Pokemon XY & XYZ - Female OC...

By quinnbeifong

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You're Quinn, a trainer from Johto who became a top coordinator in Hoenn, along with having challenged the H... More

Meet Quinn
Ch. 1 Meeting Our Heroes
Ch. 2 Insights of a Battle
Ch. 3 New Friends and Rivals
Ch. 4 Let's Get to Know Each Other
Ch.5 Who's the New Twerpette?
Ch. 6 The Courmarine City Showcase
Ch. 7 We Only Grow From Failure
Ch. 8 The Oasis
Ch. 9 Power Plant Problems
Ch. 10 Electrical Advantages
Ch. 12 Tierno Time
Ch.13 It's On
Welcome Back!

Ch. 11 Aria's Appearance

465 3 0
By quinnbeifong

Quinn's POV -

We had some mishaps as we traveled without Clemont, me and Serena handled cooking, it wasn't terrible but it was clear we were better with desserts. We had run into Team Rocket a few times, one with Jessie, seemingly in love with a doctor who helped save Dedenne. She seemed a little heartbroken afterwards. 

Now we sat at a Pokemon center with not much left until we reached Lumiose City, at least we were out of the Badlands. On the Pokevision, I see a video clip of me and Shauna playing when we walk in. I notice that one mentions that Shauna has just won a Princess key not to far from here, as well as mentioning me to be the first performer to qualify for the Master Class.

I notice a few people looking my way and sit down, not wanting to draw all that much attention. My Pokemon and I do it because we love it, I don't need the whole screaming fans thing. "Wow, it's so awesome that Shauna is famous now! Quinn too!" Bonnie proclaims. I blush slightly out of embarrassment. "Yeah, They both are alright." Ash says. I wince knowing Serena probably took that to heart.

Standing close to me I hear her say, "I really gotta practice hard to catch up to Shauna and Quinn." "I could always help." I offer, but it was futile. "No, I have to do this myself." I nod, but am still hurt, I know we are rivals, but she is always my friend first and foremost.

As soon as Serena gets her Pokemon back, they begin training hard. I see and hear bits of her plan and it sounds good, but I wonder if its do able. She might want to use battle for skill level before putting certain moves in the routine. I remember learning that the hard way. 

Nevertheless we cheer her on. Her routine was looking amazing to start, they had learned how to dance in sync and it was wonderful to watch. Until Pancham catch on fire just a little bit during their routine. I winch, I know he would be alright, but also that Serena would take this out on herself. 

Ash, Bonnie, and I run up to make sure everyone is ok, but before we can do anything the two Pokemon start fighting. Serena tries to break up the fighting, being careful not to blame anyone, thank goodness for her heart. The two turned away from eat other, clearly still upset.

A little while later, Pancham was able to go through the Flamethrower ring made by Fennekin safely. Ash and Bonnie had sparkles in their eyes, and I breathe a sigh of relief. However, I apparently thought to soon because, just then Pancham, had stumbled on the landing, even managing to knock into Fennekin.

Fennekin was obviously upset, especially since her fur was dirty. From what I had heard from Serena it was like trying to wake me up early, not pretty, not happy, and never a good idea if you don't want to be burned. They once again begin arguing, and despite Serena's efforts they would not stop. 

Me, Ash, and Bonnie stepped in, urging them to stop before one of them if not both got Serena hurt in the crossfire. However we couldn't stop them in time, and both Pokemon appeared in shock for a moment , staring at Serena, who as I predicted was caught in the crossfire.

All of a sudden Serena's yelling had pierced through my thoughts, I registered then that I had never really heard her yell, and little I had heard had never been in anger. I saw her Pokemon, looking like sorry children, who had finally angered their patient mother. In all honesty it was basically what happened anyways. 

Ash stepped up to intervene, sharing a glance with me as I nodded. We both know that if Serena took out her frustrations on them, it would cause more problems. Along with the fact that anything I said could be considered pity since I was far ahead in Showcase terms.

We had long ago agreed that I would always be there for Serena should she want it, but I didn't want her to feel pitied or downgraded by me helping. I know I would not take to it well so I always wanted the same for her. I also had been very excited for any chance for Serena to grow closer to Ash. So he stepped up to intervene, and a piece of my hoped it would just happen already so I can start fangirling over it, but these things take time.

