Till No one Remains

By Codename_M707

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[Being revised atm] 30 survivors... A mansion... 3 teams Watch the story unfolds as 30 survivors tell their p... More

Author's Note
Chapter I - The Murder Mansion
Role Mechanics
Chapter II- Kill, Accuse, Vote
Chapter III- Trust, Bonds and Rivalries
Chapter V- Side Effects
Chapter VI- To be with Them
Chapter ??? - A Deal
Chapter VII - Detached from Reality
[Don't Skip] Announcement
Chapter VIII- All In
Chapter IX- Fall Apart
Chapter X- Knocking on Death's Door
Chapter XI - False Hope
The End (?)

Chapter IV- Deception and Secrets

179 3 4
By Codename_M707

TW: Blood, Death, Drugs

[Viola's POV]

Something feels off...

That voice again... It gives me the creeps.

As if we're missing someone...


Who's that? Sounds familar... And it's nearby.

I went to where it came from and see Dan, Annie, Reza and Amani already there. And- there's the bitch.

"Another- one... died, right?" Reza stuttered.

Preparing for the worst, Dan and I went inside the room and-

Dvir died from the Murderer.


He was killed in his sleep.

Dvir's head was covered by a pillow, with a knife piercing him and the pillow. The pillow and the mattress are blood red as opposed to its original white color. His body posture showed signs of resistance.

One thing I'm sure of is that he died from asphyxiation, not the stab on his head. The knife was mostly there to distract others, I think.

Reza alerted the others, and they soon came after, to witness another death.

You may now investigate.

Dan and Annie began checking the room immediately, I guess, for clues. Amani and I went with the flow, in hopes of getting out of this mess.

"A note." Annie found a note under the bed. She then read the note, but it looks like she can't understand it.

"Let me see." I asked. Annie then passed the note to me.

It reads:

Wenn Sie dies lesen, wird Dvir sterben. Wenn ich du wäre, rufst du besser den Sanitäter an. Viel Glück.

- Vom Mörder

F— It's the same note I gave Dvir. Why is it here? Was that a warning?

"I can't understand this note." I replied, trying my best not to sound nervous. Annie sighed.

"Lemme see." Dan asked.. I then gave him the note.

"This one's German. Not like I can understand this anyways." Dan deducted. An idea came to me.

"What if that's a clue?" I raised my hand. "We might know the identity of the killer through this note."

"You're... right. Seems we have some evidence now." Dan was surprised.

"Let's investigate the other rooms." Annie already left the room.

"Wait up!" Dan exclaimed.

As I headed outside, I overheard Lukey and Odette's conversation.

"Ils partent. Devrions-nous enquêter ici maintenant?"

"Ouais." Lukey nodded.

"Laissez-nous procéder."

I wonder what they were talking about. I barely understood a thing they said.

[Charlotte's POV]

These sudden events are too much for me to handle. I can't decide where I should be-

"Hey, Charlotte." Elizabeth waved at me.

"Ohhh, Elizabeth. Long time no see." I greeted her.

How could she be happy in this situation? This killing game— doesn't it make her afraid?

"I haven't much time to talk to you these days. But I am glad I'm with someone I know." I continued.

"Well, I'm also glad that you're here, and at the same time, worried."

"To be honest, I'm feeling scared and relieved that you're here, too. That I have someone I know, someone I can trust. But the thought of them dying... It hurts, doesn't it?"

"That's exactly what I've been feeling. But Veronica told me that sulking won't get us anywhere. That we should catch the murderer as we try to escape here. It'll work out in the end."

She does make a point. Why am I overthinking? Maybe the thought of betraying people made me indecisive. It is better to have someone you trust. Thanks, Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, I have something to show you. Will you trust me?"

"Of course, if that what it takes to end this killing game. I'll gladly trust you."

[Reza's POV]

I don't know why but- I feel excited about this. It's like I'm thrilled of the danger I'm facing. The thought of dying-- It's just- It feels exhilarating. But- I shouldn't take this lightly though. I shouldn't take my life for granted.

Hmmm... I should make connections with some people. A secure alibi would protect me from suspicion. Now... I wonder who should I trust.

Hmmm... Omar? He could do. He does look like me. Heck, I could pretend I'm twins with him, but way too risky knowing the twins are also alive for now, or worse, get killed because we really look like twins. Just what I need.

