In Her Laugh

By AmoraNext

211K 8.1K 8.7K

Reese Price moves to a different continent, not by choice, of course. An orphan and the youngest of five brot... More

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1. At least say hi first...
2. All is well that ends well, right?
3. Home Sweet Candy
4. Ro-Ro-Row your boat, Roman
5. It's King's Land
6. Everyone can go fu*k themselves
7. Our mistakes are not a reflection of your lack of authority or presence
8. Nobody parties like the Price family
9. I like different
10. I'm home!
11. WAP
12. And that's on period
13. Lets just cuddle
14. Pinky Promise
15. Magical Fingers
16. Glad we're on the same page
17. What I'm saying is
18. All men are toxic
19. Positive Affirmations
20. Morning, sleeping beasts
21. He's the one
22. Spill the tea
23. Mistletoe Madness
24. I love you
25. In your laugh
26. This is my life
27. Goodbye

28. Stay

4K 166 248
By AmoraNext

King Baxston



I sit in the overnight holding cell, ass numb from the metal bench. My elbows resting on my thighs, I sit with a hunched back since sitting up makes my stomach burn.

I passed out sometime after Roman kept throwing an endless cycle of punches to my head. I woke up to the sound of sirens not sure how much later, but probably not much. Quite a few people were still around because I watched them scatter at the sound.

I guess it was a good thing they showed up because as I helped myself up, the Price brothers didn't kill me.

I'm used to beatings. When I used to be on drugs, I'd start to fight with people intentionally. It felt better to be in physical pain than to be hurting on the inside.

But this beating was different. It didn't numb the emotional pain brewing inside of me.

The brothers watched me, carefully following my every move waiting for me to fuck up as I stood on my feet. I didn't fuck up, but I'm sure if the cops weren't there, that they wouldn't even need a reason to kill me after what they saw last night.

I could hardly see through my eyes so I had to wipe the blood off just to see. Breathing felt like a chore and my head felt like it was repeatedly slammed against a boulder.

I didn't drink, but it felt like I was drunk. It was like the world was running while I was stuck in the same spot unable to keep up with everything around me.

Reese kept coming to my mind. I could see her laughing, her white teeth on display with her mouth wide open. Her brown hair, which falls just a few inches below her shoulders, covered the sides of her face as her head drops. She laughs wholeheartedly and with her soul so she puts her hand on her tummy as it aches. That doesn't stop her though, she continues laughing until her chocolate brown eyes tear up and her lungs beg for a break.

I smile and even hear her laughter ring in my ear, but then I feel a hand on my forearm. An officer comes to face, yelling barbarically. I'm brought back to reality as the officer turns me around and puts me in cuffs.

She was just here, I think to myself as I look around. The lights were still dim making it harder to see anything.

Where'd she go?

The officer turns me around dragging me through the halls as people stand on the sides filming.

"N-no! Where is she? Reese!" I yell looking back hoping that she can hear me. The officer's hold tightens and another officer grabs the opposite arm. I move my shoulders and thrash around trying to get free. "Reese! I didn't do it! You have to let me go! I have to explain it to her!"

Both cops together are too strong for me especially in the state I'm in right now. I can't fight them no matter how much I try.

I feel helpless.

I look around as strands of my hair fall over my eyes and I sniff trying to breathe through my nose forcing my lungs to inhale.

"Let me talk to her, please!" I beg the officers when I spot Everleigh. "Please!"

The officer bobs his head and they walk me to the girl in the black dress. Standing with her arms over her chest, she doesn't move her head but her eyes peer up at me. Her beady eyes are full with contentment as a smile stretches onto her face.

"Where is she?" I question through gritted teach. The metallic taste of blood in my mouth is a taunting reminder of everything that lead up to it.

The longer she takes to answer, the more I hate the way she's looking at me. I clench my fists behind me which are begging to be let free. I wouldn't hit her, but my rage needs an anchor and punching the wall would fulfil that desire. 

"No one knows. She disappeared," she says trying to hide her pleasure, but fails.

My jaw clenches and my body shakes trying to anchor the anger inside of me.

"Okay, let's go," the pigs drag me out before I can say anything.

When I got to the station, they let me wash my face. A nurse even stitched some of the cuts and gave me some painkillers.

They took all my belongings and fingerprints before briefing me down about the whole process. I don't remember anything they said because my mind was too busy worried about where Reese could be.

My senses were brought back the minute they told me to make one phone call to the person of my choosing.

They suggested I call my parents or a lawyer. I took the phone and dialled the number which was going to help me get what I wanted.

Since then, I've been locked up in this cell with a bunch of petty criminals and alcoholics. Even though my body is giving up, I couldn't sleep.

I still remember the look in Reese's eyes. I could see the strings of her heart, through her eyes, breaking one by one as the chaos in her mind processed. Her luscious pink lips, a little swollen from our one on one time earlier, parted as her breath stopped. Hurtful tears escaped down her flushed face in streams and I was unable to do anything besides watch.

I've seen her in pain before, but watching her be in pain and knowing it comes from something she believes I did, made me wanna be six feet under. There is nothing I wouldn't do to take that pain away from her; to completely wipe that moment away.

It makes it even worse because I didn't do it. A little sadistic, but if I had done it, then maybe her pain would've been worth it.

But, I didn't do what I've been accused of.

I never said those things. I would never in a million years disrespect any woman like that let alone Reese Price, that woman is my soulmate. I sound a little effeminate wording it like that but say it, however, it all ends up meaning the same thing which is that I respect her beyond words could describe. The last thing I would do is intentionally hurt her and ruin her happiness in any way.

I love her too much to lose her.

Everything I ever told her came from my heart and a place of truth. I have a way with people and a skewed reputation which makes people question my intentions. It's gotten me in trouble quite often, but when it comes to Reese, I treated her the way I want to be treated in our relationship.

When I saw Reese that first day in the diner, she immediately piqued curiosity. Our eyes locked and I felt it in my bones, a voice in my head told me I've met her before, that I know her. There was a sense of familiarity in her brown eyes that felt like home even from so far away.

Everleigh called her name making Reese avert her gaze from mine. The thought of approaching or even talking to the new mysterious girl vanished from my head when I knew she was associated with my ex.

That was until Ridge starting asking Cindy about Reese and teasing me about how we were staring at each other.

I contemplated whether it'd be worth the chance. I had kept my distance for so long from the other side of town and it proved to be beneficial. Did I really wanna ruin the progress at the expense of a stranger that might not be worth it?

The voice in my head told me to go for it. I'm young and had nothing to lose. What could Everleigh really do if I wanted to talk to her friend? It'd make the whole process harder for me because I'd be fighting against my past, but I knew I could take that challenge.

Either way, it was up to Reese to even accept or decline so why shut it down before even trying?

Call me selfish, but I had to take my chance.

Cindy wrote the note herself and was more than happy to deliver it knowing Everleigh and I's past. When she returned and told me what happened, I was mad. I felt even more challenged knowing it bothered Everleigh so much.

I say it was the anger, but every time I think about it, it was more Reese's aura that made me wanna push further. For some reason, I had a strong pull towards her. I could have sworn I've never met her before, so what was this feeling that I had towards a complete stranger?