I snapped back to reality as Pancham and Fennekin looked down in guilt, and Serena's eyes welled up with tears of guilt, confusion, and just feeling lost. She said that she wanted to think things over and take a walk, I visibly winced. Before we could ask what's wrong or try to help, she bolted, and her Pokemon looked broken at all the events of the day. 

I planned to talk to Serena and offer some advice when she gets back, but I plan it carefully in my head. I don't want her to think I think less of her or am trying to downgrade. I plan to just offer kind advice and moral support until she gets back to herself.

Me and Ash watch as our Pokemon eat, and somehow he still doesn't realize he has seen all of my Pokemon, at this point, but I don't want to take away his fun at seeing them in battle. We notice her Pokemon sharing the window, glancing out, in hopes of her return.

I share a look with Ash and vaguely gesture to the Pokemon, in order to not alarm Bonnie. He seemed to understand the message, and attempted to talk them down. I tag along and mention how Serena would get really worried if they didn't eat. They took that and began eating beside Bonnie, I breathed in relief.

As the Pokemon continued eating, Bonnie seemed to be worried about Clemont. I watched with a smile on my face as Ash became everyone's therapist today it seemed. The day continued on somewhat normal to our routine stops in cities, aside from Serena's disappearance today.

I vaguely wonder if I will ever battle Ash, but I know he is waiting for the perfect moment. I scoff quietly, if I have to wait til the Kalos League I swear. (You won't I promise!) Either way, I zone back into my thoughts, as Bonnie plays fetch with Pikachu and Dedenne. I note a crestfallen pair of Pokemon, in the corner, and I feel my mood dampen.

The mood is slightly lifted at Serena's reappearance, I visible brighten, but Serena seems less excited, meanwhile Ash seems to watch with a knowing gaze. Ash calls over to Serena's Pokemon and after they apologize, though Serena still feels guilty, they all are much happier.

Once they had made up, we were surprised to find someone who seemed to know Serena, and though I had only met her mom on a screen, I knew this wasn't her. I wondered if the others happened to know her, but Bonnie's asking for Ariana to date Clemont proved they had never met. Once we had all introduced ourselves, I couldn't help but think she seemed familiar.

I notice a light bulb go off in Ariana's head, as she mentions a double battle with Serena. I resist facepalming for not thinking of it first, but settle to happily watch the fight. I scream in support, but Serena still seems unsure until Ash agrees and pushes her as well. Of course, that pushes her to take part in the battle.

As we get ready for the battle, I walk over and nudge her shoulder whispering, "So all you need is to get Ash's opinion?" I question with a pointed gaze. She stutters to muster up a reply, but I motion to the battlefield telling her to go, still chuckling under my breath at her red face.

I happily sit to watch the battle cheering Serena on. I listen to all the commentary but preferred to simply watch, I had grown to prefer sharing battle insights with Clemont anyways. I however stand abruptly when I see Fennekin slowly evolving into Braixen. 

I watch a beautiful array of colors that glittered before my eyes at the explosion. Shit, if that happened at the Master Class, I really got to step it up. I wait, in anticipation for the battle to continue, only for Ariana to get a call, having to leave the battle for another time. Needless to say Ash was beyond crestfallen.

The next morning we were on our way to Lumiose City, where me and Ash had agreed to go for a finally have our battle along with facing Clemont. We agreed there since I had planned to do some personal training after the gym battle, but we hoped to met up wherever we decide to go for the gym badge after.

Well Ash was cheering along to the idea of his next gym battle, the Pokevision show in the background caught me and Serena's attention.  Well the others watched the show happily, it clicked in my head that Aria was the girl Ariana, who Serena had met yesterday.

While Serena was insanely excited, I spent the rest of the morning complaining about how she got to spend the whole day with the Kalos Queen and didn't even know it. I was a little jealous, which the others took great amusement, much to my chargin.

Hey guys! I had this chapter done early, but my internet was down this weekend before I could edit it. Anyways I hope you liked in and the next chapter should be out Tuesday maybe Wednesday next week. Also I know right now she seems unbeatable, but she has lost before if you notice, and I swear that she will lose during the series just not right now. Plus, I hope for the detective readers I have, I pointed out some foreshadowing for later...

Stay Safe! BYEEEEEE!

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