Miraculous camping troubles

By Whitetigerayala

10.4K 271 92

Alix loves camping, until she finds out her campmate for the week is none other then Kim, her rival she begin... More

Why him?
Dear diary
Food and swimming
Ghost stories anyone?
The drawing
Its raining its pouring
Nosy friends
Sick in the....snow?
Gossiping friends
A magical bonfire
Nightmares and kidnapping...seriously?
Found her!
Fake or Real?
Battles, hope, tears, and plans
The final battle
1k and some news
The stories out!!
So you guys 😳
Feedback results! (I could always use more feedback tho!)


524 16 1
By Whitetigerayala

I woke up and was shocked to see I was in Kim's bed.


Then the memories of last night came back. I got up and tried to pretend nothing happened.

I started the fire which took awhile since everything was wet, then Kim got up.

"Hey shorty." "Don't call me that!"

I turned and i saw him rolling his eyes at me. I handed him breakfast which happened to be his favorite.

"You took out the pecans right?" "Yes." He gobbled down his caramel roll.

Without nuts. While i had mine with pecans. I finally broke the silence.

"Mylenes wondering what we're going to do today since it's so wet." "Max asked the same thing."

"Hey I have an idea!" Kim looked at me like I was nuts what could we possibly do in the rain?

"I brought a portable DVD player with me Incase of emergency's. Want to watch a movie?"

"That sounds dry, warm and relaxing."

"I like it."

I grinned at Kim and we both went in the tent to look through my movies.

"So big fan of superhero movies huh?" I had movies like Iron man, Spiderverse, and Big hero 6.

"You should know it." "Well let's watch Avengers Endgame." "Alright whatever you say idiot."

I popped in the movie and sat on Kim's bed cuz his was drier.

He sat down next to me and wrapped a blanket around me. It may have stopped raining but it was a cold morning. And it was still way to early for me to be up.

I glanced at my skates in my bag and I wished I could use them. Kim set his hand on mine.

I looked up at him and saw the face he used only with Max or Ondine but it was softer somehow.

Then I realized he must have followed my gaze to my skates.

His face held untold emotions but also it held happiness and a look I've only seen in movies.

That look held something rarely seen on Kim's face. It was a caring and compassionate look. One I could stare at forever.

He squeezed my hand and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"When I was younger, my mom gave me my first pair of skates. I was mad cuz I was terrible at it."

"You terrible at skating?!"

"I know unbelievable right? But my mom skated around flawlessly on skates just like these. She told me to keep trying and to skate everyday. She also told me to follow my dreams. To be the girl I want, not what the world wants to see."

"Well I'm glad you followed your mothers advice, cuz I couldn't imagine you, in any other way Tinkerbell."

"Tinkerbell? Seriously?"

I feel like I remember him calling me that but I clearly wasn't paying that much attention last time.

"Ofc! Your small, cute, feisty, and your laugh is adorable. Just like Tinkerbell."

"Small? Whoa wait...you think I'm...cute?"

I blushed as I looked up at Kim. "Psh don't be silly everyone thinks your cute!"

He bopped me on the nose. I smiled as I rolled my eyes and he grinned back.

The movie started and I sat on Kim's lap so we could both see.

I leaned back into him and he wrapped his arms around me and his head was on my shoulder.

I reached back and ran a hand through his hair. We were about half way through the movie when I fell asleep.

So Kim shut down the tv and pulled me up onto the bed. "Mmmm Kim..." "yes Tinkerbell?"

My eyes fluttered open and I saw him next to me. I reached for his hand. "Stay with me."

"I won't leave you." Kim climbed into bed next to me and my tired over caffeinated body that wasn't listening to the caffeine snuggled in to Kim.

"Hey Alix?" "Hm?" "Sleep well."

He looked like he had wanted to say something else but he let it go and laid down next to me.

And I enjoyed having someone's attention on me since I hadn't gotten that from my dad or brother for awhile.

I was grateful to have my friend there with me.

So what did you think? Almost done with the next chapter! Jesus loves you!

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