I approached Reese myself. She didn't notice me right away and I watched as she bit into her sandwich letting out a moan. It was like she was in a world of her own and I couldn't help but smile at her behaviour.

When I caught her attention, her little figure broadened to show her confidence like she subconsciously wanted to prove something. Her attitude was snarky and I started acting a bit cocky throwing some sexual innuendos. She took them well and the whole interaction was made that much more complex.

She didn't seem as confident as she was being. She was sure and quick with her responses never searching too far for an answer because she knew she was in control.

What hope I had of actually ever talking to Reese again, was lost when Everleigh started talking. I lost my composure and I ended up being someone I didn't wanna be.

But when I saw her at the party again, I knew I had to make a move and I did.

Everything worked out because I guess it was meant to be and I got to show her that I don't disrespect women especially after knowing the way my mom was treated. My mom and dad would never let me see the day of light again if I ever did. I can only imagine the hurt they'll feel when they hear about what I've been accused of.

And that is exactly why I didn't call them. They'll eventually find out what I've been accused of, but we'll deal with that when that happens. It's irritating knowing the effect that one night or event is going to have on all of our lives.

It's a domino effect, because when one family member suffers, so do the others.

I didn't write those things or play that video of Reese. I didn't even know that video existed or the details that I was apparently told in those messages.

I only knew as much as Reese or Grayson ever told me and nothing more.

The messages didn't even seem photoshopped so what the fuck happened? I think searching my mind for the answer.

Then I remember my Instagram was hacked during Christmas and I hadn't gotten it back until after new years.

Fuck, I need to get out of here.

At least I know I didn't do this. All we need to do is check the date of those messages and if someone logged in on those days, then we could probably find the location of its login proving my innocence.

Everything that happens on the internet is monitored. A lot of people don't know that or choose to ignore it, but it's the truth. It gets to the point of invading privacy, but for once, I'm actually thankful for it because it might just prove my innocence.

There's nothing much I can do right now. I have an appearance in front of the judge later, so we'll see if I'm up for bail or they're going to keep me here.

Knowing the Price brothers, they'll try to keep me in here forever. I don't even blame them, I can only pray they'll give me a chance to defend myself.

I didn't even know Kairo was a part of Reese's past. I've known that guy for two months now and I've told him, even showed him, stories and pictures of Reese and me. He was a quiet dude, but he always knew the right things to say and when. I thought he was a pretty good dude but failed to recognize that I was just being fooled.

If this man ever shows his face to me again, I'll fucking break it and happily spend the rest of my life behind bars.

Why would he do all this? Why would anyone hurt Reese like that? She is the most innocent soul I've ever met. That girl looks at the ground when she walks trying not to step on ants claiming she can't have anyone's death on her hands. 

Why would anyone wanna hurt a girl who rather look weird while walking than step on ants?

Someone make it make sense.

"Sir!" A few cops call as rushing footsteps echo throughout the room. I look up past the bars as Grayson Price walks in. His tall, lean figure wrapped underneath an expensive black on a black suit, his Rolex reflects the florescent lights in my eyes.

He comes to a stop as his eyes scan the people trapped behind the bars. I gulp as the gut feeling of fear sets in. His crystal blue eyes stop meeting mine, a cold chill runs down my back knowing that the man in front of me isn't just a businessman or a brother, but a fuming father figure who has lost the child he's not only responsible for but loves more than anything in the world.

His jaw clenches and I usually don't shit it when it comes to anyone, but I have too much to lose to keep a big ego right now.

Grayson moves his eyes first looking at the multiple officers in the room.

"I want him out," he commands. The officers look around at each other and the female officer is the last one standing since the men drop their heads avoiding her eyes. Impatient, Grayson pulls out his ID from the inside of his pocket and shows it to the female officer. I watch the woman's mouth as her expression hardens. Her hand on her gun, she clears her throat as she contemplates something nervously.

"Let him out," she instructs the other officers. The officers nod and proceed to unlock the door. Half drunk idiots try to walk out, but the officer pushes them back in.

"Out," Grayson instructs standing outside. I sigh clearing my throat as I stand.

Pushing the pain at bay, I limp to the door and step outside cautiously keeping a tall stance.

"Give us a minute," Grayson says not taking his eyes off of me. His large arms rest on his sides as he inserts his hands into his pockets.

The officers leave without question and can't help but wonder if the authority from Grayson comes from him or his money. If I had to bet on it, I would bet that it comes from him. His ability to walk into any room and make the it dance at his command is a talent that comes naturally.

It'd take years for a person to reach his level.

"You have two minutes, plead your case," Grayson warns without hesitation. His blue eyes emotionless besides the burning rage to avenge his sister, a look similar to mine.

"My Instagram was hacked during Christmas. I didn't have it for at least a week. I can request a history of my log in locations–"

"Did you do it?"

"No," I breathe instantly looking into his eyes. It hurts to stand and my legs feel numb, but I keep it together as best as I can. I'm shaking terribly, but Grayson doesn't care and neither do I.

The windows in the room are closed, but a sudden breeze passes by, one that takes my breath away as I feel my heart sink. I look around weary of the feeling that just brushed by. Grayson seems to be in the same state of fear as me as the colour drains from his face.

The big digital clock displays two thirty-three and I watch the seconds pass until it reads two thirty-five. Not a single sound is made as time passes.

To add to the suspense, Grayson's phone rings echoing dangerously, toying with our sense of fear. He doesn't waste a second digging his phone out of his pocket and answering it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Grayson," he speaks looking past me with a hard expression. As the voice on the other end talks, the fear in his face increases. His thick brows knit as he sucks in a forceful breath. "Is she alive?" he questions. I expected some sort of emotion in those words, but there's none. I shouldn't even be surprised, but if it's Reese we're talking about, then I expected some sort of emotion from him.

"I'm coming," he says ending the call. "Come," he instructs as he turns around and starts walking out. I look around confused trying to process everything. He's about six feet away before it registers what he just said. I start limping in the same direction as fast as I can.

"Sir, he can't leave," the female officer stops him. He stops looking down at her standing a couple of feet away. When I catch up, I stand next to him having a perfect view of his frightening expression. I feel bad for the officer watching her trying to hide her fear.

"Get in touch with my company and we'll cover the bail," he says quickly.

"But his bail hasn't been set yet," the officer replies immediately. The colour from her face disappears as her mouth clasps shut at the end. She drops her head and it's probably because of Grayson's expression.

Other officers stand watching silently.

"Code ten seventy-one, shots fired near Los, Angeles downtown. A possible dead body, the suspect could be armed and dangerous, assumed to be more than one suspect at large," the radio patches. Another officer, one probably near the route, confirms the code silencing the radio.

"I'll sort it out with the judge myself when I get the time, but we have somewhere to be so please quickly give his stuff back," Grayson speaks with dominance and leaves no room for an argument.

The officer nods and some other officer comes out with my stuff. I guess they knew it was coming so they were prepared. I take my phone and wallet from the officer's hand then follow Grayson out shoving the wallet in my pocket.

