Healer • J. AVERY


496K 9.7K 726

Yvonne Grey a kind and forgiving person that has lost the hope in real love and searching for the one to love... More

〘003 〙


3.8K 96 14

"Derek, is this the best you can do?" Lexie asked.

"What's wrong with my balloon?" Derek frowned.

Lexie shook her head and grabbed the balloon away from his hand before she placed a new one in it.

Mark stepped down the small ladder and helped Lexie to tie the balloon to the long white ribbon that was already quite full of balloons.

"Not to brag, Shepherd, but don't you have more air in those lungs?" Mark joked.

"Not to start a fight, Sloan, but did you remember when you screwed my ex-wife?" Derek shot back, handing over the balloon.

"Fair enough," Mark answered.

Lexie took the box with blue and pink garlands, dropping it in Derek's hands with a small smile.

"Why are you dropping the box in my hands?" Derek questioned.

Lexie sighed. "Because you'll put them up, of course."

"Yeah, Derek, of course, you will," Mark repeated, hanging up the long ribbon with balloons.

Derek opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed his mouth again, slightly glaring at Mark who was smirking.

"You two are acting like kids." Lexie chuckled.

"I'm offended," Mark spoke, hanging up the ribbon with balloons.

"As you should be," Derek muttered as he grabbed a pink garland and got on the ladder.

"No, Alex, you don't."

The door opened and Meredith walked in with another box in her hands and Alex behind her.

"Why not? I'd be great at it." Alex pouted.

"You'll ruin it," Meredith answered.

Placing the box on the counter, Meredith noticed the three people glancing at her and Alex.

"In that box is the perfect decorated cake, for my perfect sister, who's carrying my perfect nephew or niece, no you can't take a look at the cake yet," Meredith explained.

Alex rolled his eyes, looking at the box with an almost longing look.

"Okay...so what if—"


"What do you exactly mean by no?"

"It means that every time you start with what if, I end up in some ridiculous stupid scenario and the perfect gender reveal I've been planning will be ruined!" Meredith babbled.

"Can I take a look then?" Mark softly spoke.

"Or can I?" Derek smiled, putting his hand up.

"I'm not doing anything right now, I'm free?" Lexie piped up.

Meredith slightly glared at all the people in her house, grabbed the box, and walking towards the kitchen. "No, you can't."

"It was worth a try," Alex mumbled, shrugging his shoulders, and helping Derek with the last blue garland.

Hanging up the garland, the sound of the doorbell was sounded through the house, catching the attention of everyone.

"I got it!" Meredith yelled.

Opening the door, Meredith saw Arizona, Callie, Owen, and Christina standing at the doorstep, smiles plastered on their faces.

"We heard there was a gender reveal party? although I know the gender and know which color I will see within the hour, hi!" Arizona slightly laughed, walking into the house.

"How in the hell is she so active, Torres did you feed her a sugar overdose, like seriously. Christina mumbled, also walking inside.

"I– Uhm, no? Also hello." Callie smiled wrapping Meredith in a small hug.

"Now do you have anything unnecessary to say as well? Or are you gonna enjoy this party?" Meredith chuckled, motioning for Owen to walk in as he did.

Meredith smiled to herself, closing the door and walking over to Derek, taking the empty box from his hands, and placing it next to the trash.

Meredith strolled back to the living room, a small frown covering her forehead. "Where's Alex?"

Mark coughed and nodded his head towards the kitchen. "over there."

Meredith groaned before she strolled over to Alex who was picking at the bow of the box that was holding the cake.

"Shall I help you to open it?" She asked.

"That would be great– shit!" Alex stepped back from the cake, shaking his head.

"I said no because the cake is perfect, perfect cakes cannot be touched until the perfect moment." Meredith raised an eyebrow at her friend as Alex walked back to the living room.

"But what about not telling me there was a gender reveal party until yesterday?" Christina muttered.

"It was for the best, Yang," Mark spoke.

Christina turned her head in Mark's direction, throwing him a glare before rolling her eyes.

"Yang, cheer up, there's cake, decorations and there'll be a gender revealed." Callie snorted, sitting down next to Christina.

"you like decorations, right?" Arizona smiled

"I hate decorations." Christina sighed, accepting the glass of water from Meredith.

"she hates decorations but when she has burns on her ass, she doesn't hate the activities before that," Alex smirked, handing Callie and Arizona their drinks.

"It was a freaking accident!" Christina groaned.

