Never Apart (Always With Him...

By mrsnicky_

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I'm Carter Lynette, me and my boyfriend Malachai Parker decided to take a break from all of our Mystic Falls... More

Always Back Here
Party Time
Foul Play
Back Again
Lost Life
All of My Life
Another Life

Trick or Treat

301 9 5
By mrsnicky_

As I stood there making eye contact with my crazy fiance Damon was trying to feed Elena his blood even though it wouldnt work because vampire effects dont happen because of the cure. Ric was holding Jo in his arms I I couldn't hear her heart anymore, Malachai just killed her, she was pregnant too. Maybe this was his plan, even before me and him got into a fight. Stefan and Caroline stood up beside me, then Damon started yelling.

"Stefan! She wont wake up." He called over to us.

"She wont wake up I dont understand." He mumbled.

"Just take her to the hospital, now." Stefan said walking up to him. Damon nodded and ran off with her, I stayed behind them.

"She human what if she doesnt-" Caroline was cut off from Malachai snapping their necks. I walked up behind him and he turned around.

"Hey Car."


I longed for that name to be spoken again to me for so long.

"Was this your plan, the whole time?" I asked pointing around.

"Not before you left me. Before that night I was actually thinking about escaping all of this then coming back for the wedding. Then you showed me your true colors- the person I supposedly changed you into. So now I'm showing you mine first hand, all if the things you've never seen before is right here, Car. You can either take it, or you can leave it." He said as he took off his ring, he held it out to me and I took it, I put it back in his finger and before I could respond the Gemini coven started chanting.

"Let me guess. Prison world? I mean you cant kill me, otherwise you all die to." He said looking at them, he took a few steps over to Ric who was sobbing over his now dead wife.

"Sorry about the twinsies. I just dont feel like competing for the leadership of the future Gemini twins. You see..." He said leaning down to Ric.

"When your family decides that your nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash well... Guess the best thing to do is prove them right, right?" He said with another giggle, it made me smile but I rolled my eyes. He wasn't an irredeemable piece of trash, and I hated myself for making him think he was. The chanting stopped and whatever spell they did was done, theh obviously weren't locking him away so he did the obvious. He killed them. He spoke a spell I didnt quite understand and all of the Gemini dropped like flies, dead. He walked up to me and hugged me, he pulled me into his arms and buried his face into my shoulder. I didnt hesitate to wrap my arms around him and hug him back. He pulled away when we heard a phone ring.

"That yours?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I broke mine this morning when I thought you finally decided to call me but it was just Damon. You hadn't answered me and I got mad, so if you weren't going to call me, who cares who called me?" I said with a growing smile on my face. I leaned up to kiss him but he pulled back. My height couldn't reach his face even in heels.

"You can't say all of these poetic things about us and just expect me to kiss you and make it all ok." He said mimicking me from the other night.

"Oh yes I can. Now kiss me Malachai." I said as my head was still leaned up waiting for him to kiss me. He smiled and I smiled back, he leaned down to kiss me and I nearly melted onto the floor from the feeling of his lips on mine. Then I heard a snap and he fell to the ground. Behind him stood Caroline and Stefan.

"Look, I get your like in love with him or something but we need to go. Something is wrong with Elena. You can do whatever you please after that but we need to go help Damon and Elena." Caroline said, she was a lot more relaxed then I thought shed be. She was probably still shocked over everything that just happened. I nodded and they sped to the hospital, before I followed I knelt down and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." I whispered then ran off. When we got there I ran to Damon.

"What's wrong with her? What happened! Is she ok?" I asked frantically, even if we had been bickering 5 hours ago, she meant something to everyone around me, so she meant something to me.

"The doctors dont know. They said that theirs nothing physically wrong with her!" He said as he slammed his hand against the wall, I slightly jumped and walked in the room. I stood before her and looked at her. She looked peaceful. Like she had no idea what was happening to the world around her. Like she had no idea it was burning underneath our feet because I feel in love with a crazy man. Damon walked in behind me while Stefan and Caroline watched through the viewing window.

"What are you thinking." He said resting his hand on my shoulder, as much as I wanted to shove his hand off if me I left him keep it there.

"When Malachai did the spell when everyone dropped, my body never really took it. It didnt hurt me, it was like my body was feeding off the magic that had exploded inside of the room. So maybe if I try really hard to siphon, maybe I can take off the spell that is on her."

"But your not a siphon."

"I know, but they might be. I've never reacted to magic like that before, maybe I did this time because they are here, maybe they fed off of it. So if I grab her hand and focus, maybe I can take the spell of of her." I said as I hovered my hand over her wrist. He nodded and left the room, I put my hand on her arm and tried to take the spell off, but instead of taking the magic away I invited her into my mind.

We were in the Salvatores living room, where we all used to hand out and spend our time as friends. Elena sat on the couch across from me.

"What's wrong, Carter? What is happening?"

"I'm not sure yet... I know that there is a spell over you right now, I dont know what it is or how to fix it... but I have a feeling you'll be like this for a while." I said looking at her. Her mouth slightly opened and her eyes looked glassy, she nodded and leaned back.

"I tried to siphon the spell off, well I tried to have the littles siphon the spell off. But instead I let you explore my mind."

"Is this goodbye?" She asked. I slowly drew my eyes up to hers.

"I hope not. I dont know. I have a feeling this is the last time I'll see you until you wake though. And I know that we weren't amazing friends like I am with the others. But when we weren't bitchy to each other, we were pretty good friends. And I'm not gonna lie Gilbert. Itll be hell without you, this morning when I said I'd kill you- I was just being defensive. I guess I didnt think you'd actually die today." I said with a chuckle that made me cry.

"You wlnt erase me from them, will you?"

"Never. I couldn't be able to grieve you alone." I said standing up, she stood up too and I hugged her.