Huffing, we exit the building only to be bombarded by paparazzi. Grayson's bodyguards were waiting outside so they escort us to the back of his company's escalade.

Grayson gets in first and then the bodyguard closes the door behind us.

"The hospital," Grayson instructs the drivers as he ignores the crowd around the car. Photographers stand at the from of the car taking pictures, but I keep my head down.

"What happened?" I question even though I'm not sure I want to know the answer to that. His head faces the window as we make it out on the street.

"Someone dropped off Reese's body at the hospital. They're saying it looks like she stabbed herself."'

"Is she alive?" I question as I feel my heart sink.

"They're taking her to surgery," he words sounding distant.

I look down at the phone in my hand and see that I have over three hundred messages and calls.

Ignoring all of them, I go to the one I'm looking for and reading the text confirms my suspension. I clear my throat and gulp as I lift my head and stare out the window longingly.

God, please save her. I pray and repeat it over and over again until the car comes to a stop at the front of the hospital.

There are bars set up and police officers standing in front blocking the paparazzi from getting in. We wait until Grayson's bodyguards open the door and we exit through the same door.

We're bombarded with multiple questions and flashes, but we don't stop. I feel people tugging at the blood-stained suit and wince as the pain becomes unbearable. If it weren't for the bodyguard pushing me, I don't think I'd be able to keep up with Grayson.

"I'm here for Reese Price," Grayson's voice booms through the foyer once we enter. Four guards now stand behind us as everyone stops and stares.

Grayson raises an eyebrow and that sends the nurses behind the desk rushing to find out where in the hospital Reese Price is.

"She's in surgery," the nurse tells us looking up from her screen. She stands up, "I'll take you to the waiting area."

She walks out from behind her desk and walks us down to Reese. We follow behind the small figure dressed in blue scrubs. She must be intimidated by six large guys following behind her because she nervously pulls at her fingers as she walks as fast she can. It's not fast enough for us because we have such long legs, so we grow impatient as we walk but no one says anything.

After a couple of turns, I see the rest of the brothers sitting with their heads down, slouched as if their bodies have lost all life.

They lift their heads spotting Grayson first making their faces flush with fear. Grayson has that effect on everyone except Reese. She doesn't stand down for anyone and nothing truly scares her except for her past at times.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Aaron is the first one to try to jump me. Grayson grabs Aaron by his jacket and pushes him back holding a finger in his face.

I'm assuming Grayson and Aaron's flight landed early and they came dressed because they thought they'd be going home to celebrate Roman and Reese's birthday. I can only imagine what it felt like hearing and having to deal with this instead.

"Don't. All of you," he warns staring at the other brothers now standing. "I don't have time for this. He's here because that's what Reese would–"

"He leaked her fucking nudes! She doesn't want shit to do with him!" Roman yells despite the strangers and other patients walking around us. Everyone turns their head silencing, but when they see Grayson's expression, everyone turns their heads away.

"Stay there," Grayson instructs Aaron before steadily walking past him to Roman.

Roman looks at his brother, eye to eye, his fists clench as he starts shaking. His jaw popping as he holds himself back from sobbing, but his eyes well betraying him. Grayson grabs Roman's head and pulls him into his chest muffling his little brother's cries.

After a minute, Grayson kisses Roman's head and whispers something only to him before they part. Roman plops down on his chair hiding his face in his hands going through his emotions. The rest of the brothers look just as broken but are containing their emotions better. They stare at me as they sit down and then look away in disgust.

Grayson fixes his jacket as he walks over to me and Aaron sits next to Roman.

Grayson stands to my side looking past me at the entrance we came through. 

"I'm gonna call the CEO of Instagram and request an immediate report of your entire account's history. If I find out that you have disrespected my sister behind her back and betrayed my entire family, I will make sure you are dealt with accordingly. You and I, King Baxston," he shifts looking at me and I respectfully do the same as our body's face each other. His hand gestures between us as he continues speaking, "we had a man to man conversation and a mutual understanding, so this, if you're responsible for any of it, it'll be personal. Understood?"

"Yes," I nod as I take a deep breath. He stares at me and I keep my gaze. I'm not going to back down. I have nothing to be scared of because I know I'm not responsible for this. I'm innocent and I can prove it.

I'm as determined as he is.

"Good," Grayson says after a long while clearing his throat. "I'll go make this call," he says walking away.

I watch as he stands behind the wall out of sight trying to keep himself composed even though the world is coming down around him.


It's been three months since Reese has been in a coma.

She was in surgery for about eighteen hours since she kept having complications. It was the longest eighteen hours of our lives.

The glass bottle had pierced through her intestines and severely damaged her kidney. They tried salvaging the kidney, but in the end, had to remove it. Whatever happened sent her into shock which damaged her brain and heart.

They told us she might not wake up for a couple of weeks, but that there is hope since there was still brain activity. She's able to breathe on her own too so that was a really good sign.

The thing is, it's been three months and there hasn't been any change with her even though the world around her has shifted dramatically.

I used my one call in jail to contact Naz. He's in a gang full of members that move on his every command. They know LA in and out and I knew that to find Reese quick, we needed him on our side.

Naz had no reason to help me, but I knew exactly what to offer. He took it and calling him was the best decision I made as it was later proved.

A couple of Naz's men drove into a tunnel passing that's rarely ever used and they ran into Kairo Blackwell right after he finished stabbing Reese.

They shot him and took her. They had no idea if she was alive, but they knew dropping her off at the hospital was the best choice. They didn't have enough time since the cops were also on the way so they did the first thing that they could think of. After dropping her off, they managed to get away and hide out without getting caught.

Kairo Blackwell was brought to the hospital a couple of hours after Reese and this was too much of a coincidence. At the time, the brothers and I all knew this was somehow connected. Since I knew Naz was involved, I predicted that he had something to do with Kairo getting shot. I had read Naz's message confirming that his men dropped Reese off at the hospital.

My suspicions were confirmed a couple of days later when Naz called me and let me in on the details. We had an agreement so he expects me to hold up my end and I swore to do so as soon as Reese wakes up.

I thanked him and we've been in touch since, but he's been as understanding as he can be about the whole situation.

The CEO of Instagram got his IT department to send the data requested within a couple of hours while Reese was in surgery. They proved my innocence backing up my theory.

Grayson showed his brothers the proof as well and even though they were reluctant, they listened and did as Grayson told them.

The information showed that my account was logged in from an address in Singapore that belongs to Kario's dad.

The devil works fast, but Grayson works faster because he immediately called up the Singapore police department and got the house raided. They found a bunch of incriminating evidence against Kairo and his dad.

If Kairo was logged into my account, then who was logged into his account sharing all that information?

To figure that out, Grayson got Kairo's Instagram history sent to him. His account showed that when he was logged into my account, someone in LA was logged into his.

That someone was Sebastian Diaz.

A day later, the FBI raided his house and arrested him for the possession and distribution of child pornography, conspiracy and physical assault.