Trusting him shouldn't hurt, right?

I searched for Omar, and I found him on the library, reading.

"Wanna team up?" I whispered to him. He nodded in agreement.

Wow, a straightforward proposal actually got me his trust. I don't know why, but it just makes it easier for me.

"You just need an alibi, right? I'll help you with that." Omar winked as he left the room.

HE KNEW MY INTENTIONS ALL ALONG! Well, no whining about it. I got what I needed anyways. I'll just relax for now, forget that there's a killing game. It should be good for now.

Wait- it's still investigating time. Gahhhh! I need to find some clues, and figure out who's the murderer.

[Austin's POV]

Proceed to the living room to discuss who may be EVIL.

"When will this be over?" I muttered as I walk my way to the living room.

Seems almost everyone's here— except Albert and— Natalia.

"Should we start?" Jackson asked. Most of us nodded.

"Found any evidence?" Veronica started the conversation.

"The knife used to kill. Just like last time, the murderer didn't dispose of the murder weapon. We can assume that the murderer either has a knife collection or they have easy access to the kitchen, which there are pletty of knives." Lukey presented the weapon used in the crime scene.

"That's not all. We also found white fabric on the scene. It's not stained with blood, yet it doesn't match Dvir's shirt. We can conclude that they wear white." Odette added.

Some look surprised, as they seem confident in their analysis.

"Good observation." I applauded them. Seems we're off to a great start.

"Me and Dan found a note under Dvir's bed. I think it might help." Annie passed a note to Lukey.

"What'd I miss?" Albert barged in, late to the party.

"Hmm... This looks German. But I can't exactly understand it either." Lukey sighed.

"Anyone here knows German?" Ally asked. Charlie, Albert, Jackson, and Odette raised their hands.

Lukey then passed the note to them. Charlie was able to read a sentence but doesn't know the rest, Albert was only able to translate few words and when it was Jackson's turn—

"If you're reading this, Dvir will die. If I were you, better call the medic. Good luck." Jackson translated the note-

"Wait- you're able to read that note, right-? That means YOU'RE THE MURDERER!" Dan exclaimed.

"No, I'm not! Odette, tell them that it's exactly what the note says." Jackson passed the note to Odette.

After reading the note, she sighed, "It's exactly what it says. But it doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Veronica asked.

"What if this is a trap, that's what you're thinking, right?" Viola interrupted.

"Exactly." Odette specified.

"The murderer may be trying to frame someone who can exactly translate this note." Viola deducted.

"Good point." Veronica agreed.

"If that's the case, it could either be Charlie, Albert or Lukey." Ally announced.

"Wait a minute, why us?" Lukey asked.

"I swear it's not Charlie. He doesn't even fit the clues you both presented." I exclaimed.

"IT'S NOT ME!" Albert shouted.

"Some of you may be faking that you're not really able to translate that note." Ally added.

"I do know German, but I bar-" Charlie was interrupted

"Wait, does anyone have a set of clues? Like last time?" Veronica asked.

"You mean like this one?" Cash presented a clue saying [Brown hair]

"It looks exactly like that clue from last time. You sure it's not the same paper?" Reza questioned.

"I still have that clue from last night." Marley shown the same clue from last night.

"If there are duplicates, then is that fake or not?" Omar replied.

"Who knows...?" Colleen was unsure of her answer.

"Any other clues?" Charlie asked.

There were no answers.

"Then we can assume that the murderer has brown hair." Odette concluded.

"You're one to talk." Trey smirked.

"There are people other than me who has brown hair." Odette rebutted.

"So you, Lukey, Albert, Veronica, Dan, Omar, Reza, Colleen, Sabrina, or Alab, huh?" I deducted.

"Yeah." Charlie agreed.

"If y'all gonna ask for me and Elizabeth's alibi again and again, I'll make it clear for you all. I was in Elizabeth's room, guarding her from all of YOU, so she can sleep peacefully." Veronica whined, visibly irritated.

"Me and Omar stayed at my room at the duration of the night." Reza stated his alibi.

"Me, Austin and Sabrina were at the kitchen, on the lookout for the murderer. No one passed by for odd reasons." Charlie defended Sabrina.

"As far as I know, Veronica, Elizabeth, Omar and Sabrina have good alibis yesterday, and they still do now. Albert and Reza had frail alibis last night. Colleen, Lukey, Odette and Alab didn't fit most of the clues yesterday, so they can be excluded." Ally clarified.

