Risen: Beginning of a Legacy

By LauraLouiseWrites

145 3 0

Hidden within the world of mortals, the offspring of legends, of immortals and those beings thought to be onl... More

Chapter One: Evangeline
Chapter Two: Marguerite
Chapter Three: Evangeline
Chapter Four: Evangeline
Chapter Five: Alecto
Chapter Six: Satan
Chapter Seven: Orion
Chapter Eight: DeeDee
Chapter Nine: Orion
Chapter Ten: Heca
Chapter Twelve: DeeDee
Chapter Thirteen: Evangeline
Chapter Fourteen: Evangeline
Chapter Fifteen: Satan
Chapter Sixteen: Evangeline
Chapter Seventeen: Luther
Chapter Eighteen: Evangeline
Chapter Nineteen: Uriel
Chapter Twenty: DeeDee
Chapter Twenty One: Heca
Chapter Twenty Two: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Three: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Four: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Five: Alecto
Chapter Twenty Six: Proteus
Chapter Twenty Seven: Evangeline
Chapter Twenty Eight: Heca
Chapter Twenty Nine: Satan
Chapter Thirty: Morgana
Chapter Thirty One: Uriel
Chapter Thirty Two: DeeDee
Chapter Thirty Three: Evangeline
Chapter Thirty Four: DeeDee
Chapter Thirty Five: Heca
Chapter Thirty Six: Evangeline
Chapter Thirty Seven: Evangeline
Chapter Thirty Eight: Evangeline