I had told Grayson about what happened the day Reese went to return Sebastian's ring. I wanted to beat him up and kill him, but I knew that Reese wouldn't be happy if I did. Knowing her history, I knew Grayson deserved to know the truth especially since I was unable to do anything. When I told him, he was furious but thankful that I told him.

He decided not to do anything and wanted to see if Reese would tell him herself. She never did. I guess he was a little disappointed because we talked about it again while we were in Whistler. He said that he wants me to keep a closer eye on her and make sure there aren't any red flags or signs that we're missing.

Gaining Grayson's trust throughout my relationship with Reese has been one of the greatest bonds I've made. He's been like an older brother and his trust and faith in me has given me strength throughout this.

When Kairo woke up, he was taken into custody where he eventually admitted to planning this whole scheme against Reese to get revenge for his dead brother and mother. He said that the Price family killed them so he and his dad came up with a plan a long time ago to get revenge.

He's also actually twenty-one. He was such an impoverished kid that when he switched schools, he was able to convince the school that he was the same age as Reese.

That's some psycho shit if I ever heard it. He explained that his plan to kill her and drive their family apart the first time failed, so when he saw Sebastian post a picture of her, he dmed Sebastian. They got talking and came up with this plan so the exchange of messages between Kairo and I's Instagram, was actually between Kairo and Sebastian. Sebastian was just regurgitating whatever Kairo had told him privately and made it seem like I was saying it.

Everleigh knew about the plan so she was taken into custody as well with less severe charges.

None of them have been given bail since Reese is still in a coma and the police are waiting for her statement. All of them have been declared too dangerous to be let out.

It's unclear whether Sebastian and Everleigh will be sentenced as adults because their lawyers are probably going to use coercion as a defence. If they're tried as minors, the records won't be public and it won't affect their lives as much as what they did has affected Reese's.

The Price family is doing everything they can to make sure that doesn't happen. Their company was partners with Sebastian's company so he ended the deal and Sebastian's company shares fell by more than half in a day.

Other than that, Landon and I graduated. I got a full ride to UCLA so I'll be attending in the fall along with Landon who also got a full ride because of football.

There's always a couple of people with Reese and she's never been alone throughout the three months. Guards are stationed outside her door because of news reporters trying to sneak in. 

The brothers and I don't talk as we used to. It seems more formal with them and it's hard to look at each other's faces reflecting our pain right back at us. Since we see each other almost every day, we are able to exchange a few words now.

I never got to ask why they didn't pay the media attention away. Reese's video was removed from the internet because of child pornography laws, but everyone was still aware that it existed.

They could have made that go away like they did the first time, but they didn't.

I always wonder why, but don't have the guts to ask. I guess if they feel this is the right way to handle it, then it must be. People leaked our numbers so we all had to get new numbers too in an effort to stay out of news headlines or giving up any vital information.

All of us, even Astrid and Raven, sometimes Cindy, Ridge and Maverick too, eat dinner sitting around Reese whenever we can.

The dinners are quite unpredictable because if one of the girls has too much wine, then they'll both start crying and then the boys start crying too. That's the case at least eighty percent of the time.

We like to blame it on the girls, but that's just an excuse. We're all losing hope slowly as we feel time go by and she seems more lifeless than the day before.

Reese is severely thinner hooked up to multiple machines, but they're the only indication of her living.

Her beautiful brown eyes haven't flashed me in three months and I get scared at the thought of never seeing them again.

Her jawline perfection, there's a small double chin as she lays down in the same position I've seen her in for the last three months. Sometimes, I sit here waiting for the sound of her snoring to replace the taunting sound of the heart monitor. To replace the cockiness of the machine that tells us with every beep that she is stuck in its shadow, living only as long as it beeps.

She's just sleeping, right? She'll wake up soon.

When that doesn't work, I start talking her ear off about my day and how much the twins are annoying me about meeting her again.

I've seen my mom more in the last three months than I have in my whole existence prior because she comes by ever so often to check up on me. I'm here as often and for as long as I can be. I manage to go home every day for a couple of hours though so the others can get some alone time with her too.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have because when the hand in mine moves, my head snaps up noticing a pair of familiar brown eyes.

My mouth hangs open as her lips move slowly and her hand trembles trying to move.

"Reese," I breathe standing as my hand gently lands on her hair.

Her mouth gapes as tears drip from her eyes and an ear-piercing scream covers the air. She tightens her grip around my hand and moans loudly suffering in pain.

"Reese," I breathe deeply as she thrashes on the bed crying hysterically. Her grip tightens turning my own hand white as my eyes sting.

What do I do?

How do I help her?

Nurses scramble in as the noise around me vanishes. The only thing I can hear is Reese's cries for help as I watch her flailing on the bed.

I look down when I feel someone touching my arms, a nurse's mouth moves inaudibly. Reese's hand slips out of mine and I panic as the nurse pushes me out of the room.

No, I don't wanna leave!

I try to fight, but she closes the door on my face. I look at the guard standing outside the door, his emotionless expression makes him no better than the walls holding the building up.

I breathe heavily as I take a step back and start walking.

She's awake.


But why is she in so much pain?

And then I realize why.

Grayson and the doctors decided to keep her off of any strong pain medication because of her history of drug abuse. She has been unconscious the last three months and couldn't feel anything so when she woke up, everything must have set in.

"Oh shit," I breathe at the realization and feel my heart break.

Her cries travel loudly through the wing and I shrink, unable to bear them and feel helpless, unable to take away her pain.


I thought three months were enough and I had moved on from it, but the second her innocent eyes looked at me with the same pain she did three months ago, it tore me apart all over again.

After Reese woke up, the doctors had to sedate her. Her brothers came and I told them about how she was actually awake because they couldn't believe it.

The doctors told Grayson about what was happening. To take her pain away, the best they could do was give Tylenol. The rest she has to bear through herself unless Grayson changes his mind, but he didn't.

He decided to keep her off of any strong medication, so the doctors kept her sedated for a couple of days to help the pain subside while she's unconscious.

She woke up again a few days later and this time she wasn't in as much pain. She could stay awake, but would sometimes start tearing up because of how much she was hurting.

It's been about a week and she stays asleep most of the time, but the doctors say her body is recovering well.

She hasn't talked to a single person since she's been awake except for the police and the doctors. A couple of days after she woke up and the doctors gave the green light so the police explained everything to her and took her statement.

Everyone: her brothers, Astrid, Raven, Cindy, Ridge, Maverick and I thought that once the police told her the truth that she'd start talking to us again, but she can't even seem to look at any of the boys.

The distance she's creating between us is intolerable, but understandable.

In her mind, everything just happened yesterday. She was living in the past up until she woke up. She was stuck living through an endless cycle of pain, betrayal and emotional turmoil.

How do you even get over the fact that someone tried murdering you twice after believing for so long that you had tried to kill yourself the first time?

So even though her cold shoulder is devastating, no one is selfishly forcing her to heal faster.

The boys, we keep our distance.

I know Jaxson, Landon and Roman feel extremely guilty about their behaviour from that night. I don't really talk to them, but from their actions, they seemed to be healing. They were more out and about, focusing on more than just what was happening with Reese.

