Complete Dragon Ball Super On...

By Piccologirl1994

89.6K 925 236

Hi guys, here's the second part of season 2. Come here as I explain a brief explanation of what's on here. Al... More

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Frost X Lord Beerus's Daughter Lemon Part 2
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Season 2 Complete: An Important Announcement

Piccolo X Female Fighter Reader Lemon

3.8K 51 16
By Piccologirl1994

Requested by MelindaRSisk

"What are you doing?", Piccolo asked, annoyed as he watched (Y/n)-Chan babying Gohan after a recent training session that gave the kid scrapes and scratches. She ignored him and applied Gohan's injuries, and placed Band-Aids on them. Giving each bandage a kiss, she gave Gohan a hug. Gohan smiled and hugged her back. "You're the best healer Miss (Y/n)", he thanked her. She smiled, "No need to be formal, call me (Y/n)", she said. He nods, "Ok (Y/n)-San", he said with an innocent look on his face. Piccolo groans, hates to look at his student's face while still annoyed with this woman.

(Y/n)-Chan is actually Goku's close friend of his since meeting him with Bulma back when he was only eight years old. Only age twenty-two, she is still pretty and a strong fighter. She is a (height) and (weight) with a slim waist, (type) legs, (type) arms, (size) bust, and (type and sized) butt. She wears her usual (color) (sleeve or sleeveless) (type of shirt or gi shirt), (gi pants or type of pants or skirt), with a (color) belt, (color) stockings, and (color) shoes. Her face is natural: natural tone (color-ish) shaded lips, (size) nose, (size) ears, (type) chin, (type) cheeks, (color) eyes with (type of eyelashes), (thin or thinner) eyebrows, and (length) (color) hair (hanging low, above, or styled).

She was once an orphan because the Red Ribbon Army killed her family when she was thirteen. She was miserable grieving over them and decided to avenge them. When she was looking for information about the Red Ribbon Army's hideout, she met Kid Goku at the town square when he was searching for the RR army too. They worked together, finally found the army, destroyed the hideout along with the members, and brought peace to everyone. But since her revenge is done, she resumes her life looking for work. But she knew that she likes Goku and they decided to be friends. Goku felt bad that she's jobless and has no home, so he asked Bulma to help her find a job.

Bulma was a great friend to them and helped (Y/n)-Chan get a job as a security guard at a mall overnight and find a good apartment to rent. But she only rested for five hours because since then, she decided to get stronger in training. Thanks to her motivation, she beats every scumbag off the streets, inspires children to be good, and is able to win extra money from a small organization of fighting mini-tournament in secret. She was at the twenty-third tournament, watching Goku win until the very end after he defeated Piccolo Jr.

She knew that the tournament would be on hold for a long time. But she also suspects Piccolo Jr. would also try anything to defeat Goku. Especially what happened after the recent defeat of Raditz, things changed. She was with Master Roshi, Bulma, and Krillin, and found them on an island. Piccolo explained what happened including Goku's death and that two more stronger Saiyans will come to Earth for one full year. She is confused, she never fought anyone higher than herself or Raditz's ki. But two more powerful Saiyans will certainly destroy them all if she doesn't act fast.

Piccolo took Gohan in his arms and was about to leave. (Y/n)-Chan refused to let him take Goku's son. It was a hard minute argument with Piccolo. Piccolo grunted, "If you cared about the boy, why not join us in training?", he suggested. He was being sarcastic; but he was shocked that she agreed to join them. Piccolo groans, "What did I get myself into?", he asked himself. After leaving their friends to find the Dragon Balls, both Piccolo and (Y/n)-Chan head out to the middle of nowhere. 

Piccolo threw Gohan into a shallow pond; the boy woke up in shock. He was told that his father was killed and felt scared. But Piccolo, instead of being gentle and kind, shows his mean strike and tells him that he will train him for a year. Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan doesn't believe what he said. Until Piccolo threw Gohan against a mountain. Gohan suddenly used a huge ki blast and destroyed the mountain. Both Piccolo and (Y/n)-Chan are shocked by the results. She turned to him and slapped his face, "What the hell Piccolo? Gohan's only four years old! He could've died and Chichi will kick your...", (Y/n)-Chan yells at him; until Piccolo gives her a hard punch in her abdomen, making her fall backwards.