Chapter Eleven: Evangeline

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By LauraLouiseWrites

Evangeline walked through the grand oak doors; her eyes wide in awe. The doors themselves like her Academy's. They were thick beams and ornate, with carvings of the ancient deities and warriors their heightened DNA descended from, etched into the wood. She and the handful of other newlings entered Warriod, but whilst her classmates all kept their gaze to themselves, Evangeline did no such thing.
     She wanted to see it all and completely take in her first visit to the other academy. The Warriod keep was larger than Angelus and in the courtyard, clusters of warriors and demi gods practised combat in the crisp autumn sun. Evangeline paused, stopping to take in the magnificent water fountain in the centre of the courtyard. Dramatically different from the statue in Angelus.
     Formed of two men and a woman; stood back to back, with the woman in the centre. Each male held individual swords which crossed the other ones, held by the other male by their sides. Their eyes carved to look upward, the female's hands crossed over her chest, a water orb was nestled there, merrily bubbling out water.
     Evangeline glanced at one of the stone males. Wonder passed over her face, despite being made of stone, his passion seemed to break through, she felt oddly compelled by his intensity, reaching out she made to brush her fingers over the stone.
     'Why is it someone always has to touch?' asked a voice from behind her.
Evangeline turned in shock and found herself face to face with three candidates, all with similar grins on their faces. Clearly the first angelus candidate they'd met; the three took her in with interest.
     The one in the centre caught her eye, his bare chest demanded her attention, a bead of sweat rolled down his tight muscles and she could not help but watch its journey. She admired the lithe strength coiled in each slab of muscle in his torso, withdrawing her hand she stepped away from the fountain a little.
     'What can I say, I needed the rush...' she offered as explanation, shrugging her shoulders.One of the boys laughed, clapping the one in the middle on the shoulder.
     'She's got you there Heca.'
He grinned at her, which she returned. Then glancing around, she realised her fellow classmates had disappeared. She groaned and made to leave, but the boy called Heca stepped into her path.
     'So, why have a group of the angelic princesses graced our academy? Don't trust us Warriod lot to prepare the Celestial alone?'
Evangeline blinked. Was he being sarcastic? Or trying to seem nonchalant about their presence?
     'Excuse me? Did you just call us princesses? And not the good kind of princesses.' Evangeline countered.
     Her body bristled with mild irritation as his two friends flanked him, both clearly interested in their spar of words.
     'You saying you're not? Why do you study in the other valley then? If the Demi Gods descendants can handle being with us mere Warrior descendants, why is it that you girls have to hide away in the next valley?'
     'I bet the oestrogen levels are unbearable.' chipped in the third boy.
Evangeline locked eyes with him for a moment; he was the spitting image of a Greek god; the blonde tousled hair, glinting periwinkle eyes and warm tan even in the late autumn. Evangeline felt a strange pull towards him; absurdly it felt as if maybe he should protect her or at least be on her side.
     She shook off those sudden, crazy, random emotions and pulled herself up to her full height and gathered her response.
     'Not that it's any of your business, but yes, we are here to help organise the Celestial plans, and we are the mystic element, the Celestial is bound with necromancy obviously we'd come and help...' she stressed the word "help" and arched her eyebrows at Heca. 'As to why we don't live here. What would be the point of cramping up a place, where all you do is wave strips of blunt metal around?'
     'It's much harder than it looks sweetheart.'Evangeline raised both eyebrows high this time and pointed at an unfortunate male near them who tried to lift a wide sword and tumbled backwards onto the floor. Evangeline shot the three boys a look.
     'Just because I might become an Angelus does not mean I'm 'sweet'. Our wings come with sharp edges.' she flirted, risking a saucy grin in their direction.
     'Wait!'The one that looked like a Greek god pushed past Heca and peered at her face. She flushed a little at the scrutiny but didn't move.
     'You're bikini girl!' he exclaimed and the warrior called Heca gasped looking intently over her body.'Adonis you might be right!... Evangeline, wasn't it?' Heca guessed.
Evangeline flamed. She had forgotten that incident. A voice called her name and thankfully ended their conversation.
     'Rivas! What are you doing here newbie?' Evangeline turned and exclaimed in a girly excitement.
     'Walker! I hoped I'd get to see you.'
She rushed up to him, jumping into his arms for a hug before he could complain about decorum. She squeezed so he had to embrace her in return. For some reason, the three boys she had been talking or, more accurately, arguing with followed.
     'Master Delacruz, what did you think of the footwork today?' asked the boy who hadn't seen Evangeline scantily clad.
He shot her a look and she grinned at him for his subtle conversation change. Evangeline looked between the males and giggled, stretching up to pat Walker on the head.
     'Master Delacruz? I can't picture you as a respected teacher.' Evangeline commented as Walker softly bumped her cheek with his knuckles.
     'Oi, I have a lot to teach these clowns.' Walker conspired to Evangeline.She laughed at the face he pulled.
     'Do'ya know where the newlings went? For the meeting?' she asked.
Her voice almost managed to not show her annoyance with the word "newling" although she did roll her eyes as she said it.
     'You're late, you know... newling.' Walker teased, pointing into their First Hall.
     'Nah just going for a memorable entrance, you know me.'Evangeline grinned and waved them off as she entered the main hallway, she overheard their final words about her and she couldn't help but grin.
     'Master... you know your little buddy made fun of our roles within the three.'
Evangeline glanced over her shoulder; shaking her head. At Angelus if she had said Intra Terci in English, she would've been scolded. Clearly, Latin was not a required class here. One area of which, Evangeline was envious.
     'My sister and I brought her in, Proteus. You, Heca and Adonis could probably learn something from her, feisty one... a bit like me.' Walker smiled.
     He motioned his three students to take up stances against him, and unsheathed his weapons. Evangeline watched him teach for a moment, he was truly a Master worthy of the name. The three boys focused completely on what he was doing and saying, mirroring his movements exactly.
     The four of them were a fluid movement of metal and skill. Evangeline felt awe rise up in her chest, she watched as the one called Heca focused in on a tricky combination of parries Walker was showing him. His face seemed locked down and the fire in his eyes was incredible.
     Evangeline might be new to this world, but that boy would be a deadly asset to the cause. Part of her subconscious woke up and pointed out that she would be safe if he protected her. As his emerald gaze glittered with adrenaline, Evangeline flushed. She turned on her heel, embarrassed by the tumble her stomach was doing, and the heat that flamed over her cheekbones.
     She hurried towards the classroom Walker had waved a hand towards and slipped inside just ahead of Angelus Annabel who gave her a stern look. She settled down next to Brianna and listened as their Angelus tutor explained to the Warriod students what the week ahead would include.
     Evangeline zoned out quickly but glancing about the room, saw Morgana sat near the back windows. The girls grinned at each other. Angelus Annabel and Angelus Isabel finished their explanations, Evangeline weaved her way towards Morgana and they subtly greeted each other, as another Master entered the room and motioned for the groups of students to follow him.


