By dtrixiane

472K 14.1K 895

30 years old Trixia was a successful lawyer who devoted all her life from childhood to adulthood solely to he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Extra Chapter

Chapter 34

4.9K 155 6
By dtrixiane

"I bought a dark chocolate cake we can share" Herain uttered as she got in his office

Rhaveir was on his table, reading a pile of documents alone

As soon as his gaze landed on the white bandage on Herain's head, his eyes narrowed

Rhaveir immediately put down the papers in his hand and walked towards her

"What happened?" Rhaveir asked as he touch her face

"Let's sit first" Herain uttered as she grabbed him to the sofa

Herain place the cake on the table then held Rhaveir's hand, she gaze at his eyes which was full of worry as he focused unto her

"You see I heard that Dazzle is investing a lot into this new action movie, so I was curious and went to the set" Herain stated

"But then an accident suddenly happened, while I was passing by there were pieces of woods that fell from above and hit me on the head" she explained

"I must have gotten unlucky there" she added

As she observe Rhaveir's reaction, she was relieved that he was just calm about it

"Let's get a doctor to visit you" he stated

"No need, I was already checked by a doctor a while ago and I came rushing here afterwards" she uttered with a smile

Rhaveir gently touch her forehead as he asked "Does it hurt?"

Herain gently shook her head as she said "As long as you're here, all pain would go away"

Upon hearing this, a gentle smile appeared on Rhaveir's face

‘Gosh I'm so proud of myself, I think my flirting skills are quite improving’ she thought

"What do you want to do now?" Rhaveir asked

Herain glanced at the stack of papers piled on his desk and said "You can just do your job, I'll just silently wait for you here"

"Alright, I'll go grab you a warm milk while you wait" he replied then got out of his office

Meanwhile, Assistant Ryuo was in his office typing something on his laptop

He glanced at the clock then said "1 hour and 30 minutes left until the president goes home and I will be done with work"

A wide smile then appeared on his face as he thinks of having another date with Vivian

Just then, his imagination suddenly vanished the moment the door to his office swung in a loud bang

In a reflex, he immediately jumped out from his seat and with his eyelids trembling he looked at the abominable man in front of him

"I'll give you 20 minutes, report to me all the details that happened to Herain today" Rhaveir coldly stated then walked out

Ryuo who was left scared and dumbfounded fell down to the floor

"I think I'll die early with this job" he mumbled under his breath

Just then he remembered what his boss said and immediately gained back his senses as he hastily carried out his order

Rhaveir came back to his office with a glass of warm milk on his hand

He calmly placed it on the table as if nothing else had happened

Rhaveir placed a gentle kiss on Herain's lips then said "Tell me if there is anything you want"

He smiled then went back to his table as he resume checking the documents

Herain gazed in awe at Rhaveir who was focused on his work

‘Seeing Rhaveir work in person is such a vitamin to the eyes, he look so hot and manly’ she thought

Meanwhile, Elayne was currently in Ryuo's office trying to stop him from doing anything

"What do you mean by not reporting to the president?" Ryuo asked in confusion

"What it literally means, you have already seen what happens to Herain and the president when he learned that she did something without him knowing" she replied

"You don't want to see the wrath of the president again right?, and so do I so let's deal with this matter quietly" Elayne added

Assistant Ryuo wore his professional smile as he said "I have been loyal to the president for 10 years plus if the president learns that I hid even the littlest bit of information from him then my job would be over"

"Especially if it's regarding Miss Herain whom the president pampered dearly" he added then walked past Elayne

Elayne immediately send a text message to Herain saying

‘His assistant is as stubborn as him, I can't stop him’

Upon seeing Elayne's text message, Herain looked at Rhaveir as she said "Darling, can I go visit Elayne for a while?"

Rhaveir nodded his head in response and Herain immediately went out of his office

‘So he did ordered someone to investigate the accident and here I thought he was just calm about it’ Herain thought to herself

As soon as she got out, Herain immediately spotted Ryuo as he was heading to Rhaveir's office

"Come with me" Herain uttered as she grabbed him away

Herain faced Ryuo seriously as she said "I'll give you a statement on what to say to him, so ask me anything in return for keeping your mouth shut"

"Miss Herain, if you had done something bad to the president just apologize" Ryuo stated

"I'm sure he will forgive you since he have a soft spot for you but it's not the same for me, if the president learns I kept something from him then I would be demoted as his assistant or worse I'd be fired" he added

"I did not do something bad behind his back and everyone knows that, the problem is your president is too possessive that I can't freely do something" Herain stated