I'm sure Grayson and Aaron gave them an ear full about it too, but I think they were finally coming to terms with themselves until Reese woke up and brought it all back.

She sucked us back to the past and it's getting harder to keep living there, but we have to until she's ready to move forward. We owe her the patience and courtesy she deserves.

Astrid, Raven and Cindy go to her room and sit to talk until her ears probably start hurting. They say she'll turn her head or give them a small smile at times, but that's about it.

Her brothers go in there sometimes and try to talk to her. She doesn't respond or acknowledge their presence so they come back looking more defeated than the last every time.

I spend the nights with her. I get there around nine and she's awake sometimes, so I sit there telling her about my day even though she acts as if she can't hear me.

Sometimes I'll put on Netflix and she'll sit there watching it with me sitting on the chair next to her. Other times, I bring board games and hope that she'll start playing by moving her own player. So far, I've been playing by myself moving both players.

I don't know what's going through that head of hers, but if she doesn't start talking about it, then the harder it'll be to get out.

"Yes! A ten! I'm totally gonna win," I smile moving my piece up ten spots after I roll my dice.

I look at Reese, her skin has regained its liveliness, but her eyes seem to be hallow staring out at nothing in particular. She turns her head to the side, her jaw is sharpened down to the bone with her brown hair tied back in a low ponytail. 

I hold the pair of dice out on my palm in front of me for Reese. Her eyes don't move, but I know she knows that I'm waiting for her to take them.

"It's your turn," I urge, my words dripping with hope.

Nothing changes. No sound. No movement.

"Reese," I beg feeling the mixture of emotions brewing to the surface. My dry eyes start watering and I angrily close my hand over the dice bringing it down.

I drop my head and clench my jaw, the sound of my teeth grinding audible in the room.

"Reese, you can't live like this. If you're angry, then yell. If you're sad, then cry, but don't sit there like there's nothing left inside of you. Don't sit there like we saved a dying corpse with no soul inside. Reese," I beg grabbing her small hand in mine. I draw circles with my thumb on the back of her hand holding it up to my lips then I lay soft kisses begging her to look at me through teary eyes.

I nervously bounce my leg as I wait.


Sometimes I wonder if she can even hear us.

Did we really lose her?

Did we save a dead corpse with no soul inside?

I sit there staring with hope, begging her through my teary eyes to please come back to us.

"King," I hear my mom walk in. I look back at her and meet her grey eyes in despair. Her small smile gives me a little assurance and I let Reese's hand down as I wipe my tears away.

I scoot my chair back noticing a towel and new hospital gown in my mom's hand and I realize she's here to help Reese shower since Reese can't move by herself yet.

Grayson requested my mom to take care of Reese and one other nurse because he doesn't trust anyone else. He thinks someone else will sell the media information or harass Reese causing her more stress. It's the last thing anyone wants, so my mom was happy to take up the request.

I get up and stand tall as I watch my mother put the clothes down on the table next to the opposite side of the bed. She looks at Reese, meeting her eyes. Mom's hand gently brushes through Reese's hair and she lands a soft motherly kiss on her forehead.

"Have you eaten?" she questions looking at me as she starts picking up the game board on the bed.

"I ate lunch," I tell her truthfully. She knows when I'm lying so there's no need for me to waste time.

"Go downstairs and grab something to eat. I'll be done in half an hour," she informs as she slowly removes the blanket off of Reese.

"Is she still in pain?" I ask my mom knowing she knows the answer. Mom freezes as she turns her gaze to Reese meeting her eyes.

I watch as my mom's face hardens and her eyes become dry dilating. She lets out a small breath as her hand rests on Reese's cheek and her thumb draws circles.

I can see Reese close her eyes and a single tear slips down. My mom bobs her head sadly and my heart sinks to my stomach.

"King," my mom speaks with a little more authority this time and focusing her eyes on me now.

I nod before turning away.

Even though I know my body needs food, I can't think about eating so I head outside of the hospital for some fresh air while I wait for time to pass.

For the first time in a while, it rained in LA today. Luckily, it's not raining right now so I walk over the small puddles gathered on the sidewalks.

There's always a few media vans lurking around, more now since the news of Reese waking up has spread, but the security is tight in the area.

Since I'm always here, I've noticed that hospitals are busier than I had imagined. I just never knew how many people got sick or injured so severely that they had to come here.

There's a slight breeze in the air with a damp cool to it that's comforting in a weird way. I'm wearing grey sweats and a hoodie so I put my hands in my pockets as I walk. I look down at the reflections in the water as they're clearer in the night when there are so many lights on.

I see Reese's face through the water, her small round eyes full of pain begging to be let free.


"Watch where you're going," a man throws as he bumps into me walking by.

"Sorry," I mutter turning back, but the man rushes inside. Normally, I'd be pissed off but the last three and a half months have taught me a lot of patience and judging by his pace and where he was just headed, I think he's not really having a good day so I let it go.

When I turn around to keep walking, I see Grayson sitting on the bench outside. Dressed in a pair of black sweats and a hoodie, he has the hood on as his head leans back staring at the sky. His large body sprawled across freely over the bench, it seems like heavy thoughts are running through his mind.

I'm a little surprised to see him here since he hardly ever visits Reese. He claims he's busy all day in the office, but I know if he really wanted to see her that he would. I think he's just avoiding her. I could pinpoint a few reasons why he would do that, but none of them justify not seeing her.

He has so many responsibilities already, so I guess it becomes hard to manage one thing on top of the other. I can't even blame him if this is how he's choosing to cope.

I walk over there a little unsure about whether he'll like my company, but I take a seat next to him anyway. Just like his sister, he doesn't move or acknowledge my presence, but we both are aware of it.

"Do you think she'll come back to us?" Grayson questions with his heavy voice. I look at him from the side and his eyes are still glued to the sky. He hasn't shaved these past few weeks and has grown a decent beard. I've never seen him like this before, but he seems much older now.

I look up and see that the sky is full of dark grey clouds and twinkling stars are scattered around in a random pattern peaking through the clouds ever so often.

"I hope so," I reply.

"Have you told her yet, about Naz?"

"No," I clear my throat. I ended up telling Grayson about the deal Naz and I made. He never specified whether he was proud of it, but he did say that I had to what I had to do in the time of need. It ended up working for our benefit, so what could he really say.

"She's gonna blame herself for it."

"I know," I sigh feeling the heaviness of his words. There's too much going on for me to think about that right now. "Do you sit here every night?"

"Some nights, when I can't sleep."

"How are the boys hanging on?"

"Barely," he replies. "It's worse this time with her, we can all feel it. She might not make it back to us."

"Don't say that," it comes out as more of a whisper as I feel my heart sink for the second time tonight.

She has to come back.

I feel Grayson shift next to me as his hand lands on my back. I turn meeting his blue eyes and the air feels colder now. His hood shadows over his eyes making them seem much darker like the depths of the ocean floor.

"I know I'm her brother, but I say this as a friend to you, King. I know you love her, but you're young and about to start university. I'm not saying give up on her, but you need to know when to stop fighting for someone who won't fight for themselves," he says and it takes me a minute to process.