The next several hours passed quickly, the group of students ferrying items from several storage rooms into First Hall until the tutors had all they needed. The smell of cooking perked Evangeline's mood as the carting of boxes became tedious. As the smell of roast potatoes wafted into the room and made her stomach grumble excitedly, Angelus Annabel and Master Farrow called the work to a halt.
     'Are you allowed to sit with us for lunch?' Morgana asked, dropping a box to the floor next to Evangeline's.
     She and Evangeline smiled conspiratorially. For the last few hours, they had been feigning their close knowledge of each other. To the girls their sneaky jokes about "how nice it is to meet you" had kept them humorous during the box lifting and candleholder polishing.
     'I doubt it, they still want to keep us under wraps until Celestial.' she sighed.
     The pair glanced at the Angelus and Master tutors, conversing together in low voices. Morgana motioned Evangeline closer and amidst the bustle of students departing for lunch, the two girls slipped out of the First Hall, through an antechamber and out a side door into the small courtyard in the left shadow of the keep.
     'I love autumn, when the leaves are mixing from green to gold.' Evangeline smiled, stretching back, her arms lifting into the sunlight.
     'Me too. Although the cold winds and darker mornings make combat training less enjoyable.' Morgana replied. 'Are you nervous about the Celestial?' she asked.
     'I'm nervous for the Primus Votum the next day, I mean it is our first test and passing is the only way to stop our tutors calling us newlings,' Evangeline shot Morgana a look as the girl chuckled, 'which makes me feel about five years old. But the Celestial on Thursday night should be great, if Orion does well.'
     'Which he will.' Morgana smiled.
Evangeline glanced at her; Morgana seemed a little pink in the cheeks. She suppressed a knowing grin and nodded. Morgana closed her eyes and rolled her head stretching out her neck,
     'It's a little mean they put the Ritual the day after a party.' she added.
     'It really is, although Morgana--' Evangeline laughed then adopted the voice of the teachers they had just escaped, '--it is not a party, it is the formal presentation of Warriod and Angelus students to each other.' she quoted.
     The girls laughed, taking deep breaths of the crisp fresh air before they returned inside ahead of anyone spotting their absence.


