𝐓𝐇𝐄 ππ‘πŽπ“π„π‚π“πŽπ‘ | S...

By bellasweetwriting

97K 2.2K 1.2K

πšœπš‘πšŽ 𝚠𝚊𝚜 πš˜πš—πšŒπšŽ πš‘πšžπš—πšπš’πš—πš πšπš‘πšŽπš– πš—πš˜πš  πšœπš‘πšŽ'𝚜 πš™πš›πš˜πšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πš—πš πšπš‘πšŽπš– Amelia Sealgair... More

[ part one ]
[ o n e ]
[ t w o ]
[ t h r e e ]
[ f o u r ]
[ f i v e ]
[ s i x ]
[ s e v e n ]
[ e i g h t ]
[ n i n e ]
[ t e n ]
[ e l e v e n ]
[ t w e l v e ]
[ t h i r t e e n ]
[ f o u r t e e n ]
[ f i f t e e n ]
[ s i x t e e n ]
[ s e v e n t e e n ]
[ e i g h t e e n ]
[ n i n e t e e n ]
[ t w e n t y ]
[ t w e n t y o n e ]
[ t w e n t y t w o ]
[ t w e n t y t h r e e ]
[ t w e n t y f o u r ]
[ t w e n t y f i v e ]
[ part two ]
[ t w e n t y s i x ]
[ t w e n t y s e v e n ]
[ t w e n t y e i g h t ]
[ t w e n t y n i n e ]
[ t h i r t y ]
[ t h i r t y o n e ]
[ t h i r t y t w o ]
[ t h i r t y t h r e e ]
[ t h i r t y f o u r ]
[ t h i r t y f i v e ]
[ t h i r t y s i x ]
[ t h i r t y s e v e n ]
[ t h i r t y e i g h t ]
[ t h i r t y n i n e ]
[ f o r t y ]
[ f o r t y o n e ]
[ f o r t y t w o ]
[ f o r t y t h r e e ]
[ f o r t y f i v e ]

[ f o r t y f o u r ]

1.6K 39 20
By bellasweetwriting

f o r t y  f o u r
a l l i s o n a r g e n t

"ANYONE WANT APPLE JUICE?" Asked Amelia to McCall and Isaac, but neither replied. "Tough crowd."

Scott's dad was holding one of Amelia's arrows, and she clearly had warned him not to hold that one in particularly since that one had a green stripe.

But Isaac stopped her from insisting.

Scott and Stiles arrived with Meredith at the house, and they were surprised to see Isaac, Amelia and McCall there, waiting for them.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked at his dad while Amelia and Isaac looked at their feet.

"I could ask you the same thing," shot back McCall to them.

"Free period," said Stiles quickly. "We're doing group study."

McCall looked towards Meredith. "Who's she?"

Stiles looked towards Amelia before clearing his throat. "Amelia and I broke up and... this is my new girlfriend," he lied as he put his arm around Meredith, smiling.

Isaac looked towards Amelia and she simply shrugged.

"You're not my type," Meredith told Stiles, making Amelia almost burst out laughing.

"Well, obviously we have a lot to talk about," whispered Stiles as Amelia placed a hand over her mouth, her face turning red as she was trying not to let out a single giggle. "We should maybe take this upstairs."

Meredith glanced towards Isaac. "He's my type."

Amelia opened her mouth before looking at Isaac, who was just as surprised as she was.

"Okay. Isaac, you can come too," mumbled Stiles, making Amelia blink several times.

Isaac slowly stood up from the table, following Meredith and Stiles upstairs while Amelia looked towards Scott and his dad, nervously.

"Uhm..." she said. "I should go upstairs too." Amelia was about to grab her arrow, but he didn't let her, making her sigh. "You know what? Keep it... just... don't let the tip get in your blood."

Scott opened his eyes widely as Amelia walked away backwards.

"You're doing great," she mouthed, giving him a thumbs up before running quickly upstairs.

She met them in Scott's room as Isaac and Stiles were staring at Meredith.

"You came too?" Isaac asked her and she nodded. "This just got a lot weirder..."

Stiles glanced at him seriously before looking towards Meredith again.

"Lydia?" Asked Meredith, making the three react quickly and look at her. "You mean the red-haired girl."

"Yes!" Exclaimed Stiles. "Yes! Good. Progress. Now, all you got to do is tell us where she and Lizzie are."

"Okay," said Meredith and Amelia raised her eyebrows.