"I'm not gonna give up on her. I made her a promise to always be there for her. She might act like she doesn't need me or anyone, but she's just being stubborn. I'm not gonna give up on her when she needs us the most," I speak trying to be strong even though the emptiness in my chest lays heavy.

Grayson's eyes scan my face for hesitation, but he doesn't find any. I clear my throat and look at the hospital wiping my face.

I stand up looking down at Grayson, "I'm gonna go back up." He nods before leaning back lying in the same position on the bench as before. I turn and make my way inside, to her room.

"Ah-ug!" I hear Reese painfully groan. The sound of glass shattering makes me run the last little bit and I stand at the door as I watch Reese sobbing in my mother's arms.

My mom's back towards the door, Reese rests her head on my mom's chest as she sobs loudly. The painful cry sends me into a frenzy of similar distress as I imagine her pain.

My heart beats against my chest as my eyes sting daring to water again. I gulp dropping my head and take a quiet step back. It feels like I'm having a heart attack and it's difficult to breathe as I press my right hand where my heart is as I walk away.

Don't give up on me, I beg my heart.

I take a deep breath telling myself to calm down as I reach into my pocket and take out my keys. I run down to the parking lot starting my bike and rush home. When I arrive, I rip the helmet off feeling suffocated and head inside.

When I open the front door, I find my dad sitting at the dining table. I freeze because I haven't seen the man in what feels like forever.

"King?" his brows furrow as he looks up at me past the newspaper in his hand. Our eyes meet and my body starts shaking not being able to contain the number of emotions anymore.

Without a word, he gets up and his broad frame wraps his arms around me as I start crying.

"She's in so much pain," I cry with my head on his shoulder. His large hands massaging my back, it grounds me from sinking so far under my emotions that it's unbearable.

"I know, your mom just called," he speaks, his chest vibrating pressed to mine. He parts from the hug and rests a firm hand on my shoulder looking me straight in the eyes. "Do you love her?"

How can he even ask me that? Of course, I love her. Unable to speak, I nod my head.

"Then it's only gonna get harder before it gets better, King. I can't even begin to fathom what that young girl has been through, but if you are committed to her, to be there for her through everything, then you need to deal with your own emotions. You've been running around distracting yourself with anything that'll bend to your will. I've hardly even seen you. The twins have hardly seen you. You're either at the hospital concealing your emotions or at the gym beating up a bag that won't ever fight back.

Tell me have you even been breathing the last few months? Now that she's awake, you can't run. What's gonna happen if both of you keep running? Feel it, let it pass and be there for her because God knows even if she won't admit it, she needs you, my boy," he speaks tearing up. In the end, he pulls me into another hug and this time, I return it wrapping my arms around him.

"True love always comes back to you, no matter how much time passes. Your mom came back bringing three of the greatest blessings into my life. The wait was excruciating, but the rewards were worth it," he declares proudly. "You're my son. I raised you to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally, so show them who you are," he urges, speaking into my ear as I continue sniffing in his arms.

He's right.

I've been running away from my emotions the last few months. So much happened in such a short period of time that I couldn't pick and choose what to process so I chose to process nothing at all and kept my anger grounded by working out at the gym every day.

I used to nag Reese about how she would forget to eat, but I don't even know how I remember to keep breathing now that it feels like she's not here.

I thought that when she woke up, it'd all just go away, but it still lingers there. Everything sits there in the back of my mind piling up the longer she gives us all the silent treatment.

I don't wanna get angry at her or anyone else.

If I don't allow myself to feel what I feel, then I might as well become a living corpse. Some might think that we're already there, but at least we're still functioning.

Otherwise, we'd all be bedridden.

Who'd help us then?

But my dad has a point, I need to be there for Reese. She needs me and in order to be there for her, I have to be there for myself.

I have to feel my emotions before I become reckless.

One feeling at a time though.

Not everything at once.

I take a deep breath and try to release the stress that has built up to this moment and vow to myself to do better for her sake.


"Please, K-Kai-ro," I wake up to Reese's voice begging. "D-on't... I-I don't wa-nna d-ie," she continues. I sit up, on the pull out sofa that I was sleeping on and rub my eyes.

The lights are off, but the hallway light illuminates the room enough for me to see that Reese is still asleep but stuck, thrashing in stress from a nightmare.

I throw the blanket to the side and rush over to her gently trying to wake her up.

"Reese," my hand runs through her hair and I grab her hand hoping my touch wakes her.

"Please," she continues begging and tears escape her closed lids.

"Reese, wake up. It's a dream," I try to speak slowly and not panic. I shake her slightly hoping it helps. I haven't touched her in so long and I don't wanna hurt her. She seems so fragile, God. "Reese," I beg further as her whole body shakes. "Reese," I say with more prominence and her body finally stops shaking.

I watch as her chest inflates underneath the blanket and her eyes slowly peel open. Her familiar brown eyes coated with red, are glossy as more tears escape the corner of her eyes.

Her lips part as she breathes and it feels like time has stopped. Our proximity feels dangerous. I know I should move away before she pushes me away because it'll hurt less, so I gulp before moving away.

When I turn around, her hand grabs mine and I stop dead in my tracks. Her soft hand feels small inside of mine, but for the first time in a long time, her wilful touch electrifies my insides and my eyes close mentally consuming every ounce of the emotion.

When I open my eyes, I turn around cautiously meeting her eyes.

"Stay," her lips move to say ever so quietly. If the clock ticking in the room was any louder, I would have missed what she said.

I might just be hallucinating, but it feels too real to want it to end. I take a deep breath and nod as I take a step closer to her.

She shifts to the side, her face displaying the discomfort as her body works against her. Her back to me, I lift the blanket and gently lie down behind her. I wrap my arm around her waist as she presses her bareback to my front.

Our fingers intertwine and I watch as she closes her eyes drifting slowly into a peaceful sleep.

I remain awake too scared to fall asleep thinking that maybe if it is a dream, that I don't wanna wake up by falling asleep.

It's been a couple of days since my emotional breakdown. We got the news that charges had been officially laid and the court hearings will start as soon as Reese is able to attend the trial.

I have been subpoenaed to testify in court as well. I guess this news has her reliving the past, but I know she can get through this.

It might not mean much to anyone else, but this is the closest I've been to her in months. For a person whose love language is touch, it's hard to resist touching her.

Our bodies fit perfectly together like two pieces in a puzzle. Her lips connect to mine and it feels like I've been connected to someone in the past, someone I used to know who is standing in front of me as Reese Price today.

When I was able to touch her, to kiss her, after she and Sebastian broke up, the feeling I felt the first day I saw her, came back to me confirming that there's truth to it.

I don't have an explanation, but I love Reese and I knew it the moment I laid my eyes on her.

Her being with Sebastian was irritating, yes. I hated seeing her with him, but that didn't stop me from being friends with her. If she chose to be then I choose to be too.

The whole way, she pulled the strings.

If she said stop, I stopped.

If she said go, I went.

I'm her puppet and I wouldn't trust anyone other than her to pull my strings even if the way she's pulling them hurts me. Right now, it feels like she's stretching the string so thin that if she were to tug a little more, they'd snap.