Evangeline stood back, next to her Morgana and another demi god called Kleio joined her. All three exhaled in awe. The students took a moment to enjoy the wonder they had created. The week had passed in barely contained chaos, but now, looking at the product; an overall sense of achievement and excitement filled the room.
     'Well... slap my ass and call me an angel.' Evangeline joked.
     'My thoughts exactly.' Kleio replied, completely deadpan.Morgana and Evangeline swapped a surprised glance before laughing at the rare moment of comedy Kleio displayed.
     'The Celestial is going to be brilliant. This room looks fantastic.' Morgana smiled, folding away a spare length of glittering silk fabric.
     'I'm not a huge party person, but yes it does look like it will be a great night.' Kleio conceded.
Her face softened as Evangeline gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. Kleio was what Evangeline would call a badass. Her defences, raised so high from living within an active warrior and demi god family.
     Evangeline was only beginning to understand that such a life meant. Demi God Candidates were possibly the most under pressure. Their lives the most caged, for only demi gods were still discussed and revered in the outer world. Morgana had enlisted Evangeline to help her mission to get Kleio out of her focused and isolated shell. It was a cause worth joining.
     This week had been hard work for them all and Kleio had been such a support for Evangeline. Moreover, this moment of hope and excitement on her face made Evangeline smile.     'It looks so ethereal... It's such an important event.' Evangeline murmured.
Only now was she realising that Celestial was a very big deal. The splendour of the room and its perfectly crafted overspill into the entranceway of Warriod was evidence enough. The Ritual and even the Celestial were both going to define, or, in fact, re-define who she was.
     The draped canopy of silk fabrics laced and plaited through the rafters until the ceiling glittered, rippling with interweaving colour as if the northern lights were playing over the material. Then, running the edge of each of the sidewalls were ornate candelabras, the dark brass shimmering against the firelight. Where the head tables had stood was a grand podium, flowers and weaponry entwined around it. The contrast of protection and delicate beauty was intriguing, a symbol of the close link between the need to fight and the wish for peace, for safety.
     The emblem of each school hung from the wall behind the podium with the Intra Terci symbol hanging between them. The sparkling light from above and the warm sensual light of the candles melted together to create a comforting but powerful atmosphere.
Evangeline knew her mouth was hanging in a slack fashion but she couldn't pull herself from her inner turmoil. The transformed hall had brought the reality of this world, this new society she was becoming part of, crashing down on her.
     'Evangeline?' Morgana began.
     'I should get back and practice for tomorrow and for Friday.' she murmured.
     Evangeline retreated awkwardly, knowing Morgana and Kleio were giving her odd looks but she couldn't help it. Everything she found bizarre and unbelievable of this world was rushing her mind. She reached the grand oak doorway into the courtyard and gripping the wood took several calming breaths, the world blurring at the edge of her vision.
     'You okay?' a male voice asked.
As he appeared beside her, Evangeline jumped, she hadn't heard him approach.
     'Good question.' she muttered.
She glanced at the guy witnessing her panic attack, scrunching her face up in curiosity.
     'Alecto... we met at the beginning of term.'
     'The bikini incident?' Evangeline grinned. 'I remember now, hi again.'
She closed her eyes for a moment and blew out a steadying breath, then lent back against the wood frame. The breeze picked up and she shivered, noticing that Alecto didn't react. She shook her head at the weird train of thought she had begun down, pushed up off the wall and gave him a small smile.
     'Rough day?' he asked.
     'Just dealing with the realisation I'm expected to become an angel.' she sighed. 'Angelus.' she corrected herself.
     'Ahhh, you didn't know about this "world" before you arrived huh?' Alecto grinned.
     A dark glint flashed across his gaze for a moment. Evangeline blinked, not sure why she suddenly felt so unsettled. From her hazy memory, she couldn't remember feeling such an aura of dark confidence from Alecto, that morning on the dirt track.
     'Not a clue, and my uncle has revealed little more since coming here.' Evangeline vented, spotting said uncle striding across the courtyard. 'The questions faded for a while, but seeing--' she motioned towards their First Hall, '--brought it all back, this isn't exactly what I had planned for my life.'
     'What had you planned?'
     'Well... Uh, that is...' Evangeline blushed, 'well it wasn't discovering some latent power in my body, a power that requires me to fight against the very real chance of a satanic uprising and/or apocalypse.' Evangeline replied.
     Alecto laughed; the kind of laugh that was equal measures of seductive and unsettling. Evangeline regarded him again, somewhere deep in her soul, warning instincts flared. She flushed as attraction bubbled up as well. Confused, she turned away from the strange male and his sinister gaze, as her uncle reached them.
     'Evangeline, the newlings have returned to Angelus, what are you still doing here?' he snapped.
     Evangeline groaned under her breath, now he was free to be honest with her, his parental behaviour had kicked up a notch or two. Not the best outcome was the diplomatic way her dorm mates had put it. "Cramping her style" was another more preferable way.
     Especially when he wouldn't share her parent's history with her, claiming it wasn't the right time to discuss those matters.
     'I'm going, I'm going.' she replied, throwing up her hands, 'Don't forget you promised to tell me about my parents after Celestial. I will keep badgering you.' she huffed, passing him and giving a short wave to Alecto.

Luther shook his head after his niece, she would definitely not let up. Just like his brother, she had a determined side that could not be rivalled when it was focused on something she really wanted. The demi god candidate next to him watched her go too, and Luther felt the long-suppressed Demi God instinct in him take an instant unease to that student talking with Evangeline.
     'Are you two related, Master Rivas?' the kid asked.
     'She's my niece, my only family.' Luther replied.
He shot a fleeting look at the teenager and was not happy with the look Alecto was giving her. 'Shouldn't you be in your dorm?' he added pointedly.
     The boy gave him an oddly challenging look before retreating into the keep.
     Luther watched as Evangeline passed through the courtyard archway and the oak doors closed behind her. His niece seemed to be attracting a lot of attention.


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