"Okay," repeated Stiles.

They both looked at each other a few seconds before Meredith talked again.

"If she tells me."

Amelia stammered confused, but Isaac asked for her. "If she tells you?" He looked towards Amelia before looking back at Meredith. "Can you ask her?"

Meredith smiled a bit. "I already did."

"Perfect!" Exclaimed Amelia. "What did she say?"

"She said... she doesn't want to be found. And that... Lizzie? Doesn't want you to find her."

Amelia exhaled before covering her face with her hands, muffling her scream before looking up again, Stiles and Isaac staring at her.

Amelia looked directly into the woman's eyes, so hard that it felt like she was throwing lasers from them.

"Where... is my... sister... you freaking—"

"Okay!" Yelled Stiles as Isaac lifted Amelia up, getting her away from Meredith. "That went well..."

• • •

"I'm just saying—"

"Amelia, we're not going to torture her," interrupted her Stiles in a whisper.

The three were in the bathroom, discussing what they were gonna do with Amelia.

"I agree with that plan," mumbled Isaac and Amelia and him high-fived before looking at Stiles, who was staring at the two with a 'I can't believe who I'm talking to' expression on his face.

"Well, what about just scare her?" Offered Isaac and Amelia nodded.

"We're not going to psychologically torture her either!" He exclaimed towards the two, and Amelia and Isaac looked like scolded dogs.

"Fine," the two muttered, looking at her again.

"Okay, how about this?" Started Isaac. "You said she hears things, right?" Stiles nodded. "Doesn't mean she's like Lydia? A Banshee?"

The three approached the woman. Stiles kneeling in front of her while Isaac and Amelia stood behind the guy, staring at the girl.

"Okay, just try to focus on the sounds around you," told her Stiles and the woman nodded. "On what you hear. Just focus on the silence.

"Listen to the silence," said Isaac and Amelia looked at him.

"Listen to the silence?" She mouthed.

"Focusing on the silence," kept saying Stiles.

"Listening to the..."

"Okay, will you just please let me handle this, Isaac," snapped Stiles at him. "Please? I just... I have more experience with Banshees."

Amelia scoffed. "Yeah. And mental patients," she whispered, making Stiles turn around to look at her.

"Would you let that go?"

"Never," she told, seriously.

"Let what go?" Questioned Isaac and Stiles pointed his finger towards Amelia, stopping her.

"Do not tell him."

"Isn't anyone going to get that?" Asked Meredith and the three looked at her.

She did not like that woman.

Amelia leaned towards her. "Get what?"

"The phone," she replied like it was obvious.

"What phone?" Questioned Stiles and Isaac pointed to the phone in Stiles's jacket.

"The phone," Isaac told him like he knew what the hell Meredith was talking about.

Stiles raised his eyebrows before nodding. "Oh! The phone. My phone? Yes..." He put his phone next to his ear. "Hello?"

Amelia and Isaac looked at each other before looking at Stiles.

"Yes!" He exclaimed and Amelia smirked at Meredith. "She's actually sitting right here." He pulled the phone away from his ear, giving it to her. "It's for you."

The three looked at Meredith as she was listening to whatever the hell was on the other side of the phone that didn't even ring in the first place.

This was stressing her.

Meredith gave Stiles his phone back. "They say Coup de foudre."

Stiles mumbled. "Coup the what? What is that? Spanish?"

"French," Amelia corrected. "It's French... it means uhm... love at first sight..."

Isaac raised his eyebrows. "You know French?" She nodded. "Why did you never speak French when we were—"

"Okay," interrupted him Stiles. "Love at first sight, what does that mean?"

"I know what it means," interrupted Scott, standing on the doorstep.

• • •

They were in Stiles's jeep.

Apparently, Scott knew where Lydia and Lizzie where due to the story Kira's mom had told him, and now there were on their way to an ex military camp called Oak Creek, for whatever reason Scott missed to explain.

Isaac and her were on the backseat while Scott and Stiles were on the front, Stiles driving.

Amelia exhaled before she felt Isaac lean in towards her.

"What did he do to you?" He whispered and Amelia look towards his before looking at Scott.

She didn't want Scott to know.

She trusted Isaac, and maybe talking about it with someone, would be better than keep the pain inside of her.

Amelia grabbed a pen from her jacket pocket and wrote it down in Isaac's hand.

He slept with someone else.

Isaac read it and nodded softly before closing his fist, looking at the window.

