. Sliding down to the ground unconscious.

Half of the crowd..or what she liked to believe began to cheer. Tora reequipped back into her matching uniform and threw a fist into the air. Doing Fairy Tail's hand gesture. "This is only the beginning of Fairy Tail's return!" She shouted, turning to meet with her teammates.

"Tora Dreyer wins the match! What a comeback! Fairy team A gets 10 points. Adding up to eleven" the announcer said.

Some of those who were silent began cheering for them. At least they stopped with the mean remarks...

"Oh, Tora thank you so much!" Lisanna cried as the blonde joined them. Jumping into her arms before Tora could take two steps in the space. Tora smiled and gently rubbed her back.

"No problem, I wouldn't dare let that drunk mess with you or Mira," she said softly, looking over at Mira as she hugged her as well.

"I knew you could kick his butt"

Up next was Mira vs Jenny in a...umm fight/model showdown?

"Good luck Mira!" Lisanna released Tora and turned to her older sister. Wishing her luck with the match.

Tora walked over to the ledge beside Gramps to see better. But as she scanned the field, she felt eyes piercing into her. Glancing over at Sabertooth, she noticed a certain dragon slayer watching her. As always he wore that ever so cocky smirk. She rolled her eyes and focused on the match that was starting.

A minute wasn't gone by during the first half which was the modeling round, other girls from rivaled guilds began joining in?.

"What are they crazy!?" Levy said shocked at how they just jumped into the field... And the fact that the judges allowed them.

But then much to their dismay... master Mavis threw some bathing suits at the females.

"Lady fairies will join as well!!" She shouted with such excitement. Kicking her little legs.

"WHAT!!!" They all exclaimed.

Then somehow, more likely by magic.....their clothes were transformed into bathing suits...

Erza dragged Lucy, Levy, and Lisanna onto the field.

"I'm not going" Tora stated, sitting down in a chair. She wore a two-piece black bikini with small lightning bolts on it. Ironic.

"Yes, you are!!" Natsu said then picked her up over his shoulder, making her yelp.

Tora struggled to get out of his grip, moving to bang her fist against his back "NATSU PUT ME DOWN NOW!!" She screeched and surprisingly he listened.. or did he really. He threw her down into the field. Which luckily wasn't much of a fall.

She landed on her butt then quickly stood back up to glare dangerously at the pink hair male."Natsu I'm gonna kill you!"

"This is so embarrassing" Lucy mumbled, standing against the wall to try to hide. But it was pointless...

After a couple of rounds of modeling different swimming wear. Now the females have to model wedding dresses.

"What!! No way in hell I'm wearing a freakin wedding dress!" Tora snapped.

But before she could object more, magically a wedding dress appeared on her. She realized a low growl, looking down at the white fabric. 'but the dress does look beautiful' She thought.

Maybe a little too beautiful... All of the sudden, men stared at her with hearts in their eyes. As if a cupid shot them with a love arrow.

"Oh no....." She mumbled as they began running down to the field. A squeal escaped her lips as she started running away, the best she could... She was wearing a tight dress for christ's sake!.

As she struggled to run, someone had quickly picked her up and jumped into the air. Escaping from the crazed men. Tora looked up to see familiar orange hair and sunglasses. "What are you doing Loke?" She asked.

"Saving the princess in distress of course," he said with a flirty smile. "Tora, we should get married," he said as she landed back in the ground well away from the others.

Tora opened her mouth to speak, to reject his offer but seemed Natsu beat her to the answer. Punching Loke and of course, they started fighting, causing Loke to drop her.

"Rep!" She squeezed her eye shut, expecting to make an impact with the hard ground. But it never came, but instead a pair of arms wrapped around her. Someone caught her.

The familiar scent of rain and was so intoxicating at the moment. Their warmth soaked through her and their strong arms wrapped around her protectively.

She looked up into cerulean eyes and blonde hair. "S...Sting?" She mumbled quietly. He gave his usual cocky grin,

"Well hello there, looks like you have all the men chasing you..." he teased as he sat me down. But his small frown didn't go unnoticed.

"Well Yeah...but I don't know why? I'm not all that pretty" she said, dusting off the dress but froze when he narrowed his eyes at her. Wearing an ever so serious expression.

"Don't you ever say that again understand?. You are beautiful and that's the damn truth" he said sternly, with no hint of playfulness or anything. He was dead serious and it almost scared her.

Tara's eyes widened at his sudden attitude. "A... alright" she mumbled. She wouldn't dare argue with this attitude he has. His eyes softened at her agreement then he pulled her to him.

She tried to stay calm, but her cheeks burned red and he just smirked, leaning close to her "Don't forget about our little date tonight" he whispered in her ear. She could do nothing but nod her head. Then there was the sound of lightning crackling.

Laxus stomped over to them with a 'ready to kill' look. "What the hell do you think you're doing touching my sister?" He growled dangerously, towering over the other dragon slayer.

Sting suddenly growled back and pushed Tora behind him. Standing bravely in front of Laxus. "Helping her after some of your so-called comrades dropped her"

The two growled at each other, the air around them was so tensed and thick. She had to do something before they ended up killing each other. So what did she do? The rational thing of jumping between two possibly dangerous males

"Stop it the both of you," she said then looked at Laxus. "Laxus please, he was helping me. Loke picked me up then Natsu punched him causing Loke to drop me then Sting caught me before I hit the ground" she explained, pleading him with her eyes. "So please don't start with this".

Laxus looked at her for a few seconds then sighed, "Fine" he grumbled but then glared over her at Sting. "But if you ever touch her again...I will kill you saber" he growled before walking away.

Sting released a small laugh then smirked, "Well see you tonight beautiful" he said, completely unfazed at Laxus's threat. He gave her a wave and walked back to Sabertooth's booth.

Tora sighed then walked back to her own team. The wedding dresses finally disappeared and the real battle was about to begin.

"Tora you looked amazing in that wedding dress," Lucy said.

"Yeah every male was after you....even the sabers blonde" Erza teased then wiggled her eyebrows at the blonde dragon slayer.

"Yes, you two were even talking" Levy joined with a mischievous smile.

"" Tora mumbled.

"So, I think you two are in love!" Lisanna teases, joining in her torment.
"We are not, we don't even know each other!!" She whined, hoping that this topic would drop. And luckily it did as the bells rang.

"Mira wins the model round and the battle. But if Tora Dreyer was competing. I bet she would have claimed victory as well!" The announcer said.

She sank down to the ground as everyone cheered, agreeing with the damn pumpkin head.

"Why me" she whined, completely embarrassed.

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