"Do you know why I lasted long as the president's assistant?" Ryuo asked

"I never once go against his order, that's why the president kept me by his side" he uttered then bowed his head and walked away

Herain opened her phone and called Vivian

"What is it Miss?" Vivian asked

"Call Assistant Ryuo this instant and tell him you'll break up with him if he will not listen to me" Herain stated

"Why all of a sudden?" Vivian asked

"This is an order" Herain stated with seriousness

"Yes Miss" Vivian immediately replied

"I'm sorry Vivian but everything I worked hard for will go to waste if your boyfriend interferes" Herain uttered

"Don't worry Miss you don't have to explain anything to me, I believe in you" Vivian replied

"Thank you Vivian" Herain uttered then ended the call

As Ryuo was heading to Rhaveir's office, his phone suddenly rang a call from Vivian

"What is it Viv?" Ryuo asked

"Let's break up" Vivian replied

Ryuo immediately stopped as he asked "Are you trying to pull a prank on me?"

"I'm dead serious" Vivian uttered

"Why?, did I do something wrong?" Ryuo asked

"Ask Miss Herain about it, if things don't go the way Miss Herain planned then don't ever think of seeing me again" Vivian stated then ended the call

Assistant Ryuo was left dumbfounded as he realized he was suddenly caught in a trap after 30 years of diligently living in this world

As he looked back, Herain was there with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face

"So, which do you love most?" Herain asked

After a while, Assistant Ryuo politely entered Rhaveir's office

Rhaveir looked at him coldly as he uttered "Speak."

Ryuo cleared his throat as he said "According to the information I have gathered, the props was not safely secured when the shoot started and it just so coincidentally happened that Miss Herain was passing by"

"The event was not made known to everyone since it would reflect badly to the company and the director also said that Miss Herain requested that everyone would stay quiet about it" he added

Ryuo gazed at his boss and resume "Since Miss Herain is afraid it would reach into her step sister's ears and use it to mock her"

With a serious look, Rhaveir uttered "I think it's time to get rid of that annoying woman"

"But didn't the president promise Miss Herain that she would personally take her step sister on" Ryuo meekly replied

"Make a meeting with the director on that shoot, I have to make him regret for getting my girlfriend injured" he stated

Herain was listening to her phone who was on call with Ryuo's phone so that she could listen to their conversation

After hearing what Rhaveir said, she immediately opened the door as she innocently said "I'm sorry, we're you talking something important?"

"We're already done, you can now go" Rhaveir said to his assistant

Just then, Herain suddenly asked Ryuo "Assistant Ryuo, Vivian told me she doesn't like men who doesn't forgive people"

Ryuo who was about to exit looked at Herain with confusion

Herain innocently looked at Ryuo as she said "You see, she told me that lately she doesn't feel like she love you anymore ever since you took revenge on that classmate of hers who bullied her even though she already forgave her"

"You have to apologize to Vivian, because getting revenge on someone who already asked for forgiveness would make it look like Vivian is an evil woman" she added

"Don't you also think too darling?" Herain innocently asked Rhaveir

"If you say so" Rhaveir replied

When Ryuo got out in the office, he heaved a low sigh as he mumbled "I didn't think that behind that pure face lady is a cunning woman"

After a while, Ryuo received a text message from Herain saying

‘Tell me if he proceeded with that meeting’

"You already said those things in front of him, of course he would take it back" he mumbled under his breath

"Why am I even caught up with this schemes?" Ryuo sighed

Since Herain was waiting for him, Rhaveir got his work done earlier than usual

They returned back to White Wisteria together and while Rhaveir was cooking dinner for both of them, Herain was engrossed watching movies in the living room

After a while, Rhaveir suddenly came to her holding a tray of food in his hands

"Why are you bringing it here?" Herain asked

"Since you enjoy watching that, let's eat dinner in here" he replied

Thus, they had dinner while watching a movie together

After they were done eating, Rhaveir washed up first then went to his work desk

Herain followed him afterwards after she washed up

"Darling, let's go to sleep" Herain uttered with a yawn

Rhaveir closed his laptop and carried Herain to the bed

He embraced Herain wrapping her little figure with his sturdy and manly physique

After making sure that Herain was already in a deep slumber, Rhaveir leaned in and kissed her forehead then gently let her go

Rhaveir went back to his desk and opened his laptop then he continued doing his work

In the middle of the night, Herain woke up with an urge to go to the bathroom

As she slowly got up, her sight landed on the broad back that was focused on something in the table with a single light on

‘Was he working until now?’ she thought

Herain with light footsteps walked towards him

Herain embraced him from the back and her eyes landed on the laptop which was full of random numbers and letters