Amelia looked over to Stiles. He looked terrible.

"Hey, you okay?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Yeah," he replied. "Yeah, you don't have to worry about me."

"Alright, I'll say it," talked Isaac before looking at Stiles. "You look like you're dying." Scott turned around abruptly. "You're pale, thin and you look like you're getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it." Amelia rolled her eyes. "When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better?"

Amelia looked at Stiles. "What happens if he gets hurt?"

"You mean if he dies, do I die, Ames?" He asked her and she nodded softly. "I don't care... just so long as no one else dies because of me."

Amelia glanced at him. "I care..." she whispered to herself before laying her back on the seat.

"I remember everything I did, guys," Stiles continued as Amelia bit her nails. "I remember chocking Amelia until she almost stopped breathing. I remember pushing that sword into you. I remember twisting it."

"It wasn't you," told him Scott.

"Yeah, but I remember it," argued Stiles. "And you guys gotta promise me. You can't let anyone else get hurt because of me." Isaac looked at Amelia as she stared at her feet.

She didn't know if she could keep that promise.

• • •

They got out of the Jeep and met with Kira and Allison at the entrance.

And for Amelia's surprise, also Dahlia.

"What are you doing here?" Amelia asked her cousin and she simply smiled, placing her arm on top of Amelia's shoulders.

"Well, that stupid fox sedated me and almost let a lunatic drill a hole in my head, so I'm just..." She showed them her sword, making Amelia chuckle. "Gonna get some payback."

They all looked at the door of Oak Creek, and Scott let out a sigh before looking at his pack.

"We've done this before, guys," he mentioned. "A couple weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember?"

Amelia looked towards Stiles before looking at Scott, nodding.

"That was a total stranger," Scott continued. "This is Lydia and Lizzie..."

Allison spoke. "I'm here to save my best friend."

"I came to save mine," mentioned Scott looking at Stiles.

"And we're here to save family," talked Dahlia before looking at Amelia. "You don't turn away on family."

Amelia smiled before looking at Scott. "Family... Lizzie and Lydia."

Scott chuckled a bit, and Allison did the same.

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework," joked Isaac next to Amelia and she rolled her eyes before chuckling.

The group entered the abandoned camp, ready to fight.

They arrived and saw Kira's mom, surrounded by the oni. They were here to kill Stiles, huh?

Amelia tensed the string of her bow while Dahlia put out her sword.

"Kira," her mom called her, "turn around and go home." Amelia aimed towards the woman, and so did Allison. "Take your friends with you."

They saw as Kira talked to her mother when Amelia felt Allison approaching her, standing right next to her.

"Thanks for training me," Allison told her, making Amelia frown. "You're the best teacher I've ever had," she whispered, making Amelia smile. "Oh and... use fear as your fuel... not your guide."

Amelia scoffed. "That sounds wise... who taught you that?" The two girls laughed before aiming their arrows towards the woman. "Call them off," Amelia demanded.

"You think you could take him alive?" Questioned Noshiko. "You think you could save him?"

"What if we can?" Argued Kira.

"I tried something like it 70 years ago," the woman said. "Your friend is gone."

"Are you sure?" Asked her Kira. "Or if Stiles doesn't have to die. Maybe Rhys didn't have to die?"

Dahlia leaned in towards Amelia. "Who's Rhys?"

"Ex boyfriend," she replied. "Same situation."

"I understand half of the actual situation, don't expect more," Dahlia snapped at her in a whisper before they kept pointing their weapons towards them.

Noshiko smirked. "I see I'm no longer the Fox now, Kira. You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury.

They saw as the oni disappear, making Dahlia put down her sword.

"Not fair!" The girl exclaimed. "They can just do that? Why does nobody catch me up with things that are happening?"

They saw as Noshiko stared at her fist before opening it, showing them a firefly turning into a cloud of dark smoke.

"Mom?" Kira called her.

"What is that?" Asked Isaac as Amelia tensed the string. "What does that mean?"

The sudden voice of Stiles made everyone turn around.

"It means there's been a change in ownership."

Amelia aimed her bow towards the clone of Stiles, Void, as he was standing there, with the oni right behind him.

"Now they belong to me."


• • •

Amelia was only shooting arrows while Dahlia was standing behind her, fighting them sword-to-sword.

"There's too many!" Yelled Dahlia as they kept fighting. "And that chick is taking like three in her own!"