Until then, I hold on.

Today, now that she allowed herself to feel comfortable in my arms again, the strings are a little less fragile. They're not as strained as they used to be because she's allowing herself to come closer to me.

Tomorrow, the strain might just be gone, but I wouldn't have known if I had given up on her.

I won't give up on her because I know she would never give up on me.

I'll keep dancing to her every pull until she tells me herself that she doesn't want me. That she wants me to give up and walk away, even then she has to mean it through her eyes but I don't think that'll ever be possible.

If she loves me the way I love her, then falling out of love is impossible.


It's August now, five months since everything happened.

Reese was released from the hospital earlier this week. A physiotherapist comes every morning to help her regain her strength.

Raven has been staying over with Jaxson for a few months now, taking care of everyone at home. Now that Reese is home, she said she'll stay for a bit longer especially because Reese is unable to do a lot of things by herself.

University is starting in a month and Naz has lost his patience meaning it's time for me to keep up my end of the deal. When I called Naz that night, I told him that if he helps me, that I'd fight in the ring again for as long as he wanted.

He agreed. I didn't think of it much at the time, but as time passed, I realized I've gotten myself caught in something I won't be able to get out of. After I told Grayson, he gave me the idea to add something to the deal.

I offered it to Naz and even though I thought he wouldn't take it, he did.

I told him that however long he wanted could be my whole life and it was kind of unfair so he could add an amount of money he wanted me to earn/pay him for my freedom.

I was really excited when he accepted, but that all ended when he said the amount he wanted out loud which was a hundred million dollars.

It'll take me years to earn that kind of money through fighting so I guess nothing really changed after the new proposition. I told Grayson that Naz declined the offer because I didn't want him to pay for me.

I got myself into this so I will suffer through the consequences myself.

He's forcing me to start tonight and I have no other choice. It just means that I won't be able to see Reese as long as I used to, but I don't know how to tell her the truth yet.

We haven't talked. She doesn't talk. Even though we slept together every night at the hospital (the staff hated us) and slept together all week she's been home, she hasn't said a word to me.

I'm practically living at their house and it's kind of awkward since the only person I talk to is Raven. The rest of the boys and I exchange a quick nod, but can't look at each other longer than that. We put up a front when we're around Reese and pretend that everything is okay, but it's not.

Nothing is okay without her.

I'm ready for the fight and I have to leave in a few minutes so I decide to inform Reese before I leave.

I knock on her door before entering. I find her in her bed watching Netflix on her laptop. She pauses the video as she watches me walk in.

Her lower half is covered by her blanket, but she's wearing a pink tank top which compliments her tan complexion. When my eyes notice her hard nipples, I immediately clear my throat and lookup.

Seeing her outside of the hospital gown is still new to me in the sense that she looks even more irresistible. It's not appropriate in the situation we're in, but at the end of the day, I'm still a man. It's been a while since the last time Reese and I have been sexual, but I know for her, I will wait forever if I have to.

I can't help my thoughts, but I do decide whether I wanna act on them or not, so I push the thoughts far away and focus on her face instead. Her hair is up in a messy bun with a few strands framing her face, her lashes curl upwards as her eyes watch me.

"I have to go out for a few hours, but I'll be back a little later in the night," I tell her standing at the end of the bed. She blinks processing my words. I think she tries to think about where I might be going but then stops unable to spend so much energy. Her lips stretch into a small smile and nods.

I smile back at her as my heart flutters.

I usually don't think much when I talk to her. I just blab on about whatever it is, but I usually always pause in between to see if she'll ever respond or say something back. She never does and makes me feel a little hollower each time, but her reaction today has uplifted my spirit.

She hasn't smiled at me in so long, I almost forgot what it felt like to see it.

When the sound of the laptop starts again, I break out of my thoughts and notice she has turned her attention back down unable to witness the excitement on my face.

I try to stop smiling, but fail as I run my hand through my hair. Not trying to ruin the moment, I take this as my sign and leave.

As I think about what I'm heading to do, the mood becomes denser. Ridge is waiting outside so he drives me to the ring. I ignore everyone around me when I get there and quickly get ready to fight to push the emotional thoughts away.

When I'm on stage, I hardly take in anything besides the whistle which begins and ends the fight that I won.

By the time I can see Reese again, it's nearly eleven. I received a few hits to my face so I'm hoping that Reese is asleep. I don't want her to see me like this.

When I knock on her door quietly, I open it as quietly as possible expecting her to be asleep.

When I find her sitting up still watching something on Netflix, I freeze.

Fuck, I don't want her seeing me like this. I look around nervously and decide to dim the lights in the room. I clear my throat and head inside closing the door behind me. I can feel her eyes on me as I keep my head down. Even though it's dim in here, I'm scared she'll notice.

"Why are you still awake?" I scold keeping my eyes away from hers. I take the laptop and close it shoving it under her bed. "Come on," I say adjusting her pillows and gently pushing her down to lay. Her eyes glued to my face, I can feel it heating up. "Mmh, I'm gonna go brush my teeth and change," I tell her walking away. I go to the dresser where I keep a few of my clothes and start digging through them.

"Shit," I gasp when I turn around to find Reese staring up at me with glossy eyes. I drop my arms to the side holding the clothes still in my grip. My lips part to speak, but when I see her hand reaching up, I'm unable to speak. Her small fingers sprawl on the left side of my face when my eyes close. Her thumb circles my cheek before tracing the border of my punctured lip.

I open my eyes and find my breath is taken away when I find Reese's innocent eyes full of hurt. Her bottom lip slides in under her top teeth as she bites it nervously. She seems lost in her thoughts as she turns to walk away.

I can see her limping as her bones ache, but she doesn't complain once or even ask for help as she climbs back into bed underneath the blanket.

My eyes tear up and I clench my jaw looking down at the clothes in my hand.

The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, but it feels like I'm failing.


I haven't properly seen Reese for a couple of weeks now. I fight almost every other day because Naz is insisting I fight as much as I can before I get too busy with university.

As much as I try to prevent it, the fights leave me with new bruises and cuts every time. I avoid seeing her during the day because I don't want her to see me and get hurt.

I sneak in late at night hoping that she'll be asleep, but I know she's still awake then because she has a hard time falling asleep on her own. The lights are usually dimmed and she acts like she's asleep for both for our sake, I guess and she doesn't say anything.

I sneak out before she wakes up too.

Reese has been talking more with the girls now and it's comforting to hear that, but also a little sad because she doesn't her brother or me the same luxury.

But we're still happy to live through the excitement with the girls hoping that one day we'll get to experience it first hand.

Maybe today will be my day because Raven called me saying that Reese was asking about me. She never asks about me so I'm a little nervous walking into the room tonight.

It's one am and I reluctantly knock on the door before opening it. I purposely waited to get home so that the chances of her being asleep would be higher. Unlike other nights, the lights are on in the room and I find Reese sitting on the sofa reading a book.

Raven told me Reese had picked up a new hobby, but I didn't believe her up until now. Besides her dyslexia playing a part, I never thought Reese would be much of a reader; though, if it brings her peace amongst the chaos, then so shall be it.