Piccolo scoffs, "I was once born and was brought to this world. Don't forget that I am the reincarnated Demon King Piccolo and this boy has the biggest power that will save this world. If we don't, we will all die including you and him", he said. She felt so angry by his action, yet when he puts it like that, she has to understand that if what he said is true and does not start training, there will be no one left when the Saiyans arrive. She groaned and shook her head, "I hate this idea, but I guess there's no other way", she said, admitted defeat.

Once they made the agreement, Piccolo left Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan in the middle of nowhere for six months. It was hard for Gohan because he felt homesick, complains about eating a sour apple, and cries all the time. Piccolo did check up on them while hiding; he groaned, knowing how Gohan was raised as a spoiled brat. But he was more grumpy when he watched (Y/n)-Chan help him sleep by singing a lullaby. He did not expect to hear her voice very softly and gently, he gasped in shock to feel his heart beat when he stared at her. 

He shook his head, "Impossible! There's no way I would fall for a woman like her", he said in disbelief. However, later that night is where Gohan turns into Oozaru, almost destroying the area. Thankfully, (Y/n)-Chan managed to cut his tail off by her ki blade; however, she was knocked out by the ape's punch.

Piccolo felt something for her being injured, a desperate look to save her and himself. Plus the planet. He destroyed the moon and Oozaru Gohan returned to normal Gohan. After the boy passed out, Piccolo gave him an orange and blue gi but with Piccolo kanji on the back shirt. Once Piccolo left, he waited six months later. He returned to the same spot and found Gohan adapting to his survival and fought off a t-rex which he took a slice of its tail to eat. He turns to see (Y/n)-Chan also adapting; he was surprised that Gohan doesn't need her help when he can feed himself. She made a gross out face when she watched the boy eating the tail meat. Piccolo smirked, knowing that their training starts now.

Three months later, Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan were trained by Piccolo. Unlike their survival training in the wild for six months, Piccolo's training is more harsh. Gohan and Piccolo spars while she watches them. She finds it unfair for Gohan since Piccolo doesn't hold back and gives him scratches and bruises, and a bump on the eye. When Piccolo was sparring with (Y/n)-Chan, she was able to avoid his punches and landed a few on Piccolo's back, side of his body, and his left side face. Piccolo was a bit surprised that she was able to keep up with him, but he always managed to get her to keep training.

But during those three months, he slowly felt more attracted to her. He placed his own hand on his left side chest, feeling his heartbeat with warm and fuzzy feelings. He is still in disbelief that he would show that kind of affection. He tried to ignore those thoughts, never getting too close to her. But after another two months and two weeks, almost near a full year of completed training, he finds himself close to (Y/n)-Chan. (Y/n)-Chan always keeps up to him, able to endure those training days and managed to avoid the attacks. Yesterday, he was able to teach them both about energy attacks. After he demonstrated his masenko, Gohan practiced on that move. However, (Y/n)-Chan was practicing her own moves.

Piccolo watched her from a distant area as she created a Kamehameha wave. Piccolo sees Goku's wave, but her wave is bigger than he imagined. His stare is focused on her face: he finds her eyes lovely and her lips looked soft. He was slightly blushing as his stare turned from cold to soft and warm. She noticed his stare and turned to him. Piccolo quickly turns away and walks back to Gohan. (Y/n)-Chan started to notice Piccolo's strange behavior, yet she managed to figure it out. So, she will have to confront him.

Hours later, it's evening. All of them are done with their training and are looking forward to more sparring matches till the Saiyans come. After their dinner, Gohan felt himself more tired than usual. (Y/n)-Chan smiled and gladly used her shirt to wrap his body. Piccolo blushes as (Y/n)-Chan wears only her (color) bra. Her eyes shifted to him staring at her, "What?", she asked. Piccolo felt nervous and unable to speak; he stood up and flew away a few mountains to be alone. She rolled her eyes and left the fire on for Gohan.

