Transformers ask or dare

By WhiteWolfNinja

79.3K 1.1K 442

I'm board as hell so i thought why not do an ask or dare while i come up with an idea to write the next chapt... More

Ask or Dare
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Dare #96 & Dare #97

238 5 0
By WhiteWolfNinja

@LuminaPearl Galexia: Oooooh here's a fun dare...I dare My favourite uncle Supercruncher to turn into a Wolfcon for 24 hours! Oh and I dare Ratchet to take you out to a beach so you can get wet, full of sand and get it all over the base. The catch is he must only know the beach part the rest is up to you~. Bet dad will somehow slip on the sand, he's always engrossed with his Data-pad and even walks into walls...don't you say one word about that. I see all, I know all~

Supercruncher: *Humming as he watches Wheeljack fix the wall he sent Supercruncher through in the last chapter Ratchet had hit him with a couple of his wrenches then made Wheeljack fix the wall he had sent Supercruncher through checking wattpad seeing two dares reads them then slightly groans before turning into wolf form and trotting over to Ratchet*

Supercruncher: Ratchet you have a dare from Galexia to take me to a beach!

Ratchet: *looks at Supercruncher's wolf form confused* Since when can you turn into a wolf!

Supercruncher: Primus Ratchet I've already told you I have Wolfcons in my family and I might not be a full one but I can still transform into a wolf!

Ratchet: *sighs* Alright but why are you in your wolf form?

Supercruncher: Oh I was dared by Galexia to be in my Wolfcon form for 24 hours! Now TAKE ME TO A BEACH!!!!!!

Ratchet: *groans* I have work to do!

Supercruncher: TAKE ME TO A BEACH!!!!!!! TAKE ME TO A BEACH!!!!!! TAKE ME TO A BEACH!!!!!!!!!!

Ratchet: *groans* ALRIGHT FINE I'LL TAKE YOU TO A BEACH!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *spins around in circles* YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ratchet: *shakes his helm and chuckles in amusement at his mate* 

4 Hours Later At The Beach

*Supercruncher and Ratchet arrive at the same beach they had their beach day at*

Supercruncher: *looks around and spots a seagull near the water and he smirks* SEAGULL!!!!!!! *runs after the seagull*

Ratchet: *surprised and shocked* SUPERCRUNCHER!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *chasing the seagull* SEAGULL!!!!! SEAGULL!!!!!! SEAGULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *seagull fly's away over the ocean and Supercruncher follows trying to swim after it*

Ratchet: *runs to the edge of the water* SUPERCRUNCHER GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *ignores Ratchet and keeps swimming after the seagull but then spots a shark fin not far away and turns back around starting to swim back to the beach* NOT TODAY GLITCH!!!!!!!

10 Hours Later

*Supercruncher and Ratchet are still at the beach*

Supercruncher: *just came out of the ocean again and is now sniffing around at the sand*

Ratchet: *looks at his mate and sees this* Supercruncher!

Supercruncher: *looks at Ratchet*

Ratchet: *stern voice* Don't!

Supercruncher: *crouches down slightly*

Ratchet: *glares* Don't!

Supercruncher: *sends Ratchet a wolfish smirk with an evil glint in his optics*

Ratchet: *growls* Supercruncher i'm warning you!

Supercruncher: *drops onto the sand and starts rolling around getting it all over himself*

Ratchet: *pissed* SUPERCRUNCHER!!!!!!!!!!!

20 Hours Later

*Supercruncher and Ratchet had just returned from the beach*

Supercruncher: *trotting all around base dragging sand everywhere with a giant scrap eating grin on his face*

Ratchet: *looks around at all the sand* SUPERCRUNCHER GET YOUR AFT OVER HERE AND GET IN THE WASHRACKS!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *doesn't listen and keeps trotting around base passing the Prime who was walking down the hall reading a data-pad and watched as the Prime slipped on all the sand falling and dropping his data-pad*

Ratchet: *walks over to Supercruncher and starts dragging him by his neck-scruff* I'LL JUST WASH YOU MYSELF!!!!!

Supercruncher: *wide optic and starts struggling to get out of his mates grip but fails and just gives up letting himself be dragged to the washracks*

24 Hours Later

*Supercruncher is currently laying down as the human kids climb all over him*

Supercruncher: *still in wolf form* Well there you have it guys Ratchet and I completed our dares the human kids are climbing all over me at the moment the Prime slipped on the sand I dragged into the base so~ keep them coming guys! Miko: "Supercruncher can you howl for us!" Supercruncher: *hums* "Fine!" *starts howling loudly scaring the Prime and making him slip once again on the sand dropping his second data-pad*

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