"By the way, does Yvonne know about all of this?" Arizona asked.

"well first she didn't want to have a gender reveal but I changed her mind for 50%." Meredith shrugged.

"Where is the other 50%?" Mark joked, crossing his arms.

Meredith squinted her eyes at the grey-haired man.

Mark held his hands up in surrender as they heard a key turning in the hallway.

"Alex, you didn't lock the door?" Derek snapped, noticing Alex's frown.

"I had to lock the door?" Alex questioned.

The door was slammed shut, Yvonne standing next to Jackson, a small space between her lips, hand intertwined with his.

Her eyes were taking in the sight of the pink and blue balloons on the white ribbon, the garlands close to the ceiling.

She released a small sigh, running. hand through her hair. "You guys did all this?"

"All for you," Mark spoke.

Yvonne smiled at Mark, the smallest line of tears appearing in her eyes before she walked over to Lexie and Meredith, engulfing them in an embrace.

"Thank you," Yvonne whispered.

Yvonne turned around looking at all the rest of them, Jackson's hand on her back. "Seriously, thank you."

"Avery, I think your mommy and Webber just arrived." Alex chuckled, opening the door. "And Bailey."

Catherine raised an eyebrow at Alex, walking through the door and wrapping Yvonne in an embrace, placing a hand on her cheek. "you look amazing, do you know that?"

Yvonne smiled, squeezing Catherine's hand before Bailey took the blonde in a hug as well.

"heard there was cake, no way I'm missing that," Bailey whispered in Yvonne's ear which made her slightly laugh. "Obviously."

"yeah, a cake is a good reason to go to a party, I'll give you that." Richard nodded, kissing Yvonne's cheek and rubbing her shoulder.

"Okay, so, since everybody has arrived, Uhm, I'd like to say a few words to my sister," Meredith spoke.

Clearing her throat, Meredith looked at Yvonne.

" As your sister, I have always felt responsible for you. I wanted to protect you from everything and growing up, I always tried to keep you by my side, and I still do... For a while, you were my little sister after all. But then you grew and grew, and the next thing I knew, we weren't little girls anymore. I still feel like the overprotective big sister, and sometimes I always will, but I quickly learned that when you came in here, Avery, you were the real deal. But uhm, Yvonne I'm glad that you found your person."

"Also, Alex what are you doing? Drop that box, I'm not done yet?"

"Two and a half years ago, I'd never thought I'd be standing here in a room decorated with pink and blue balloons, waiting to find out the gender of your baby, god it still feels weird saying that. I just- I'm so proud of you, all the challenges life threw at you, you pushed yourself through them. all the bad moments, you turned into good ones. Losing George-... this is the hard part...losing George was the biggest slap in the face for us so far. He would've adored this, the nerves, making jokes, being here when you become a mother. I just know he's still here, in some kind of way. But today isn't about sadness. No, it's not. It's about you and I-I love you." Meredith finished, pressing her finger in the corner of her eye, removing the tear.

Yvonne smiled strolling over to Meredith, wrapping her arms around her as far as she could. "That was beautiful, I love you too."

Lexie cleared her throat, taking the blue and pink boxes out of Alex's hands. "It's time to bet."

"Bet?" Derek frowned, taking the last gulp of beer.

"Yeah, you know the little pieces of paper with your answer on it?" Lexie explained.

"This just makes me even more nervous," Yvonne muttered, looking at everyone writing. "I just wish George would've been here."

Jackson notices Yvonne staring down at her fingers before placing his chin on top of her head. "As Mer said, he's here, somewhere."

Lexie| Mark
        Alex | Meredith
   Callie | Arizona
Derek| Owen
   Richard |  Christina
Catherine|  Miranda

"I'm not ready, I'm scared as hell," Yvonne mumbled, taking Jackson's hand as she walked towards the black balloon. "I'm gonna faint."

Mark dropped a needle in Yvonne and Jackson's hand  

"You could always calm my nerves with a countdown to 10, just putting it out there?" Yvonne spoke, heart, beating out of her chest.


"oh god.."



"Could you just calm down?"


"Too late for that, Jack."



"When I pass out CPR is still a possibility."



"You're so exaggerating right now."


"No you're counting too fast, you were supposed to count slower!"



Pink confetti formed a cloud in a few seconds, Yvonne covered her mouth with tears leaving her eyes, Jackson pulled her into his chest, rubbing her back.

"I love you "

"I love you too."

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