She flies to the mountain that Piccolo's on and sees him standing there with his back turned to her. She crossed her arms over her chest, "Alright Piccolo, I know I saw you acting strange those few months. I want to know why. Is it because I looked ugly to you?" Piccolo turned to her, "No", he said. "Then why?", she asked, annoyed. Piccolo can feel his body slightly shudder as he is now cornered by her. He doesn't want to reveal the answer, and feels like she might reject him since he is the same Piccolo who tried to take over the planet.

 He let out a sigh and looked serious at her, "I...I don't know why I'm acting this way, especially how beautiful you looked." Her eyes are shot up and blushed, "Me? You call me beautiful?", she asked. Piccolo groaned and frowned, "Yes! I called you beautiful! What's wrong with calling you that!?", he shouted at her.

She didn't realize that she smiled and realizes that he has slowly changed since training her and Gohan. "You're saying that you're in love with me?", she asked. Piccolo lowers his face to stare at the ground, then he nods. (Y/n)-Chan felt her heart beat; her heart feels warm and fuzzy hearing him confess. She finds him cute when he is embarrassed when confessing. Piccolo instantly backed her against a boulder on top of the mountain, his hands pinned above her head. She did not flinch, she stared at his face. Piccolo did not show any hostility or grumpy face, only shows his soft stare filled with wanting, yearning for her.

She does believe what he said about her. She did not expect this to happen. Piccolo lowered his eyes to her stare, "I...I understand that you want to reject me for being the Demon King's offspring. I was born with only vengeance and hatred to kill Goku. I was not loved by anyone, not by a female who thinks of me as a monster", he said, softly. (Y/n)-Chan looked at him, felt bad for him. She now believes why Goku spared his life, it's because there is a chance of redemption to become a good person. Even on a night where he acted fatherly and formed a bond with Gohan, she does feel love and instantly falls for him.

She placed her hands onto his face. He stares in awe and confusion. She stared into his eyes, "Piccolo, you're definitely not a monster. I can see how much you changed during those months and honestly, I never expect you to fall for me. I do appreciate that you confess your feelings for me....because I love you too." Piccolo is surprised, "Really? Love me?", he asked. She smiles, "Yes, I love you too Piccolo. You're no longer the son of Demon King Piccolo, you're your own person, a being with his own soul and destiny that is not made by others. You get to live a better life as that good person. And I do love to be with you for eternity."

Piccolo finds her speech very touching and nods, and can feel him more attracted to her. They stood there for a few minutes. His hands slowly moved down to her waist and embraced her. She leans her head against his chest, feeling safe and warm. She looks up to his face, now both of them blushing red and staring softly, filled with love. Piccolo leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, now he kissed her. He felt her soft lips pressing against his lips, making this feeling pleasant. She moans, feeling him kissing her again. 

This time, she opens her mouth, allowing his tongue to slide inside. They made out as their tongues explored each other's mouths. Piccolo groaned as he felt an unfamiliar hard feeling in his groin. (Y/n)-Chan moans as she feels his tongue wrap around her tongue.

Both break the kiss, gasping for air. Both of them feel their hearts racing and are awe by this feeling. But they want more of each other. Piccolo felt nervous again, he never felt like this and did not know what to do. She giggled and her hands guiding his hands down to her breasts. Once she pulled the bra down, her breasts bounced; her nipples erected by the air.

 Piccolo breathed heavily as his green hands gently groped them. (Y/n)-Chan huffed, his cold hands touching her warm tits. He gropes them over and over, making her moan. Piccolo felt his mouth slightly watered and leaned his face down. Once his lips met her nipple, he gave it a quick lick. (Y/n)-Chan gasps; then Piccolo's lips closed onto her nip.

His tongue licked around her nipple a few times, making her squirm her body. (Y/n)-Chan felt her body sensitive yet warm by his licking. She felt her clit tingle, in need to have him take her. Piccolo felt his manhood throbbing through his pants and after his hand let go of her tit, he took off his sash and pulled down his pants. He stood up and stopped licking her tit. 