"Then, if the murderer was able to write German, we can narrow it down to thre—" Colleen deducted.

"Lukey, Odette, Albert." Dan interrupted.

"Now that I think about it, earlier, I heard Odette and Lukey talking about something. Can't quite understand them though. All I know is that they're not talking in Italian." Viola mentioned.

"Care to explain yourselves?" Veronica asked.

"What Viola said is true, we were talking about something. But we only spoke French there. Not German." Odette answered in a calm tone.

"I proposed to Odette to communicate in French in case someone would eavesdrop." Lukey clarified.

"Is that really it?" Veronica raised her eyebrow.

"If you're accusing us, let me remind you that we helped with the investigation. We would have hid the evidence if we were ever on the Evil team." Odette refuted.

"She does have a point there." Trey sighed.

Then we averted our attention to Albert.

"Why'd you all stare at me like that?" Albert seemed nervous.

"If it's not Odette or Lukey, it must be you, right?" Ally stuttered.

"AWWW HELL NO! WHY'D YOU ALL KEEP BLAMING ME?! Just because I had blood on my shirt earlier means I'm... it..." Albert exclaimed.

There was a moment of brief silence.

"Wait... What do you mean, blood?" Omar asked.

"Ohhh! That explains why you're in a hurry to the bathroom when the lights just came on." Colleen mentioned.

Albert was left speechless. Albert can't defend himself nor object to the accusation.

Wait, now that I think about it... he was also late coming here... Could he really be it? It would kinda make sense for him to be it, somehow...

Kinda careless of him, though.

"Is it... really you?" Marley asked.

Please proceed to the voting room.

"Ohhh look, perfect timing. Seems we can vote now." Veronica taunted.

"So... it's Albert?" Prasiddhi asked.

"Yeah. It kinda makes sense if you think about it." Colleen iterated.

"We'll vote Albert." Reza announced.

"Let's go then." Dan added as we went to the voting room.

[Albert's POV]

I'm so done— I didn't even defend myself—  If I don't get voted now, I think I won't be able to last another night.


Albert has the most votes. This conclusion is...

Looks like this is the end— Damn, I got myself killed. I have so much to do, but— I feel myself breaking up. Like I just want this to get over with.

Incorrect. Albert was a Survivor. He will now be executed.

"WHAT?" Odette, Dan and Trey exclaimed.

"Tchhh... Again..." I saw Austin tightening his grip, as if he was ready to punch someone.

I guess I have to accept the consequences... If only I didn't get myself too suspicious...

I headed down the execution room, waiting for what lies ahead of me.

Is it normal for me to walk away to my death? Shouldn't I feel afraid about this? Shouldn't I try to escape while I can?

But, is there any point? I feel like I won't make it alive if I survive this anyways...

A platform raised at the center of the room. There's a message written on it:

Trust. Emotions. Pain. Dea


I was shot- at my shoulder. I faced what's in front of me to see a... MACHINE GU—

[Jackson's POV]


Numerous flashes blinds us as we hear various bullets shoot him down. All I can do is cover my ears from the noise.


When it ended, we can only see Albert's lifeless body filled with holes and blood.

Phew— I almost got myself killed there. I can't even imagine being in his situation.

I wanna thank Odette and Viola but- seeing that Odette fits some of the clues earlier... it makes me think Odette is suspicious.

Do I have to betray someone just to know the truth? If it's the only way to end this... I might. But how will I gain her trust?


I'll think about it later. I just need to rest for now.

[Elizabeth's POV]

I'm still feeling kind of down, because we got two innocent people killed. I just want this to stop— I don't want to see people dying because of us.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong?" Amani asked.

"Nothing... " I answered.

"Doesn't seem like it. C'mon, I'll help you on this one."

"It's just— I still regret voting people. Like we choose who we want to die."

"Look, as brutal as it might be, it's the only way. We can't let the murderer have their way. Think of it as... oh, the others sacrificed themselves so we can live. So cheer up! Like what your friend told you, there's no point in being sad about it. You just have to move forward." Amani explained.

"I suppose you're right... I'll just think about it for another time. After all, we still have to cook for the others."

"Since when did we become their cooks?" Amani laughed. I feel myself smiling.

"Awww... That's the spirit!" Amani added.