"Stop working already, that's bad for your health" Herain uttered

Rhaveir held the little hand that was wrapped around his neck and turned to face her

He pulled Herain close to him making her sat on his lap

"Why are you awake?" he asked

"I have to go to the bathroom" Herain uttered with a yawn

Rhaveir hoist her up then he planted a kiss on Herain's soft lips

Then he put her down as he said "I'll wait for you on the bed"

Then, Herain went into the bathroom and when she came back Rhaveir was already reclining on the bed

Herain laid down in his arms as she said "If you ever leave my side in the night again, I swear I won't talk to you for days"

"Rhaveir working hard is cool but I don't like it if that became the reason of your lack of sleep" she added

"I understand, I won't do it again" he replied

"Promise me that you'll always sleep at least 6 hours in a day" Herain stated

Rhaveir entwined his hands with Herain then he place a kiss on the back of his hand

"If it's what my Herain wants" he uttered

The next day, Herain woke up only to find out that Rhaveir had hired a bodyguard for her for the whole entire day

"That huge looking man will be following me around for the whole day?" Herain asked to Vivian

"Yes Miss, that big man and also me have been ordered by the president to make sure nothing ever happens to you again" Vivian replied

"Should I just take a leave?" Herain mumbled as she ate her breakfast

After a while, she sent a text message to Jax saying

‘I'm sorry but I will have to take a leave at work today, my head keeps hurting so I'm just going to stay at home’

‘I hope your shoot goes well, fighting!’

"Well then, should we go shopping Viv?" Herain stated with a smile

Vivian's eyes brightened as she said "I'm going shopping with the Miss?"

Herain nodded her head as she said "After all, I don't really have anything to do right now"

Thus, they went on shopping and hanging out at various desert shops with a bodyguard following them

Meanwhile, Jax who received the message from his manager immediately called out his assistant

"Felisha is out of work today, handle all her works until she returns" Jax uttered then got ready for his shoot

The assistant politely nodded his head head as he mumbled "Since when did Jax started calling his replacement manager by her own name?"

Just then, as Herain was cheerfully eating her red velvet cake while scrolling on her phone

A call from an unknown number suddenly popped out in her phone

"I'm the brother of that child in the hospital, you told me to tell you if I ever needed your help" a mellow and gentle voice came in as soon as she answered the phone

"Tell me, what do you need?" Herain asked in response

"My uncle started creating a ruckus at the hospital, now the staff advised me to transfer my sister to another hospital since it had been reoccurring many times" his voice trembling as he said

Herain can guess that calling her was his last attempt from the desperation he had been going through

"Alright hang in there, I'll come and help you" Herain uttered then ended the call

"Who was it?" Vivian asked

Herain stood up from her seat as she said "Let's go, there's a case I have to settle"

"A case?" Vivian asked as she followed Herain

"I'll be filing a case on the court" Herain uttered with a smile

Several hours later, Herain arrived at the hospital where she found the young man at the entrance waiting for her

Herain walked towards him as she asked "Have you been waiting for me?"

The young man with his long hair covering up to his eyes politely nodded his head

Herain smiled as she said "Don't worry, that mean uncle of yours is in the court right now and he will be staying at the prison for at least 20 years"

The young man was surprised as he asked "How?"

"Well I have gathered a lot of his bad deeds and made sure he stays there for a long time" Herain replied

Herain grabbed a small envelope in her bag and handed it to the young man

"It's money help you pay for your little sister's medical bills" Herain uttered with a smile

The young man immediately shook his head and returned the envelope as he said "You have already helped me enough"

Herain grabbed his hand and placed the small envelope filled with cash back in his hand

"This is no time for you to decline, your little sister needs to get treated immediately right?" she stated

"Well then, I have to go now so take care" Herain stated then turned around and started walking away

When suddenly, a hand suddenly grabbed her arm and she immediately turned around

"Thank you" the young man uttered with a smile

Herain responded with a smile of her own then walked away afterwards

As she entered the car, Vivian asked her "Why did Miss go through such efforts in helping that man?"

"He has a potential and I can relate to him" Herain replied

‘The fact that he devoted his life to his family leaving no room for himself’ she thought

"Anyway, have you delivered the basket of fruits to Elayne's mother?" Herain asked

Vivian nodded her head as she said "She was smiling but her body looks so weak"

"She doesn't have much time left, I'm really worried for Elayne but knowing her I'm sure she'll overcome it" Herain uttered

"Head to Reign Company" Herain said to the bodyguard who was driving them

"Yes Madam" the bodyguard replied

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