"Hi," I speak rubbing my hands together nervously. She has a blanket over her lower half, but I can tell she's wearing a baggy black t-shirt.

Her eyes shift up from the book as she closes it.  I bet she can see the bruises on my face so I avoid looking directly at her.

"Did you start fighting again?" the words leave her mouth as if she had been rehearsing them all day.

I freeze at the sound of her voice. Am I hallucinating? I look around wondering if any of this is real and that I actually heard her voice again.

"King," she says with her sweet harmonious voice. The sound enters my ears and takes my breath away as I look back at her in complete shock. "Did you start fighting again?"

"Reese, I–" I go to start, but she cuts me off.

"Please don't lie to me. What happened?" she questions lowly. Her legs extend, hanging down as she puts the book down next to her and straightens her back to look at me.

I clear my throat and take a seat next to her. It takes me a minute to articulate the words, but end up starting without a real draft in mind.

"I called Naz to help find you because I knew he has a lot of people in the area and they know the area well. He said he'd help if I agreed to fight for him again and I took the offer. Some of his men found you and brought you to the hospital. They were also the ones who shot Kairo. Since he held up his end of the deal, I have to keep my end," I explain looking at her. She had turned her face looking down at the ground as her toes hold up most of her legs' weight.

"How long?" she questions not being able to look at me. Leaning forward, her head is down as her hands grab the edges of the sofa turning her knuckles white.

"As long as he wants," I tell her absentmindedly. If the words register, then I know it'll hurt me more. I rip my eyes away from her unable to look at the pain on her face.

"We should go to sleep," she sniffs wiping her tears away. She stands and I immediately stand with her framing her body from behind for support with my hand on her waist. My other hand holds her hand giving her something to put her weight on.

"I wanna ask you something," I speak after a few seconds of silence. Her brown eyes look at me curiously. She walks out of my hold and turns around to look at me without having to turn her neck. "Will you dance with me?" I ask.

Her eyes widen ever so slightly before her eyebrows shift a little closer creating a crease.

She thinks and I let her. It takes her about a minute before she nods and I smile graciously. I pull out my phone and connect it to the bluetooth speaker in her room and play Stay by Rihanna featuring Mikky Ekko.

I set my phone down on the table and wipe my sweaty hands on my sweats before turning around.

"Are you tired?" I ask concerned. She shakes her head no. I take a step closer and hold my hands out for her to take.

Time seems to slow and I watch her hands rise. Even though I knew her hands, her touch was coming it feels like I'm blown to another universe when it does.

My fingers wrap around her small hands and I bring one hand up to rest it on my shoulder while mine wraps around resting on the small of her back. I pull us closer and our fronts press together.

My body heats up and I gulp.

I look down into her chocolate eyes and we start moving, swaying to the music.

Our stare is intense, I can feel the heat spewing between us, the tension rising.

Our past and present flash around us as the future lingers above.

I want her to stay.

I know she wants me to stay too.

But every time we dare take a step forward, it feels like we take ten back.

I can't do this without her and I hope that she doesn't give up because I can't do this alone.

I hope that her reasons for holding on are stronger than her reasons for letting go.

I know any other man who claimed to love her, deceived her trust and it's hard not to think that I might do the same one day, but I promised her that I'd prove it to her every day that I'm gonna be there for her no matter what.

Being here every step of the way, alongside her no matter how much it hurts, is me living up to my word.

I'm here for however long she lets me be because I know I can't imagine a life without her.

Call me selfish, but I only got through the last five months knowing that there was still hope. That as long as her body was here, that her soul would find a way back to it.

I don't know how it feels to lose someone I love and I don't want to start now either, because the inexplicable feeling of almost losing her is something I'll never word out loud.

The whole experience opened my eyes to how much the Price family truly has suffered. With the media in their face and everything they've been through with losing their parents, they've held it together much better than I know I could have if I were in their place.

I'm happy that we didn't lose Reese.

Even though she isn't who she used to be and probably never will be again, she'll learn to slowly open up and find pleasure in the smaller things in life.

I just hope she has the strength and patience to let herself go through it.

Her eyes stare up at me and her lips part as she starts breathing heavier. I slow down coming to a complete stop.

Our breaths mingle and I watch as her eyes glisten with what seems like a longing for something in her reach, but untouchable.

My heart skins as I process what she's doing.

Her eyes turn red as they become wet.

She stands on her tippy toes and I watch as her eyes close to kiss me. Naturally, I close my eyes and feel her soft lips on mine.

With her sweet taste on my lips, I feel her breath fan my face as her tears mix with mine. My body feels awake, living more in these few seconds than it has in the last five months.

It's a long kiss, for as long as we can hold our breaths because, for her, this might be goodbye.

She parts first taking a step back and letting my hands go. I open my eyes and desperately look at her begging for her to come back.

Tears stream down her face and she breathes heavily trying to calm down. She wipes her tears and sniffs as her lips thin out flashing me a small apologetic smile before turning around and walking to bed.

I turn around and head to the bathroom. I lean over the counter as my eyes blurring with tears. I grab the edge of the counter as hard as I can until my arms start shaking and I feel my anger slowly subsiding.

I'm grateful for the few words we exchanged, but it has taken us about fifty steps back.

The way she changed the subject and refused to fathom that I just signed my whole life away to someone else, showed me that I've managed to hurt her again.

I asked her for that dance knowing that after what I just told her that it's going to take even longer to adjust now. I wanted something to remember and hold on to so my hope doesn't wither away.

I'm hoping it gave her something to hold on to too.

A reason to stay.

This was inevitable. I knew it was coming because I knew I would have to tell her eventually so it's okay.

We'll get through this.

We have to.

That's what love is and I know she hates this right now. I know that she's gonna crawl back into hiding for a little longer, but I will wait forever if I have to.

I turn the tap on to wash my face and quickly do my night time routine and then change into a pair of fresh boxers for the night.

When I come out, I find Reese peacefully asleep. She wakes up at night sometimes, unable to breathe and forgetting where she is, but then I hold her as she weeps. Even though she wakes, the pain lingers and it takes her a while to fall back asleep.

She looks most at peace when she's sleeping.

There's no fear in her eyes, no stiffness in her body and no thought in her head that keeps her from being present.

She's at peace and it's a sight I cherish.

I gently brush her hair out of her face and lean down kissing her temple. I stay close to her for a minute waiting to see if she reacts, but she doesn't so I get up and walk to the other side of the bed climbing in.

I pull her in close to me and shut my eyes as I hear her heartbeat.

My ears are waiting patiently to hear the sound of her laughter again, but until that happens, I'm finding peace in the small gestures: her presence, her eyes and her words.

Reese Price will come back to us.


This chapter is SOOO long, I know! A lot of time jumps too, so a lot to keep up with, but hopefully, you guys liked it.

If there are any mistakes please point them out, I was editing for so long but I probably missed a few things!

There is one more chapter (maybe two, really depends!) after this which I will publish probably in a few days and then that is it, this book will be over!

Happy inauguration day, hopefully, everyone is safe, happy and healthy!

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