"When we figure out more I'll instruct the others to see you, for a final goodbye. And unless you really want to see me that bad again, I'll see you when you wake, Gilbert. We will all miss you like hell." I said over her shoulder, she nodded.

"Live good, Carter." She said and I blinked out of it. When I woke she was still asleep on the hospital bed, tears fell from my eyes and landed on the white hospital bedding sheets. I turned around to face the three of the who stood outside the room, I shook my head and Damon came in.

"What happened?"

"It wont work." I stuttered as I hugged him. He let go after a few minutes and I sat down in a chair in the hall. I heard Damon in the phone until his voice soon drown out of my head and I fell asleep.


"What do you mean Bonnie." I yelled.

"I mean shes not waking up! Not until we find a spell to undo what he did, or if I die. We know hes not going to reverse it!" She said over the phone. I started to clench my phone so hard I heard the screen crack.

"Look. I'm going to the venue. I'll talk to you later." She hung up. I walked out and looked over to see Carter asleep in a hospital chair. As much as I wanted her to be awake right now I knee she needed her sleep, so I left to go see what Bonnie was doing.

When I got there Bonnie was hurting Kai with a spell. He fell to the floor laughing and he rolled over on his back pointing at her. He was holding his shoulder then sat up, he quickly got to his feet and slammed her up against the wall. When she fell she was fighting for her air.


"Bonnie..." I ran over to her, she was trying to talk to me but I couldn't make out what she was trying to say.

"Translation, she's about to croak. You don't have to help her, you could just walk away. She dies of a claps lung, no blood on your hands. You and Elena get to live the life you've always dreamed of. Either way you better act quick." I looked up at Kai and nodded. I stood up and left her there.

"That's it? He just left you. The whole point was that this would torture him for a while. I mean come on you'd think he'd at least flip a coin. Heads he picks you tales he picks-" I cut him off by snapping his neck then ran to Bonnie.

"You thought I was going to leave you all alone? Huh?" I asked her biting my wrist.

"Come on, I havent ran out of nick names for you yet." I fed her my blood then picked her up. We got to the hospital and she was perfectly fine now. I set her down and she hugged me.

"Why didn't you kill him." She asked me sternly.

"Because Carter doesn't deserve that pain. She doesnt deserve what I'm about to go through." I said as I rested my chin on her head, then she pulled away.

"So we cant even put him back in a prison world?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No. You wont touch him. No one will."

"Even after everything hes done?" She asked, I set my hands on her arms.

"Look Bonnie. There is no one in the world who can hate him more then I hate hime right now because of what hes done to Elena! But I know we cant hurt him, because of Carter. If she weren't in the picture then his heart would be long gone-"

"But he quite literally sets fire to the world around us!"

"Yes but has he let a spark ever touch her?! Yes they've broken up, yes they yell and scream at each other- but they always get back together! Even when they are mad at each other, and he goes crazy, he never hurts her! He can set the whole universe on fire and still wouldnt let her breath in the smoke. That is why we cant take him away from her. So no Bonnie, as much as I want to kill him right now we cant. For Carter." I said practically screaming at her, I felt bad but it was necessary. I walked back to the room and compelled the doctors to erase her medical history from tonight. I walked up to Carter before I entered the room Elena was in. I kneeled down and lightly shook her arm, and she woke.


I woke up to the sight of Damon down on the floor in front of me.

"Hey..." He spoke quietly.

"We are taking Elena home. I wanted you to know what we found out, but I wont tell you here. I want you to go back to the wedding and get Kai. I want you to tell him to fix his act- compel him for all I care."

"I'm not compelling him." I said interrupting him, he nodded and kept talking.

"He is staying. He isnt going anywhere for as long as he stays with you. Keep him away from everyone for a while though, we all want Elena back. I'll go more into detail later which is when we will finish this. Just please go find your crazy husband before he kills anyone else."

I got up and nodded, I ran to him and when I got there he just stood up. When he saw me he smiled and so did I, I ran up to him and wrapped my legs around him and kissed him. He held me and my arms were around his neck. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Your not mad?" He asked.

"No, I'm pissed at you. Doing something to someone I care about, killing your sister and the other set of twins. But for some reason every part of my body is ignoring the fact that you just killed so many people, and is instead extremely happy that your back. That we are back. That I'm back in you arms, in your reach. All I want to do is forget everything I said the other week and just be with you."

"I'm perfectly fine with that. You've been the one making all the decisions and you'll be making the decision until we go back to hell, together."

"Well... I'll probably still be making the decision then. Who knows, maybe he'll like me better this time. I already know he loves you." I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah?" He asked as he leaned in for a kiss, I met him half way.

"Now, let's get cleaned up."

We ran to a store in town, changed, then went to the Salvatores. I told him to stay inside but he didnt listen, but he thankfully stayed by the door. I saw a coffin in the corner, Bonnie was holding Elena's hand and Carolime just walked away. I walked up to Damon and he turned towards me.

"What happened?"

"Well... Mr. Crazy pants standing in the corner linked Elena and Bonnie's lives together. As long as Bonnie as alive, Elena stays asleep." Damon said, I spun back on my heels and looked at Malachai. He had his hands shoved in he pockets and he shrugged, I rolled my eyes with a huge smile on my face but wiped it before I turned towards Damon.

"Is there a loop hole?" I asked.

"Do you think I could try to siphon it off again?"

"After the goodbyes. Dont give them false hope." I nodded then looked around the room.

"Damon... why are you so calm about this?" I asked and he hesitated.

"Thats a story for another time." He said right as Bonnie let go and ran into Caroline's arms.

"Now, Cartie." I walked up to Elena and took her hand, trying my best to focus on not letting her in and taking the spell off of her. I felt something, like additional power. Then everything went black.

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