"Can I help? Cook?" Prasiddhi asked.

"Sure thing!" Amani nodded. "After all, teamwork makes the dream work!"

[Cash's POV]

This place really should have a casino here. Playing with life and death is getting pretty boring now. It's not that I take my life for granted, but- this is so predictable, we'd always get the wrong people until we're actually few. My luck will let me survive all this anyways.

Speaking of predictable, I should ask Marley about what'll happen next. I mean, the future IS unpredictable. After all, the presence of good luck would help boost the fortune teller's skills.

I knocked on Marley's room. "Hey, Marley. You here?"

"What do you need?" Marley asked, with mild suspicion.

"Will you read the future for me? Like last time?" I requested.

"How'd you kno— Fine, come in." Marley opened the door.

Just what'd I expect from a fortune teller, she has that crystal ball and a deck of tarot cards. I wonder what her role is. The book didn't mention anything related to fortune telling. Maybe a psychic? Dark psychic? Or a survivor who incidentally knows fortune telling?

"Pick three cards wisely."

I did what I was told. After that, she began shuffling the cards except for the three cards I picked. She then asked me to choose another three cards. She faced the cards I picked to the crystal ball by pairs.

"Ready to know what the future beholds for everyone?" Marley asked. I nodded.

She flipped the first pair. Judgement. Devil. Both upright.

"Awareness of one's addiction." Marley muttered.

"Seems the murderer is aware of their actions." Marley added.

She then flipped the second pair. Tower. Death. Both upright.

"Trouble-!" Marley exclaimed.

"Huh?" I got up from my seat. What's that supposed to mean?

"Something unexpected will happen- This particular combination is a warning of omens to come-" She

"EHHHH?" I gasped.

"We need to prepare. Our fate lies in the last pair, whether it'll turn out well or not."

She then flipped the last pair. Wheel of Fortune, upright. The Moon, reversed.

"Inevitable confusion." Marley sighed.

"Awareness of one's addiction, a bad omen and inevitable confusion. The outcome is uncertain, as of this moment. Fate's hand is still at play. It'd be in our best interest to delay that prophecy." She concluded.

"How do we do that?" I scratched my head.

"We need to change some factors to minimize the outcomes of our situation turning worse."

[Marley's POV]

That warning... it can't be stopped...

Is there any point in delaying it? I even made Cash believe that it can be stopped.

Fate really decided to test us, huh? Being involved with this killing game, what lies ahead of me? Death? Insanity? Or rebirth?

[Annie's POV]

"Dinner's ready!" Elizabeth screamed.

I don't trust Elizabeth that much, but- guess it should be safe for now. After all, I have to get along with everyone, and catch the murderer in the process.

"I'll pass for now." Alab excused himself.

Making my way to the dining room, I noticed that everyone's here already.

"Let's eat!" Amani announced.


After that dinner, I made my way to Alex to report as I was told.

"What'd you got so far?" He asked.

"So the evidence the others found today is that the murderer knows German and supposedly, has brown hair. Based on that, you can suspect Odette or Lukey. They're even working together." I answered.

"Is that so?"

"Anything you got so far?"

"Viola's good. I assume she's the medic, given that she's currently studying medicine at the library. She also mentioned seeing a mysterious purple light."

"Ohhh... Seems we found an ally. Should I tell her about this?"

"Not yet- Who knows? She might have connections with someone evil."

"Well, she's not friends with anyone here yet, but she does have a rival."


"Kim-ly. I noticed that they glare at each other whenever they're in the same room."

"Hmmm... I'll check her on the other nights. Let's just focus on Odette or Lukey for now."

"Ok. So what's the plan for tonight?"

"I'll check on Lukey, while you bug Odette. That should get the work done."

"Okay. I'll be on my way now."

As I'm about to leave, I feel myself suddenly collapsing... like a pulse that pulls me down... I—

"Ann—? Get up—" I closed my eyes...

[Murderer's POV]

Rohypnol... A sleeping drug... takes effect within 5-15 minutes... Side effects are nausea, vomiting, mania and others...

The perfect tool to use when there's too much witnesses, roaming around. This can also help me make another clean death.

I think the side effects last for around 12-18 hours, enough time to cover both the discussion time and the voting time.

I should use this to the fullest and complicate the situation even further. I could also use this to vote out someone who could be a hassle if they have all the time.

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