He quickly removed his shirt and leaned back down to suck both breasts. Her boobs felt warm around his face as his hands were holding onto her hips. He makes quick turns on suckling her nips and her breasts. She threw her head back gently against the boulder, feeling his tongue penetrating her nips. "Piccolo~", she said, "Piccolo, let me help you please me~"

His eyes stare at her aroused state and he enjoys watching her be pleased by his actions. Yet, his mind is shifting to his own problem. Once he stood up, finished sucking her tits, (Y/n)-Chan can breathe normally. But as her eyes shifted down, she stared in surprise, "Woah...Piccolo, you have a penis", she said in shock. Piccolo nods, "Yeah, to get rid of my urine. But I don't know what this do besides urinating", he said. She smirked and bent down. She is an inch away from his penis,"That's a gross explanation, but I believe you", she said; then she used her index finger to stroke it. Piccolo flinched and felt his entire body shudder, "Wait...what is this feeling?", he asked. She smiles, "You're having an erection from sucking my titties. To make it feel better is to suck your penis", and she quickly pushes it inside her mouth.

Piccolo groans, threw his head back; he felt her moist warm mouth pleasing his manhood. He is blown away by her action to please him. Besides reproducing offspring, this is what is like to perform sex with a lover. But he did not think having his penis sucked. She sucks him slowly and gently, for the last few minutes, she sucked faster and tighter around his dick. Piccolo did not watch her, only having his eyes closed when he felt a jolt of pleasure taking over him. 

Over time, he felt a knot forming in his body. He grunted, "(Y/n)...I can't...Ah!", and then he groans. He orgasms and felt his mind heading to his first high of orgasm. (Y/n)-Chan stops, yet she did not feel his semen in her mouth. She pulls it out and looks up to see a surprised and satisfied man. She stood up, "Hey Piccolo, if you have a penis and managed to pee, then how come you don't produce semen?", she asked.

Piccolo snapped out of his high and looked at her, "I...I was born as an egg, so there's got to be a full explanation one day to answer my race's origin", he explained. (Y/n)-Chan sighed and leaned her back against the boulder again. This time, she pulls down the rest of her clothes, now naked. Piccolo walks closer to see her womanhood; he gives her awkward confused look, "Why does your thing have hair?", he asked. "Of course we have pubic hair Piccolo, it's to cover the female vagina. But the fun part of pleasing me is hiding underneath my folds~", she said seductively, her finger lifting her folds. 

Piccolo's eyes scanned her womanhood: he spotted a small bump on the top, then a small hole. He does not want to ask her where she pees and risks it by sitting on his knees, onto his clothes, leaning his face down and spotted a tiny hole above the small hole. He sighed in relief to himself and extended his tongue onto her vulva and licked. She closed her eyes and gasped, "Piccolo, go on. Lick me", she whines.

Piccolo then resumes licking her vulva, entrance, and stops at her clit. He wonders if her clit is the same as his penis and his lips closed around it. Once he felt it in his mouth, he began to suck it. "AhHHH~", (Y/n)-Chan moans out loud, her body shudders, "Piccolo, put your fingers in my hole~" Piccolo knows what she meant and inserts two fingers inside her wet entrance. His fingers felt the wetness of her juices inside her. And then his fingers begin to thrust. A slow pace as it penetrates her, making her moan. Moaning many times, (Y/n)-Chan's hands squeezes her own boobs as she endures the finger penetration and Piccolo's mouth sucking her clit.

Minutes passed as she felt her orgasm coming. Piccolo's fingers thrusted faster till it's at lightning speed. She cupped her own tits and squeezed tightly, feeling her g-spots hitting harder till she's at her limit. Tears roll down her cheek and gasps, "Piccolo...AH~", and then she orgasms. Piccolo stopped his fingers and he flinched when her cum coated his fingers. He stops sucking and pulls out of her clit; unexpectedly, a spray of mist from her womanhood sprayed at his face. He groaned, "Wait, can it do that?", he asked. (Y/n)-Chan was in her high, smiling wide as she felt ecstasy taking over her. Piccolo smirked, "I guess that's a yes then", he mutters.

