mystic messenger scenarios~

By tamakisuohsimp

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(I believe the cover art is from the Mystic Messenger official webtoon. Please let me know if I am wrong!) He... More

Before you read~
When they find you crying~
When you put down the way you look~
How they realized they love you~
Common insecurities that they find beautiful~
Their favorite place to kiss you~
What you do on a snow day~
When they get jealous~
How you cuddle~
Ray catch-up~
When you get jealous~
When they find you asleep at your desk~

You miss each other~

348 5 0
By tamakisuohsimp


He's just started a new role. You're happy for him, of course, but he's much busier now with all the rehearsals he has to attend. The times that he is home, he's always practicing his lines.

Unbeknownst to you, he misses you just as much as you miss him. He's been having a hard time balancing his two favorite things, but desperately wants to spend more time with you.

You both express your concerns to each other, and you're relieved to know he feels the same way. Now, he always invites you to his rehearsals, and he ends up silently flirting with you a lot (like sending you a wink while practicing, or saying a really romantic line while glancing at you a lot). At night, when he's practicing his lines at home, you like to cuddle up to him while he quietly reads them to you.


In a few days, Yoosung is going to take part in a LOLOL tournament. He's spent a long time preparing for it, and he's extremely excited. You always like seeing him have fun playing, but with all the preparations, he hasn't exactly had time for you. You try not to mind too much, as you know how important this is to him, but you do still feel a little lonely without him.

He starts to notice that you've been feeling down lately, and realizes that you miss him, and also realizes that he feels the same way about you. He knows that he cares about you more than a silly game, but he's also been preparing so long for the tournament that he's not sure what to do.

You notice the next couple days that he's taking more breaks while playing to come see you. You ask him why he's not playing, and he shyly tells you how he's been missing you. You're glad you both feel the same, and try to figure out a way to spend time together. Now whenever he plays, you like to sit on his lap and put your arms and legs around him with your face against his chest. You think it's cute when you can hear his heart beating faster.


You actually get to spend a lot of time with Jaehee for awhile after you start dating. Since you both run your coffee shop together, you got to be around each other all the time. As you got more costumers though, the workload became a little more intense. You know how stressed Jaehee always was working for Jumin, so you try to do as much work to help her as you can, but she's not really used to people doing things for her.

Eventually, she's taken on most of the work for herself. As much as you've always admired how hardworking she is, you wish that she would let you help her. She's not doing it all because she thinks you're not capable of it; she just tends to take on too many responsibilities for herself.

One day when you walk into her office at your home, she looks absolutely exhausted. You decide enough is enough and grab her hand, dragging her to the bedroom. "Y/N, I have so much work to do," she mumbles. "Your health is more important to me Jaehee." She's never been told that before.

You put her into the bed and tuck her in. "I'm going to finish everything. Please rest, Jaehee." She's very overwhelmed by how kind you're being with her, so she just looks away and nods. You give her a kiss on the cheek, and head to the office to finish.

She'd already done so much, so it didn't take you very long to finish. You were still tired though, and wanted to check on Jaehee, so you decided to go to bed. When you walk in, she's sound asleep, just as you expected she would be. You crawl into the bed and get close to her, but being careful she doesn't wake up. Though not usually a cuddly person, she pulls you toward her, and you fall asleep in her arms.


You're not really used to missing Jumin. He likes to spend any free time he has with you. After you both started dating, he took a lot of days off from work, which you didn't mind of course, but you could tell it upset Jaehee. You talk with Jumin a bit, and you're able to convince him to go back to work, telling him you'll always be waiting for him.

It's great that he's working again, but you do miss him. You try to distract yourself with any fun things you can think of, but your mind always drifts back to him. He feels the same way, not being able to focus on his work because he's so busy thinking of you. You both want to call each other, but after you tried so hard to get him to go back to work, neither of you feel comfortable with it.

Everyday when he comes back home though, he gives you as much attention as he can. There's really not a moment that you're apart from each other. During one of your nightly cuddles, you confess that you miss him during the day, and he tells you he feels the exact same way and he constantly wants to be able to talk to you. You work together on solutions to the problem.

You both eventually decide on having certain times to call each other, so you can at least hear each other's voices throughout the day. You also start to visit him at work (usually bringing a lunch for him). This becomes a comfortable routine, and while you still wish you could be together all the time, you also come to realize that the moments apart just make the moments together even sweeter.


Saeyoung is almost always with you. Anytime you go anywhere, he wants to be with you. He knows he would never forgive himself if someone from the agency hurt you, so he keeps you as close to his side as he can. That's why it was such a big shock when he suddenly had to leave.

He told you that he would be gone for about two weeks, and that Jumin would be sending security guards to protect you while he was gone. Whenever you asked why, he gave a vague answer, telling you that he has to do something in order to be free of the agency for good. You don't want him to leave, scared he may get hurt, but he assures you that he will be careful, and this is the only way he can make sure you're never hurt. Reluctantly, you agree, and now he's gone.

You believe it would be easier if you could at least call each other, but he said it wouldn't be safe. You start trying to do anything you can to occupy your time, constantly reminding yourself that he will come back eventually. As much as you try to believe this, it's been almost three weeks now.

One day, as you're just going around the house, you decide to look in his closet. He's left some clothes, including a jacket, so you put it on. It still smells just like him. You climb into the bed you share together, and imagine that he's there with you.

When you wake up the next morning, you see that it's still dark, even though you've opened your eyes. It's also much warmer. As you pull back a little, you realize something is holding you- Saeyoung. He came back. He had missed you desperately while he was gone, and couldn't wait to be with you again, especially after seeing how cute you looked in his jacket.

Satisfied with your current state, you nuzzle into his neck and go back to sleep, resting comfortably knowing he'll always be with you.


Holy fuck, Jaehee's and Saeyoung's were so soft. I know what romantic scenario I'm going to imagine when I'm trying to sleep tonight.

Anyway, this is my first time writing anything like this, so I apologize if it's not that good. I'm going to keep posting though, and hopefully I'll improve eventually :). If you have any requests for me, please send them! I'd love to have some new ideas. Thank you for reading!

~ Eliza

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