Amelia turned around to see Kira fighting with two oni with her katana before she looked back, tossing an arrow towards the one that was attacking Isaac, but this one cut it in half with his sword.

"Ah crap," whispered the girl before jumping in front of Isaac, placing her bow like a shield so the sword would hit it before hitting him with it, turning around to look at the werewolf. "Protector things."

Amelia jumped on top of one of the abandoned cars before shooting another arrow, but nothing was working.

"How do we stop them!?" Asked Amelia to Noshiko.

"You can't!"

"How positive of you!" Yelled Dahlia, grunting as she kept fighting.

She saw as one of them slashed his sword across Isaac's chest and Amelia yelled before jumping from the car to the ground, whistling to the oni.

"If you want to mess with the creature, finish the protector first!" She shouted before starting to fight him.

But they tossed her to the car, leaving two against Isaac.

They started slashing him, again and again, making the werewolf fall onto his knees on the ground.

"No!" She shouted as she saw one of them lift his sword, ready to cut off his head, when an arrow stabbed him on the chest.

Amelia slowly turned around to look at Allison, panting before looking at the oni.

This one dropped his weapon and started to glow with a green light before exploding in a black cloud, making Amelia chuckle.

"Ally you—"

But she saw it.

The oni stabbing Allison on the chest with his sword before removing it quickly, making the girl start panting as blood started coming out of his mouth.

Amelia fell down next to Isaac, tossing her bow away as she saw Allison slowly fall into Scott's arms, and the oni disappearing in dark clouds.

"No..." she heard Isaac whisper next to her.

She started crying without even thinking about it. Tears just started leaving her eyes as she saw her panting in Scott's arms.

She just tossed her arrows to the floor as she kept crying.

"What's this?" Asked Allison and the girl simply stepped on her tippy toes before giving it to her. "For me?"

"It's an 'I'm sorry for behaving like a total psycho the other day and your friendship means a lot to me to let my fight-or-flight reaction destroy it' charm bracelet," explained the girl, making Allison chuckle.

She opened slowly the box and gasped when she saw the present. It was indeed a charms bracelet, with charms like an A, a flag of France, a little bow and arrow and a star.

"It's beautiful! I love it!" She exclaimed. "You are... almost forgiven."

"I assumed that," she admitted in a whisper. "I'm really sorry, Allison. I did what I thought would be best and it was my fault for listening to the crazy ramblings of Scott in a moment of pressure."

Allison looked at her before smiling. "You only needed to give me a hug to gain my forgiveness but I liked that too."

"Allison..." she mumbled softly as she felt arms wrapping her.

Isaac and Dahlia.

"Hi, I'm Amelia Sealgair," she introduced herself, making Allison smile even more.

"I'm Allison."

She heard Isaac crying next to her and Dahlia holding both as the three kept staring at Allison.

"It's cool to have another spontaneous girl in Beacon Hills. Too bad your dad doesn't like me." Amelia told Allison.

"What made you get that idea?" Amelia scoffed.

"He looks at me like I'm a troublemaker. He flinches every time he sees me like he fears me, like he's scared you'll become just like me." Amelia smiled. "Little does he know you are just like me."

"You think we are similar?" Asked the girl hopeful.

"Yeah, I do... maybe it's because we both do archery."

"You have to tell my dad..." Allison panted. "You have to tell Amelia..."

They saw as Allison's hand fell on the ground after she gasped for air. Amelia looked towards Isaac as she tossed herself at him, hugging him tightly as she kept crying. Isaac caressed her hair while Dahlia hold on to them.

"Amy?" She heard Lizzie called her.

Amelia looked at her from Isaac's shoulder, noticing her red hair running in slow motion towards her before stopping, looking at Scott and Allison before gasping.

"Lizzie?" She called her softly and Isaac turned around. "Lizzie..."

Isaac helped Amelia stand up and so did Dahlia. The girl ran towards her sister, hugging her tightly before closing her eyes.

"You're okay," she whispered.

"But Allison..."

"You're okay," Amelia repeated before she felt Dahlia joining the hug. "You're okay..."

"I don't hate you, Allison," she muttered. "I love you... you are my sister, okay? And no boy, no—" But she was cut off by Allison hugging her again, making Amelia chuckle before hugging her back. "I love you, Ally..."

"I love you too," muttered Allison, making Amelia smile.

She cried against her sister's shoulder.

And she didn't stop crying that entire night.

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