He stayed in his place while watching her moan until her high ended. Once she snaps out of her orgasm, (Y/n)-Chan looks down at Piccolo. She smiles and spread her legs in a stance. Piccolo doesn't know what to do next; (Y/n)-Chan rolls her eyes and giggles, "It's alright Piccolo, this is my first time too. Just listen to my instructions, then you follow." Piccolo nodded and he picked her up by the waist; her butt sat between the wall and Piccolo's thighs. 

Once she's in that position, Piccolo carefully holds his penis near her entrance and rubs the tip around it. She jolted in pleasure, feeling his manhood touching her womanhood. Once he's settled, he pushes his entire cock inside her. "Ah!", she moans in pain, "That hurts!" Piccolo stops and notices she's in pain. He looked alarmed when he saw blood trickle down out of her entrance, "(Y/n)-Chan! I'm sorry, I'll stop and go...", he said panicked. But was cut off by her voice, "Don't worry, this is how it is when my hymen broke. Just stay still."

He obeyed and stood still. A minute passed and she is in relief by feeling his manhood inside her. She leaned in and kissed his lips, "Go ahead", she said, and lean back against the wall of the boulder. Once he got the signal, he slowly began to thrust. His hands grips onto her hips, holding her while able to penetrate her easily. Piccolo grunted as he felt her vagina squeezing his dick, making him groan in some thrusts. 

He embraced her body as he excitedly began to thrust faster, hitting her g-spots. (Y/n)-Chan moans louder, surprised how quickly he learned. She wraps her arms around his neck, rests her chin onto his top shoulder, and resumes moaning. Piccolo grunted, felt her resting onto him; he smiled and felt tears falling down his face. He never cried in his life and thought that how it works when making love to a woman he loved.

Minutes passed, Piccolo is ploughing her right to the point where their climaxes are about to come. (Y/n)-Chan leaned out her head and looked at Piccolo; Piccolo looked at her back and they kissed. They kiss a few times until they're back to moaning and grunting. Piccolo can feel a huge sensation in his groin. He groans, "(Y/n)-Chan", he said and grunts. "Piccolo", (Y/n)-Chan moans, "Come with me~", and then she breathes rapidly as their limits are up.

Piccolo grunted loudly while penetrating her faster, faster, until he slammed his cock at a final thrust. Both moaned and groaned out loud. Heads threw back and entered their biggest highs. He holds her close as he can get to feel him sending love to her. He felt her cum lubing his manhood. (Y/n)-Chan leans her head against his chest as her climax ends. Piccolo sighed, feeling his climax finished. He noticed what she said was true.

"You're right, I don't have semen", Piccolo said to her. She smiles at him and kisses him, "I don't care what species you are, I will always love you", she said softly. Piccolo nods and pulls his cock out of her; once he helped her get dressed, dressed himself, Piccolo carried her tired body back to where they left Gohan. Once he arrived, Gohan rested safely and warmly. Piccolo felt happy for once in his life, happy to form a bond to his student as a son figure and to a woman who he calls his lover. He sat down and laid down on the side. He laid her in front of him, and held her close. He joins her into a deep sleep.

Weeks later, Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma are heading inside the Namekian spaceship. Weeks ago, they lost many of the Z Fighters including Piccolo. Both (Y/n)-Chan and Gohan were in grief and anger how Nappa did this to him. However, Goku arrives and defeats both Nappa and Vegeta. Vegeta escaped into the pod, headed out of Earth. Krillin and (Y/n)-Chan are confused why Goku allows Vegeta to leave, but the hero reveals that he hopes that Vegeta can also redeem himself to be on their side one day. (Y/n)-Chan nods, once again understands what he meant.

She was rather sad now that her lover is dead. But she does not give in to sadness for long since she and her team found out that Piccolo's race are known as the Namekians and they also possess dragon balls. She knew that her friends could revive their friends and Piccolo; she looked down and placed her hand onto her belly. At that night where they made love, she could've swore she felt a questionable shock that zapped her lips; and something hot liquid filled her womb. 

She was shocked that, since Piccolo is asexual being, she was able to bear his offspring. Piccolo's race is a mystery, but at least there's a better new life once Piccolo is revived. She smiled and rubbed it gently, reassuring her future children, "Don't worry my babies. Your daddy will be back again. Wait till our friends take him home and save us from evil. Now rest."

The End

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