Roles Reverse


51.7K 2K 2.1K

She didn't have a chance with the sexy gay God or so she thought More

Chapter 1: Gatekeeper
Chapter 2: I'm Happy for you
Chapter 3: Eye Contact with da Glow
Chapter 4: Crying in the Club
Chapter 5:Sorry Not Sorry pt 1
Chapter 6:Sorry Not Sorry pt 2
Chapter 7: Album Photoshoot
Album Release \\ Sick Days
Release Party// Little Jealousy
Best Friends, right?
So Sick Of Love
Studio Session// Cookie Talk
Dinner Date//Fluff Overload
Sweetest days, Sweeter People
You Know I'm All Yours, Right?// Sister Visits PT 1
Sister Visits PT 2
Blissful Understanding U
The Right Way
Days with you
1 More Day Before We're Back To Work.
Bad Press-Kiana's Past-What's Next?
The Aftermath
Magazine Covers-Celebration Concert- Luscious's Arrest.
Chaos in the Lyons Family-Money Matters- Choose Me
Shopping Trips
Let Me Cater To You *Explicit*
First Day of The Girls' Getaway
Yachting-Club Nights-Music Connections
Bahamas-Luscious's Release-Girls 4L
It Feels So Good Being Back In Ur Arms
Meetings-Deals-Great News.
Studio Sessions with Lil Baby- Tight Schedules.
Iced Out-Music Videos At The Club-Hot Topic
The Weeknd Pre-Grammy Party// Check Me?!
The B.E.T Awards Pt. 2
Empire Gets Raided-Encounters with Andre- WHAT A DAY!
Charges dropped-Andre's Baptism-Hakeem KIDNAPPED?!
Gifts-Club Hosting-Run Ins with Jayda
Need some feedback guys.
Birthday Trip Planning- Jamal vs Luscious
Beauty Maintenance- Sex Stores-Flights
Making Love Hits Different with You Pt 1 *VERY EXPLICIT*
Making Love Hits Different with You Pt2*VERY EXPLICIT*
Live Laugh Love
Shower Sex
Everybody wanna Steal My Girl//Sweet Days
Dining-Gifts-Flights to Bali
Happy Birthday My Sweet Kiana!
Roles Reverse *Explicit*
ASA Nominations// Luscious's Empire
Exposed-Rhonda's Miscarriage-Skye
Backlash- Who is She?!- Big Purchases
Chris's Advances-Micheal's Master Plan-Surprise Encounters
Amazing Opportunity-We Meet Again
Everything goes wrong
The Consequence of The High
The Aftermath of The High
You Are Part Of The Family Now
Explosive Emotions-Chaos-Gone
He's Awake!
Sad in Paris-No Healing in Paris
Hard Conversations//Searching.
Unthinkable//Day In Paris// Everyday Lyons Family Drama
Play Stupid Games, Win Devastating Prizes.
Rendezvous In Paris
Musical Inspiration//Micheal's On The Run
Goddess On The Runway
Heirs Of The Lyons Family.
A Moment In Time
Last Day On Venus
Found His Trifling Ass-Family Secrets-Words Sting
Reunited You And I
ASA Awards//BANG
Pregnancy Reveal
Out Of Town-Momma's House-Planning
Lovelies, Let's Choose Houses
Well Taken Care Of
House Hunting//Conversations
Ski Masks-Vogue Shoots- Touching You
It's good to see you again
Lil Baby And Friends-Seen-Close Encounters
Jamal and Chris's Conversation
Wait Till Later-Halloween- Fluff
This is Our Home.
2 Month Ultrasound
Anya: I Met A Guy Today
I Speak The Words Of My Heart Through Music
Anya: First Date, Second Date, Gimme Kisses
Luscious Devious Plans Gets Soiled
Second Chance And I'll Love You Better.
Now This Is Make Up Sex *Explicit*
Next Day- Chris Calls- Decisions Decisions
Little Bump- Studio Session-Messages
Discussions// Phone Call Away
Let's Make Love Before You Leave Again.
Flights Back To My Old Life
Conversations, Conversations.
The Voting Chapter
Anika vs Rhonda-Anika's Devious Plans
Anya: A Night of Sexual Bliss
Runaway Bride-Murder-Labor
One Experiences Happiness, Another Experiences Horror
Chris Arrives//The Drama Continues
Another Day of Being In The Lyon's Family.

I'm sorry I kinda ghosted you all

1K 20 4

Hello, my lovely babies.

I've been a pretty awful writer mom to you all and I'm so sorry about it. I really am.

I kinda lost my writer's zen for a bit cause of everything going on in my life and in the world. I love writing and not writing made me so sad but also not having the will to write didn't help much. Then Coronavirus happened and our worlds just kinda tilted and started spinning in circles. ( I hope everyone and their family is safe and protected from this virus. And if you have it, I pray you heal and your immune system strengthens to combat this virus).

I haven't gone to school physically in months and I miss the joy of being around others. I'm a social person and my friend group was small but so fulfilling. I rarely see my friends anymore and some of my friends' phone numbers I don't have so it'll be almost a year since I've last heard from them and how they're doing. This breaks my heart every time I think about it but I also want them safe and my family safe so distance is what will have to work for now even tho it sucks.

I also have my biggest exam yet in four months days after my birthday and I'm terrified. I've lost most of my passion for my subjects and don't know what to do. My teachers make it no better with the downpour of work but not explaining the work and helping us. It really upsets me because every night I get anxiety trying to finish assignments and then I procrastinate doing test papers cause I know that most of the stuff is so new to me and I'll probably fail. I chose sciences by the way and they are definitely no easy task especially learning all those equations. I really just pray for a miracle, some form of help with school cause its kicking my ass rn and I really want to succeed. I just need the help.

Emotionally, I've been great these days. I'm really at peace inside and enjoy the little things more. I've been trying to keep that up for as long as I can cause I love how confident, and kind, and sweet I am and I just love how inside of my mind is so peaceful and loving to me. I'm grateful that mentally I could I could live peace, yuh know and I wish for all those who don't feel that way to be blessed and annointed with that blessing in these crazy times.

My family and I are so close and it makes me so happy. I've always had an amazing bond with my dad and now we've become best friends in a way. Me and my mom are so much more connected and my baby sister and I actually like some of the same things that always keep a smile on my face.

So to wrap it up, life has been a rollercoaster and so much has happened that I can't even begin to write but it's slowing down and looking up in most aspects so I'm happy.

I'll be posting  Saturday for sure. I know you all missed me and think I quit but I haven't. I know what it's like enjoying a story and the writer just stops. It's really not a nice feeling so I'll be back on the grind with this and my other stories.

I love you all. Thank you so much for the support. I was so happy when I saw my story has 11 k reads like WOAH. That's amazing to me and I couldn't be more joyful as I write this with watering eyes of pure joy to see you all so intrigued with each chapter and conversing in the comments section.

I'm happy I poured my heart and thoughts here for you all. It's nice writing how you feel, it's like a wave of release of your shoulders.

Once again, I'm sorry and I love you all.

I'll love it if you all write in the comment section about how your life is going, how's your mental health. Any news at all you feel comfortable sharing. To my babies, pls make the comment section a safe and positive place for everyone to express themselves and their emotions and don't be afraid to converse with each other and give each other advice and support.

Remember, we are all one with the same experiences just living them in a different time and period.

Thanks for sticking with the story even tho I ghosted you.

With love and light, I bless you all xoxo.

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